Star Wars

Name: Dudshi Waveshock

Age: 27

Alien race: Human

Appearance: (sith drawings for various states of dress)

Master: Darth Vader(before)

Padawan: none

Personality: Paranoid, violent if provoked, sadistic, insane

Bio: bought as a slave by Darth Vader at 10, he sensed his connection to the force, after learning from Vader for 11 years, he became bored and left to wander the galaxy
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Character Sheet
Name:Tarek Voss



Alien Race:Human

Appearance:Blue Eyes with Dark/Brown hair (Varies)

Master:Ben Kenobi and Mace Windu

Padawan: Kento Marek

Personality: Obi-Wan Type, he has some of Mace's Traits but not many.

Light Saber: A Metal saber with a Grip with the mark of a Knight on there (Sometimes Kashykk Wood Saber)



[/QUOTE] "When they come and kill us all when they arrive at my doorstep... they shall get ready to die."
Name:Tarek Vero



Alien Race:Human

Appearance: A Black haired Male in his prime Robes of The exiled jedi Master Obi-Wan With a Scar across his arm Blue eyes. (Kyle Katarn Hair)

Master: Quinlin Voss

Padawan: Felit Orion

Personality: Happy, Obi-Wan type. Has no sense to live, Can be gruff and Violent if the time calls, OCD ADHD

Light Saber: (One) Kayshkyyk Wood with a Curved hilt with a Yellow Saber (Two) A Blue Titanium saber With a Blue Crystal and a Shape of Obi-Wan's

Bio: N/A (Read Page)

Extra: (Im a ADHD OCD, so if I get carried away please tell me!)

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