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Fandom Star Wars

Paquin felt proud of herself. Her joke had gotten Gnaeus and Ariel to laugh, even though Kylo didn’t seem to enjoy it. She didn’t think that they were laughing at her, rather than her joke. She genuinely thought her joke was quite brilliant. Even if maybe explaining it was unnecessary.

Paquin and Gnaeus exchanged items. He’d offered her the other glove and she slipped it on as he tried to read the stick, It was a little big on her hand, but the effect was all the same. She looked to the hand Gnaeus wore the other glove on and realized why he picked it up. And she smiled, glad that he was actively trying to find ways to improve on his fake hand. She believed he was actually trying to get used to it.

Though, she knew he’d still want her to give him back his natural hand.

Kylo stood to leave, but didn’t leave before questioning what the stick said. Gnaeus could only make out a little bit of it, but not enough to deem it interesting enough to Kylo. Paquin watched Kylo walk off the ship, again thinking about how he was going with Ariel. Just Ariel. And her lips pouted once again. But she turned back to Gnaeus. “I didn’t really get it for anything other than decoration for…my room, to be honest.” It was weird calling the Korriban room hers. But that’s what the stick was supposed to make it. “I didn’t know what anything was, so, I went for what called to me. I suppose.”

Paquin stood then and gestured to the abandoned pilot’s seat. “Do you want me to fly or...?” Paquin wasn’t the best at flying, but she could get them into hyperdrive. She wasn’t sure how Gnaeus would feel about flying or if he’d want too.


Ariel was already in her ship before Kylo was even off the other one. And she had made a beeline straight for her stash of alcohol. Lots of priceless artifacts and other bits and bobs could have been stolen, things that could wind up in the wrong hands. But in that moment, Ariel paid no mind to the rest of her ship. All she cared about was taking a sip of something with a high enough alcohol content to get her drunk fast.

Ariel was pretty sure the drink that usually got her drunk the fastest was tequila.

She had a closet in her ship that could’ve been used for more useful storage. But instead it harbored alcohol. And when she ripped open the door, she didn’t think about what a closet full of alcohol said about her. Her eyes zoned in on the liquid, clear in the bottle. The cap was off only a second before the drink touched Ariel’s mouth. And she chugged it. It was hot and gross but it was alcohol.

It wasn’t until then that Ariel realized what she was doing. She didn’t need Kylo to slow her down, she did that on her own. She had a problem, she really did. She wiped the dribbles of alcohol that had escaped mid-chug, making her way to the passenger seat as Kylo joined her in the ship. “You’re flying. Obviously.” She felt the slightest bit of shame then, but that only prompted her to drink more.

She racked her brain to distract herself. The painting of hers brought amusement until she realized she’d left it on the other ship. With Gnaeus and Paquin. Paquin. She had to hold back a giggle, remembering what she and Gnaeus had mentioned before. Gnaeus wasn’t here, but she could still do some prying and fill him in on Korriban. “Hey, Kylo. This is completely theoretical, but what would you do if say, any two of us Knights engaged in….romantic stuff? Completely theoretical. But asking for a friend.” He was the friend.

And maybe outright asking about ‘romantic stuff’ wasn’t very bright on her part. And as she thought, she imagined Kylo would say something about distractions, emotions, blah blah.


“Oh please, anyone drunk enough can be convinced to do karaoke. That was never a question. But I do deserve credit for getting Hux’s right hand up there. Or maybe Vallens is his right hand…” Again, with the sexual implications. But Alexander couldn’t believe she had any other way to become an Admiral…either way, he shook it off. That was enough pondering on that topic for the night.

“Thanks for caring about my blue balls, bud. I really love our dude talks.” Alexander rolled his eyes as Cibor got straight to the point. To what he wanted. But that was Cibor. “I got her old unit name. PH-0211. And she was born on some planet called Pamarthe.” He shrugged. “I’m sure she knows her birth name if she was given one before they snatched her up, but I didn’t push for that.”

It would’ve been too suspicious. Cibor would understand that.

“I got what you wanted.” Hopefully it was enough for whatever Cibor was going to do with such information. “And more! You remember that for when I come to cash in. When I think of something good to cash in on…”

“When we think of something good, Alexander.” Caius correct, taking back what was left of his drink.

“We? Did you do any of the work? No.” Alexander took back the cup and downed its contents, returning the empty dish to his brother.


“Goodnight, Admiral. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Phasma nodded in respect before going off on her own. To get out of her dress, which she’d enjoyed wearing, oddly enough. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d worn such a thing. But she was going to ditch it and wash up. And sleep. Sleep so hard.

And back in the bar, Hux was where he was when he’d been abandoned by everyone. But he hadn’t been sitting there bored. He’d watched people, some he knew, go up and sing some songs he didn’t know. Some were good, most were bad. But Poe Dameron was good. Unexpected, but also unsurprising.

And Hux watched everyone walk off the stage. And watched Poe walk off the stage to be welcomed back by Finn. There was talking and the two went in for a hug. Or they both went in for something else, but it turned in to a hug. Hux could see only Finn’s face during the hug, his expression reading like he was confused. And it didn’t take a genius to figure out why. Hux had been on Jakku when Mira dared them to kiss.

Hux rolled his eyes at that thought. That memory. But something pulled at him. Warmth.

He blamed it on the hot tea. He’d discovered an assortment of beverages offered that weren’t alcohol after he'd finished Mira's water. It took a bit longer for him to receive his tea and his other beverage. Or Mira’s beverage. He’d thought to get her hot chocolate. It was a hot drink, similar enough in taste and texture and all to coffee. But there was no caffeine. She needed to sleep, especially if she wanted to be able to train with Finn and go to the Senate meeting.

Hux pinched the bridge of his noise as he himself realized how tired he was. He’d gotten a nap earlier. An hour or so at most after more than twenty-four hours of nothing. And he’d have to get up too soon for Carise. He groaned inwardly.

But he stayed up, waiting for Mira to return at least. So he could set her up with that droid for her uniform. And say goodnight.
Gnaeus was able to watch Paquin’s unguarded expression in the moments that Kylo was walking off. The way her eyes followed him. The press of her lips. He tried to reach out again with the Force to see if he’d feel those emotions again, the fingers of his gloved hand moving. He hadn’t trained much with that, but spikes of emotions drew attention, and this was another spike. Something close to anger, to worry – jealousy, he was sure. Why would Paquin be jealous, though?

It never crossed his mind to consider Ariel even a slight threat. Kylo Ren had no interest in the fiery red-head. He probably thought that Ariel was weak-willed due to her heavy dependency on alcohol.

He did not comment on it right then, for Paquin spoke of the stick. Decoration. He couldn’t help but show the traces of amusement and sympathy. It was strange how the two worked so well together in that moment, but they did. ‘The Knights of Ren is no place for impracticality.’ That wasn’t what he said.

What he said was, “You really like plants, don’t you?” As he rose and moved towards the pilot’s seat. He could fly. He didn’t really need two hands to fly. Only if he was in a dogfight, and if either he or Paquin ended up in a dogfight right then, they were fucked. They may as well just wave the white flag if that happened. “I can fly,” he said as he slipped into the seat, and watched Ariel and Kylo’s ship for when it would set off.

While he had Paquin alone, he ought to try and probe. He wasn’t the best at this. ‘What would Kevan do?’ Well. Besides hit on Paquin. Okay, maybe he shouldn’t ask that question. It didn’t work for meditation, why would it work here? Why would anything Kevan did work, he was dead? “It’s good to go towards what calls to you. Don’t let Kylo get put you down. We all have to have something to root us – Kylo might call it ‘our light’ that should be purged, or whatever, but he’s wrong.”

Perhaps he couldn’t ask directly, but maybe he could encourage her in some ways. Hint, “Kylo even has it. He won’t admit it, but he’s probably more torn up than the rest of us over losing Mira and Kevan. I think he’s afraid of losing the rest of us, especially you.” He wouldn’t elaborate on it just then. He could make up plenty of good excuses – she was new. Losing her would show him that the Knights couldn’t be accepted by others who didn’t fully understand it. They hadn’t taken in a new member in forever, after all.

Right now, he’d just leave it at that, and see how she reacted.


Kylo walked in, and the scent of booze hit him immediately. He wrinkled his nose in disgust, wondering where it all was, but he didn’t see it. He just saw Ariel with moistened lips, who had apparently been drinking before he arrived. He gave her a glare, disgust pointed right into her, before he pulled his eyes away from her and sat in the seat, intending to ignore her as his fury beat in his heart at how pathetic Ariel was when it came to her dependency on alcohol.

Obviously.” Kylo hissed the word.

He started to hit the buttons, to turn the ship on, and prepare it to lift up from the ground and on towards Korriban, not so much as looking at Ariel again, even as she began to talk. He didn’t want to listen. He just wanted to get the ship up and get them moving, get to Korriban, and get out of the ship.

Ariel was easier to ignore in these states around other people.

She asked a stupid question. “Is Anakin talking to you again?” He wondered sarcastically, not sure where such a question like that would come from as all the lights and computer systems came to life. “I don’t care if any of you want to have sex with each other,” that was a lie. He’d care if it was Paquin, but he told himself it was because they would be abusing her naivety. “Actual romantic entanglements are forbidden, though. You know this.”

Or she should. Meaningless sex wasn’t cared about. Kylo still held to the Jedi upbringing he had, perhaps, but he didn’t see a point in wasting his time getting out his emotions through sex when it was better spent training to fight or exhausting his aggression and need for activity in those rigorous activities instead. Yet, if it helped the others level out, let them.

“The emotional attachments brought by romance is forbidden, though. We learned that from the Sith and the Jedi – they were both right to forbid such things, it only brings chaos and destruction, and causes people to lose sight of what is important in the heat of such irrational emotions.” The goal had to be stuck to. Restoring the galaxy. If two knights fell in love – and perhaps that was all that was behind Kevan and Mira – then they’d end up going against orders for their love. They’d end up risking a mission to save the other.

Kylo had a duty to stop them from doing that. He had to make sure they got stronger.

The ship started to lift then, as he pulled back a lever, and he tilted the steering wheel then to let the ship wander up, noting that the ship he’d just left was following. “So don’t get involved with anyone, Ariel.” He suspected it was for herself and not a friend.


Cibor smirked at Alexander’s defiance to let the sexual exploits of the General and the Admiral go. He almost wished then that Alexander would be the one in the Senate, and not Caius, just to see that explode and have August Tarkin have to break it up in the Senate. And then slam back more whiskey and complain of dealing with children. “If you want to talk of ships, Alexander, go talk with Julia. I heard that those two are her newest favorite ship, besides Ransolm and Leia, and the opera duo.”

At least Alexander had the information. Squad name was committed to memory, as was the planet. It would take a bit of time cross-referencing times with her estimated age, but he’d likely figure out who she was meant to be, then. Who her parents were. The files of the regular Stormtroopers shouldn’t be hard to crack into, and he doubted they had removed Phasma’s details from it.

“Thank you, Alexander.” He stated, and glanced at Caius, “I’m afraid he did do all the work.” The spoils would indeed go to Alexander. He couldn’t argue that, at all, “Whenever you want to cash in, Alexander, I’ll get you what you want – though I’m disappointed Phasma is such a light-weight if she comes from Parmarthe.”

Ransolm Casterfo had gone there before, and came back with stories of the ‘Port in a Storm’ drink, comparing it to drinking a supernova. August had laughed at him, up until the day he actually tried it. Never again.


Mira found Hux where she had left him. She wasn’t surprised, except by the fact that he had stayed. ‘Well, you had to return for the stone.’ Mira wasn’t going to sleep without it. Perhaps she was safe for the moment she pried into Terex’s head, and she would find ways to get stronger in her resistance during daylight hours, after sleep, but at night…she wasn’t risking it.

She approached to find Hux with the bridge of his nose pinched, irritated by something, and her water empty. That was odd, but no issue. She noticed the other beverages, tea and what she presumed was hot chocolate. She didn’t reach for either. For all she knew, it belonged to someone else. She wasn’t so liberal with sharing drinks. One of those things she learned from Kevan about bar environments.

“Sorry for the delay, General – and for the record, I am going to be keeping Terex as something of an advisor,” Lieutenant-Admiral may be the actual position name, but it didn’t feel quite proper. She’d likely end up collaborating with RN-0003 about actual warfare strategy, but Terex had uses that were…more important to the war effort, in her opinion. Knowledge. “I’m sure it’s not what you wanted to hear, but his mind didn’t show anything too treacherous.” Just so Hux knew what she’d done, why she was going to allow it. It wasn’t a whim – Phasma had suggested him, and she would at least use the skills that Terex had to build up.

She never really did things the proper way, anyway. If she had…she wouldn’t be here now. Unconventional methods were panning out for her.

She let that topic slip away, “I am going to head off to bed soon, though,” she said, “So I thought I’d say goodnight…and see if I can still get that uniform.”
‘Plants.’ It was then that Paquin remembered that silly little plant on Korriban. She’d watered it before she and Kylo had left to find Gnaeus and Ariel, but that was a couple days ago. That thing had to be dead. Well, it was already dead. Long dead actually. But it was an attempt to save it. It was probably beyond saving at that point. She briefly wondered if she could bring it back to life with the Force.

Heal it. Like how Gnaeus wanted her to heal him.

Paquin lightly shook her head. She didn’t want to think about possibilities when she couldn’t even do anything. And she might not ever be able to.

She took the co-pilot’s seat as Gnaeus stated he could fly. She wouldn’t protest. Even with one hand, he had to be a better pilot than her. But they both were fucked should someone decide to attack them. Paquin supposed she should probably improve her flying skills. ‘Ask Kylo.’ She immediately dismissed that thought. He wasn’t a patient teacher. And it seemed she needed a patient teacher for everything.

Gnaeus continued on, speaking of going to what called to her. Their ‘light’. She’d heard it be spoken of but she still didn’t have any idea what it was. Or rather, what hers was. Whether she was to purge it or not. While she didn’t know what hers was, she did think she understood Kylo’s. She’d seen Kylo worry when Ariel and Gnaeus disappeared. And she knew Kylo was more than angry with both Kevan and Mira, but she also knew that they were his family. And he had to miss them.

Maybe that’s why he acted so mean to Ariel and Gnaeus. To purge himself or whatever. Maybe, but Paquin also thought that was just Kylo.

And she remembered when she’d helped him take out the buns Ariel put in his hair, how his mother had worn her hair like that. And she witnessed a softer side then, she supposed. Paquin wondered if his mother was part of his ‘light’ as well.

But what really surprised her was ‘especially you’. “Me?” For a brief moment, something in her chest…fluttered. She wrote it off as anxiety, as she came to the conclusion that it was only because she’d become a failure of his. Another failed Knight. She dismissed those thoughts. “Kylo loves you guys. You and Ariel. A lot.” ‘Especially Ariel.’ Her thoughts were slightly bitter. “Obviously, he doesn’t show it very well. But when you two were captured, he was worried. And when you came back, he was concerned about you and your hand.” He’d done so well with being patient for a little while. But then that changed over night.

Paquin supposed she liked seeing Kylo show a gentler side. Something other than anger. Compassion, kindness. She knew he had it in him.


Kylo Ren wasn’t happy with Ariel. His displeasure was palpable as soon as he’d walked onto the ship. And further supported by his hissed words, his inability to look at her even as she was talking to him. If he wanted her to feel bad, he’d succeeded in doing so. She felt guilty. Did it stop her from drinking? Absolutely not. If anything, it was a sign that she needed to drink more.

He asked if Anakin was talking to her again, which she knew was him being a smartass. But still, she looked around for him, almost forgetting that he showed up when she was drunk. But there was no sign of him. Kylo said he didn’t care if any of them had sex, to which she hummed, unconvinced. She knew she was being far from subtle, and that she should probably tone it down.

But knowing Kylo, stuff like that would go right over his head. He wouldn’t understand her suspicious humming because he didn’t know why she was doing it. If he had feelings for Paquin as she suspected, he had absolutely no clue that he did.

Ariel looked at Kylo then. She thought that sex would do him some good. And he’d realize that if he ever tried it. He was always so angry and aggressive, Ariel figured it was because he was a virgin. Or at least she was almost certain he was a virgin. What, with his Jedi training and even Sith influences later in life. But there was a small part of her that thought Kylo may have slept with Mira. They knew each other for a long time, after all. Mira followed Kylo into this whole Knight of Ren thing. But maybe not.

And Ariel figured if Kylo’d slept with Kevan they’d know about it.

“Y’know, if Anakin had just been allowed to smash Padme, the galaxy would be in a much different place.” Or maybe not. Maybe Anakin would still end up as Darth Vader someway. Ariel downed some more liquor before continuing. “Anyway. I didn’t ask for the rules. I asked for what you’d think of it.” But she supposed the rules were what Kylo would think of the idea. Kylo would never think of romance or anything of the sort on his own, let alone form an opinion of it that contradicted the rules.

Ariel supposed she needed to try a different approach to get something out of Kylo. “Besides, I know the rules. But someone around here doesn’t,” a passing comment, implying Paquin, to see how he’d react. “Like I said, I was asking for a friend. You really think I’d fall in love with any of you? You’re a dick, Paquin’s not my type, and Gnaeus would be like your mom kissing your uncle.” She continued, to make her first comment not so obvious that he’d pick up on it right away.

Just so she’d get enough to feel some sort of emotional reaction. She also knew that her comment on his mom would get a reaction, so she’d be careful not to read that instead.

And she also wanted Kylo to know he was a dick.


“Ugh, Julia ships them?” Alexander rolled his eyes. Did no one else find their relationship highly inappropriate and unprofessional? Or was he the only one with any sense? What good was an Admiral with no experience? Alexander shook his head. As long as she didn’t get them all killed, he supposed he couldn’t do jack shit about it. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to be salty about it.

“My pleasure, Cibor,” Alexander was smug as he said it, rubbing it in his brother’s face. But really, when it came time to cash in, it would probably be something they both decided on. Something they both would benefit from, that’s just how they worked. “She’s barely from Pamarthe. The First Order’s a bunch of baby snatchers, remember? She likely didn’t have time to develop any alcohol resistance. Unless they give babies hard liquor instead of milk.”

Alexander always thought Brendol Hux’s Stormtrooper ‘program’ to be ridiculous. It was based off the Jedi and Alexander wondered how Brendol had learned absolutely nothing from the past how many decades. More than simple decades, beyond the Galactic Republic area. The Jedi have never been perfect. And Commandant Hux had never been smart.

“Anyway, do you have any more jobs for me to do? Otherwise, the night’s still young and I’ve not celebrated our victory to the fullest.” Alexander was already standing up.

“You should call it a night, brother. There’s still business to take care of tomorrow, outside of the Senate. You need to be sober and alert.” Caius scolded. The war didn’t end because they’d won one battle.

“And I will be, buzzkill.”


Hux’s attention snapped to Mira as he heard her voice, addressing him so formally. Hux’s first thought was to hand over the stone as he listened to her, informing him of Terex’s apparent new position. Might as well hand it over as he was thinking of it. He didn’t need it.

And no, it wasn’t what Hux wanted to hear. Though, he could easily have told her no. That he wouldn’t allow Terex to be an advisor of sorts. But he didn’t. He didn’t think it to be seriously detrimental. General Hux decided that he had to let Mira make decisions as an Admiral and deal with whatever consequences came with it. He gave her the rank and he intended to make her keep it. But she needed to learn just what the position was all about.

Of course, he wouldn’t allow her to do anything that would bring injury to the First Order in her bout of learning.

