Starry Introduction

Star Light

New Member
Hello! I'm Sarena, but you can also call me Star Light or whatever you want. I've been RPing online for six years now on a few different platforms, but it's been a while since I've done forum RP. I've been craving some more lengthy, plot-driven threads than I've been able to get for a while, so I hope this site will be a good fit for me and a positive experience!

I'm mostly a fan of Harry Potter and Disney RPs, though I'm also open to other books/movies and original settings (especially fantasy/magic related.) I also love romance and familial connections--not so huge on action/fighting scenes. Aaaand that's about it, I guess!
@Star Light that sounds dangerous. Don't you know some fairies like to kidnap people? I heard some are even pirate captains sailing the never gotta be careful with these things.

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