Starbright Academy [Inactive]


Junior Member
maryjoisnothere submitted a new role play:

Starbright Academy - magic wishing stars academy school

Every myth is based on legend. When you are little you are told to make a wish on the first star you see at night, however what happens if your wish actually comes true.
Well, you are taken to Starbright Academy for the Blessed, where students are taught to control their powers that have been granted to them, and decide what they want to do with their lives now. However, like genies these wishes are not what you think they will turn out to be, often manipulated and twisted from what your...
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Ava's parents just left, she knew this was going to be hard, especially since they wanted to get rid of there monster daughter. With three trunks full of everything she owned, she stood in front of the dormitory building, and contemplated what she was going to do from there. Would she take one and leave the others? She sat down on top of the stack of trunks and thought about it.

Jess's parents were lost. As he sat in the back seat of their suburban, he listened to his dad and step mom bicker about which direction was the right one, where the dorm building was. Jess was so over this, that was all they ever did. He rolled his eyes, pushed up his glasses an continued to read his book. They would probably get there soon enough.
Isa Lancaster

Isa looked around at the scenery, two large suitcases in either hand and a worn black backpack slung over her shoulders. This place seemed attractive enough... Seeing a girl with what appeared to be too much luggage, she made her way over to see if she could offer any help. Of course, she wasn't very good at meeting people, but she should at least make an effort, right. "Hello..." The black haired girl said in a monotone voice when she was standing right next to the other.

Luke Bell

"Okay, calm down, you can do this..." Bright green eyes blinked a little too fast and too often to really be considered normal as Luke mumbled to himself. Sighing softly, he reached a hand up to run twitching fingers through long red hair. He wasn't sure if he was ready to deal with so many people. They were going to be mean and pick on him, just like everyone else. They'd call him a twitchy freak and no one would talk to him except to insult him and his life would suck because that was the way it always was for Luke. This place was going to be just like all the rest, no matter the pretty package it came in...
Ava looks at the girl who quietly came up to her, "Hi there, I'm Ava." I said hopping off of my stack of trunks. She looked into the pale girls eyes, they were big, and mysterious.

Jess saw the school growing in his line of vision. He wanted his dad to slam on the gas so he could get there sooner and leap from the car with freedom. After 5 more minutes of driving, they were finally there. In the court yard were two girls talked. He and his parents unpacked the care and began to move him in.
Isa Lancaster

"Isa." She replied, rather bluntly. "Would you... like some help with your things...?" Dear stars, this was awkward. The black haired girl had no idea how to properly offer her assistance, but that had sounded relatively decent to her, all things considered.

Luke Bell

Finally, after probably too much deliberation, the redhead made his way towards the dorms, hurriedly passing by two girls as he went. He hoped they hadn't noticed him, or more importantly, hadn't noticed his tics and twitches. With any luck, he'd be able to get through the first day without anyone making fun of him for it. When people started teasing him about his condition, Luke tended to... leave his body and end up watching as someone freaked out as it looked like he'd suddenly dropped dead or something. While that could be amusing, they usually got over it quickly and set to work beating on his defenseless body.

She smiled "that would be awesome! I could really use some help! Why dont you go drop your things off, I'm not going anywhere" She said gently. Ava had a feeling the girl was trying to be nice, but was having a hard time talking.


Jess was putting his things away in his room. His parents had left him, and the building was rather empty. As he was placing his books on a shelf, he heard footsteps behind him. He put his things down and walked towards his open door to look out the hall. A red headed boy was walking by, "hi there!"
Isa Lancaster

The black haired girl simply nodded and went to quickly put her things in her room. She walked quickly so as not to keep Ava waiting. Thankfully, it didn't take her very long to find her room, and she was walking briskly back towards the other girl in no time at all. "I'm back..."

Luke Bell

The red haired teenager jumped and twitched violently, making an embarrassing squeaking sound, when someone called out to him. He turned slowly to look at the other. "U-um... Hello...?"

"Hey there," Jess said noticing the boy twitched, "Are you all right?" He stepped from his door frame and walked over to the boy, pushing up his glasses.


"Welcome back!" She said smiling. "So, I think I could carry maybe one or two of these at a time if you could carry the third one, I dont want to make you strain yourself too much! They are a little heavy."

Giving a small smile, Isa shook her head. "If they're heavy, I should be the one carrying most of them. I would assume that, out of the two of us, I am the stronger one. That is what I am here for, after all."


Blinking constantly, he swallowed and cleared his throat convulsively for a good 20 seconds before speaking. "Y-yeah... I'm... fine..." His head jerked to the side before settling in a more comfortable position again. "Fine..." He mumbled again, more to himself this time.

Ava blinked and then it clicked, "oooh You're super strong." She nodded, "okay that makes sense." She giggled and gestured for her to take what she could handle.


"Are you sure man? You don't look okay." He said watching him carefully, "If you are nervous about rude people, don't worry you are in good company here."
Jay grew up in a very wealthy family. His parents decided it was best to bring Jay to this school since the only thing he ever used his powers for, was to scare the poop out of his sister.