Hux did offer a few words, “Maybe it holds nothing in the moment, but I’d still hold him an arm's length away. Terex is a good agent, but I’m sure you’ve realized how difficult he can be. Terex does things when Terex feels like if it helps Terex.” Years of both him and Phasma trying to reel in Terex had taught him that. He knew better now. Terex was a good agent and got things done, but Hux knew that Terex motives couldn’t simply to aid the First Order.

With that, the topic was dropped.

Hux rose as she said she was going to head to bed soon. He nodded, “You still can. I’ll have a droid sent to your ship right away, so you can finally get some rest.” There was relief in the fact that she could finally sleep, no worry of Snoke infiltrating her mind. “If you’re ready, I’ll walk with you back to the hangar.” He needed to head that way anyway, to go to bed himself. He was excited to sleep in his ship again, in a bed. Rather than on some chairs.

He’d have to move Millicent into that ship before bed, but he’d have to stop at the old ship anyway, to get his datapad to send a droid.

Hux turned back to the table, grabbing his tea and the hot chocolate. “This is for you. It’s just hot chocolate, it’s not spiked or anything,” He assured. He had told her earlier about the drink he thought she’d like, but this wasn’t it. “I figured something warm, something like coffee but isn’t coffee, would relax you.” Help her sleep, though he didn’t think she’d need must assistance after going so long without sleep.

He’d have the droid bring the cups back to spiked so they weren’t just stealing a couple of mugs.
Kylo and Paquin weren’t exactly the best with understanding things, Gnaeus deduced. Something they had in common. Yet, he couldn’t just flat out say it. He couldn’t, because he couldn’t technically prove it. He suspected it, even then, as her emotions fluctuated while he played with the Force to get the ship into lightspeed, so he could relax and not worry about flying it. Kylo’s, of course, shot out first. ‘Ariel’s.’ he reminded himself.

Any ship Kylo flew became his.

Gnaeus smiled as she tried to remove that attention from herself. “I know he cares about us, and I know he’s not good at showing it,” Gnaeus told her. “I’ve been around long enough to know that for myself, and I notice when he acts different, too. He loved us all.” Past tense.

He likely did not love Mira any longer, nor Kevan. He was quite certain that had shifted right into hate. It was a thin line. People didn’t believe that…but Gnaeus did, even if he didn’t want to hate. He didn’t really want to hate Mira…and yet, he did. His hand was gone. She had betrayed them all, for what? The First Order? Luke? Leia? Some Stormtrooper? It was not for any good reason, and she was the sensible one.

“He’s pretty standard in showing his care with us, and maybe it’s just me, but he’s seemed different with showing it to you. Asking about your health, offering you a hand up…it’s not the Kylo I know, not the care I’ve ever seen him show anyone. Not Ariel, not Mira, not Kevan….” He wanted her to at least recognize there was something more to the care Kylo was showing. Kylo was dense. If Paquin noticed it, though, perhaps she could find a way to get it out of him. Make him notice it, as well.

If Ariel couldn’t. He was quite certain Ariel had the harder job.


Kylo let out a sigh as Ariel spoke so crudely of Anakin’s relationship with Padme. He tried not to snap at her, told himself she was just drunk, but wasn’t that the entire problem with her? The alcohol? The drunkenness? ‘Paquin?’ He realized when Ariel mentioned someone didn’t know the rules, and then he felt his anger boil a bit.

Of course.

Her and Gnaeus had been getting close, but Gnaeus knew the rules…he wouldn’t…would he? The emphasis on ‘my’ only further heightened his suspicions as the ship was put into lightspeed. He almost wished he hadn’t. Then he could focus on actually controlling the ship and not on the thoughts that permeated his mind over Paquin and Gnaeus having a relationship. Jealousy was in the anger, though, before it spiked to disgust at Ariel’s comment on his mom, and Luke.

Ugh, the stories he’d heard….

“If Paquin and Gnaeus wish to engage in intimate acts, they are free to. However, they should know not to pursue anything…romantic.” Love. “It’s a distraction that will weaken them, and they are already the weakest of us. That is the last thing either of us need, so I encourage you to make sure that Gnaeus doesn’t do anything stupid. He knows the rules, and I’d hate to have to enforce them.”

No he wouldn’t. If Gnaeus engaged in anything with Paquin, he might like enforcing the rules. Though he also wouldn’t. It was a betrayal. ‘How is it a betrayal?’ He didn’t want to think of that. “We have a mission to better the galaxy. We must sacrifice some things for that.”


Cibor snickered a bit at Alexander’s disgust. Of course Julia shipped them – Julia shipped so many things. Trash things, appropriate things, inappropriate things – she just enjoyed the creativity of such odd thoughts. It was her way of staying sharp that Cibor did admire in a way. August liked to imagine how to tear people apart. Julia imagined how they came together. They were quite different so far as how they saw people.

The techie shrugged. “I still expected better,” he said, and then glanced between the two twins as they spoke. “I don’t have any other jobs. Go get laid, Alexander.” He dismissed, then smiled to Caius. He was sure Alexander would be fine. “I’ll see you all sometime.”

Probably at least Caius at the senate.

Alexander, soon enough – they weren’t ever really far. Alexander would be on Coruscant. He was curious what he would be up to there. ‘Assassinating Carise?’ One could dream. He knew it wouldn’t be that, and let his attention shift back to the many fluttering headlines that streamed over his eyes.


Mira took the stone back, and again tucked it away. ‘Don’t worry, I can demote him.’ Mira didn’t say as much, but she wasn’t going to completely trust someone that Poe and Hux didn’t like. Finn. BB-8. There was a saying about keeping enemies close, though, and Mira was a fan of it in spite of everything. ‘If he won’t do things as I need them done, I can replace him.’ Mira could play that game just as well.

Terex would adapt, or he’d fail. It was never the strongest that survived…it was those that adapted. And Terex at least seemed like he had that skill. She wanted to have faith in him.

She wouldn’t continue the dropped topic as they walked out, and she did take the hot chocolate. She cupped it in both hands and took a sip. It was still warm, the steam still bathed her face, and it was quite tasty. Not coffee – but she didn’t need to stay awake. ‘It’s been years….’

“Thank you,” the words came as a contented sigh as she walked out with Hux, for the hot chocolate and the droid. Another long sip as she glanced up at the bustling city. Coruscant of the Outer Rim – such was the goal of the Tarkins, it had been for a while, and yet to her it still couldn’t compare. To her, it was a good thing. It was not nearly as bright. At this hour, it even seemed sleepy, with so many lights from the high-rises off.

There wasn’t anything to say. She could go back to Terex, to reassure Hux, but she didn’t want to. She was at ease, and it was easy to understand in those moments why others considered there was more between her and Hux. That thought brought a moment of levity, “I do apologize that I didn’t get your handcuffs back, but while we’re at Coruscant, I’ll see what I can do,” she said, smiling, her eyes still up rather than on Hux, taking it in.

She shook her head, though, lowered the gaze forward again. “It’s hard to believe how much has changed since then.” For all of them. “But, I’m glad. I feel optimistic about the future.”


Ivi’neesh had buried three friends. Gerled, Eeshon. Ivan…or Kevan. The twi’lek was no longer sure how she should think of him, and the thought tormented her as she leaned back into the pilot’s seat of her ship, biting down hard on her lip to stop herself from crying again. She had cried too much, screamed and cursed too much, especially after watching the security tapes of Acatal and watched Ivan get cut down.

Again, and again.

‘It was Kylo Ren and someone….’

Not Cora. That much, Ivi’neesh had been certain of. She had slowly started to find herself in a leadership position among the other orphans, something the blue twi’lek never thought she would be. Yet, she was among the closest to Kevan. Ivan. Whoever. Fucking liar.

Kevan would have reacted more in that footage if it was Cora, but he seemed not to know the one who killed him.

Nee didn’t know who it was, but she wanted to find out. She would find out who Cora was, as well. All of them.

Right then, though, Nee wasn’t thinking of such things. She was enduring the pain of missing him, and though she’d told herself not to do it a thousand times, she wanted to. She reached for her datapad, and she had it call Kevan’s number.

She wanted to hear his voice. It may only be a recording, but she wanted to hear it once more. To remember him. To try and figure out who he was.
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Paquin would have to be blind not to notice that Kylo had been treating her different than the others.

Especially after Kylo had so blatantly asked her if she was okay, rather than Ariel. Further fueled when he showed little interest when Ariel and Gnaeus both pointed it out. But while she understood that, she didn’t see it the way that Gnaeus and Ariel did. “I suppose he does…baby me.” She wasn’t sure why Gnaeus was bringing it up. Maybe he wanted her to get Kylo to act more fairly?

Paquin wasn’t aware of what her own feelings were, and she definitely couldn’t see what Kylo’s were. She’d never liked someone as she did Kylo and never had anyone like her like that. She didn’t recognize her feelings, nor did she understand the signs in other people.

Paquin shook her head, looking down to her hands fumbling with her new crystal. “It’s just because I don’t handle myself like you guys do. I’m not as good at the Force, I don’t know how to fight,” at least, not on their level. “And clearly I don’t work out,” she didn’t have that intimidation thing going for her. “I’m simply more susceptible to being harmed and not being able to handle it myself.” She said, trying to convince Gnaeus that it wasn’t a favoritism thing.

Paquin was untrained and once she was doing better, she was sure Kylo would treat her the same as everyone else. ‘Not that I want that…’ She liked Kylo showing care, even if it was only to her. She told herself it was because it meant…improvement in Kylo. Totally not because it made her feel nice and warm.


It took Kylo a moment to realize exactly what Ariel had said, but once he did Ariel could feel his anger surface. Maybe she and Gnaeus had read the situation wrong and she’d just gotten Paquin in trouble. It confused her, especially as she felt jealousy. She knew that emotion, but she wasn’t sure why he was feeling it.

But then it made sense.

‘Paquin and Gnaeus?’ Ariel nearly choked on her drink. That’s what he got from that?! Ariel nearly facepalmed. Kylo really was dense. She meant him, not Gnaeus! ‘Ugh.’

“Paquin and Gnaeus—“ She went to dismiss that idea. She wanted Kylo to get what she was implying, which was not her snitching on a relationship between the two others. But then she remembered the jealousy Kylo felt. An idea brewed in her head and she fought back the smile threatening to creep onto her face. Kylo was jealous of Gnaeus because he thought he and Paq were a thing. What better way to make Kylo realize his feelings for Paquin than continuously make him jealous? “Paquin and Gnaeus aren’t a thing.” Ariel tweaked her voice, to make it sound like she was lying.

Ariel could tell a convincing lie, there was no way she’d be alive if she couldn’t. But her alcohol consumption was a good excuse for how she was a ‘bad liar’.

Sure, it was manipulative. But, if it worked. Ariel wouldn’t act on it anymore there, as they slowed outside of Korriban. She wanted to talk to Gnaeus first. ‘We must make sacrifices.’ She wondered if he’d be saying that if he and Paquin were in the situation he thought the others to be in. “Y’know, for one of the weakest of us, you sure are soft with Paquin.” Ariel pointed out, not to make things hard on Paquin. But for Kylo to realize the fact.


General Hux welcomed the quiet night. The bar atmosphere hadn’t been as awful as he’d initially thought, he enjoyed observing the people, but he really did prefer the peace and quiet the night offered. Of course, there was still noise from the city, the bar, and the occasional drunk filing out. Only a few, there were a lot of people who would be going at it all night. But as long as Snoke didn’t try to attack them again, the following day would be an easy one for most. Not him, though.

But as they grew farther away it quieted even further, reduced to city noise. Hux sipped his tea, letting out a content huff.

If only he could experience this amount of peace at all times.

He glanced to Mira as she thanked him, simply humming in response. There really wasn’t much to say, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. They were both at ease, for once. Hux’s worries—of Snoke, politics, war—all melted away in that moment.

And for the second time that night, Hux allowed himself a smile. This time it wouldn’t be interrupted by Terex. Mira apologized for not getting his handcuffs back, that she’d see what she could do. Hux snorted, shaking his head. “Don’t waste your time, I don’t believe I need them anymore.” His eyes moved to her once again, seeing her smile, watching her own eyes observing the tall buildings that sparkled in the night.

Her gaze returned in front of her then, as she continued to speak. She spoke of how much changed. Things had changed drastically. For the good, but Hux did miss the simplicity of the past. Where there were two sides with clear intentions. Now there were multiple. The Imperials, Rebels, the New Republic, the First Order. Snoke and the Knights. The Jedi, Grey Jedi. Whatever. And nothing was clear.

But Hux wouldn’t say those things to Mira. Wouldn’t say anything to crush her optimism. “I’m glad as well.” While he couldn’t say he was necessarily optimistic, he did believe they had a chance. “Thank you, Mira.” He spoke. Not thanking her for his ship or her optimism, but everything. “If you hadn’t knocked me out on our way to your execution, we’d be in a very different place right now.”


Finn was having a good time. No, a great time. He was laughing, telling silly stories and jokes. His skin was flushed, his cheeks hot. He’d had a little bit to drink. Just a tiny bit. Poe had convinced him with the help of their new friend, Bertrand. The three of them were apart of a large group, mostly made up of Poe’s squadron and a few others that had joined them during the course of the night.

Jessika Pava was in the middle of telling a story about how she’d gotten Luke Skywalker’s signature back on Cimarosa. She too had been drinking and her story was heavily embellished, but entertaining nonetheless.

Finn’s datapad sat on the table next to him, having been using it to record the night’s adventures. He probably should have kept it a business datapad or something but…whatever. He was having fun.

He felt the vibration of it before he registered the sound, the brightening of the screen. His eyes moved to his datapad, Kevan’s datapad, and his brows furrrowed in confusion. He was getting a call. He looked around then, for Mira, but she wasn’t around. She must’ve gone to bed. “I’ll be right back.” Finn mumbled to Poe, who nodded.

Finn hurried through the bar to get outside, where it would be quiet.

He managed to free himself just in time, finally answering the call. “Um, hello?” Finn questioned. Mira was the only person he’d thought would call, but this was not Mira. The only other people who would potentially call would be people Kevan had known or something. In that case, maybe he shouldn’t have answered, but instead have gone to find Mira.
Gnaeus stared blankly at Paquin for a few moments, a dawning horror rising in his mind, though his face remained blank. ‘The First Order really does ruin people….’ Jedi training, he suspected, that lack of attachment thing. He and Ariel were lucky to have been found later in life, to have developed normal emotions and habits, unlike Kylo and Mira. The First Order clearly trained people out of it, too, even Paquin, for her not to recognize what he was saying. He tried not to gape. He tried not to take back his words or backtrack.

He pushed his actual hand back through his hair and sat back in the chair. ‘By the stars. You’re both idiots.’ Ariel better be having more luck with Kylo.

Perhaps he read this wrong? Perhaps Kylo liked her, but Paquin didn’t like him? That would be horrible, though. He didn’t want to consider unrequited love for Kylo. The man would probably go insane once he realized it. “…Yeah. That…must be it.” Gnaeus sighed, as he drew his hand through and back into his lap. “Though, maybe you should work more with him, too. I can’t train you physically, not like he can.”

Try to push her to more time with Kylo. Perhaps that was the least he can do. “I can help with the Force,” he had that patience, “but you should find some time to tear Kylo away from Ariel and have him help you so that you’re…stronger…and so he doesn’t worry so much.” Baby her. As if Kylo knew what babying even meant. Voids.

He felt the ship shudder a bit as it came out into realspace above Korriban. “You’re really not that bad, though. Better than I was when I started out,” he offered. Kylo hadn’t babied him.

Kevan had. Sort of. In Kevan’s weird way. ‘Stop. Thinking. Of. Kevan.’ He shook his head. “Kylo wasn’t nice to me.” Perhaps, eventually, it would hit Paquin. He’d just have to keep adding bits and details until she saw it.


Kylo definitely heard Ariel start to say something, and then, after a moment, continue it. It was obviously a lie. He wrinkled his nose as he thought of it. He really thought Gnaeus was better than to take advantage of a new Knight, but apparently not. The anger and the jealousy continued to burn as the ship came sliding smoothly out of lightspeed and back into realspace above Korriban. “So long as it remains just a physical interaction, there’s no need to get involved. Gnaeus knows the rules….”

Though he had to swallow more words.

More emotions.

He kept his gaze on the planet looming before him as he noted the other ship coming out of lightspeed, and his mind wandered to what they may have been doing alone and unsupervised in the ship. Perhaps he shouldn’t have left them. He had just so badly wanted to be in a decent ship. Stupid reasoning. He should have sent Gnaeus with Ariel. Or Paquin with Ariel. Either of them would do fine with Ariel.

Perhaps Paquin could even talk her out of this alcoholism. ‘Probably not.’

No matter. He brought the ship into the atmosphere of the planet as Ariel commented on how soft he was with Paquin. He scoffed, though he knew it was true. “I suppose I have been, but we don’t have the luxury of training her properly.” No time to find her light, and destroy it. No time for her convert fully to them, nor to let her pick up the skills with the Force or fighting that all of them had. “In the future, we’ll have such time.” There could be no other reason. It couldn’t be that Kylo was afraid to push her away.


Mira was definitely spending too much time around people like Terex for the commentary that arose in her mind at Hux’s casual dismissal of the handcuffs. No matter. She would find them. They’d be an amusing present some day, when all of this was done with. A reminder of the end of an era. The beginning of an era, all because of a pair of handcuffs and her order of execution.

She did feel warm though, and not just because of the hot chocolate. Hux’s smile returned, and she listened to his gratitude. It mingled easily now with the jokes of how they got here. Knocking him out. Neither of them could have imagined this would happen. “Of course, General,” she said, “I did that to save you, obviously. We both know I’d be the one still here if I hadn’t done that.” Her intentions had been to save herself, but she hadn’t killed him then. “I’m glad you’re a better traitor than me. I’m really quite horrible at it – I wasn’t able to turn my back on you at all.” Should have said the First Order.

She wanted to thank him for more – but it seemed so repetitive. She was grateful that he engaged in dialogue. She still believed in him, in the First Order, even if he may have erred in making her an Admiral – though she intended to learn how to become one worthy of the title. Gratitude or other such words of the future seemed to be covering other words, other thoughts, and so she let it slip back into silence.

It wasn’t bad at all, though it let her thoughts slip to what she may have filled it with. Too much praise. Too much gratitude. Her respect was tinged with bias, painted by moments like these, small and simple ones that should be the norm. People like Finn should be the norm, but they weren’t. She and Hux were far removed from the norm, anyway. ‘I should stop teasing Finn about Poe….’ Would she? No.

The hangars were soon in sight.


Kevan’s datapad did not go to voicemail. No, someone answered it, and Nee sat up straighter in her seat, staring at the man who appeared. She did not know who he was, but she’d swear he was familiar. ‘Where have I seen that face before?’ It must have been somewhere. Something about his look said ‘poster boy’, but of what? Where?

He spoke, seemingly just as confused as she was by his awkward greeting. She narrowed her eyes, lips spreading a bit to reveal the fangs of the twi’lek. “Who are you?” She demanded immediately. “Why do you have Ivan—Kevan’s—why do you have this datapad?” She wasn’t sure which name he might recognize, and it didn’t matter.

He had it.

He shouldn’t have it.

And she was furious she didn’t get to hear Kevan’s voice right then, more than anything, the frustration and anger watering her eyes as she glared daggers into the holofeed of the man in the jacket, waiting for his answer. She wasn’t sure if she’d prefer him not to know who she was talking about or not.

