the writer
Chapter 1: On the Hunt
Sleep avoided Vance like the plague as he remained atop his bunk; his eyes stared at the metal ceiling above, passing the seconds that dragged on for ever as he ruminated over a few matters. His encounter with Kane, as sudden as it was, left many questions up in the air. Who the hell was he? What was he after? How was he that strong? They traded blow for blow almost equally in many respects. Technique and form indicated military training, beyond the increased agility and speed from whatever the man was on. But Vance knew he was better. Were it not for his general out-of-form status after being out of commission for so long, he believed that he could've won that fight. Or rather, at least give them more time to get out of a rapidly collapsing building. That was too close of a call, all things considered.There was also the matter of DeSaad hiding things. If he saw fit to not tell them about Kane's differences in the first place, what else was he withholding? Not to mention, the damn chemical weapons and their original use. "Bastard." Vance muttered under his breath. Wasn't the first time someone lied to his face. But he didn't trust DeSaad from the moment they met regardless, so it wasn't a deep wound. But what did linger was the unease over someone so willing to sacrifice so many lives. It didn't sit right with him that someone with that kind of mind was wielding such power in the first place.
The datapad on the stand nearby snapped Vance out of his thoughts as it gave a beeping notification. Turning over where he lay, Vance tapped the screen only to be greeted by Natasha's voice: "We've got a hit on the trail analysis. Get on over here."
Lana would receive the same message as well, leading to the two reconvening at the Modus Operandi's control center at the heart of the ship with Natasha. Mooles was there too, sipping on a cup of coffee as he observed a projected hologram of the computational findings. "From Rygel III, the ion trail dissipated a few systems away before going cold on the sensors. But, by cross-referencing ODI - and local law enforcement - databases on other nearby systems, we've determined the likely destination of the ship." Natasha announced, tapping her holopad again. The projection then zoomed in towards its main interest. "The Lemnis System, an agrarian backwater by all accounts with one small habitable planet - Lemnis IV. Databases indicate that there were investigations by regional authorities into the planet's use as a stopping point for smugglers. Nothing was ever officially reported."
"Nothing found? Or..." Mooles asked aloud, not finishing his sentence as his gaze remained affixed to the holographic projection.
"Likely they were bought off for their silence." Natasha said with a nod.
"What are we looking for there?" Vance asked, crossing his arms.
"Ideally, a direct trail to Kane. Though more than likely we'll be following leads at the planet's only major city, Kondri." Natasha replied, only to garner a scoff from Mooles.
"Can you really even call it a city?" Mooles asked aloud, "It's just a bunch of smaller boroughs meshed together out of convenience."
"Lana, any questions or insight?" Natasha then asked, turning her gaze to the silent merc on hand.