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Fantasy Starlight's Darkness Main Thread(Wolf RP Always Accepting)

Hawke & Kiesso

Hawke blinked blearily when the other wolves appeared. The male seemed familiar, but the female was not. "Do I know you?" Hawke said, unaware of just how scratchy and broken his voice sounded. So when Kiesso flinched slightly, Hawke felt a tiny measure of surprise. But that quickly faded has he stared at the wolf, not entirely seeing him, and not really paying any attention to the female. For a moment, Hawke felt a spark of hope. But no, this wolf was a gray wolf with swirls and... his brother was still dead next to him. This wasn't Striker again, nor was it another sibling.
"My name is Kiesso..." Kiesso said softly. "a friend of Iah's. Iah... invited myself and my charge to stay for a while. Since... things are dangerous," Kiesso said a bit awkwardly. He had no idea how to speak to this wolf. Haldis had never looked like this in the fact of her siblings leaving, or their mother leaving. But this... this was gruesome.
"and this is Tranquility... we are looking for her daughter. I hate to ask but...."
Before Kiesso could finish Hawke gave a bit of a snarl, finally focusing on the female. "You smell like a dark wolf," Hawke spat. "Let me guess, your pup is mixed," Hawke's tone was harsh and bitter. "Was she the one who did this to my brother?"

Iah & Haldis

Haldis's eyes were wide with awe, maw slightly parted in shock as the Starry Wolves appeared. She hardly noticed as Iah bowed his head in response to their words.
"Thank you, Great Ones," Iah said respectfully. Iah moved forward to Storm's side, and Haldis felt herself drifting forward, not realizing she was barely a step behind him. She saw Ceres, and she felt like her heart might just stop.
"Ceres...." she breathed, not realizing she had spoken. Iah paused, turning to look at Haldis. Haldis felt herself begin to panic, but she stood a little straighter, looking to Iah first. Iah nodded slightly, a hint of curiosity and kindness on his face. He saw something was bothering Haldis, and this might be the only chance she had to say anything. Plus, Iah himself was curious.
Haldis nodded in thanks to Iah, and stepped forward further, facing the three great Starry Wolves.
"I hope you don't mind but I have questions. History that went wrong should not be repeated," Haldis said, her voice starting out a bit shaky, but growing stronger and more confident as she spoke. "You three who watch over us, you see your childrens hearts. Why is there not an elemental pack? Why are we outcasts?" Haldis directed this towards Ceres, before looking to Inari and Zanter. "And why would you let your children fight and murder each other like this?"
Iah felt a bit of surprise, but hid it. He was mostly worried one of the Starry Wolves would be offended. He glanced quickly to Kender and Storm, before stepping closer to Haldis, standing beside her and her questions.


Amunet nodded, and said "Grab some of the purple ones as well."
She also went about gathering some, opening a small pocket of shadow and dropping the herbs in to them, before gesturing for Kiylo to drop his in to the pockets as well.
"We should be getting back," Amunet said as she assessed her herb store, and nodding to herself.


Runa nodded sympathetically, before glancing over to Ken. She shook out her pelt, straightening. "We all have a real purpose now. You have real prey to hunt Ruki, and I am to help Tez as his Beta. We must trust our Alpha if we are to make it out here. Perhaps only time can tell," Runa spoke resolutely, but the glance she gave Ruki and Serenity seemed a bit wary.
Runa suddenly felt a fierce sense of hope that the Light Alpha, Storm, was resurrected and would return. Perhaps it would soothe things over long enough for the wolves to be fully back on their feet and for everything to settle down. and then perhaps, they would figure out how to resolve their issues.
Runa knew she was a hypocrite. She blamed the Light Wolves as much as anyone else. But she blamed the ones of old, not the ones who were here now.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Lenny2000 Lenny2000

Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin understood Hawkes anger, if the she wolf's before then was rhe mother of the killer then. She would be great bait to trap the daughter, or perhaps the daughter wouldn't care. "Hawke, I know where you are coming from but we can't jump to every light/dark wolf mix as being bad wolves....that's how senseless blood she'd happens." She hoped he wouldn't snap at her for her words. Did she trust these wolves, no, but she would not stand by and wrongly accuse someone. Hawke needed time, he needed to get things straightened in his mind.