Jay was walking to the academy with James, who was his parents servant. James and Jay never liked each other.

"Are we almost there?" Jay asked for the fifth time.

"Why won't you just shut up?! Look, there it is!" James responded quiet annoyed.

Once they got trough the gate James puts down the luggage and goes away. He wanted to get away from this freak show as soon as possible.

Jay was not surprised at all. But instead of taking his luggage to the dorms, he decided to take a look around. When he took a seat on a bench near the entrance of the dorms, he noticed two girls struggling with luggage. Jay being Jay, he didn't bother to help out. He did take a good look at them though.

"Oh my.. that girls with all those tattoos was absolutely gorgeous.". He whispered to himself.

Ava lifted up one of the trunks pushing it higher up with her knee until it comfortably sat in her arms. "Okay, ready to go?" She asked the girl with the long black hair. She nodded and they walks off towards her room. Ava noticed a boy, fairly tall and attractive, watching them. She rolled her eyes, she could tell by his disposition that he was a jerk.


Jess realized the boy really didn't want to talk and left him alone. He was sitting in his room, his side already put together and decorated, and waited for his roommate to arrive. He thinks his name is 'Jay'. He read a book on his bed.

Nodding, she picked up the rest of Ava's luggage with little trouble and waited for her to lead the way. "Ready... Let's go, then..."


The boy that had been talking to the redhead left, and Luke sighed. He was sure whether to be disappointed or relieved that he wasn't being spoken to anymore. Shrugging, he continued on his way to his room. It looked like his roommate wasn't there yet, so Luke decided to take the bed closest to the door. Always a quick escape route handy...
Jay sees the cute girl looking back at him and rolling her eyes. He chuckled, this wasn't the first time the eye-rolling thing happened to him and he knew exactly what she was thinking of him now. ''Guess this one is gonna bite back'' he whispers. Then Jay walks back to his luggage and takes them inside. Nobody is inside and since he forgot which dorm was his, he had no idea where to go. He did remember the name of his roommate though, his name was Jess or something like that. Jay started walking around looking for the lad.
Jay walked past a door of a room with a boy inside with red hair. He walked inside towards the guy.

''Heya lighthouse, whats up lad? shining bright?'' he said while giving the guy a friendly I-am-joking-wink. Then he realised it was a really crappy joke and got serious again. ''I'm looking for a fella called Jess or something. You happened to know where he is?''

Ava dropped her things in her room and thanked the girl. The dark haired girl left for her room, and Ava was all alone. She pushed her messy braid back, hiked up her pants, and began to open trunks. She pulled out her door stopper. The first thing she learn from boarding school was to always leave your door open when you could because that is how you made friends. She kicked the door wide open plugged in her stereo and started blasting some tunes, and began to make her bed.


Jess heard some noise from the hall, it was already loud. Great. He would just have to ignore it.
Jay notices that the redhead has earplugs in and is listening to music so he does not hear him. He decides to not bother him for now and walks off. Then he hears some music and realizes it is the same kind of music his dad used to listen to back home. Jay decides to check it out. ''The music seems to be coming from a room.'' he whispers. He sees that the door to the music is open so he walks in while knocking on the door. He was wondering whose dorm this was.

The music was too loud for Ava to hear a knock so she continued to dance around her room, pushing posters onto the walls. An Arctic monkey poster and then one of a tiger dancing, she took a step back looking at her work. Next she would have to get out her strands of christmas lights. She smiled to herself, hands on her waist as she admired her work.
Jay saw the cute girl dancin all around her room hanging posters on her walls and enjoying herself. He just stayed there leaning against the door looking at her. When the music ended he started clapping. ''Wow, that was really something'' he said with a smile.

She turned around sharply, noticing that pretentious boy standing in her door way. She blushed a little, how long has he been standing there? She wondered, she then collected herself and smiled sarcastically, "thanks I was probably a dancer in a past life." She smiled, did a sloppy curtsy and then walked towards him, "I'm Ava."
''haha, not long enough to get bored, but definetly long enough to enjoy it'' he said while smiling. Jay gave her a quick wink and then shook her hand. ''Hi Ava, I'm Jay. You like the arctic monkeys I guess?'' He said while pointing at the posters.
Ava rolled her eyes has he winked, he was pretty cute, but way too into himself. She looked back at the poster he pointed at then back at him, "Yeah, they are my favorite."
He noticed her rolling her eyes and figured that if he wanted to make a good impression on her, he would have to roll as the mr.Niceguy. Even though Jay didn't really liked to act like, he was willing to give it a shot. ''Thats cool, my father always used to listen to the monkeys back home. To be honest I never really enjoyed it though. I prefer more electronic stuff like EDM and such.''
She nodded, "Cool, thats pretty good for parties." She looked at him with a raise eyebrow. She could choose to read his mind; see whats going on in there, but then again she does love a good mystery, however she could tell he was putting up a front. She nodded, "So why did you come barging into my room."
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''Haha what do you think? Having your door wide open and playing loud music, while doing those cute dance moves, and you don't expect some lad walking in on you?''

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