It might be easier to buy the damn thing from him if he didn’t know who’s datapad he had.
Paquin came to the conclusion that Gnaeus was in fact bothered by Kylo’s babying of her. That the Ariel moment had been enough. But Gnaeus was simply too nice to flat out say it.

So, yes. Paquin was an idiot. Another thing she and Kylo had in common.

Paquin did crack a smile when Gnaeus said she wasn’t that bad, better than he was when he was at her stage with the Knights. She’d credit it to the little training she’d received ten years ago when she first joined the First Order. Even though she had been very bad at that… She supposed that maybe Gnaeus hadn’t had any training at all prior to him joining the Knights.

But that smile faltered when he said Kylo wasn’t nice to him, which really solidified her theory. “I’m sorry.” She twirled a curl between her fingers, “I’ll ask Kylo about more training,” she assured him. Paquin needed it anyway, but that didn’t stop her from being uncertain. She already knew Kylo wasn’t patient, nor was he gentle with such training. Not to mention Paquin didn’t want to inflict any form of harm on Kylo, even if she knew he didn’t care.

But it had to be done sooner or later. And it wasn’t all bad if it kept Kylo from spending too much time with Ariel…

‘Ariel needs training, too.’ Paquin told herself as their base came in sight and the ships lowered to the ground. Paquin collected her things as well as Ariel’s morbid painting. Paquin hoped the redhead didn’t get any ideas from it…


Ariel was screaming. Internally, of course, but Ariel was bursting at the seams with excitement while she continued to feel the anger and jealousy radiating off of Kylo. She knew she hid her excitement well. Though being happy about Kylo’s jealousy and rage probably wasn’t a morally right thing, but Ariel convinced herself that this situation allowed for it. Something good would come at the end of it.

Ariel hoped. She was fairly certain that both Paquin and Kylo had a thing for each other. Well, with Kylo she was now one hundred percent certain.

But if they both liked each other, the real challenge would be to get the both of them to realize it. Kylo specifically. ‘You idiot. You dumb oaf.’ She thought of Kylo lovingly, giddy with the situation.

“I told you, Paquin and Gnaeus aren’t doing anything.” She insisted. And they weren’t. But Kylo didn’t need to know that.

Kylo made up an excuse for his behavior towards Paquin. Or his dumb ass genuinely thought that excuse to be the truth. Either way, Ariel didn’t believe it. And she snorted in response. Sure, when the rest of them were trained they had nothing but time. But even if they didn’t she knew Kylo would’ve treated all of them the exact same. If they were manhandled or knocked down, Kylo would call it a lesson. “If you say so, Kylo.”

They landed then, and Ariel wasted little time in rising. Though, she did grab a new bottle of alcohol before she wandered off the ship. But after that, she was a woman on a mission. “Gnaeus! Bring my painting, I need your help with something!” She yelled at their ship as she walked by it, hurrying to their base where it would be warm. She needed to tell her new partner about these advancements.


‘I wasn’t able to turn my back on you at all.’

Her words repeated themselves in Hux’s head. The General decided then that the both of them were pathetic. They both let their feelings get in the way of their missions. In the moment, Hux had excused himself from trying to regain control of his failed execution because she had the upper hand, striking wouldn’t have been smart. But looking back on it, Hux knew that wasn’t the reason.

He’d liked Mira. Made a friend out of her. Which was stupid.

But he was glad it happened.

The hangars were in sight then, and Hux would first take Mira to her ship before he’d go to retrieve Millicent and his datapad to move them to his newly returned ship. He’d send her a droid before he moved his things about, however, as to not keep her up much longer.

Hux chuckled, “A better traitor than you? I suppose that’s true.” Mira really had no intentions of being called a traitor, even if she was one. After Kevan, she came back. Tried to act as if everything was normal, but she sure failed at that. And if she’d killed him that one day it really would have been understandable. But she hadn’t done that. “I wouldn’t call it a good trait to have, however.” Normally.

In their situation, maybe being a traitor was for the best. Even if it had made his life incredibly difficult, he was glad it had happened. He was glad Mira happened, and that they’d somehow became friends in their situation. Of course, Hux wasn’t about to get that sappy. He’d gotten mushy enough with Mira by thanking her. She got the point, Hux was sure.

Hux sipped his tea, “I wouldn’t go boasting about how good of a traitor I am to anyone else, though.” Like August. Though Hux knew she wouldn’t, he said it only playfully.

Liking someone was strange. Having someone like him was strange. It certainly went against everything Hux’s father tried to teach him. Which maybe was why he accepted it so easily.


This twi’lek woman was unfamiliar to Finn, but apparently, she was familiar with Kevan. Or Ivan. And Finn thought then that he probably shouldn’t have answered it, that he should’ve waited until the morning when he was around Mira to call back. It wasn’t like he had anyone that would call him on this datapad. Finn blamed his actions on the little alcohol he had.

The twi’lek questioned him, her eyes narrowing on him as his own eyes did to her hologram. He did not notice her eyes watering, as the image was too poor for him to see that. “Who am I? Lady, you’re the one calling me. Who are you?” Maybe if he had her name he’d be able to find some answers. Or maybe Mira would recognize her name and be able to tell him who she was.

Hopefully, she wasn’t a bad person. And he hadn’t made a mistake by answering.

“I’m sorry, but this datapad doesn’t belong to any Kevan or Ivan. Anymore,” Maybe she didn’t know that Kevan was gone. Maybe she was a friend or a girlfriend. Or maybe she was someone Kevan did business with, like Grakkus. That wouldn’t exactly be a good thing. But either way, it didn’t seem like she knew Kevan was dead if she was calling his datapad.

And Finn didn’t know if he should say or not. So he left it at that.
Gnaeus was confused by Paquin’s apology, though he felt how her mood did depress. He sighed, “Don’t apologize. Just…you know, train with him a bit more,” he would encourage that. She agreed to, so perhaps the rest would just come a bit more naturally if they spent more time together. ‘No.’ Probably not. Kylo was over 30, probably never had a girlfriend, or considered it, and Paquin had First Order training put into her.

They were doomed.

He and Ariel would likely have to keep trying. He’d have to find a way to fix how he had messed up here. He exited the ship with Paquin, but almost as soon as they were out, Ariel was shouting at him. “Ah, okay!” He called out to her, and then reached to take the painting from Paquin, offering, “I’ll see you later tonight, okay?”

He didn’t realize that Kylo was approaching, but when he had the painting and he looked up, he saw the glare fixed upon Kylo’s face and wondered what he’d done wrong already. ‘Ariel, what did you do.’

He passed a look to Paquin, as if to remind her that she ought to ask Kylo about training, “I’ll see you around, bossman,” he joked, but it definitely fell flat as the anger seemed to push out from Kylo, and he darted quickly away to Ariel, lowering his voice once he was at her side, and whispering, “What did you do to Kylo?” almost frantic as he tried to balance the painting under one arm. He was pretty sure he needed a drink. “Paquin’s hopeless,” he added.

Kylo watched Gnaeus hurry away, realizing only then he actually didn’t have a reason to approach Paquin. He was just annoyed with the idea of those two being alone together, and Gnaeus had looked guilty enough when he approached. Then he hurried off like a dog with its tail between its legs. ‘At least I still have that presence.’ Though it relaxed when Gnaeus was away and the fact he had no purpose struck him.

So instead of address that, he looked back to Paquin, “Was the trip smooth?” He didn’t know if she piloted or if Gnaeus did. He was half-hoping to hear it hadn’t gone well, but why? In the future they would only use Ariel’s ship, there was no point to using this ship again. It was a stupid ship.

Paquin also seemed a bit…blue. Off. Usually she was chipper, but she didn’t seem so right then, and he canted his head, but stopped himself from asking that. He had already gotten hassled for it earlier, and though Ariel wasn’t there, he did acknowledge that he probably should try to toughen up a little bit with Paquin. Maybe.


Play was not abnormal to Mira, in spite of her relative seclusion. Kevan had made sure she was wonderfully familiar with it, and Kylo, before it all went to hell. Yet, from Hux, it still seemed novel even if it was also easy. She wasn’t actually worried about upsetting him, even if she couldn’t feel his emotions in the moment. “I won’t brag about your treacherous skills,” she said. ‘And you won’t brag of my loyalty.’

Something…she needed to mention to Finn, seriously, she realized. The bias was likely known and understood to Finn, but not overtly stated. She would need to say as much – nothing more than the bias should be watched for, in their mutual goal of bettering the universe. She understood his bias against the First Order. He should understand her bias towards the First Order was…a bit more than she planned on it being.

Perhaps she didn’t have the skills of an Admiral, but she could be trusted with the rank, and that could be problematic if she didn’t have Finn to check her.

They reached her ship as she finished off her hot chocolate, and she lifted her hand as if to open the door, before realizing, again, the Force was absent. “Old habits,” she muttered, before taking the key out and pressing on the fob to unlock the ship, and then turning to Hux, “You’ve been a gentleman to walk me back to my room, but I thought there were going to be measurements for clothes?” Mira noted, added, “Unless you happen to have measuring tape with you, or your datapad can do a scan of sorts, then I suppose we can forgo the droid and stopping at your ship.”

She didn’t know Hux’s plans. She was more used to measuring tape than anything, thanks to Snoke, but she highly doubted that was in Hux’s plans at all. Perhaps it just slipped his mind on the walk.


Nee sneered at the image in the hologram as he asked who she was, and she might have spat something at him, but realized she didn’t want him to hang up. She contemplated trying to track it then, but he spoke on, adding that he seemed to know Kevan. Or his words suggested as much, as he was aware the pad once belonged to him, and his tone did sound sincerely apologetic.

Still, she lashed out a bit, “I know Kevan can’t own it—never mind,” she cut herself off, and let out a frustrated noise, before she forced herself to take a deep breath. He had asked who she was. Well, she wasn’t going to give him a name. That was stupid. She didn’t know who he was.

Yet, he also didn’t know who she was. Caution was the name of the game. Perhaps he had been a friend of Kevan, someone she didn’t know? Not a friend of Ivan…but Kevan. “Ivan and I grew up together after the Empire and the Rebel Alliance wanted nothing to do with us,” she told Finn, “That datapad is important to me. To our business. I need it back. If you’re a friend of his or…something…you have to understand….”

No, he didn’t, but she was trying. “Kevan or Ivan, or Sylus, or whatever fucking name he used with you…it shouldn’t be in your hands. It should belong to me now, unless you have some better relationship to him?” There was doubt. Bitterness. And a hint of jealousy, on the chance this individual was somehow actually closer to Ivan.

“So who are you to him?” She demanded, figuring she might not get a name. She didn’t offer a name, after all. She couldn’t expect one, but he knew Kevan…he could at least tell her how. It would be another piece in the huge puzzle that had become the friend that she thought she knew….
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Ariel didn’t slow for Gnaeus, yet he still caught up with her. He was frantic as he asked about what Ariel had done, and she felt a little bad. Only a little bit. “Calm down, it’s noth—“ But then she paused as she registered what he said next. “Paquin’s hopeless? Really?” Ariel thought that of all people, Paquin would be super easy to get through to. She was sort of normal. And was all about togetherness or whatever.

Ariel shook her head. “Doesn’t matter.” She waved her hand as they pushed through the doors, into the not much warmer indoors. “So, Kylo may or may not think that you’re fucking Paquin.” The alcohol was sort of to blame for Ariel’s vulgarity. Though, it wouldn’t be much more tame if she were sober. “And doing more. Like holding hands and cuddling or…something.” Whatever Kylo thought romance consisted of.

Ariel lead Gnaeus to her room, because she was genuinely going to put that painting up. She kicked aside some empty alcohol bottles that littered the floor. She should probably clean her room at some point. She rifled through her drawers to find something to hand the painting up with. “I swear, I did not tell him that, he came up with it on his own. Somehow. I may or may not have encouraged it.” She found some wall hooks then, from times she got them to hang up other stupid things.

She turned back to Gnaeus. “But let me tell you why it’s a good thing. When Kylo came to the ‘realization’ that you and Paquin were a thing, he got angry. But not just angry because rules were broken, because he was jealous. So jealous, dude. Which gave me an idea. There’s no better way to make a guy realize his feelings than making him jealous! He questions why he’s jealous, comes to the conclusion he likes this bitch. I’ve used it before.”

But would it work on someone as dense and clueless as Kylo?


Gnaeus left with words of seeing her later, a look that she knew was to remind her to ask Kylo. And then he scurried off before she could really say anything more than ‘okay’. She watched him run off after Ariel for a moment before she turned back to face Kylo. Even Paquin could tell how angry he was and she wondered why. He was angry at Gnaeus, obviously, as his anger seemed to dissipate once the other man was gone.

Was it because Gnaeus had called Kylo out earlier? Did this all somehow lead back to Paquin’s inability to protect herself? That’s what she seemed to think anyway.

Despite her suddenly sour mood and Kylo’s precious anger, she still smiled at him as he approached her. He asked her if the trip was smooth. Something trivial. “Yes. Well, as smooth as it could be.” Even Paquin —who could barely fly and certainly could not do it to save her life—knew the ship was a piece of shit. She wouldn’t say that, of course. “I didn’t pilot it,” if he was wondering.

She noted the cant of his head. Something she noticed he did a lot. She found it cute. He was cute. With his puppy eyes, his pouty lips. That little head tilt. ‘What.’ Paquin shook her head, reminding herself of what she wanted to ask Kylo.

“Um, I wanted to ask you something. After the whole Grakkus thing,” that guy nearly choking her out, the other guy grabbing her, “I think—I know I need more training. Physical training. Punching things.” She was pretty sure Kylo got the gist. “And Gnaeus suggested that I ask you for help.” She didn’t say ‘since he can’t help me’. Even if that were his own words. “So, would you mind training me a bit more?”


Hux found slight amusement as Mira rose her hand to open her ship door, only for nothing to come. She couldn’t use the Force then. But soon enough she’d sleep and hopefully would have enough strength not to need the void rock. Hopefully. Hux cursed Snoke then, for they did not know the true extent of his abilities. His mind control abilities.

They needed a lot more than one void stone. Especially if Snoke ever decided to use his Force abilities on a Liberation Day scale.

Hux wondered if they could actually find more void stones. Or if Mira’s was the only one in existence. If it weren’t unsafe, Hux had half the mind to send someone to question Grakkus about it. But it was unsafe and he wasn’t going to send anyone. Maybe they’d be able to do some research on their own.

His attention returned to Mira then, as she spoke. “Ah, yes. I conveniently carry a measuring tape around for instances like this. I could’ve measured you a lot earlier, but wanted to wait until I could get you alone.” Hux briefly joined in on the jokes surrounding him and Mira. It was probably instances of supposedly uncharacteristic friendliness that spurred people to think they were together.

While they weren’t, Hux didn’t take it as an insult. Only when it was implied that was the reason he’d made her an Admiral. No, he made her an admiral for an even dumber reason. Simply to spite his father. For unqualified people like Mira and his damn cat to outrank the Commandant. It was silly, but very satisfying. And Mira, at least, would eventually mold into the role.

And then Hux gave her an actual answer. “I will get your measurements taken care of. I need to move Millicent and my things from one ship to the other. I figured it would be easier to drop you off here and send a droid while I do all those other things. Unless you’d like to follow me around all night?” In the end it didn’t really matter. Either way, he’d press a button and a droid would come to take Mira’s measurements.


This woman seemed to know Kevan rather well. She knew all the names he used, apparently. Maybe her backstory with Kevan was real, maybe it wasn’t. Finn didn’t know, but she seemed genuine. Bitter, but genuine. And for that, Finn sympathized with her.

But he wasn’t going to give the datapad back.

“I’m sorry, I really am.” She did seem to know that Kevan was gone. “But I’m not going to give this datapad to you. I don’t know you, though I’m sure you really were friends with Kevan. It’s not mine to give in the first place.” It would probably only anger this twi’lek, what he had to say next. But Finn supposed he could at least be honest with her. He didn’t owe her that at all.

But Finn was nice.

“I wasn’t friends with Kevan. The datapad was given to me by his friend. I’m sure you were close with Kevan, but think she’s closer.” In truth, Finn didn’t know. He only knew what he’d observed. Maybe he was biased on Mira’s behalf. Mira had sacrificed a lot for Kevan, she’d know him a long time. Finn knew the words would likely insult her. He lightly shook his head. “Like I said, it’s not mine to give. But I can talk to her. If she knows you, maybe she’ll talk to you.” No names, Finn made a point not to mention any names.

“I’d be willing to discuss giving it up, but only if she approves.” If Mira knew this lady and trusted her or something, Finn would be okay with letting the device go.
Gnaeus gave a single nod to confirm that Paquin was, indeed, hopeless, before Ariel continued to explain what she had done, and why Kylo seemed so angry. He was pretty sure he lost the color in his face as Ariel told him that Kylo imagined he was fucking Paquin. His mind shut down for a moment. Sure, Paquin was cute, and he got on well with her, but he really…wasn’t the sort who casually fucked others like Ariel.

He’d had a couple of one-night stands, but with Paquin it could never be that, and he wasn’t about to commit to a relationship with Paquin. Not only because it was against the rules – which, apparently, none of them cared about making Kylo break – but because he didn’t want her in trouble, nor could he truly imagine any sort of future with her.

He couldn’t really imagine a romantic future for himself since his first love. It was probably pathetic outside of the Knights, but the Knights did give him a convenient excuse to avoid even thinking about it. He could thank the organization for that. He never considered actual, long-term, relationships any longer for himself.

Still, he buried his head in his one hand as he entered Ariel’s room and groaned, “Kylo is going to kill me before he comes to his senses, you know,” he told her. “If he kills me I’m going to haunt you like Anakin.”

“I don’t want him haunting me, too.” Anakin spoke. Gnaeus couldn’t hear him.

Gnaeus lowered his hand, and shut the door then as he watched Ariel fuss about with her painting, still in disbelief she was actually keeping it and hanging it up. ‘That thing would give me nightmares.’ Then, he added, “I tried to tell Paquin that Kylo cared for her, but all she got out of it was that she wasn’t a good fighter or something,” he sighed as he shook his head, “So I just tried to encourage her to spend more time physically training with Kylo. More time around him would probably be good…at least….”

He would have never thought to encourage jealousy. Who could she even be jealous of, Ariel? Kylo had no feelings for her. ‘Though….’ Then he smirked, “Maybe if your method of jealousy is so good, you should make her think you and Kylo have a special relationship.” At least Paquin wouldn’t kill Ariel. Probably.


Gnaeus had flown it with his one hand. Not surprising, the Force really could supplement many limbs in most cases. Relatively smooth, at least, and Kylo gave a nod, figuring that was the best he could ask for with the ship. She mentioned nothing else, not that she would, and Kylo wasn’t even sure how he would ask how…Gnaeus’s company was, to try and dig and find out if she was seeing Gnaeus in another fashion.

He didn’t get to.

Paquin had a question for him, and his brown eyes focused on her, losing the distance in them as she spoke of more physical training. Punching people. He started to smile at her phrasing of it, wondering if she actually meant that kind of grappling and training, or if she meant with the lightsabers. Kylo hadn’t really learned much about wrestling and grappling until the knights.

With Luke, it was all lightsabers and dignified fighting.

Needless to say, that changed quickly after he left Luke’s care.

Though, the thought of such with Paquin was both exciting and worrisome. She was so…small. He knew the Force could assist her strength and speed, but even so, it was hard to imagine her in a fist fight. “I can,” he allowed, “Are you speaking of lightsabers or actually…wrestling?” He had to ask, just so he was clear on the kind of training that she was looking for. He could accommodate either, and that was what they were here for, so he didn’t even mind moving right into it if she was so eager to get started.