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender bowed his head to the great ones but stayed silent. He had to give Haldis credit, she was definitely a strong minded female. He wasn't afraid of the great ones, but to so forwardly ask such questions. He smirked pack life was definitely going ti get more interesting.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
"H-haldis..." "It is fine Storm....my young child even we as the great ones have rules we must follow. So even if we wish to come down and interfere, set things right once again. We can not, now as to why there isn't a pack for those of elements I'm not really sure. My children joined in the other two packs and no elemental wolf stepped up saying they wished to form a pack of their own. It was the choice of the first elemental wolves." Ceres padded over to Haldis nuzzling her head with his chin, he had watched his children suffer just as Zanter and Inari had. But it was forbidden for then to change the way their wolves lived, they were only allowed to give small warns and give them new lives. Ceres looked to Zanter and Inari, Zanter shrugged and Inari smiled softly. "Haldis, when you pass away those you have lost will be waiting for you. But do not think for a second that death will make you happy. You will still be separated from those who still live. Only then you to will be stuck watching them from the skies, unable to actually help. Life, death, power, they are all very bittersweet things we each must accept." Inari felt this wolf would be very close to them now, she was brave and as it was seemed to be closer to the spiritual world than most. Zanter cleared his throat, "Not to rush you but as it is we have been down here longer than usual. And I'm sure Storm is feeling the effects of it. Haldis if those are all your questions, then Iah your blood." Storm glanced at Zanter and then to Iah, "I am fine I've grown used to it." TShe said softly, yes tiredness was weighing down on her but if Haldis wished to ask more questions then she didn't mind. It wasnt often that other wolves got to be so close to the great ones. "Still the heart of an angel... Iah if you accept your rank as alpha and the burden of being able to summon us should it be needed then now is the time." Inari spoke softly looking down at the male. Ceres nodded though still wanting to give Haldis bit more comfort, "Storm before that do you mind." Storm knew what he wanted to do and nodded. She could take it even if she was tired beyond compare, for one of her pack mates it didn't matter. Zanter and Inari inhaled sharply wanting to protest, "It's fine..." Storm whispered softly, Ceres's green tail grew wrapping around Storm both of them glowing. Soon a wolf made of stars appeared, with only a faint bit of color as to what their coat used to look like and color to their eyes. The wolf walked over to Haldis staying silent till she spoke. Kender noticed it first Storms legs were shaking, he moved quickly leaning against her to support her. "Why didn't you warn us about this..." He muttered under his breath, "I'll be fine Kender...but thanks." He felt her weight shift as she used him to better support herself.​

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo nodded. "I think I'll carry them, if I go back empty pawed Runa might think I made you do everything by yourself..." He said with a small chuckle, "And I don't feel like getting some lecture about orders being orders. Or something like that...."

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki turned her attention to Ken, "Are you okay Ken...I didn't think you would have hurt yourself that badly...." Ruki asked softly, "I can chill the pain but for you but that's about it sorry if my powers seem pretty unhelpful."
Freydis Freydis
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Lenny2000 Lenny2000
Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez quickly followed his friend, it wss pretty hard to lose him... "Tumult just be careful...if this wolf is dangerous we may want a plan to deal with it." He red eyes glanced around looking for any other dangers, his nose smelling for any other threats.
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Freydis Freydis
Ken keeps his head down and keeps on limping over with them as he bit his lips to *endure the pain* "I..I'm ok , can I go to the healer please ?" He whimpers as his ears are down and his tail lowered

Zen continues to sway his tail as he hums innocently. Unaware of a second voice starting to talk to him with a malicious tone " welcome back nez...." . zen's ears perk up wildly as he looked around but received no one talking " who's there?" He asks curiously out loud "and where are you ?". The voice starts to chuckle in a calm dark manner as he gets a bit louder , deafening him else from making him hear anyone else . " I'm in your head young one and you need to follow your father's footsteps like you were raised to ... " the wolf's ears stick up and his tail peeks up as he scampers away sporadically, trying to get away from the voice in his head
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Iah & Haldis

Iah stepped forward to Storm's side as well, helping support her. He was surprised at Haldis's questions. But it seemed like the young she wolf was determined.
Iah looked back to see Haldis leaning in to Ceres's touch, before stiffening in shock. Iah saw the beginnings of a wolf appearing, and while he was confused, he stayed silent and didn't interrupt.
"D-Dagney....." Haldis stuttered, looking at the form of the rouge medicine wolf who had saved her life. Memories of that harsh winter came back in a blur. The cold, their mother having left them(again), and Kiesso desperately trying to care for young pups who needed nothing but a mothers milk and care. Haldis realized she was too young to remember these things... were they Dagney's memory? She had no clue. She remembered the beautiful she wolf who had come out of no where, a medicine wolf and a wolf who had lost her litter. She had been driven from her pack, Kiesso had told her many summers later, because she was a medicine wolf who could not save her own stillborn pups. She had come like an angel in the night, with milk to spare for Haldis and her littermates, and stayed with them all that winter, waiting until the pups were weaned before disappearing one night. Kiesso had spoken about the she wolf as if he had loved her. The stories of her had inspired Haldis to be a better wolf, to help others, perhaps even be a medicine wolf in the future.
Haldis found herself leaning in to Ceres's side as she felt herself sway. "I... I never got to say thank you... for saving my life..." Haldis murmured totally unaware of the toll this all was taking on Storm, on Iah with his bleeding leg ready to close the circle the moment Storm looked too weak. All Haldis saw was the she wolf who had saved her life, the sense of a presence that had watched over her through the years, who had helped her when Haldis didn't even realize.

