Big loaf supreme
Kumcho had eyed the really big rifle that was near its smaller counterparts. Taking it home with him would be a nice boon to the clan, but alas, the realities of the battlefield made it impossible. He would have to settle for the smaller AMR he had already picked out. He grabbed a few of the coils, just in case he needed to reload the gun, but as nice pieces to trade in after the job was done for some extra credits. Upiry tech would go a long way in securing some financial aid as the plunder is starting to make its way to the gray markets. With that done, the bounty hunter boarded the APC to join the squad.
Inside, he listened to the odd chatters. Someone else was going to be joining them? Why not? Its not like they will be running out of enemy soldiers to shoot. The light show to clear out the office building was a nice distraction. He had to wonder if there were that many officers left to claim a bounty on. Would there still be any left? Or did they just leave the grunts to fend for themselves. Their stop at the school was his cue to get ready to move. As soon as he exited the vehicle, he could feel something was off. For some reason, the ground bothered him. Little dirt mounts, doting the ground in front of them 'Did they bury landmines for us to find?' the thought crossed his head, 'What else did they leave?'
He tinkered with his helmet to see if it would pick up anything and sure enough, the HUD flashed that it was picking up signals. "Didn't burry the mines deep enough. Short-range thermal scan is picking up pings. Either left in a hurry or are in a desperate state. I can see them, but I can't scan for other problems at the same time."
Inside, he listened to the odd chatters. Someone else was going to be joining them? Why not? Its not like they will be running out of enemy soldiers to shoot. The light show to clear out the office building was a nice distraction. He had to wonder if there were that many officers left to claim a bounty on. Would there still be any left? Or did they just leave the grunts to fend for themselves. Their stop at the school was his cue to get ready to move. As soon as he exited the vehicle, he could feel something was off. For some reason, the ground bothered him. Little dirt mounts, doting the ground in front of them 'Did they bury landmines for us to find?' the thought crossed his head, 'What else did they leave?'
He tinkered with his helmet to see if it would pick up anything and sure enough, the HUD flashed that it was picking up signals. "Didn't burry the mines deep enough. Short-range thermal scan is picking up pings. Either left in a hurry or are in a desperate state. I can see them, but I can't scan for other problems at the same time."