At least Gnaeus had given her good advice. And he couldn’t help her with that sort of thing…though Paquin probably would have held her own against him. He still didn’t want to think of those two wrestling and the physical closeness inherent in it.


Mira would have been amused if Hux did actually carry such a thing, but she knew he was joking. Hux barely knew how to dress himself, he certainly wasn’t worried about measuring himself or others to fit into clothes. Like her, most of his clothes had been custom fit to him for years, designed by others to give him a certain presence when he walked into a room.

Besides, he’d hardly need such an excuse to see her.

His actual answer made more sense; she’d forgotten he would need to, or want to, move back into his old ship. She was lucky that had still been in one piece. It was probably missing a few things, but it got here. He could have it examined at another time. It at least had to have his bed.

‘Yes.’ The thought to his question, but of course, she didn’t say as much. It wouldn’t be so bad, she could see more of Millicent, probably help him move his things over, spend more time with him.

“Tempting as your suggestion is, General, I need sleep, and I would get none if I stayed the night with you – if I hadn’t seen you sleep on Jakku I wouldn’t believe you even did.” Though the same could likely be said of her at this point, which was why she needed the sleep, and Hux likely did, as well. It had been a rough few days.

She stepped back towards the ramp, hands shifting behind her back as the door slid open. “I promise I’ll stay awake long enough for your droid to show up, though.”


The stranger continued to apologize, and still Nee didn’t doubt each time he spoke it. He had a sincere look to him. There were plenty who could fake it. She knew plenty of ‘actors’, but even across the hologram, Nee got the sense that he wasn’t lying. He at least seemed to sympathize with her, even if he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted.

She started to open her mouth to demand who could give it to her, but fortunately, he provided it before a word could pass her lips. She clamped down on the comment, and she did glare at him, the water in her eyes hot as he spoke of another – closer. “Cora.” She spat the name, “The one who betrayed him, too.”

She realized Cora probably wasn’t the name. “I don’t know what name I could tell you…I don’t know if he ever spoke of us to the Knights. He used code names for everyone…Cora isn’t even the name…,” she sighed, then, “His master! Mentor. That one…that was his Cora. Force sensitive Sith – not like the real Cora at all.” Not the witch who took a middle stance and lashed out at the Jedi and the Sith alike.

Probably more dark side than light, in the end, but still….

“Is that who gave it to you? Someone like that?”
Ariel took her painting from Gnaeus, knowing exactly where to hang it. She hung the nightmare-ish painting on the same wall that the head of her bed was on, so she wouldn’t actually have to look at it while she was trying to sleep. The thing was gross and terrifying, she would admit, but she liked it. Maybe one day she’d move it someplace else in the base, to spook the others.

Gnaeus spoke as she set the painting up, and Ariel picked up an additional voice. Anakin! Ariel grew excited that he was back, but didn’t interrupt Gnaeus speaking to alert him of Anakin’s presence and likely force him to drink to be able to hear him.

At least that was one good thing about being drunk, Ariel could easily communicate with Anakin.

She stepped back, checking the painting to make sure it wasn’t crooked, using the Force to straighten it. She didn’t need Gnaeus for anything other than plotting about how to get Kylo and Paquin together.

Ariel was a closeted hopeless romantic. She loved love, though she’d long ago accepted that she’d never get such an experience. She easily settled with meaningless sex with strangers, though she still dreamed of finding someone, getting married, having kids. But she knew that wasn’t in her future. She was a Knight, an alcoholic. Not only was she not allowed to fall in love, but she had too many issues for ‘love’ to work.

So she’d settle on getting others who were also not allowed to fall in love, to fall in love. “Kylo’s not going to kill you, Gnaeus.” She turned back to him. “Also, Anakin is here.” She mentioned at the idea of Gnaeus haunting her. “Maybe it would’ve worked better just to have told Paquin that Kylo is into her.” It wouldn’t have worked with Kylo, but Paquin maybe.

Ariel’s eyes narrowed on the living man. “That wouldn’t work. Paquin’s so nice and meek, she might get jealous but she won’t do anything about it. Besides, she’d never believe Kylo and I have a ‘special relationship’. Kylo is obviously disgusted with me at every given moment.” Everyone could see that. Or so Ariel thought. “You won’t actually have to sleep with Paquin. Just have to stand close to her or something. Kylo won’t kill you. And if he tries he’ll ask himself why. Boom, feelings realized.”


Kylo agreed and Paquin felt relief then. Good, that was a start. Now she actually had to get good at…everything. So she was on a fair playing field with the other Knights. Well, she couldn’t imagine she’d be able to reach the years of training they had. But at least be well enough to protect herself.

He asked for clarification. “Lightsabers,” she answered, though she began questioning that immediately after. That was her initial thought. But then she remembered back in the casino, that man had ripped her lightsaber right off her person and she hadn’t even noticed. She got herself pinned down after that. “Or maybe…wrestling?” As he put it. Or at the very least, being able to free herself from someone grabbing her.

“Both, at some point. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m really bad at scuffles.” She chuckled, but she was serious. She was really bad at this whole Knight thing in general.

Why was she a Knight? Solely based on the fact that she was Force-sensitive? Even though she hadn’t known about it until Mira came around, thus she had no developed skills in it whatsoever. She had a lightsaber and barely knew how to use it, was only good at squirming in regards to fighting.

But that’s what Gnaeus was for. To help her out with the Force. And then Kylo was to help her out with the physical aspect.

Paquin’s next question would have been to ask Kylo to go easy on her. She was small, had no muscle, no training whatsoever. And Kylo was the exact opposite. Kylo was an unfair opponent. But she knew that wasn’t really Kylo’s thing, being gentle. And she supposed she wasn’t going to learn to defend herself by being treated softly. That’s why she was asking him in the first place.

She was a medic, if she got hurt she could take care of herself just as she could Kylo if she somehow hurt him.


“Exactly my point,” Hux snorted. Hux’s sleep schedule likely wasn’t a healthy one at any given time. He often stayed up as long as he could. He could function on little sleep. But there was such a thing as too little. Jakku was the last time he’d slept well enough, having been awake since then, really. Mira even longer. And while Hux wouldn’t complain about spending more time with Mira with the added company of Millicent, they both needed sleep.

“I’m sure the droid could measure you in your sleep if you wanted it to,” Hux mentioned. It might be weird, but if she wanted to go immediately to sleep, Hux would find a way to make that happen. But she promised to stay awake long enough for the droid. “I’ll make sure it hurries. You can give the mug to the droid afterwards. Unless you want to keep it.” They wouldn’t miss one mug. And in a bar so crowded, there would probably be a lot of broken ones anyway.

Hux watched Mira for a moment. He wanted to say goodnight, but he felt as though that wasn’t enough. But what would Hux do in addition? He sure as hell was not going to hug her, that would be weird. A handshake, that felt impersonal. Hux was sure they were beyond that point, such a formal one. Hux could think of little else, apart from humorously punching her arm.

“Goodnight, Mira.” He settled with just that and a slight nod.

His own ship wasn’t terribly far, though it felt like it as he walked the distance. The first thing he did was order Mira a droid to her ship, so she wouldn’t have to wait. And then he grabbed Millicent’s food and her favorite water dish, putting them into her little carrier. Millicent had proven that she liked to follow Hux around, so instead of shoving her into her cage, he’d let her walk behind him.

And she proved to be trustworthy as she scurried after him as he left the door open for her to follow. And she followed him all the way to Hux’s better ship. Keys were pulled out of his pocket, the ship unlocked. Hux set up all of Millicent’s things in accessible locations. And then he went to the best part of having his ship back. The bed.

It called his name and he collapsed onto it, still fully clothed. Millicent was quick to join him, curling up by the pillow.


Finn was confused. Cora? Betrayed him?

Apparently it was just a fake name, as she explained she didn’t know the name. But Finn was able to piece it together as she mentioned the Knights. Kevan’s mentor. Finn didn’t think to hide the realization on his face, it didn’t matter now. She knew that he knew of ‘Cora’. Though he still didn’t speak Mira’s name. She didn’t know it and for now Finn would keep it that way.

Finn didn’t know who the ‘real Cora’ was, but he ignored that part as he defended Mira. “She’s not a Sith.” That was somehow the first thing that Finn thought to say. He went to continue, to elaborate. But this wasn’t the situation to advertise the Gray Jedi. Preach the Gray Jedi.

And then he moved on. “And she didn’t betray him!” Not to his knowledge, anyway. “If anyone betrayed anyone, it was Kevan.” That was enough to answer the twi’lek’s question of if someone like that gave the datapad to him. Someone like that, but not that.

“Look, it’s late where I am. I promise I’ll talk to…Cora…in the morning and if she agrees then we’ll call you back. That’s all I can offer, miss.”
Gnaeus did not believe Ariel at all, that Kylo would not kill him. Kylo absolutely would kill him for this, if he was jealous. Though, he did straighten up at the mention of Anakin, then frowned as he realized how Ariel must have noticed him. “I can’t hear him….” Obviously. Which meant he’d need to drink to do so, and possibly see him, as well. He shook his head, though, dismissing the phantom, “And maybe…but I didn’t want to just bluntly say it. She wouldn’t have believed me, either.”

Honestly, Gnaeus wouldn’t have blamed her. He’d mean it, of course, but who would ever think Kylo had the capacity? The only one Gnaeus would have ever thought Kylo had liked was Mira, and that was one of those relationships that would have been deep in his past. It would have certainly helped explain why Snoke threw Mira into Wild Space of all places – far from Kylo. Far from all of them. ‘He kept all of us apart.’ Only now were they together again, and would likely remain so until the end of the war.

He snorted as Ariel suggested Paquin wouldn’t do anything. “My girl—” he stopped himself. He cleared his throat and shook his head, “Well. Small girls can be intimidating when they feel threatened, trust me.” He said, dismissing saying more than that. “I think you’re putting too much faith in Kylo’s ability to think, though. When he has proven capable of such deep thought about his own emotions?” He wanted to add that Kylo killed his father, but didn’t.

None of them knew enough about that situation to know if Kylo had thought it through, or to know what emotions he was feeling in the moment. He could bring up Mira and Kevan, but again, the truth was, he didn’t know the thought process. And that was worrisome, because it never seemed like there was a thought process. If Kylo thought that Gnaeus had taken Paquin…in some way broken the rules of the Knights and personally betrayed Kylo’s friendship, then…well, he’d be dead.

“I don’t know, Anakin, what do you have to say about Kylo and Paquin’s budding relationship?”

“It’s a stupid idea. Love that is forbidden is only going to tear all of you apart when your Supreme Leader finds out about it.” Anakin was bitter over what happened with Padme. He blamed himself completely. If he hadn’t acted on his love…if he had cherished her from afar, it would have been better. Instead, he fell in love with her. He had children. It would have been heaven.

He should have left the Jedi Order and enjoyed the life with Padme. “Kylo will either have to leave the knights, or kill Paquin.”

Not that Gnaeus could hear, but he looked at Ariel expectantly.


Lightsabers, Paquin said first, but then changed it, reconsidered, and Kylo waited for her to consider what was being asked. She wanted both, of course, but it seemed she wanted to figure out wrestling first. To get better at breaking out of grapples and the like, to ‘punch’ someone and make it effective. ‘I’ve noticed.’ Kylo didn’t say it aloud, though, but it was pretty obvious.

Kylo had some formal training in it, but really, it was mostly street fighting for him. He reacted based on what was happening around him, in the best way he could think of. The formality had taught him how to read the situations, and indeed, some particular styles of punching and kicking and when they were effective – as well as some twists and grips to get out of grapples and holds.

“All right,” Kylo agreed, “I think it would do you better to have some more training in case you lose your lightsaber and one of us aren’t able to come help you,” he stated. He tried to consider if it was likely with their real opponents. He didn’t think so, but then, Stormtroopers followed a pretty clear strategy. She’d hold on to her lightsaber against them.

Against Luke and Rey and other ‘formal’ jedis, as well. They were too honorable.

Hux…well, no. Nor Phasma or Mira herself, those three would play dirty. It was respectable, but not good for Paquin, and since she was a Knight now – an officer, in a way, there was a chance at least the two women that Hux controlled would single her out on a field as a ‘weak link’.

“I can try to teach you what I know of breaking grapples,” he offered, figuring that would be a good starting point that wouldn’t necessarily hurt her right then. Just get her in the holds, and teach her how to get out of them. “You can follow me,” he didn’t expect there was anything she needed to go run off to do, and he didn’t have anything to go run off and do, either. They were waiting. Constantly, waiting.

This would at least distract him from the inaction, “Did the First Order teach you much about such things?” He would ask as he turned, and would begin to walk off to go back to the training area with the dummies he’d earlier massacred before he was disturbed from the massacre of the dummies by the rest of the knights. Sure, grappling training could take place anywhere, really, but it helped Kylo to get into the mindset if he was in a room he associated with these things.

It would definitely help him to think of it as just that, and not how close this kind of training was going to put him to Paquin. Not how much he definitely didn’t want Gnaeus to ever have a chance to teach her these things. Gnaeus could stick to Force training. To non-touch training. Anything else would not be acceptable or within his skillset. He’d see Ariel train her in these things before he ever saw Gnaeus do it.

Because Gnaeus wasn’t capable.

Of course.


Mira shook her head at the mere idea of the droid measuring her in her sleep. Nope. Too creepy. Maybe if it was BB-8, but BB-8 was known. Hux’s droid was not. She didn’t bring the mug back into sight once it was behind her back, though she did consider keeping it. A small memory in the shape of an ordinary cup. She wouldn’t, though – it wasn’t good to steal, no matter how little.

If she moved the cup forward she would have broken her stance, and her stance was the only thing protecting her from the tension she felt in the moment. That thought that goodnight wasn’t enough, as earlier she’d thought she couldn’t say enough good, couldn’t thank Hux enough. Her hands weren’t available. The posture was formal.

The tension was there, but it remained and was not acted on. Only a goodnight. “Goodnight, Hux.” She dismissed the title then with her smile, and watched him leave for a few seconds, before she relaxed her posture, hands returning to her sides, and opened the door.

It was…interesting…feeling. Her instinct was still to try and shove it all down, to ignore it, but after the bout of tears with no Force, it seemed her guards were starting to lower a bit while she held the stone. She was used to acknowledging them, and then ignoring them before they ruined everything. ‘This will ruin everything.’ She reminded with a sigh, setting the cup aside and trying not to go far from the door. ‘The stone doesn’t change anything. You aren’t free.’

Wait for the droid.

And when it arrived, she was quick to let it in, and allow it to go about taking her measurements, listening to each one and comparing it with her own history in her mind. Not much changed, fortunately, and she was used to fluctuations from Wild Space. There was some mass loss she intended to change; lack of sleep and lack of a steady eating schedule were likely to blame for it. She’d be fixing both of those problems soon, and resuming a normal training schedule with Finn, in the Force and in the realm of physical training, as well.

At least Finn could probably keep up there. Stormtrooper.

The droid left with the cup, and Mira didn’t go straight to bed. She found the bathroom, and was grateful there was water readily available for her to shower off in. She was able to take a long look at injured leg, as well. It wasn’t bad – just a rather large bruise now, but that was nothing.

The thought of the Resistance going through this did make her laugh, for some of the things in the bathroom had been left, but were obviously knocked over or misplaced. ‘Do we need to take his soap?’ Mira could imagine them asking and laughed to herself as she exited. They’d taken his clothes, but left some soap, and some of the sheets on the bed. No pillows. Assholes. She was going to have to go through the skiff to find things to refurnish the ship, but not now, she was too tired now.

A couple of folded towels were a good pillow, and after Mira manually braided her hair back for bed, she laid down and finally got to sleep.

Dreamless. As it ought to be. An alarm was set to wake her before Eriadu’s dawn.


This strange man knew Cora. Nee saw it on his expression as she offered up traits of the one she knew to be Cora, but he defended her, too. Of course he did – he got the datapad from her. He knew Ivan from her. He stated instead that Ivan betrayed her. Cora didn’t know the full situation, but she did know that wasn’t completely wrong.

Ivan had betrayed the Knights and the First Order.

Yet, Cora and Somu were supposed to be at his side no matter. His friends. ‘Of course, when you are betrayed by a friend….’ She didn’t know the details. None of them. That was why she was so desperately searching to learn who Ivan was, to so many, and piece everything together. He had a master plan…he just didn’t share it to everyone all at once.

He made it a treasure hunt.

What Finn agreed to was likely the best she was going to get, but she didn’t like it. She bit back her initial outburst and took a deep breath. Counted to three. “Fine,” it still came back as a bitter snap. “Fine, but if I don’t hear from you, or her, I hope you know I’m not going to give up on finding that datapad in the future.”

She tried to hold the poise of angry and determined, but it faltered. She was tired. She was sad. Her eyes averted from the hologram. “Good night.” He said it was late, and she didn’t want to continue this right then, either. She was denied the voice of her friend, and she just wanted to curl up and go to sleep, too. Or curl up and scream into a pillow. She wasn’t sure yet.

Either way, she let him go, ending the call on her side.
Ariel caught Gnaeus beginning to say something. She knew what he was going to say, even though he didn’t end up saying that. There was a brief moment that her excitement was dampened, replaced by sadness. Or pity. She refrained from giving Gnaeus a smile that conveyed that pity. Ariel briefly wondered what Gnaeus had done to bear the brunt of so many hits. Out of all of them, Gnaeus was the nicest.

Was. Paquin was certainly trying to compete with Gnaeus for that title.

And then he went on, making a point of Kylo’s inability to think about his own emotions. That was true. The only emotion she thought Kylo understood was anger. And even then, that wasn’t given much thought. Ariel was fairly certain Kylo hadn’t even known what liking someone felt like, in the way that Gnaeus and Ariel figured he liked Paquin. And if he had, he probably didn’t know what it was like then. He didn’t have a chance to develop thoughts such as those like she and Gnaeus did.

She still didn’t think Kylo would kill Gnaeus.

Gnaeus asked Anakin, the king of relationships, about his opinions. And of course Ariel was the only one to hear them. “Oh, who asked you, Anakin?” Gnaeus did. “Kylo’s not going to do either of those things.” She didn’t think so. She didn’t think he’d leave the Knights nor did she think he’d kill Paquin. Well, if the Supreme Leader ordered it… “Anakin says it’s a bad idea.” She simply relayed, not wanting to discourage their attempts on getting the other two together.

“Don’t you think this would be good, Ani? Kylo’s kind of nice to Paquin, isn’t that a good thing?” She offered, but decided to dismiss Anakin’s opinion. For a moment. “I’ll make Paquin jealous, but Kylo being jealous of you has gotten some results. I’ll use Paq’s pat thing on him. If she has any reaction, it’ll be to that. That’s her signature move.” But then Ariel dwelled. She didn’t want to get Paquin killed over this or either of them in trouble with Snoke. Which could be worse. She plopped down onto her bed, groaning. “Maybe this is a bad idea.”


They were starting immediately, apparently. Not that Paquin minded. The sooner the better, the more training the better. And it wasn’t like she had anything else to run off and do. So her legs worked to keep up with Kylo as he instructed her to follow him. That was probably where most of her strength was, her legs. Having to work extra hard to follow after tall people all the time.

Kylo asked if the First Order trained her off such things. “Yes, a little bit.” It wasn’t a main focus of a medic, but there was some training. “I had to go through some training when I first joined. Included in that was some self-defense training that I had to pass. I got a seventy-six.” Percent. Out of a possible one hundred. It was barely passing, but Paquin was obviously proud of that score.

