the writer
The comms remained quiet for a few moments before a grunt was heard on the other end. "I will ask the kano'dyar then if we should keep pushing." Jemmez then said before the connection broke off. Mazurek remained quiet as he observed Krawczyk after announcing that Squad 10 would remain with them, while also watching as she barked orders to get everyone on their feet as fast as possible. She seemed determined, almost frantically so, to get to their objective. He remained silent, however, as it seemed that they were in decent enough shape to get back on track once medical supplies were passed around."We've disabled two enemy tanks," Krawczyk answered. "We have some wounded, one dead. We're evaluating our combat readiness. We will try to cut north, soon, but Squad 10 will be unable to join you as we originally planned. They'll be staying with us. Over."
So long as they were capable, Mazurek wouldn't complain. He wanted more Upyri blood spilled. Instead, he rested his arms atop his gun as it hung from from his neck with a strap and approached Kang again: "Ready?" he asked in no uncertain terms. "No rest for us boots."
Jemmez, in the meantime, had closed the connection with some frustration visible in his eyes as the humans made clear that they would be sticking together and not joining him and his warriors. This made the unpleasant option of asking the Kanads for further instruction the only choice at the moment, as he turned to another of his fighters. An older Ursa by the name of Jo'tal was the one most fluent in the Kanad language, as he had served previously as a hired mercenary for a Kanad force before. Jemmez grunted towards his compatriot: ["Reach them. Inform them of our position, and ask if we should continue an advance. I will not create a bulge to be surrounded in."]
Jor'tal nodded as he tuned his communications earpiece towards the Kanad military channel and attempted to open a line before speaking with slightly broken Kanad: ["This force of Clan Blacktooth. We breach Upyri defenses at judgement house and human houses. Commander ask we advance more?"]