Starcraft : The Rise of Mankind [ SIGN UPS ]


A Magical Sprite

  • Years after the downfall of Mankind from the Zerg. Jim Raynor and and few of his loyal men left the Terran Confederacy. He didn't want to be a part of a corrupt government. And little did the Confederate know that once they lost Jim, They started to lose their battle against the Zerg.

    After setting in the somewhere in the planet of Tarsonis. Jim and his few loyal men formed a group. A group that will save mankind from it's terrorizing future. He called his group, " Raynor's Raiders " .

    Not all of Raynor's friends are in his raid. Some of his old comrades are left in the Terran Confederacy. He gets information from them. But, Raynor was stabbed from behind.

    The camp was attacked by Mengks and his men, Forcing Raynor to live Tarsonis in the Last Battleship they have. Now, The Battleship became their momentary base of operations. Raynor was seriously injured in the affair, Now it's all up to his loyal men. And you are one of them.


  • Tarsonis is occupied by the Terran Confederacy and also, A battlefield between Terran and Zerg, A fight over the planet and Mankind's last stand.


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Name : Jeremias Havren

Nickname : Stitches

Unit : Medic

Appearance of Character : -incoming-

Short History : Stitches has had several near-death experiences yet has always had the fortune of being the last standing medic amongst the elite few gun-men who managed to survive their operation. He makes an effort to stray away from depressing conversation while he's out of the field, and prefers to keep those within his vicinity chuckling through various quips and sarcastic jest. Morose topics being out of his repetoir, Stitches finds ways of weaseling out of the topic of "family". Beyond this, Stitches is a steady hand and a reliable mate; the battlefield, though he secretly laments it, is the only place he knows he belongs. He has reconciled that it is the worthiest path of an honorable execution.

Preferred Weapons : Grenade Launcher
Sorry, gotta prod here.

Medics are usually female, hey? According to the wikia, the recruitment for medics attracted mostly women.

Also, Medics do have their grenade launchers, but they're fitted with only flash, illumination or stun (not sure about this one) grenades, highly putting them out of use in main assaults.
Provide a reason as to why a male can not, (as there are some in the story) and I'll alter it.

Name: Lukart Havens

Nickname: Alpha-158

Unit: Ghost

Appearance of Character:

Short History:
Like most of the other trained ghost units Alpha-158 was raised in a facility were it was cold and lonely aside from the other children he rarely saw he knew they felt the same way he did scared and alone no matter how long they have been there. Day after day he was put through heavy training which got increasingly difficult so he could reach his maximum potential. In incidents that were never filed it was rumored that he would be forced to fight other trainees which would end with death all in order to show who would be the best. 158 completed his training with flying colors and little to almost no mental trauma making him a suitable soldier for the battlefield.

Preferred Weapons: C-20A Rifle, E-11 Lockdown Device,

He doesn't really identify himself as a human nor a machine
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Name: David Klein

Unit: CMC Firebat

Rank: Lieutenant

Alias: Matchstyx, 'Styx

Status: A.W.O.L.



"How about a lil' fire, scarecrow?"

History: Klein, one of the Confederate's many "rehabilitated" criminals, has been serving out his life sentence as a Firebat going on quite a few years now. He'd been in for a number of gruesome crimes, most notably rape, arson, murder, attempted murder, assault on an officer, and much more. However, the Confederate struck him a deal and pulled him out of prison in exchange for military service. They promised him the chance to run free again, to experience society and all the advantages being a free man can bring. All he had to do was sign on the dotted line and give them six years of service. But they had no intention of letting him do any of that. They were going to keep him in their clutches until he was dead. He was one of many "resoc" soldiers who underwent forced neural resocialization, but in the midst of the fighting between Terran and Protoss forces, the mystics probed his mind. They found his hatred of the Confederacy boiling up inside of him, and they undid the damage. What was left of his unit by then had been reduced to ash, and Klein escaped. Grateful for his liberation, he turned his animalistic hatred towards the Zerg for being xeno scum and to the Confederacy for what they did to him, soon joining up with Raynor's Raiders. Despite his twisted mind, Raynor knew he needed Klein's brutal fighting capacity. The capacity to get things done, regardless of the consequences to his own well-being, his merciless attitude towards life in general.

Armaments: Perdition Flamethrower with underbarrel napalm grenade launcher.
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By the by, who do you live for, Wisdom? 
Name: Ashford

Nickname: --

Unit : Marine

Appearance of Character: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Terran_Marine_With_Gun_by_SgtHK.jpg.87dbfb9da0afc337377ec4b2b987bee5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1879" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Terran_Marine_With_Gun_by_SgtHK.jpg.87dbfb9da0afc337377ec4b2b987bee5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Short History : There are little and few between that know of the creature that inhabits the blue Marine armor, his sole purpose which is to gun down xenos. It seemed that his resoc did nothing to fix anything about his blood thirst. If anything, it made it worse. He spent his first few years as a Marine relatively unknown and stuffed in a reserve unit that stayed in the rear guard, spending his time aiming at targets and watching the walls instead. Then the day came when the xenos broke through and assaulted the fort he was holding up in. The first person to sortie from the fort was none other than Ashford, his rifle ablaze as he leapt off the walls and crushed one of the Zergs on his fall. He proceeded to gun down at least half of the incoming infamous Zerg rush, until he was completely overwhelmed and had most parts of his armor torn off and various body parts slightly gnawed off. He didn't stop firing his gun and killing xenos, however. By the time his team had sortie'd and attempted to rescue him, he was but driving off the last of the zergs, almost half of his armor gone and his physical self slightly revealed to his comrades. Without as much as a word, Ashford picked up her helmet and slammed it onto his head, hiding away the last of the red, long locks as he did. His comrades didn't make a single comment on what they saw of Ashford and instead, saluted at the passing Marine.