They wound up back in the training area from before where Kylo had destroyed many a dummy. And that same night Ariel put those buns in his hair. “Some other medics had more training, but I didn’t. I was usually stationed on a base.” A ship, Starkiller. She only was out in “the field” a handful of times and even then it was well after any actual fighting had taken place. Some medics accompanied Stormtroopers more often. And Paquin had even trained some Stormtroopers on more advanced first aid.

Paquin placed her crystal and her broken stick in a corner of the training room, out of the way. She unclipped her lightsaber from her hip, letting it join her artifacts on the ground. She didn’t need it right then. Kylo wasn’t trying to kill her like the Grakkus’s guy would.

After abandoning her things, she turned and made her way to the center of the room. She placed her hands on her hips, that being her ‘ready’ stance. “So, how do we start?” At that moment, Paquin hadn’t even thought of how close grappling would put her to Kylo. Nervousness took dominance over her thoughts, before those ideas could even form in her brain.


Finn rather expected the bitter snap from the woman. That just seemed to be her. In that moment, anyway. And Finn could understand why, so he let it slide. “I wouldn’t expect you to.” She really wanted the datapad. Finn didn’t know why. Maybe for the information on it or maybe simply because it had belonged to Kevan. Ivan. Sylus. Finn briefly thought to ask Mira what Kevan’s actual name was.

“Goodnight.” He offered, but the call was dropped in the middle of his words.

He sighed. Then he yawned. He’d been having a lot of fun, he’d lost track of the time, really. He forgot he had to get up so early and train with Mira. But all this talk of her, or ‘Cora’ reminded him of it. He was tired, and as much as he’d have liked to stay up all night with Poe and his friends, it wasn’t a good idea. So Finn returned to the bar and found Poe to tell him he was going to bed.

Of course, he didn’t know where he was going to sleep. Until Poe told him that most were grouping together to sleep in Resistance ships that night and that Finn could stay with him.

BB-8 was tasked with escorting Finn back to the ship, and the droid obliged happily. There were blankets and such already there and so Finn set up his bed on the floor. Instead of setting up an alarm on his new datapad, he asked BB-8 to wake him up before dawn, so that an alarm wouldn’t wake Poe and whoever else was staying in the ship. And with BB-8’s agreement, Finn was out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

But he wasn’t out nearly long enough before BB-8 woke him up. It was still dark, as expected, when Finn woke up, but he could see the outlines of other sleeping forms, knowing that they must have joined in the ship when Finn was asleep. Finn collected his discarded articles of clothing, like his jacket and boots, and tiptoed outside, not wanting to wake anyone. BB-8 followed him around, as the droid didn’t have anything else to do with its master asleep.

Once outside, Finn slipped on his boots and his jacket, yawning as he made his way towards the First Order ships, knowing Mira was in the mix of them. There was a distinct loss of feeling as he drew near and he knew he was correct.

He went to Kevan’s ship first, discovering a box outside of it. Finn touched the box with his foot, to test it. It wasn’t heavy at all, so he picked it up, knocking on the ship door.
Anakin didn’t even try to defend the idea of love, it seemed. Gnaeus was curious about what he said exactly, what Kylo would do, but Ariel didn’t say. She only explained that Kylo didn’t agree, and then suggested she may indeed try to make Paquin jealous. She’d try her signature move, the “pat”, which Gnaeus found amusing. It was a simple gesture. Many people probably did similar such things, but somehow, they all came to associate it with Paquin. None of them were really all that touchy-feely, after all. It wasn’t exactly smiled upon in their ranks, but somehow, they were all accepting it in Paquin.

Anakin spoke to the question, “The nicer that Kylo becomes, the more he defies Snoke…the more Snoke will have to do to break him from the Light.” Kylo could not have attachments. He was given the illusion of him, a better trick than what Palpatine ever tried, but he could never put anything above Snoke, or above their mission.

A mission that Kylo likely did not fully understand. He couldn’t. Anakin didn’t want to believe that Kylo truly knew what he would accomplish by helping Snoke. True, Anakin didn’t, either…he didn’t know the end goals of Palpatine, but he knew it couldn’t be good for the universe they lived in. For the Force.

Anakin wanted Kylo to break away…yet, he feared that Kylo would still listen to Snoke now. He didn’t think risking another person’s life, to bring up feelings in Kylo, was the right way. Though, one didn’t seem to be capable of reasoning with him.

At least Ariel was starting to think it was bad.

Gnaeus noticed that, too. “We don’t have to pursue it…,” he said, frowning. “It would be nice to have Kylo relax and care for someone, though.” Gnaeus wanted to consider the good of it, rather than the bad. “Should I hear what Anakin’s saying?” He asked, wondering if he ought to go take some of the alcohol from Ariel so she wasn’t the only one hearing him. Then he’d at least know how dreary the former Sith was being.


’76….’ Kylo was not impressed by that number, though it certainly explained a few things. Seventy-six by First Order standards was likely not even forty percent by the Knights of Ren standards. He let out a sigh of disappointment as Paquin mentioned that she didn’t undergo any further training, though other medics did. He shouldn’t have expected she would – she was likely far more dedicated to the craft of healing than she was to the craft of fighting.

If only they had the luxury of time so she could hone those healing skills with the Force. Alas, with things as they were, the First Order making allies of enemies, and Mira a part of them – they didn’t. They had to. They couldn’t afford to hone her skills, as Ariel and Gnaeus had honed theirs in areas that allowed them to find out history and artifacts.

Kylo stood nearer to the center of the room as Paquin walked off, but when she returned, she did ask how to begin. “I thought we could start with teaching you how to break grapples. He could sense her nervousness, “You don’t need to worry, this shouldn’t hurt….” Not to start with, grapples were holds to keep someone still.

“We’ll start with a clinch hold,” he stepped forward, and he reached one hand out, then paused, not connecting it, “The first is a collar tie hold. It will involve your neck.” He thought to warn her, “It won’t choke you or anything,” he added, and before she could protest, he would reach out to wrap a single hand around her neck, the back and the side, and true to his word, he didn’t strangle her – but it was a controlling grip.

He wouldn’t tell her just yet how to break it – he wanted to see if she reacted at all first. “Show me what you can do.” Ingenuity could help, too. He had to learn how she worked through her problems.


Mira had slept well. Peacefully. Until her alarm sounded and she let out a groan as she was brought out of her sleep, almost more tired than she had been when she fell asleep. She did get up, though, and dragged herself back into the clothes left behind. It was only as she was shrugging back on Hux’s coat did she realize the keys to the skiff were in the coat until then. ‘I thought….’ Finn had them. Except when she went back to the skiff and Mace gave her that time limit, she took them and didn’t return them.

It allowed her to do a quick run to the ship to get back her old armor, and a few other bits of clothing that would fit. When she returned, the box Finn would later find wasn’t there, so she just changed back into her repaired armor, and dug out various hygienic things to try and get herself ready for the day.

When someone knocked, she was rather surprised, but opened it to see Finn there, and a smile crossed her lips. He wasn’t going to be too difficult at all. BB-8 was there, too. “Mira, er…you’re….”

“Knight attire, I know,” she motioned for him to enter, finishing up the familiar crown braid she used to wear under her helmet, “I’ll be in my element for training you.”

“Ah….” Finn still felt a bit hesitant about that. He let it go, and held out the box, “This was left in front of the door – I bet it’s a gift from Hux,” he said it in a sing-song way, teasing, and Mira smiled a bit, and gestured for him to set it down with one hand.

“Let me finish the braid – it’s a bit more difficult without the Force.” Finn did set it down, “Sorry I had the Skiff key. Were you able to find a place to sleep?”

“Ah, yeah,” Finn set the box down, “I was able to sleep with Poe.” He realized how it sounded with some chirps from BB-8, and the smile on Mira’s face. “Not like that! Just. Same area. Nothing – nothing happened!” BB-8 knew nothing happened!

“I believe you,” she chuckled, finishing with the braid and going to the box to find, indeed, clothes. White admiral suits. She’d always found it interesting that they were white – reminiscent of the Empire that way, even when everyone else seemed to wear shades of black. The bands on the arms were almost like the General’s, too, but she noticed there was no coat.

“So it is a gift from Hux?” Finn tried to get away from the topic of sleeping with Poe.

“Mm.” Mira closed it, “I’ll wear it to Coruscant,” not now, “I need to deliver this stone to Hux and then we can go find a space to train,” she picked up her datapad then, and Finn remembered something at the sight of it, as she quickly typed a message to Hux to give him fair warning.

Going to swing by soon to let you keep the stone for the day.
You can go back to sleep afterwards.

If he was even asleep.
“It would be nice for someone to pull the pole out of Kylo’s behind, yes.” Kylo was well past a stick at this point. “And see him happy and all that mushy stuff,” Ariel added that as if it were an afterthought, but it wasn’t. The prospect of Kylo outwardly caring for someone was exciting, but above it all, the possibility of someone making Kylo genuinely happy was the most important to Ariel.

And she was sure Paquin could be that person.

But hopeless romantic or not, she was not the type to be openly mushy.

But Anakin’s words discouraged her. She wanted to see Kylo happy, but not at the potential risk of Paquin and Kylo being harmed. But she only thought harm would come because such relationships were restricted, not because Kylo would become nicer. Maybe nicer to Paquin, but overall? He’d always be the same asshole, wouldn’t he? And he certainly wouldn’t defy Snoke.

Ariel, of course, didn’t know that Kylo had already proved Anakin’s words. She didn’t know that Kylo had been instructed to leave Paquin in the tombs, only that Paquin had been injured. “If you want to hear what he has to say. It’s depressing.” Ariel mumbled, using the Force to hand over her bottle of alcohol. “Hear that, Ani? You’re depressing me while I’m drunk!”

“You need to hear this. It’s for Kylo and Paquin’s safety, as well as your own.”

“I don’t drink to get depressed, I drink because I’m depressed.” Ariel groaned, rolling her eyes. Maybe that was saying something. If she could still get upset while drunk, what was the point of drinking? “Clearly I don’t care about my own safety.” But she did everyone else’s. Kylo, Gnaeus, and even Paquin, as new as she was.


Paquin was discouraged by Kylo’s disappointed sigh. She may have been proud of her score, but she supposed that a barely passing score in basic self-defense wasn’t exactly impressive compared to the capabilities of the Knights. Certainly not what Kylo wanted from her. But Paquin hadn’t thought she’d ever end up in her current position. She never thought that medicine would take her down a path that she’d have to know how to protect herself.

Kylo said they’d start with grapples. He must’ve sensed she was nervous, as he assured her it wouldn’t hurt. Or rather, shouldn’t hurt.

He spoke of a clinch hold. Or a collar tie. Paquin didn’t know what any of that meant. “Choke me—“ Paquin began to question but didn’t finish as Kylo moved forward, gripping her neck. “Oh!” He was true to his word, it didn’t hurt and it didn’t choke her. She really couldn’t move about.

He told her to show him what she could do. ‘Well, I can’t do much.’

Paquin initially moved to try and pull his hand away from her neck. But she realized that was silly. It was an awkward position, she wasn’t strong enough, and no one would ever wait for her to pull their hand away. So, Paquin re-evaluated. She tried to think of what she knew, staring at his arm. ‘I know!’ Her eyes moved to Kylo’s. “I’m sorry if this hurts.” She thought to say, in case she actually managed to succeed.

One hand moved to his, the one on her neck, doing her best to get her fingers between his thumb and index, to apply pressure where the bones of each finger met. Her other hand moved to his forearm, applying pressure there too, to the radial nerve. She used the Force to help her a little bit. Paquin knew pressure points, and she knew she could soften Kylo’s grip on her by using the ones on his hand and arm. Gain control of it, even.

She wasn’t sure how she was actually supposed to get out of it, the proper way, but she used what she knew.


Hux had been awake for a few moments before his datapad dinged, alerting him he had a message. He’d managed to pull himself into the shower, only being in there for a couple minutes, long enough to wash up.

Hux briefly wondered who it was, as it was so early in the morning. Hux was often up very early. Or, well before anyone else was. As he was in the atmosphere of space very often, it was hard to keep track of the time. Follow a day and night schedule. Yet, his internal clock still woke him up at an ungodly hour. Even when he’d had so little sleep before. When he hadn’t even set an alarm.

It was fine. Hux ran well on little sleep. He often stayed up late and woke up early. He very much so had a lot of work to do at all times. And if he didn’t, which was rare, he’d find something to do.

Millicent meowed at him, having woken up not with him, but the ding. The sweet cat had slept next to his head the whole night. The result was Hux waking up with ginger hairs in his mouth and nose, which did not belong to him.

Hux looked at the message. Mira, of course. He quickly typed back a message, a simple one.

I’m expecting you.

To let her know he was awake and prepared for her visit. He didn't really need to add his name afterward, but it was out of habit.

He pulled on the rest of his clothes, his boots and such, but held off on his usual gloves and coat. He filled up a bowl with food and her water dish with water, setting them on the table for her to enjoy.

Meanwhile, Finn had something to tell Mira. He was slightly nervous at first, believing she might be upset that he was silly enough to answer the call and to continue it without her present with him.

“Well, first I need to tell you something.” Finn began. They could walk while they talked. “Last night, I got a call on Kevan’s datapad. I didn’t get her name, but it was a twi’lek woman and she was very upset. She said she was friends with Kevan, grew up with him or something? She said she wanted the datapad, that it meant a lot to her. I told her it wasn’t mine to give and all that.” Finn scratched the back of his head.

“It led to her asking if there was someone who was closer to Kevan. Or Ivan. Or Sylus, she used all of those names. I said you. Well, not your name, but you. And you’re apparently named Cora? But you’re nothing at all like the real Cora, whatever that means.” Maybe it was something between her and Kevan, Finn didn’t know. “Basically, I said that I’d talk to you about potentially giving up the datapad and that I’d call her back and it sort of ended with that. But she also said that she wouldn’t give up trying to get the datapad.”

Finn certainly hurried through it, trying to say everything as it came to his head. He had to think through some of the details, as he had been slightly tipsy and very tired during their conversation.

“She’s in the contact history,” He mentioned. He supposed the woman hadn’t thought she’d get an answer, so didn’t think to hide the contact information. Maybe Mira recognized it.
Gnaeus managed to only smirk a bit at Ariel referring to the ‘stick’ in Kylo’s ass as a pole. It was definitely…more than a stick, he supposed, but the image brought to mind a stripper pole, and from there, well, Gnaeus’s imagination went all sorts of places he really didn’t want it to go. He shook it off as Ariel mentioned that Anakin was being depressing, and he reached for the bottle was it was floated to him.

He opened it, and drank deep, as Ariel continued speaking on about how she drank to not be depressed. Drank, until he felt a rush of heat, and knew he probably had a bit too much since the rest would follow. He set the bottle down quickly, and then wiped the back of his hand by his lips. His vision blurred a bit where Anakin apparently was, but as it came back into focus, he saw the ghost there among them.

He looked rather bleak. Depressed. Worried – he picked up on that. He recalled Ariel’s words about safety and figured it was a follow-up to something Anakin had said. “So…what’d I miss?”

“You’re setting Kylo and Paquin up for harm. And yourselves.”

“Because the Supreme Leader has these kinds of things banned?” He wondered.


“Shouldn’t you be all happy about that? You don’t seem to support the Supreme Leader,” he pointed out, recalling Anakin’s argument with Kylo, when they all learned that Kylo did not, in fact, respect Anakin. It was Darth Vader he respected. He seemed to separate the two of them.

Anakin sighed, “As much as I want to rip Kylo and the rest of you away from the Supreme Leader, I do not want more of you to die in the process of it, or for Kylo to go further into the Dark.” Anakin explained. Yes, he was looking to shake them and remove them from the Supreme Leader, but not in this way. Not in a way that would harm them all or put them in immediate danger as such a confrontation would, when the Supreme Leader learned of the emotions. Or when he learned who set Kylo and Paquin up.

“Being a ghost is not all it’s cracked up to be.”


Everyone always tried to pull the hands off, even when they knew they didn’t have the strength for it. It was the stupidest decision, but always the one people went for. Kylo gave Paquin a dull stare as she tried that first, hoping that would sink in that it was, indeed, stupid.

Fortunately, it seemed to do so. She paused, and she reconsidered.

He could almost see the light that went on inside her head when she seemed to think of something and he waited, curious. He wasn’t worried about being hurt at all, highly doubting she could hurt him in this position no matter what she tried. Well, unless she pulled her lightsaber to her and cut off his arm. That would hurt. Of course, they were pretending not to have those available so she could learn how to handle situations without it.

He was surprised by the method that Paquin chose. He was not huge on pressure points himself, he did not think of those as often in the moment, so he was startled by the pain that did go through him – and his grip did loosen with a sharp inhale and a pull away. Well, more of a yank – instinct.

His frown twisted to a smile though as he shook his arm out a moment, and nodded, “Do you think you’ll be able to do that in the moment, Paquin?” He asked, some impression in his tone as he lifted his eyes back to her. “If so…perhaps we can just work on making sure you can identify pressure points in most holds to break them.” If so, he supposed that would work. There would be some holds that might be so effective with, when her arms were immobilized, but that just meant they’d focus on that area now.

It was better than his usual method, though he still knew another for opponents that were, in fact, stronger.

Most weren’t stronger than Kylo so he rarely practiced that one. His preference was enough to off-balance his foes and break the hold, be it a single or a double collar tie.


Mira listened to Finn after sending the message to Hux, and he spoke of a woman who knew Kevan. A twi’lek. Mira didn’t know who it was, in truth, she didn’t know much of that side of Kevan. An orphan of the empire then, like Kevan. Mira did walk, but she kept her pace slow as Finn talked, noting when the pad lit up to tell her she had a message from Hux, the words coming across the screen earning a smile, but she didn’t respond.

‘Cora….’ Mira needed to see that opera now, didn’t she? Neither Sith, nor Jedi. Perhaps it would help her now on this path. “Kevan had a love of nicknames. I’m glad he thought of me as Cora Vessora,” Mira spoke the name with no hesitation, “Ivan Dulchellon was a hero of that opera, and Cora…they called her a witch, neither Jedi, nor Sith.”

“So Ivan isn’t Kevan’s name? Is it Sylus?”

“Ivan was the name he came to Kylo and I under…I don’t think he had a name he knew before. Sylus was something made up,” like so many others. “Let me see the pad,” she said, and Finn quickly dug it out to let her see the name that called.

It was another nickname, of course. Raxi. Mira sighed, though she supposed that name was a good thing, from what she could remember of the nickname. “You’re not giving up this datapad,” Mira said, offering it back. He took it, “However…we’ll talk with her. Tonight.”

“So you know the name? You know her?”

“I know he mentioned her,” Mira said, “and I know that he knew her for a while. Raxi takes her name from a DJ.”

Finn looked amused, “A DJ? Really?” Mira just gave a nod.

“A very important DJ who worked with the Rebel Alliance on Coruscant, feeding them the true news stories she doctored for public consumption.”

“Ooooh!” Finn looked excited by that, not even thinking of how important such a role could be. “That’s badass! Er…so you’re not upset?”


“That I answered and talked with her….”

Mira laughed, “No, Finn – I’m not upset.” They were near Hux’s ship then, and Mira paused, “Give me a moment,” she wouldn’t make Finn approach if he didn’t want to be near Hux. She imagined it was still problematic for him. He may trust her, may trust her judgment…somewhat. He’d likely never accept her judgment about Hux, though. She turned then to walk the rest of the way to ship, digging the stone out, and cursing herself once, just once, for looking as a Knight and going to see Hux. ‘When I get back to the Finalizer I’m getting new armor. New everything.’ Though the armor was still comfortable….

