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Larassa Commission.png
Name: Larassa SovnaNickname: The Raven
Race: KhoelianHome Planet: Khoeli
Occupation: Bounty HuntressEquipment: Knapsack, Bow, Quiver of Arrows (18/20 Normal, 1 Grappling), Twin Daggers
Just as Larassa thought she might get the annoying girl out of her hiding place, her odd friend stepped up and drew itself up to full height. Baffled by this posturing, Larassa let go of the girl and took a step back. Her ears shot forward and her fur stood on end, as she began to growl at this creature. When all it said was, "Zark", Larassa cocked her head at it and wondered what exactly she should do. She was not entirely keen on attacking any youths, especially if they were too scared to leave the engine room. Their collection of stowaways was growing.
Before she could assume her own aggressive stance to try and intimidate the odd creature, Larassa heard a scuffle and turned to face the group. She was just in time to see the young man attempting to tackle Alaric. The sight was so humorous that Larassa's growl caught in her throat and she struggle to not laugh out loud. Her fur began to settle at this sight and upon hearing that the girl was giving up and obviously a bit scared. Larassa doubted her or the elven boy would try to make a break for it like the other rebellious youth.

Just as Alaric began to take control of the situation, a gunshot rang out, the sound reverberating throughout the engine room. Larassa immediately let out a yelp, as she pinned her ears against her head. She tried to blink away tears, as a ringing now silenced any other noise for her. She could see Brala shouting at the idiot in their group, but could not hear her.
Frustration welled up in her at how this had begun to fall apart and Larassa snapped at the group, "Would you all just stop acting like children for five seconds?" She was shouting, but could not tell thanks to the ringing in her ears.
Glancing over at Brala, Larassa continued to unknowingly shout, struggling to hear herself, "You mentioned two groups, I can stay on the ship and make sure these miscreants don't go anywhere. I know my way around a ship, as does Al- I mean, Reaper." By the time she had mentioned knowing her way around the ship, her voice was at a normal volume, though the ringing was not subsiding quite yet.

Larassa gave Alaric a furtive glance, hoping he was perhaps too distracted to have noticed her slip. Even if she could not hear what she was saying, she was fully aware of what had almost been spoken. She knew they were both sticking to their code names for a good reason with this group. It was not as if they could actually trust anyone else right now.
More than anything else, Larassa just hoped their leader would move on from this chaos and they could finally start this heist. It felt like they had been stuck on this ship for ages.
SilverFlight SilverFlight andujarprime andujarprime Ghostiiys Ghostiiys GamerCarrot GamerCarrot Alonthra Alonthra Goonfire Goonfire Naberius Naberius CryptedCourt CryptedCourt Feywild Feywild
Abraham Van Helsing.pngYon realized he didn't hit his intended target before he felt his hands come free of his bonds. He wanted to make a move for one of the swords this guy was carrying but was pinned before he could make a move. He cursed himself under his breath in a tongue the others wouldn't understand. Then one, two, three strikes to what would be the kidneys. He grunted in pain and ended up biting his tongue not wanting to give them the satisfaction of his screams. He heard a feminine voice surrender the small group. He decided to back down. He failed in his last attempt to break free. All he could do now was keep himself on this ship and wait. He could easily make himself useful to them as much as he would resent it in the moment. His presence on the ship ensured that the military could catch up to them. At least now he had a witness who could vouch for his lack of involvement in this crack pot scheme. He gasped between breaths and winced in pain but it was slowly subsiding. The dumbass with the gun cuffed and tied him he didn't resist this time but spat a chunk of blood in his face as he went to put on a gang. He could get out of these cuffs too if he wanted to, but that would mean taking off his disguise. He would have to do it when no one was looking. It was too risky at the moment.
He didn't take in everything that was being said between the intruders. It was bad enough that he knew their plans. The Military would not let them get close without a fight. "What could possibly go wrong?" he heard Davis's voice in his head. Then again... Perhaps this was the event that could ruin the empire. So many people should be court marshaled for letting this laps in security happen but he knew that if anything he would end up the scapegoat. It would be easier that admitting than the military officers had grown lazy. Of the hundred things he though of this wasn't one of them. He didn't know what to do and at the moment had no means of contacting his XO.
Yon's vision started to come back to him. He was lucky he didn't pass out. He had a clear view of the red creature now and the people that were with him. That is assuming it was a him. His eyes widened when he saw the girl but didn't try to speak or catch her attention. He looked down at his cuffed feet. He wished he needed to be able to talk and began to wiggle off the gag from his mouth. It was slow going at first but it slipped out. He could breath better now with it off. Big guy wanted to talk let them talk. At least they didn't know who they were talking to. He had to keep it that way. So much of their plan could go wrong and as long as they didn't know what they were working with the better chance he had of keeping his gut in his chest. "Relax she belongs here unlike you." GasglowJones GasglowJones He spat up some more blood but the bleeding in his tongue was slowing he could still taste the blood. "She can tell you anything you need to know about the engine and I can cancel out the security measures." He wasn't lying. He could make it possible for them to leave if it came to that. He had no doubt that the girl would know how to work the ship's engine. All that mattered now was remaining useful and non threatening, and staying awake...
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