Hawke & Kiesso

Hawke snapped his fangs but begrudgingly backed off some, turning away from the two and looking back to the body of his brother.
Kiesso winced, glancing at Tranquility, before looking back to Hawke and Selrin.
"There's a stronger dark wolf scent here as well..." Kiesso pointed out.


Amunet chuckled softly. "We better hurry, theres a wolf coming who needs help," she said, turning and trotting back toward camp, the little pouch of darkness closing and seeming to disappear into her pelt.


Runa nodded slightly. "She and Kiylo will hopefully be back soon," she said to Ken. "They went out to gather herbs"

Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin nodded slowly, "Let's get your brother buried... We can worry about those two later, your brother is much more important." She said nudging him to finish up the hole so she could drag Srikers body to be buried. She didn't want to drag him it hurt her heart, light swirled around her extending to Strikers body. His bloodied coat soon began turn normal, and his body seemed to be semi repaired. Striker looked decent, if they had to bury him she could do at least this much. Selrin panted slightly, she hadn't meant to hurry up and do that but her heart had made her.

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender watched in amazement as a strange wolf made of stars appeared and Haldis knew the wolf. A small part of him wondered who the wolf was, but he was more concerned for Storm. He felt her body trembling even if she tired to suppress it. He wouldn't speak up though he knew Storm was doing this for Haldis and also so Iah didn't have to take the burden of hosting the great ones. His heart swelled for her, she still cared so much for each wolf. "Too stubborn and caring for your own good..." He muttered Storm and Ish were probably the only two that heard him though.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
"Ahh...my sweet Haldis, I'm so proud of you...of you and Kiesso both. I will depend on you to tell him I said hello..." Dagney smiled to Haldis, "You've become rather strong and I know your future may hold hardships, but with them by your side you'll overcome it all. My sweet pup always remember that helping others is the right thing to do. Sometimes even helping those who are your enemy, just follow your heart. It always guides you to the right path." She glanced to Ceres and then Storm, "I must go now..." She said padding over she nuzzled Haldis softly, "I'll always be by your side watching over you." Dagney began to vanish slowly just as she had appeared. Storm smiled softly, she felt both sad and happy for Haldis to have met a loved one. Sure she could have asked to meet her mate, but that would have been a selfish request. "Iah you may proceed, first the burden to summon us will be shared between you and Storm till you are semi use to us. It is a matter of your energy that is how we stay here more freely." Ceres glanced to Haldis before turning back to Iah. Storm sighed softly, her energy was close to the brink but she still didn't mind. "Iah now is your turn...once you let your blood touches the circle youll feel an odd shift in your energy."

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo wondered how she was able to sense that, but didn't bother to ask. He had a feeling that there was something more to Amunet. But she had just come to this pack and he didn't expect her to tell them everything. "Soundzz gowd tu meh..." He mumbled around the herbs he was carrying in his maw. They made their way to back towards camp, he wondered who exactly was in need of her help.

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki nodded to Ken, "I need to visit her as well...even if I dont want too." Ruki said softly glancing to the ground she just hoped things weren't going to get out of hand. But she couldn't see the future so she didn't know there was only hope in her heart.​
Freydis Freydis
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Lenny2000 Lenny2000
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Willow -- Light Wolf -- Starlight Pack -- Approaching Starlight Territory
The wind tugged at her pale brown coat as she trudged onward. Her brown eyes were squinting against the onslaught and she held her ears flat to her head. Willow had been traveling for moons and her paws ached with weariness, but she couldn't stop... She was certain she was almost there. She could feel it in her bones. The wolf had heard of a legend that wolves like her, wolves with powers, lived in a land far East of her original home.

Since being exiled from the pack she had grown up in, Willow had wandered the land spending time in various packs throughout her journey. However, each time they learned of her powers... She was once again sent on her way. It wasn't until she befriended an Alpha's Pup, one with a kind heart, that she learned of the legends passed down between other Packs. This was what set her on her path and sent her on this long journey.

Now, reaching 5 years of age, Willow was beginning to feel like she would never spend her life in a place she could call her own home. But maybe the stars were on her side this time -- the scent of wolves was on the air. Perking up, she picked up her pace and headed towards it.[/div]

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