She knocked on the door to the ship.
“I don’t know, being a ghost sounds great. Floating, going through walls. Watching people. No worries about working or anything.”

“I don’t actually float. Or go through walls. I worry a lot.” Anakin insisted.

Ariel groaned. “Ugh, this is so stupid. If relationships weren’t banned in the first place, none of this would be a problem. Anakin wouldn’t have become Vader, he’d probably still be a Jedi. Kylo wouldn’t be Kylo.” Though, he wouldn’t have been born, most likely. But still. “Paquin and Kylo would be a thing. They’d be Paqlo. Or should it be Kyquin…” Ariel became distracted as she mused ship names.

“Paqlo? Kyquin? What does that mean?” Anakin questioned.

“They’re ship names.”

“Ship? You know what, it doesn’t matter. Paqlo or whatever can’t happen. Not when you’re Knights.” Anakin hoped one day that they wouldn’t be Knights. Not Kylo or Paquin, Ariel nor Gnaeus. They were all good kids, deep down somewhere. Well, they were kids to Anakin. They still had so much life ahead of them, but only if Snoke was out of the picture.

“But we’ll always be Knights. I don’t think you understand that. There’s no getting out of this.” If they tried, Snoke would kill them. That was proven with Kevan. And they would kill Mira when they were given the chance. They were Knights until they finished what Snoke wanted them to do or died. Not that Ariel ever thought about not being a Knight… She was too scared of Snoke to even seriously think of an act so serious, traitorous. Maybe that was saying something. She didn’t know how Mira or Kevan did it.

"Man, all I want is for Paquin and Kylo to smash and call it good." Ariel complained, "I can't get drunk in peace anymore."


Paquin immediately released Kylo’s arm she she heard the sharp inhale, but she still pulled his arm back. Or rather, yank, which she flinched at. Kylo didn’t seem pleased at first and Paquin thought she hadn’t done what he wanted, that he didn’t want her to use pressure points. That she did something wrong. She opened her mouth, ready to apologize profusely, but then Kylo’s frown twisted into a smile.

He was pleased. He was impressed, even, Paquin could tell from the tone of his voice. Paquin felt proud of herself in that moment. Her smile matched his, she was beaming, even. ‘That seventy-six percent isn’t as disappointing now, is it?’ Well, it probably was. But her knowledge of pressure points wasn’t.

“In most situations, yes.” She confirmed. “Given I have my arms free or I’m in a position that I could access a pressure point that would induce pain.” It wasn’t like every inch of the body had a pressure point. Or one that hurt when struck or pinched. She supposed she could use the Force in more difficult situations. It’s not like she’d ever be without the Force, right?

And for the Force, she had Gnaeus to help strengthen that aspect.

If pressure points were her decided form of defense, she figured it would easily spring to her mind during a tight situation if they practiced on it. She could make it work.


Finn was relieved that Mira wasn’t upset. Finn still wasn’t used to how forgiving some people were. The Resistance, Mira. No one in the First Order was forgiving. Not even Hux, as much as Finn wanted to tell Mira. Yes, he still didn’t trust Hux. He may have saved Hux once, he may be working with Hux. For Mira. For the good of the galaxy. But he was not Hux’s friend.

And Finn would not forgive Hux for his shitty Stormtrooper program. For Starkiller. For anything.

“I’ll be over here.” Finn pointed off to the side, wandering in that direction. BB-8 followed and Finn took the datapad into his hands. He opened the contact. Raxi. He knew what that name was now. And he’d search up Cora Vessora and that play. A witch. Neither Sith nor Jedi. That sounded so much like Mira. Finn wondered how long Kevan had been using that name for Mira.

But first, he had to message ‘Raxi’.

Spoke with ‘Cora’. We’ll talk tonight. We’ll call you.

Finn offered no name still, but let the woman know he hadn’t skipped out.

Hux had kept himself busy by going through his own messages. Reports, recounts of the battle. The losses and estimates on how much it would cost to take care of and replace those losses. It was already giving Hux a headache and he was only a few messages in. Thankfully, there was a knock on the door that would relieve Hux.

Millicent meowed, jumping from her table to rush to the door, meowing at it until Hux stood and answered it.

“Morning, Admiral.” Hux greeted her as Millicent darted out the door, only to rub against Mira’s leg. Hux took in Mira’s outfit then. Her Knight clothes. Hux said nothing of it, he knew Mira was training with Finn that morning. Hux stepped aside to allow her in, and hopefully entice the cat to come back in. “Would you like some coffee?” Hux offered. Another thing great about having his ship back, it was essentially a fully functioning home.

It had a bed, bathroom, and what Hux supposed could pass for a kitchen all tucked away. It was really just a mini fridge with a coffee pot on top. And then it was also a fully functioning war ship. “Did you get your uniform?” He questioned, as she should have it by now.
Ship names. Gnaeus actually snorted as they came from Ariel’s lips, in spite of Anakin being a party pooper. “I like Kyquin. It sounds like a drug,” he voted immediately, “Which seems fitting since Kylo needs drugs and Paquin’s a medic.” She could be Kylo’s drug. He was sure that would seem almost romantic to Ariel. It probably wasn’t really romantic to be someone’s drug, but whatever – the romanticism was meant.

Anakin continued to insist that it all wasn’t good. Not while they were knights. And Gnaeus wondered then, aloud, “When we’ve actually reached Snoke’s goals though…do you think it will change for us?” Gnaeus had never really thought about it, but with Anakin there, with the realization that Kylo and Paquin could possibly have something beyond just ‘smashing’ as Ariel so indelicately put it, he couldn’t help but think it.

Would this ever change?

“No.” That was Anakin’s answer. “You’ve said it yourself, Ariel. If these bans weren’t in place, things wouldn’t have gotten so messed up in the universe. Why do you want to support one in favor of bans that mess up the universe? Why do either of you want to support it?” Gnaeus could see the way his gaze fixed on Ariel, as if the drunk could be the one to talk sense into them. As if her opinion was the one that would make the difference here – or perhaps, just because she heard him the most. The easiest.

Gnaeus sighed, head falling against the wall. “No one ever gets everything completely right.” But they were with Snoke. They chose their evil, they chose their good. He didn’t want to think about it, though. He was here because the New Republic was a horrible disgrace. He had some faith in the First Order, once, but now they were against them. So he had faith that Snoke would get rid of those institutions that allowed piracy and other horrors to flourish.

It would be a harsh world. It would be ordered and dictated, but it would be better. People wouldn’t lose their loved ones as he did. Law would be universal, not planet by planet, or sector by sector. Everyone would be accountable for crimes committed anywhere.

Perhaps he as a Knight had to suffer losing some freedoms. Kylo and Paquin, too – but it was worth it, right? In the end…it had to be….


Kylo could feel her pride, and he was pleased with the confidence, but he knew he also had to make sure to test it still. Make sure she could figure a way out of most holds. He could think of others easily that pressure points might not be as easy to figure out, one coming to mind immediately as she noted the arms. That was his thought, as well. If she was literally disarmed, it could be more difficult for her.

Given, she should always have the Force available to her.

“Good. Then let’s see how you get out of another hold,” Kylo said, and after he shook out his arm again, he stepped forward once more, put a hand on her shoulder as he walked around her, to let her know he didn’t want her to turn and follow him. He wanted to slip behind her, because there was one advantage his size and strength definitely provided to him with opponents like Paquin. ‘Like your mother. Like Mira.’

He shut that thought out as he wrapped just one arm around her torso, just under her chest, pinning her arm to her side with his, and grasping the arm on her side in his hand before tilting back a bit, and lifting Paquin from her feet so she wouldn’t be grounded in the position. Both arms pinned to her side, and no ground to work from. “Well?” He asked, a light tease slipping into his tone, some of his own smugness as he waited to see how Paquin might get out of this one.

Though he hoped it might take her a while.


“Good morning, General,” Mira greeted, and looked down to Millicent as the cat came out to greet her, as well. Still the only creature that didn’t seem to be trying to kill her while she held the stone. Might be her favorite. “Good morning, Commodore.” Definitely her favorite officer. After Hux. ‘Don’t forget to tell Finn.’ Bias. Bias. Bias. That was how she’d treat it.

She wasn’t going to live down his teasing, was she? ‘No.’ Not important. She stepped in, glancing back briefly at Finn. She couldn’t linger long.

Once within the safety of the ship, she set the stone on the nearest flat surface to make sure she wouldn’t forget it, and knelt down, offering her hand out to the cat who quickly came towards her and bunted her head against Mira’s hand. The smile almost lost its sleepiness as Mira stroked the cat’s fur then, glad they took it from Jakku. “I did get the uniform,” she said, glancing up, “I haven’t tried it on yet, I plan to after Finn. I’ll likely wear it to Coruscant. Thank you – it’s still a bit…odd, needing clothes besides this armor.” Hux probably understood that. He had his uniform.

She had armor. She always had this armor. She was going to need new armor. She couldn’t go around looking like a Knight of Ren in the future. She was going to have to look more…Jedi, probably. ‘Ugh.’

Coffee was also offered, ‘I should not encourage an addiction.’ Was she going to listen to the thought? Absolutely not. “Sure, so long as it isn’t three hours old,” she said, “Did you get any sleep, Hux?” She asked, a bit worried he hadn’t. She didn’t rise, but continued to offer the cat affection.


Outside, a single message would come back to Finn.

Okay. I'll be available.

It came quickly, and Finn pursed his lips, wondering if she had been up that whole time. 'Maybe it isn't late for her.' Finn thought, and BB-8 beeped encouragement about the situation. "I know. I don't think she's so bad, either," Finn said, and he was glad that Mira echoed those sentiments. He wondered how this situation with Kevan's friend might go, though. Could they be allies? Would it shine some light on what Kevan had been up to, why he was so easy to get information out of? Why he betrayed the Knights in the first place?

It seemed it hadn't been unplanned. BB-8 then added some more beeps and a low whistle, causing Finn to glance up as the door to Hux's ship shut, and Mira was not on the side he could see it. Finn chuckled, "I don't think she'll be too long, BB." More beeping, and Finn added, "Maybe long enough to grab breakfast...she's probably going to make me train on an empty stomach, huh?" BB-8 agreed. Mira didn't seem to think about those things too often. "Yeah, wait here, I think I know where the Resistance is set up, I can probably get some food and get back here real quick." Just grab a couple of breakfast sandwiches or something.

BB-8 did its best impression of a salute, before Finn jogged off, deciding he'd just have to take the initiative when it came to their health for now. Think ahead. Mira wasn't going to, so he would.
“That’s so romantic.” Ariel mused as Gnaeus said Kyquin sounded like a drug. Well, Paquin administering Kylo drugs wasn’t romantic, but them being each other’s drug…cute. Because of course that was cute to Ariel. Kyquin it was. If the two of them ever came to fruition, that is.

Gnaeus wondered if things would change for them after they reached Snoke’s goals. And Ariel knew the answer. No. The galaxy would change. They’d all change. But they’d still all be Knights. Snoke would think up new goals that they’d have to follow through with. And the same old rules would still apply to them. She knew this was a ’til death gig. But she hated all that they had to miss out on.

Freedoms like love and relationships. Freedom to do what they pleased. It wasn’t a nine to five job, it was around the clock.

Ariel knew the answer, Anakin knew the answer. And he questioned why they still chose to follow someone who enforced rules that ruined so much. “It’s not all about the rules. We all have similar goals with Snoke. The New Republic is garbage, we all agree on that. They’ve done nothing for the little people and that’s not fair. That why we’re all here.”

“And you think that’s why Snoke’s here? You think he wants to help the little people?”

“No, but that’s what his plans will lead to.”

“You don’t know what Snoke’s plans really are, Ariel. You don’t, Gnaeus doesn’t, Kylo sure doesn’t. Paquin has no clue what’s going on, she probably doesn’t even understand what it is that you three want.” None of them knew what they were doing. Anakin so desperately wanted them to listen. "Take advice from an old man.' Sometimes Anakin forgot what he looked like.


Paquin mentally prepared herself for the next hold. She expected it not to hurt, it was just a hold after all. Kylo placed his hand on her shoulder and Paquin began to turn pink, her cheeks heating up. Kylo moved around her and she stood still as Kylo wanted her to, glad he couldn’t see her face when he stood behind her. Because for some reason, it would be embarrassing for him to see.

You don’t want him to see you nervous…about the next hold, of course.’

She was pink at his hand on her shoulder and she was red as his arm wrapped around her. She let out a noise of surprise as she was lifted from the ground, so easily, too. “Um, is this…is this an actual hold people use?” She squirmed a little, not to escape as she knew she couldn’t escape by squirming. But rather, settling into the hold. She noted the tease in his tone, the smugness.

She snapped out of her frazzled state then. “You think I’m in an unfortunate position, but really I have the same advantage as the other hold. At this point, I’m in the perfect position to kick you in the shin. Or the knee. There’s a pressure point in your thigh I could reach,” that she wouldn’t, for reasons, “I could throw my head back and hit you in the face or the neck. And I can still use my lower arm.” She wouldn’t be telling all of this to someone that could actually hurt her, but Kylo wasn’t out to hurt her.

But she wanted to wipe the smugness from Kylo’s tone. Playful competition. Or something.

She could move her hand to reach Kylo’s, knowing that when she used that point last time, he yanked his hand away. And simultaneously, she lifted her leg forward and then back, to kick him in the knee. And aside from it just hurting to be hit in the knee, there was a pressure point there. In reality, she likely would’ve aimed for his nose or mouth, or even his neck. But she didn’t want to make him bleed or risk the chance of causing his throat to collapse. On anyone else, she’d likely use those. That would be more effective.


Hux kept forgetting he named Millicent a Commodore. It made him chuckle every time he heard it.

Mira did, in fact, receive her uniform. And he didn’t fault her for wearing her Knight armor. Not only was the Admiral uniform white, it was not functional to train in. She spoke of it being weird, needing something other than armor. And Hux nodded. He thought even the idea of wearing something other than his general attire to be strange, an unwelcome prospect. “I’m sure you’ll grow used to it as you find yourself needing to wear it more and more.”

Hopefully more than that Knight armor. Which he thought on. He wondered if she would ever be confused for a Knight. “Maybe new armor is the next project.” They had her measurements. All Mira would have to do is state her preferences.

Mira accepted his offer of coffee, as long as it wasn’t old. He heard the worry in her tone, apart from the obviously concerned question. Hux smirked at that, ever so slightly. He thought to tease her on it, but wouldn’t. Instead, he’d silently appreciate it. “The coffee is barely a few minutes old, I assure you. I did sleep. A few hours, and that was enough.” Hux went off then, to get her her own mug of coffee.

He thought to bring out some sugar and some milk, though he wasn’t sure how trustworthy it would be. “And you don’t seem to need coffee at all,” She was sleepy, sure, but it was because she had just woken up. He could tell she had gotten some rest, he could see it on her face. The way she moved about. And she had the stone with her, which kept the Force from being able to affect her. “I assume you slept well.” He offered her the mug, Millicent briefly pulling away from Mira to sniff at the mug, as if she wanted the coffee.


Finn easily found the Resistance’s set up, and despite the sun not even being up, people were. Finn wondered if Leia was around, if she’d gotten any rest. He wondered how Leia was even doing. That woman was strong, one of the strongest people Finn had ever known. But people had their limit. He just wanted to make sure she was taking care of herself.

Though, Finn was sure Poe would make sure she was doing well. Poe was a better son to Leia than her own son. Of course, Finn nor Poe would say that.

Finn found a table then, small for the moment. He knew it would be expanded on when more people woke up. But for now, it was a single table with some food on it. Finn picked out some breakfast sandwiches, with labels that Finn could barely read in the dark. Though, the sun was slowly rising. But he grabbed them nonetheless, something about sausage and muffins. He grabbed a plastic bowl full of fruit for him and Mira to share.

And just as he was about to walk away, he thought. ‘Water.’ Mira certainly had no water on her, and they’d need it if they were training. So, he scooped a few waters in his arms, some to wash down their food with and some to train with. Plenty of liquids. ‘Thinking ahead. Good job, Finn.’ Someone had to take care of them. Mira was obviously shit at taking care of just herself.

He thought that lovingly, of course.
The New Republic was garbage. The Senate was garbage. Even Anakin’s daughter, Leia, could see it. He was at least proud of her, she had tried to stick it out, but eventually went back to doing what she did best – leading rebellions and trying to start changes. She knew the threat of the First Order long before the rest of the universe. Sure, the Senate thought she was insane now, more or less. She had plenty of allies, though most of those had been killed.

They all associated her with Darth Vader.

They associated his son, Luke, with Darth Vader.

He had scarred their lives. Now, however, he was watching as in the chaos of the New Republic’s failures, another one far worse than Palpatine was rising, and his followers were too apathetic to care or to notice.

And they weren’t listening. Gnaeus canted his head, able to see the younger form of the ghost. He knew how old Anakin was, but he couldn’t help but comment, “You look younger than me.” Or around his age. Anakin let out a frustrated groan. “What are his plans, then, Anakin? What do you know of his plans?”

“They are similar to Palpatine’s.” He sighed. It was why he went after Eriadu. Why he sent Mira into Wild Space. Why he did so much with destroying planets through Hux and Kylo. “He is seeking to control everything.”


Anakin groaned out. He didn’t know how they could be okay with that – he didn’t think that they didn’t truly understand the depth of it after he said it. That Snoke wanted more than just Hux would think of as control – more than political or military control. He wanted control over individual thoughts, individual actions. He was working his way up to that. Anakin heard through the Forcevine of Lothal. He understood why Eriadu was a target. He’d been there before, with Wilhuff. He’d felt it.

Eriadu was a powerful nexus of the Force. It was why Palpatine had kept Wilhuff close – well, one of the reasons. The other was simply because Wilhuff was a threat to Palpatine, one he was happy to learn had died in the Death Star explosion with several other ‘nuisances’, like Admiral Motti. “Gnaeus, don’t you remember when you said the universe would be better without the Sith or the Jedi?”

Gnaeus didn’t, not really, but it was a thought he’d had often enough. The Knights were supposed to be something else, though Kylo seemed to use Sith as an easier way to describe them, because of how opposed he was to the Jedi…and because there seemed to only be this. “Yeah.”

“Then why not become something else? The Knights are Sith. No matter what Snoke says, the Knights are Sith.”

“What would that even be?” Gnaeus hadn’t stumbled on much referencing anything else, in truth. It was always either Jedi or Sith. There was talk of ‘dark’ Jedi, but he figured that was just another way of saying Sith. “I couldn’t start anything,” he then denied, shaking his head, “I don’t want to.” He didn’t have the motivation, nor the will. Maybe Kylo could, but Kylo was the Commander of the Knights. He wouldn’t.

“It’s something new…that would be for you to discover. To create. It would be better than this. You two must have ambitions beyond just this. Beyond just being controlled until you die, to serve someone you both know doesn’t care about the little people, even if his supposed goals will make life better for them.”

Gnaeus sighed, “You’re gonna just keep harping on this all day, aren’t you?” Getting drunk wasn’t really safe on Korriban anymore, was it? He shot a look to Ariel, “Look, Anakin…even if we wanted to…not saying that we do, but if we did, we wouldn’t. We’d be killed, and I like living more than I like revolutions. Otherwise I’d be with the Resistance, but they’re all going to die.”

“So might makes right.” Anakin said bitterly, growing frustrated again. He thought he may have been able to save Ariel and Gnaeus, but…perhaps not. Or just not yet. Perhaps this would sink in.