She was then transferred to the main squad, and was deployed along with Raynor, whom he then served without question and without a single word. As long as she got to empty his rifle and get to kill xenos, he was completely fine with it. When Raynor left the Confederacy, Ashford just simply...followed. He had nothing to do anyway. And if he could empty her gun at something, it was better than nothing.

Preferred Weapons : C14 Impaler Rifle, C-7 pistol

Do I live? If I do, it's for Aiur. Or something. Can't be bothered to remember the name.



  • Terran_Marine_With_Gun_by_SgtHK.jpg
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Name : Callen McCoffery

Nickname : Flea

Unit : Spectre

Appearance of Character :


Short History : As a young child, McCoffery was born with psionic powers and his parents being apart of the Confederacy saw the great potential for their future child and him serving the greater good of the confederacy. Coerced into joining the ghost program at the young age of 6, he is a child soldier bred for war. McCoffery was designated Ghost No. 29801 following his completion of ghost training. Gaining quick recognition as a skilled scout and point man he rose to fame. As a rookie ghost he was tasked with the second mission of finding and killing Arcturus Mengsk after the initial operation involving the traitor Sarah Kerrigan had failed. On several occasions as apart of the confederacy he had faced the outlaw Jim Raynor and crew on the field of battle. Raynor's valor, and heroism in each encounter sprouted a new admiration in the young ghost.

The fall of the confederacy was equally hard for McCoffery as the Terrain Dominion offered him a place in their ranks as a Major. Only knowing war and losing the only home in the confederacy he had, McCoffery joined. A new program, the spectre program became underway as it took the most skilled and expert of the ghost training graduates and put them through the grueling and torturous training. Taking the challenge McCoffery became one of the original Spectres along with his senior Gabriel Tosh. Following Tosh's every orders and words he soon became aware of the Dominions own strife and treachery.

The failed attempt of a coup on Arcturus Mengsk by the group of spectres sent the once proud soldier of war into the world as a vagabond and mercenary performing odd jobs just to earn enough money to stay afloat. He was a spectre he did not exist nor did he have any identifying information about him on any of the public channels. Years later he and Tosh found the man he admired so much standing against Mengsk. swayed into joining forces with Raynor by Tosh, McCoffery joined his rag tag group of raiders.

Preferred Weapons : AGR-28 rifle, G-4 cluster bomb, Flak Pistol

I live for Auir

Name: Joseph Calderon

Unit Division: Reaper Corps

Rank: Corporal

Serial number/Inmate number: 111215B

Alias: Loco

Load out: Jump Pack, P-55 "Scythe" Gauss Pistols(looted, formerly utilized P-38 pistols), D-8 Demo Charges




Sir, I shall bring up what little we have about 'Loco'.......understood sir....... This is what we know about him so far....

Loco was no stranger to the Zerg, he was born and raised on Mar Sara. He led a simple life, right up until the Zerg came and the Confederacy abandoned them. He claims to have fought alongside the terrorist Jim Raynor. After the evacuation of Mar Sara by the Sons of Korhal, Loco had spent his life as a drifter. He suddenly lost it in a cantina in Korhal, literally going on a rampage and killing dozens of Dominion Marines and citizens, mistaking them all for the zerg that ate his homeworld. He was apprehended and brought to the Icehouse of the Torus system, but escaped during a breakout staged by the newly-formed terrorist group called Raynor's Raiders, he joined them shortly afterwards....He never went through the resoc.

We are still on the lookout for this maniac....check the security feeds?.....alright coming up online....What the hell? Oh god it's HIM! Somebody get the securi -sounds of gunshots- I told you to check the security feeds -more gunshots- Because the Reaper-man cometh. -gunshot and then static-

Name : Tony Mark

Nickname : Mach

Unit : Viking Pilot

Appearance of Character :

Short History : Mach was supposed to be the on of the top pilots of the Confederate. He always follows his orders, But that doesn't mean he is loyal to the confederate. His loyalty lies with Raynor, The person who saved him when he was outnumbered. After Raynor left the confederacy. Mach followed, Leaving no regrets in his mind. But now that Raynor is heavily injured during the assault on their last base of operations in Tarsonis. Mach's morale went down, But he never lost hope.

Preferred Weapons :

VIKING : 50. cal mini-gun on both right and left arm units. Heat sensor missiles.

Mach : 357 Lapua magnum Revolver. 6 shots.

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