‘Adorable.’ The thought was sudden and unbidden at Paquin’s sound, and Kylo tried to ignore it, recast it as a thought he’d have about a porg that was surprised, a natural reaction to a small thing crying out. Except, of course, with a porg he wouldn’t feel his own face heat, nor become acutely aware of where his arm was, and the beat of her heart underneath it. She squirmed, and he held her tighter for it, making sure she was more stable in his grip. Once the squirming stopped and she seemed settled, she immediately told him all that she could do.

Kylo wasn’t so worried this time with her talk of pressure points.

He still had a hand free, and when hers tried to reach out for his, he simply took hold of her hand to keep her from being able to use her hand for anything. He was glad that she could, and perhaps a normal person wouldn’t stop it so easily, or think to, but he did.

This hold was usually used to keep someone held, or to make them open to a second assailant. He had used it before, it was easy for him to do so, and he was familiar with the kicking tactic, as well.

It connected, and he let out a grunt as he felt his strength slip, the pressure point hit, but he didn’t fall to a knee. He shifted his weight to the other leg quickly enough, but he did relax the pressure around her a bit, “Seems you are able to come up with plenty of ways to get out of holds,” he commented on that, before reluctantly letting her go, setting her on the ground. Perhaps she didn’t break his, but she wouldn’t be fighting his – and if it were a real situation, she had outlined things she could do besides what she tried.

His fingers trailed away from her hand, and he unwrapped his arm from around her, walked back around to face her, ignoring the pain in his knee, though it did still linger. “It’s pretty clear you’re going to work with pressure points, which should get you out of any hold,” he agreed, “But I want to see if you can hit them with the Force next.” He held up his hand, “Not a pressure point just yet. I want you to try and just…throw a dart of the Force at my palm, knock it back. I won’t resist,” he promised. “It’s like what you’d do when you want to toss a person or a thing away from you, only more focused,” he said.

This may take a bit, he knew. He’d ground the rest of himself to stay in the same spot, but she would need to learn how to focus the Force a bit. Perhaps this was what Gnaeus was supposed to be training her in, but the physical and the Force often came together as one. Otherwise Kylo wouldn’t be as fast or as strong as he was. The Force aided him in all areas.

It would aid Paquin, too. She just needed to focus a bit.


Mira nodded her agreement. She would get used to much. Her wardrobe wasn’t going to be so boring in the future. She had a uniform. She would need to figure out just what image she wanted for the Grey Jedi. The Jedi tunics were comfortable. She had a feeling there were also more dresses in her future now, or maybe she just wanted more dresses in her future. And armor. New armor, so she wasn’t mistaken for a knight.

Sure, every knight had custom armor, but there was still something distinct about it. She’d recognize a new person in Knight of Ren armor without a question. “Perhaps…,” she considered, but wondered if the First Order would even be able to make anything like it. Their armor was plate, not woven. “It’s Cortosis-weave, mostly. Snoke couldn’t get his hands on beskar,” now that would be an upgrade. Mandalorian armor would put Kylo Ren to shame, and it could be woven, as well as manipulated to create ships. “It has to be made to resist the Force a bit, and lightsabers…the technology isn’t advanced. Jedi didn’t use armor.” And the Sith guarded their secrets as religiously as the Mandalorians.

Much tech with the Force wasn’t advanced. The Jedi were to blame for that. The stone may open up some new advancements, if Hux ever wanted to use it for such. She wouldn’t deny it at all.

She reached up for the mug, smiling as she let the cat sniff it, before Millicent decided she didn’t care, and just tried to get more affection. Mira took the liquid to her lips, drinking down that first gulp deeply, contented, and glad that Hux got some sleep. “Good,” she said after that, and nodded, rose, to Millicent’s vocal displeasure as her hand was taken beyond Millicent’s reach. “I did sleep. No dreams.” Just how it should be. She never liked dreaming, even before the stone. It made her paranoid. It didn’t help that on those rare occasions when she had dreamt, it was nightmares. “You can keep this during the day. I should be better able to withstand anything Snoke thinks to throw at me during the day now, but if not…I’ll just come find you.”

She’d finish the coffee, then rejoin Finn. Had to finish it quick, and she didn’t really delay, though she may have wanted to. “I don’t think I mentioned it before,” ever, “my parents were political activists on Coruscant. They wanted to be more. Wanted me to be involved in such things, back when they cared,” a wry smile touched her lips, “this feels strange.” That she’d be going to the senate. She wasn't going in blind. Her childhood was spent voraciously reading up on it, on the Jedi, on all those things her parents had mentioned in the stupid and vain hope that she'd understand something, that it was buried in the life and understanding of her parents, which in hindsight was stupid. Her parents hadn't known anything to help her, after all.

Yet, she had to go now. She had to represent the future Gray Jedi, and though not technically there for it, her presence would impact the General. “I know I am not there to represent you or the First Order, but the Senate see that.” By her attire alone, as August was known to make it obvious where his allegiance was with Imperial insignias, “Is there anything I should avoid? Any message I should try to present?” She was there for the Grey Jedi, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t help with Hux’s own message, his own ideas.

She was helping to create them, helping to smooth things over with Leia and the Resistance, positing ideas of changing the New Republic system to become a bit more centralized, to have something of a hierarchy that would put the Outer Rim actually on even footing with the Core. She doubted any of it had been spoken of with August, and doubted she would present such a thing, but she had an opportunity to make an impact all the same, and it should be in line with Hux’s own plans. Lying would not serve now.


Finn came back to the spot where BB-8 was, holding all of these items as best he could, and thinking belatedly that maybe he should have grabbed a bag for the water. Or something. The bottles kept slipping as he tried to hold them, and not squish the sandwiches, or spill the fruit. “Still not out?” Finn asked BB-8, who of course indicated she wasn’t. Obviously. “Hey, maybe she left and went somewhere else.”

And BB-8 was waiting for him.


BB-8 then added a question, of why Finn didn’t try balancing all he was holding with the Force. “Er. I didn’t think of it.” Finn admitted. “Also, I can’t feel the Force here.” That stone. He imagined he was still in its radius from this location. He didn’t know exactly how far it extended.

Forcekiller is an abomination,” Mace grumbled, startling Finn into letting a couple of the water bottles slip. Mace caught them, close enough at the time. He opened one for himself and drank deep of it. It wasn’t tea, but he’d have tea later.

“What are you doing here?” Finn asked, startled. “I mean, good morning,” he shouldn’t be rude, not to his own dad, but he was surprised. Where had Mace even gone?

“Master Vallens is going to be training you this morning. I’m going to be seeing what this is all about. I may be inclined to support this, but I’m still not sure about her. Or this.” Mace stated.

Finn smiled, though. “Thank you,” he took it as a small gesture of good faith, even if it may not be. He wanted to hope.

And damn if Mace didn’t enjoy his son’s hope. His good nature and positivity. It was hard to resist or say no to, he was learning. He obviously got that from his mother. Somehow. Even if he remembered Ada as feisty, she’d still been…brimming with hope, back in the day. Now he had these two kids brimming with hope about an organization they had no idea how to organize, with teachings they didn’t halfway understand, and well…someone needed to look over this. Someone adult and jaded.

Apparently that was going to be him. This was his curse for outliving Yoda, wasn’t it?
Ambitions. No, Ariel didn’t really have any of those. Not beyond the Knights. Not beyond being controlled, as Anakin put it. She didn’t really plan ahead, anyway. She figured she’d die before thirty. She had no aspirations to become a politician or start a family, or maybe a business. She wouldn’t be good at any of those things. Not that she’d be allowed to do any of that.

Maybe Gnaeus had ambitions. Of all of them, he was the one that would do the best outside of the Knights. He was social, smart. He wasn’t an alcoholic nor did he have anger issues. He was normal. He could be something after this if he really wanted to. Ariel momentarily grieved for the wasted potential. Because none of them were ever going to be anything else.

Ariel was not a revolutionary, Gnaeus wasn’t. Anakin was barking up the wrong tree. But, Ariel supposed they were the only trees he could bark up. Kylo wouldn’t hear him out, probably wouldn’t get drunk ever again. And he was the only one out of them with those leadership skills.

“Sorry, Ani. I know you only mean to help, but we know more about what we’re doing than you think.”

‘No you don’t.’ Anakin wanted to say that, but he knew there was no point. Not now, anyway. “If you say so. There will come a day that you’ll realize I’m right. I hope it won’t be too late for you four then.”

“I know you’re probably not too happy with us, Ani, but I have a question for you.” Ariel thought she might as well utilize the Jedi knowledge that Anakin had. There were other ways for Anakin to help them, and if he really wanted what was best for them then he’d do it. Maybe Kylo didn’t want to listen to Anakin, but his grandfather had other knowledge than what he supposedly knew of Snoke’s plans. And Ariel was always drunk, so definitely an access point between the Knights and Anakin. And maybe other Force ghosts.

“Have you seen the stick Paquin’s been carrying around? She picked it up on Tatooine,” his homeworld. “It’s got Jedi writing on it, do you know what it is?” Perhaps it had been in the hands of the Jedi Council before Grakkus had it.


Paquin’s plans were thwarted. Kylo’s hand grabbed hers when she reached for it, and her kick to his knee, while it hurt him, did not make him release her. She mumbled a quiet ‘okay’ in acceptance. She didn’t really expect much else. After all, she had told him all the ways she could attack him, he obviously anticipated the possibilities.

But he didn’t seem disappointed in the fact that he was able to stop her, which was good.

Her feet reconnected with the ground as Kylo set her down. His hand left hers and Paquin found herself missing it, along with his arm around her. Just him in general. She wrote it off as the absence of warmth. Not that she was cold, but Kylo was warm. And surprisingly nice to be held against. Maybe it was his build or more likely his personality that made Paquin think he’d be uncomfortable. Hard, cold.

Paquin didn’t think any more about it.

At first, she thought Kylo wanted a high five, but he went on to explain what he wanted her to do. “I can practice this with Gnaeus,” Paquin mentioned. That’s what the plan was, anyway. For Gnaeus to deal with the Force aspect. But Paquin didn’t mind if Kylo wanted to handle it in the moment. Any of them could teach her things. As long as Kylo had some patience with her, she wouldn’t complain.

Her eyes settled on his hand as if it really mattered where she looked. She tested his hand with the Force first, pushed on it the way she knew how to. It was just a general push, not focused at all. She thought of ways on how to do it. How Gnaeus had taught her to focus. And the whole water thing. Though water wasn’t very precise, was it? ’Squirt guns can be precise.’ Paquin giggled at that thought. But maybe there was a point to it.

Maybe if she envisioned herself as a water gun and the Force as the water… It was silly, but silly seemed to work sometimes. In the case of ‘flightless shitbirds’.


“I’ll mention new armor to Phasma, see what your options may be. Feel free to talk to her about it yourself, mention specifics.” He advised her on the subject of armor. Hux didn’t usually think much of it, it wasn’t as necessary to him. Phasma would know much more. In fact, Hux thought Phasma might even enjoy sharing her knowledge. Phasma often kept up with advancements in armor and weapons, thinking of ways to further expand on the Stormtroopers.

Mira confirmed that she slept. Dreamless, fortunately for everyone. “I’m glad you got some sleep,” Hux mused. He was genuinely pleased that she’d gotten rest, and not for selfish reasons. It was strange, caring about someone’s wellbeing. Hux was so used to, well, not giving a shit. The only other person Hux had thought to give a damn about was Phasma. If anyone asked Hux, he’d say it was because the First Order would take a great hit losing her.

Which was true. But there was a hint of friendship in there.

Hux sipped his coffee, leisurely. “I’m not surprised by that,” Hux mentioned at the reveal of her political activist parents. Mira was certainly well-versed in activism, as he witnessed on their first mission together. On Cimarosa. Just in general, and he knew he’d continue to witness it. She must have learned to understand such things from somewhere. And she likely wouldn’t have gotten such teachings under Luke and certainly not under Snoke.

“I’d avoid talking about the Hosnian System if you want them to like you,” Hux found humor in his words. Probably a little insensitive. Oh well. But at least there was some truth to it. “They don’t like talking about changes to the system of the Senate, even if that’s exactly what they need. Most likely you won’t even be able to get a word in,” there were too many Senators representing the worlds. All with contradicting views and ideals.

And in times of great change, like they were in now, that was the worst.

“But, on the off chance that you do, say what you need but don’t let it sound like you’re opposing the Senate.” He’d made that mistake and it forced his hand. “You know what you want out of the Grey Jedi, you know the changes I want,” or what he’d settle on for the sake of progress. “What needs to be done now is to bring everyone together as one unit.” Against Snoke. “Whatever you can fit in to enforce that, I would do so. It might be difficult, wearing the First Order insignia.” That would bring her great difficulty.

But Hux wouldn’t be letting her go if he thought it was too much for her to handle. He knew this to be an area she’d be good in. Or at least would learn to be good in.
‘Do we really know all that much more?’ Gnaeus couldn’t say he did. He knew what to do to stay alive. He believed that Snoke was the lesser evil between the New Republic and First Order, but…he wouldn’t say he really knew what he was doing, or much of what he was supporting in the long run. He didn’t really like to think of it.

Downtime wasn’t his thing. He liked being at work.

Ariel at least had an interesting question, didn’t dismiss Anakin quickly after all of that. He may have, but she brought up the stick. “Oh! Right.”

Anakin had seen it, though Gnaeus saw him start to shake his head, “It’s older than me, I know that much. I’m not familiar with the stick that Paquin found, though I think Coruscant once had a fragment of it, too.” Something he recalled briefly doing a double-take of, when Obi-Wan had been showing him around the grounds of the Jedi Temple. He was sure he’d questioned why there was a stick on display, and Obi-Wan had pointed out the writing to him.

Anakin had shrugged it off as history and little else of importance. “Obi-Wan probably knows it better than I do.” And where was Obi-Wan? Anakin had no idea. “All I really recall is that he said it could withstand a lightsaber and I thought that was…kind of cool.” He’d been a stupid kid, hadn’t he?

“That’s not that unusual…the trees of Kashyyyk can do that, too, can’t they?”

“Beyond that. Your lightsaber hilts resist, but they can still be broken by a lightsaber. He seemed to imply that a lightsaber wouldn’t break it, or maybe that’s just how I interpreted it. Maybe it is only Kashyyyk wood with writing on it.” Anakin’s ghost shrugged. He wished he knew more, but he truly didn’t.


Kylo’s thought of missing Paquin being so close was tossed aside by a spark of anger as she mentioned that Gnaeus was training her in the Force. He felt like lowering his hand and walking away, leaving her to it, but fortunately she acted before he could do such a foolish thing. He did have to take a deep breath. ‘You did tell her that would be the case.’ Kylo hadn’t expected her to care that much if either he or Ariel stepped up to help.

Gnaeus may be the main teacher, but that didn’t mean he could offer to help. ‘She wants more time with him.’ He thought to what Ariel had spoken of and shut his eyes as he felt the Force pressing against his hand.

Focused, probably, for her level. Yet, he could only think that it wasn’t focused enough. “Gnaeus is good for your beginning training, but not much else,” it was bitterness more than anything else that caused Kylo to speak, “you’ve seen how he’s holding up after losing his hand. His skills with the Force need improvement. He can start you, but this is refinement.” Focus and pinpointing.

He did let his hand be pushed back, but then he pulled it out of the focus, shook it off. No, he was too agitated. “Though perhaps you do need Gnaeus to start you out.” He opened his eyes as he shook his hand out. He hadn’t resisted, as promised. “I’m sure he’s not doing anything important. You should make sure he teaches you this next, so you can actually defend yourself in combat next time.”


Phasma – that was a good idea. Phasma would certainly understand some things, though Mira wondered if she’d truly understand the sorts of armor Mira would prefer. She didn’t want full plate like the Stormtroopers. She had a feeling that would feel quite…strange. Disconnecting from the Force. Sure, she was basically fully covered in her own Knight attire, but the material was breathable.

Mira still gave a nod to the idea, and listened as Hux spoke of the Senate, smirking a bit when he mentioned Hosnian Prime. ‘Wouldn’t dream of it.’ She would avoid that like the plague. Though, unlike Hux, she was more concerned attention might be brought to her, if only because of the Jedi status. She could hope otherwise, but she highly doubted it.

Tarkin was hardly inviting her just to stand there and be seen – he’d mention what she was. He may want to use her former status as a Knight of Ren to help with that ‘unit’ thing. She wasn’t sure exactly how she was going to be used, but she probably was a pawn in this. ‘Good thing you’re used to that.’ Mira ignored the thought as she finished her coffee and set the mug aside, crossing her arm over her chest and inclining her head slightly. “Understood. Hopefully nothing will come up, but it is better to be prepared.”

With that, she turned back to the door, “I’ll see you at the absolute latest, this evening.” Though Mira was quite certain she’d see him before then, and she left him with that, stepping out to find Finn waiting with BB-8…and Mace. And food. She made sure that the Commodore didn't slip out as she shut the door behind.

Finn waved, and immediately offered Mira a wrapped sandwich. “Eat.”

“Okay.” Why argue? She started to unwrap it, started to walk.

“So where are we going?”

“I felt something here yesterday.” The planet had quite the bit of Force strength to it. “Closest bit of nature we can find.”

“Not far from here,” Mace offered. “Though the Tarkins aren’t known to let people trespass in their playground.” He’d already done so.

“The Carrion Plateau? That…makes sense.” Mira said it just as the sensation hit her again, the return of the Force that staggered her last night. She was a bit more prepared, able to brace better, but she still felt it. “Then we’ll go to the outskirts of it.” Should be good enough.

Mace didn’t offer a protest. Considering he’d gone out that way to meditate and be a bit closer to nature, he couldn’t really say it was all that dangerous on the edges, though he did sense other creatures that had considered getting close.


“Seig, where would I be without you?” August asked, reaching forward and taking the cup of coffee that Seig placed on the table, alongside multiple muffins of various flavors that he must have picked up from somewhere.

“Having more difficulty pretending you’re not hungover,” Seig winked, causing August to chuckle a bit. “Is Ransolm coming?” He asked, and August shook his head. “My wife isn’t happy about Pandion.” The news hit on a wide scale then. The Senator of Lothal died in the hospital – or so it was said. Obviously, that wasn’t the truth. “She would have liked to have been consulted.”

“There wasn’t time.”

“There was,” Seig denied, “But it does not matter right now. I’ll adhere to the story, and I know Caius will,” the Senate loomed, and this was a meeting for preparation and strategy, “Where is Ransolm then?”

“I sent him to spy on the Gray Jedi.”

“…I thought we were forbidden from spying on the First Order?”


“Isn’t the Admiral of the First Order the Founder of the Gray Jedi?”

“Don’t you love loopholes?” August smirked, “If I’m going to be throwing Eriadu’s support behind the Gray Jedi, I need to make sure I know what’s going on, and I am throwing Eriadu’s support behind them.” He noted, sipping again, “She may not be an Admiral, but then, Hux is hardly a General.”

“I thought you liked Hux?” After the Carrion.

“Mm.” Something like that, “But that doesn’t mean I think he’s a General. Just as Adelaide doesn’t presume she’s a politician.” Seig shook his head. No, Adelaide did not presume that much, which was somewhat liberating. He didn’t want to go through a battle of wills with her over such things. They both respected their areas of expertise. “Just as I don’t think she’s an Admiral. Not by our standards, who knows the definition the First Order uses,” he waved it away, dismissive, “Once Caius gets here,” and likely Alexander, even if Caius was the actual senator, “we can discuss a bit more the situation of Eriadu, the position of the Gray Jedi, and how we’re going to move forward even though the Senate is going to try and block everything we do.”

“You’re such an optimist….”

“Seig, you’ve been monitoring this. What’s going to happen today?”

He just sighed. “We have majority support, honestly. Eriadu’s embargo shouldn’t be problematic, especially after Hux calls off his dog,” Seig noted, “The usual problems will come in trying to get the Senate to do anything, and if you intend to address the Gray Jedi issue—”

“I do.”

“—then no doubt from Snoke’s min…ah.” Seig saw it then. The most outspoken. “Anyone who mentions Acolytes of the Beyond….”

“Watched, possibly murdered.”

“Adelaide wanted me to mention you can’t solve all of your problems with murder.”

“My General is telling me this?” Tarkin seemed most amused with that fact.
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Anakin didn’t have much to offer on the subject of the stick, unfortunately. Obi-Wan might’ve, but who knows where that guy was. And he was definitely more Jedi than Anakin, so he definitely wouldn’t help them. Oh well. “Thanks anyway, Anakin.” Maybe she and the other Knight’s would find a use for Anakin that he could assist with at a later date.

It seems that answers to Paquin’s mystery stick might lie on Coruscant, but there was no way they’d get Kylo to allow them to go. They had to lay low, and Kylo thought the stick was useless, a dumb Jedi stick.

But maybe if they could show Kylo that it wasn’t entirely useless. It called to Paquin for some reason. And if it could resist lightsabers like Anakin suggested they could, maybe it would be interesting to him. It could be something to look into. Or maybe it was just Ariel’s desperate attempt to grasp at something to do other than sit around and wait to get attacked. “Hey, we should go ask Paquin if we could stab at her stick, see if what he says is true.” Ariel suggested to Gnaeus.

She couldn’t see Paquin having a problem with it. How attached could she be to a fragment of wood with scribbles on it?

“Like I said, that’s just how I interpreted it,” Anakin mentioned once again. He didn’t actually know, he was a kid. Destroying something that could be entirely different to what he was thinking of wouldn’t be very smart. It was a Jedi artifact. It was a very unlikely, small chance that anything would come of the writing to sway the Knights, but Anakin could only hope.

That’s all he could do now, couldn’t he?


There was an obvious change in Kylo’s demeanor. She could feel it, she could see it in his body language, and she could hear it in his voice. Her shoulders slumped ever so slightly and she let out a tiny sigh. She didn’t understand the real reason for the shift in Kylo, she simply thought that she wasn’t doing what Kylo wanted her to do. Even though she thought she did alright with the focusing thing.

Apparently not.

Paquin’s eyebrows furrowed as Kylo seemed to talk down on Gnaeus’s abilities. “Gnaeus just lost his hand. He’s barely had any time to adjust to it. You can’t expect him to be his normal self so soon.” Paquin thought to defend Gnaeus. Paquin wasn’t one to argue, and she didn’t consider this doing so. But she was a little frustrated. Not only with Kylo, but the whole Knight thing in general.

“I’m sure he’s good for more than just beginning training.” Maybe he did need to improve on the Force, but surely he was capable of more than just basic training.

Paquin walked away from Kylo then, back to the corner with her things. She gathered the stick and the crystal and secured her lightsaber back in place. “If there’s nothing else you want to try and teach me,” Paquin put slight emphasis on try. “I’ll go find Gnaeus. And I’ll make sure he teaches me how to poke things.” The way she said it made it seem like it wasn’t at all refinement, or that’s what she intended it to sound like.”


Finn was a bit hesitant about the whole outskirts thing. “If you think that’s a good idea, teach. Coach. Master.” Finn cycled through a couple of titles for Mira before ending it on the usual one of master. “But, y’know, you haven’t had much luck with animals lately.” That weird dog thing. And there were a lot of animals in the Carrion Plateau. Maybe they wouldn’t venture too far out of it.

“I think we’ll be fine. I was there last night, nothing happened.” Mace assured his son. But who knows, maybe Mira’s supposed shit luck with animals would put them in danger. “As long as we don’t disturb their habitat too much, we’ll be just fine.”

BB-8 chimed in, mentioning that it was also daytime, and beasts didn’t come out so much during the day.

“So that’s where you went last night?” Finn pieced it together, having wondered where his father went the night before, the man having disappeared into thin air, it seemed.

Mace hummed in confirmation.

It would take them a hot minute to venture out of the urban Eriadu City to find the Carrion Plateau, but they did nonetheless. Finn had eaten his breakfast during that time and washed it down with some water. He probably should’ve gotten more, but then he didn’t expect Mace to steal any of it. In fact, Finn half expected not to have seen Mace again at all.

But that didn’t matter now. He seemed to be sticking around.

“So, Master Mira. Where do we even begin?” Finn wasn’t nervous, he knew that Mira had to have taught Kevan this stuff as well. “Oh, and I have a question. When do I get a lightsaber?” Finn thought the lightsabers were so cool. He wondered if his Force-sensitivity had anything to do with his ability to so smoothly handle Rey’s lightsaber before. Or rather, Luke’s lightsaber. Or was it Anakin’s?



“You can totally solve all your problems with murder!” Alexander exclaimed as he wandered into the room, loud and obnoxious even though he himself was hungover. He was even visibly disheveled, more so than usual. Even though he took longer than Caius to get ready. Most of the night he’d blanked out, actually. He still remembered the Phasma bits, though. “Sorry to break it to you, Seig, but you’re girlfriend’s wrong.”

“Alexander, they’re married, remember? Or did you forget that too?” Caius grumbled as he followed in after his brother. He hadn’t gotten drunk, thus had no hangover. But his head was still aching. “Sorry I brought him along.” Caius always apologized for his brother’s presence, even though Alexander always, almost without fail, tagged along. Everyone even expected Alexander at this point.

“I don’t know what the problem here is, but murder is always an acceptable option.” Alexander reiterated as he grabbed a muffin that Seig had brought, easily devouring it. Caius had already eaten breakfast, while he waited for his twin to get ready

“Don’t listen to him. Listen to Adelaide.” Caius spoke as he sat. Adelaide was right, most of the time, if not all the time. “Jarrod Pandion died in a hospital on Coruscant then,” Caius shifted subjects. “Obviously that’s not the sole reason for us gathering here today.” Caius could imagine what August would want to discuss. There was no shortage of issues with them.

Eriadu, the First Order, the Senate. At this point, they’d have to draw from a hat to pick which topic to talk about first.
Gnaeus couldn’t help but laugh at the ‘stab her stick’ comment. Perhaps it was the alcohol that made it funny, but either way, he was glad to laugh. “Didn’t we leave her with Kylo?” Gnaeus asked, adding, “Might not be a good idea to go interrupt that.” Though he didn’t really know if they were still together, or if they had parted ways. He didn’t feel either of their energies too close. “Though I suppose it may be good for Kylo to see if the stick is invincible, too.”

“I don’t think it’s invincible.” Anakin said.

“Though he might not like that we got the idea from Anakin,” it didn’t cross Gnaeus’s mind to lie about the information and who told them the stick might be invincible.

“No, he won’t like that….” Kylo did not like him. He liked Darth Vader. It was such a bizarre way of viewing it. Anakin didn’t see himself as divided between the two entities. He was both, and his decisions as Vader had mostly been a mistake. Ending the Jedi hadn’t been. He would still stand by that – he had, perhaps, gone about it the wrong way. Sometimes, he did wonder how else it could have been done, though.

The Jedi were a massive movement. There would never be any talking or debating them down. ‘But they’re going to come back….’ Unless the Knights put them down. Or…there had to be an Or. ‘Unless the Knights get their shit together.’ That seemed hopeless.


“Yes, I can!” Kylo snapped at Paquin when she said that he shouldn’t expect Gnaeus to be his normal self again so soon. “As soon as I was awake from my own injuries, I got back to training, I got back to the mission that we as Knights are set to do. I can expect Gnaeus to be himself again.” He put a hand to his forehead, only to push it back through his hair, “Right now he is only good for beginning training, but he would, otherwise, be good for more.”

He would give Gnaeus that much. He was a Knight.

Kylo didn’t have faith in him beyond that right now, which was why he stuck him to Paquin. He needed to get back to his own roots to learn to train himself back up to more, and perhaps he should have faith in Gnaeus to push through, but he didn’t.

Or, he was jealous of the praise. Jealous that Paquin trusted Gnaeus more than him, even if he was showing why he shouldn’t be trusted. His impatience. His agitation. The emphasis on try got to him, and he let his eyes narrow a bit, “You can go to Gnaeus. Let him try to teach you, and when Mira comes through, I’ll let you and Gnaeus try to kill her.” Mira would barrel through them.

“Maybe Ariel and I will make sure that isn’t your last lesson.” He taught Mira, he could teach. She had learned much under him. Luke. Snoke.


Mira smiled as Finn cycled through titles. “Master still seems best.” Jinn spoke, but Mira couldn’t hear him any longer. The green hue lit in the kyber crystals, though, and Mace took note of it as he was answering Finn.

Mira added, “The animals didn’t like the Forcekiller. They seem to like me, otherwise. The worms did,” fetch. There had been a game of fetch with the worms. Mira still wasn’t certain if she’d dreamt that or not. ‘No, you don’t dream.’ Not by choice.

When they reached the outskirts, Mira canted her head, “Don’t you have a lightsaber?”

“Well, it’s not mine. I didn’t make it. When do I get to make my own?”

“Later,” Mira wasn’t all that concerned about such things, in truth. “Right now you wouldn’t even know how to channel the Force properly. I’m not rushing your training for combat, we’re starting slow and keeping it that way so you can work on your own, too.”

“Work on my own?”

Mira nodded, “There’s a lot of theory in the Force, and a lot of simply…feeling.” It was the best way to put it. “You know the basics – the Force is all around us, alive, and such. It’s in you. You are a part of the Force, and the Force is a part of you.”

“I’m one with the Force, and the Force is one with me,” Mace murmured, and Finn looked at him quizzically, “The Guardians of the Whills used to say that.”

“It was through the Whills that I learned how to find the Wellspring of Life and learned how to become a Force Ghost. Voice.” Jinn added, aware that only Mace could hear him right then.

Finn did notice the glow of the crystals, though, “What’s he saying?” When Mira canted her head, Jinn again spoke to Mace.

“She can’t hear me anymore. Her mind was weak before. No one taught her how to listen, but she’s quite psionic. When she tries. It shouldn’t be hard to teach her.”

Mace sighed, “Jinn’s talking – Mira apparently can’t hear him right now. He’s just commenting on the Whills. Led him to learning how to be a disembodied voice.” Mace then shifted back, “So, where are we beginning, master Mira.”

Mira gave Mace an all-too pleased grin, and motioned down, sitting in the grass. Finn followed suit, and as Mira held out her hands, he instinctively moved his, letting them hover over her open palms. “Meditation. Feeling the Force. That’s where it all begins – and then, Finn, I’ll teach you how to sprint like I do, promise. All I want from you right now is to meditate, and to feel the Force, and get accustomed to feeling it. Everything begins there.”

“All right.” It was boring to an outsider, perhaps, but Finn was eager to see if he could get to feeling the force the way that Mira and Mace seemed able to. Mace took a seat as well. He couldn’t argue with this beginning method. Not for his son. For someone like, or Mira, he would have wanted something more physically active to channel what was already, clearly, felt – but Finn? No…this would work.

Mira shut her eyes, and Finn did as soon as he felt the Force flowing up from Mira’s palms. He felt himself naturally resisting, and he decided to use that as the focus point – the pressure coming up, the pressure pushing down, and try to follow that feeling to recognize what that…was…around him. Through him. In him.

Only a few minutes later, his brow furrowed, a strike of pressure in his head.

‘Boo.’ Mira’s voice, in his head.


“Thank you, Alexander,” August laughed as he entered, encouraging the murder spree. “Someone understands the importance of removing obstacles.” Seig rolled his eyes, and left out the comment Adelaide had made.

‘What if that was us, Seig? What if that was his son?’
‘August would never harm Johann.’

“You are correct, Caius. That is not why I called this meeting. This is senate strategy, and I will need you for something, Alexander.” He expected him, though Caius would have delivered the message regardless. “First thing, Caius, you’re bringing Cibor with you on the pod. Mine is full with Julia and Mira, and I want Cibor there. Second,” he glanced between them, “We all know the first topic is going to be the peaceful embargo and how what we did was wrong.”

“It wasn’t.”

“On the contrary,” he smirked, “It was. We are going to go in, and apologize, and make an offer to compensate Snoke for the damages.”

“…what.” Seig did not see that coming.

August waved it off, “It’s a non-issue. Snoke has no representative in the Senate, no one to discuss the matter of compensation with. It will remove the subject from annoying us, and allow us to embargo at will. That’s where you come on,” he gestured to Alexander, “Embargo Kamino. Immediately.”

Seig’s eyes widened, “August, Kamino is represented in the Senate, they will—”

“—suffer, bitch, argue, right after agreeing that an embargo is a good thing and we should apologize for it. Right?”

Seig almost let his jaw hit the floor. “Exactly. They will be silenced quick enough, and we can get on to the more important matters of voting in a new position to the Senate for the Gray Jedi, which won’t happen for a while, but with the Jedi Guide out, it will further the conversation, and we need a Force angle to play against Snoke and Luke Skywalker.”

“General Organa will not like this.”

“General Organa is no longer Senator Organa. We are going to utilize her absence to make sure Luke never gets a position on the Senate, and the Jedi Order never returns.” He leaned back. “Finally, when that is tabled by people bringing up who knows, and who cares, what – we’ll speak of declaring a formal war on Snoke. If we can…I want to force a vote, today.”

“We won’t win with a forced vote.”

“I know. I want to see who votes against it. That’s all.” Because forced in a position like that, unable to reach out to Snoke, most of his followers would vote against it. There were the pacifists as well, and those simply afraid or who didn’t see Snoke as a threat, but August wanted to start narrowing things down. To see their opposition, figure who could be convinced, and see who was actually in line with Snoke. “We’ll have an informal party after the senate, and that’s where the real work will be done, as per usual.”

He gave a nod, then, “Caius, Seig, thoughts or changes to the plan?” August didn’t want to play nice. He wanted to start playing hardball, and start pressing them. They delayed too much. Stalled. There would still be plenty of that.
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Ariel couldn’t help but wonder if these two were serious. Lying didn’t seem to cross either one of their minds. “Have neither of you heard of lying?” Ariel asked them. “Or, excuse me, withholding the truth.” Maybe that would sound more appealing. “Gnaeus, you and I are the resident Jedi speakers here, aren’t we?” Paquin nor Kylo spoke it. They had a perfect cover-up.

“All we have to do is tell Kylo that we deciphered it from the stick. He doesn’t have to know about Ani.” Ariel shrugged. Something being able to withstand a lightsaber would definitely be intriguing and if they found out what the substance was, they could certainly utilize it. Kylo would probably be happy about that. But it would also be dismissed easily if Anakin was brought up.

Kylo was an infuriating human.

“You go Dark Side and back once and all of a sudden you’re mister goody-two-shoes.” Ariel teased Anakin. He was supposed to be the wise one of them, but he didn’t think of lying. And apparently Gnaeus was too good of a Knight to think about lying to Kylo. Or something. Maybe it was Ariel just being a bad person. ‘But you’re not a bad Knight.’ She told herself.


“Kylo, this isn’t the same. You were very badly injured,” she knew that very well, “Sure, it hurt. Maybe even harmed your self-esteem. But you healed. You didn’t lose normal function of your body. Gnaeus lost his hand and it will never come back. And a fake hand won’t be the same.” She defended Gnaeus, but her main purpose wasn’t to argue in his favor. She wanted Kylo to understand the situation. Bring back some of the patience and compassion she saw in the beginning.

But she began to lose confidence that she’d ever see that again.

Paquin wasn’t sure why, nor did she question it, but she became very upset at the mention of ‘Ariel and I’. It wasn’t because it was insinuating Ariel was better than her at fighting, Paquin knew that. But something about ‘Ariel and I’ rubbed Paquin the wrong way. Very wrong. “You and Ariel can do whatever you want.” There was an uncharacteristic bitterness to her voice that even Paquin noticed.

She lightly shook her head. “Mira shouldn’t even be my problem,” Paquin’s frustration was surfacing. Her frustration with Kylo and his instability. She wasn’t expecting him to change completely, but she’d catch glimpses of him showing positive emotion and she’d become hopeful he’d show more. She was upset with not being good enough with the Force and only half wanting to be where she was. And apparently, she was upset with Ariel. “The only reason Mira wants to hurt me or any of us is because of you.” That wasn’t true. It was all Mira’s decisions. And Paquin knew that.

Still, she said it as if it were a fact.


Finn jumped, startled by Mira’s sudden voice. He knew she hadn’t opened her mouth and spoke. But it still sounded just as clear. She was in his head, he came to realize. That’s what the brief pressure was. But, despite being startled, his eyes stayed shut. His focus didn’t break. His resistance wavered a bit, but he recovered. ‘What was that for?’ Finn thought, in good humor. He figured if she could speak in his head, she could hear his thoughts.

But he wanted to be able to speak in her head. Wouldn’t that be something? Read each others minds or something like that.

He was losing focus.

His thoughts returned to the pressure of the Force coming from both of their hands. And he began to test it, like he did in the casino when he’d made himself hit the jackpot. But this time he didn’t take any decisive action, just touched things around him, to understand the ebb and flow of the Force. It was, for the most part, natural. And it helped him envision himself in the Force.

He didn’t manifest the pressure of the Force. He just bent it a little. He wasn’t what created the Force, it was all around him. The Force was in him. ‘I’m one with the Force, the Force is with me.’ It was accurate. Finn liked it.

And Mace watched the two. He saw his son jump, but he didn’t interfere. He could feel the feelings coming from Mira and Finn. Nothing was wrong.

He didn’t meditate along with them, but rather watched. Observed how Mira was teaching and how Finn was absorbing.

“Mira has great potential, Master Windu.” Jinn commented. He may not have physical eyes, but he could still watch. It wasn’t mentioned as a way to convince Mace of it, but rather a fact. Mace wouldn’t take back, either, lest he disturb Mira’s teaching. “She’s going to make great changes.” Big changes. For the good, Jinn suspected. Everyone suspected.

There were words of Mira fufilling a prophecy going around. But Qui-Gon wouldn’t mention that. Mace was smart enough to figure it out. One day.


“I like this plan.” Alexander answered first, even if he wasn’t addressed. He was happy to place an embargo on Kamino. And he was thrilled at the prospect of a formal war on Snoke, even if a forced vote would never win. Alexander had waited too patiently for the day to come. “See, this is the reason you’re the big boss.” Alexander finger-gunned at August before he took another muffin and abandoned the meeting.

He had an embargo to set up, after all.

Caius suppressed an eye roll. His brother was informal and Caius would have scolded Alexander for leaving before they finished, but he had a point. This was why August was the man on top. The plan was incredibly cunning. And there was no changing the embargo idea, so Alexander really had no purpose in the meeting. One less issue for Caius to deal with.

“I agree with Alexander, it’s a good plan.” It was a dividing plan. August wasn’t fucking around anymore. As he shouldn’t, it was war time now. Even if it would remain an informal war.

“It’s the only plan,” Seig was agreeing with it. Even if no one would like it. Even if they wouldn’t win. Even if they had to admit that something they did was wrong. It would dissolve their current issues with the Senate and propel them ahead, within themselves. “We’re not going to earn any favors from the Senate after this.” Not from the “peacekeepers” and certainly not from Snoke’s minions.

But August probably knew that already.

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