Star wars: The reclamer

Battle meditation is considered a lost art..... The only reason for my character being able to use it, is well. She isn't exacfly young chronologically

Elvin is not accepted under the grounds that the it's purely unrealistic that palpatine would spare him, if he did Elvin would of been broken and turned into a shadow guard. I don't think you can fix this Character for the RP you can try though.

Torturus is accepted

Neo is not accepted under the fact that Vader had an apprentice at the time, and would of killed her. Send me a Pm I can help you convert her to something that makes slightly more sense and tell you the setting
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@Revan The Courier

Elvin - Yet he spared Thrawn?

Torturus - K.

Neo - True, but are we really considering Starkiller canon under the fact his story is.. bleck.

Darth Revan - Forget I ever considered this Rp.
SirFlabberghaspy said:
Tortu jai Shan





A traditionalist at heart, yet embracing of Galactic culture,

Torturus is open to new ideas, but often sticks to his specie's

culture. He greatly believes in honor, vengeance, and wishes

to become a deity within his people.

He burns with a hatred for both the Republic and the Galactic

Empire. The first due to the Jedi who slaughtered his tribe, and

the second for their invasion of his homeworld.

Torturus hates the fact that he had to abandon the fight on Kalee

to pursue an oath, but knows that he must make the most of it.

Because of his great respect for General Grevious as a god, he often

finds himself very comfortable around droids, and the presence of one

can shift his mood quite easily. Torturus loves droids.








Neutral, Possibly Rebellion




E-5s Sniper Rifle


Twin Durasteel Scimitars


Melee Combat

Great Eyesight

Natural Sniper


Naturally Stealthy

Home Planet:



When Tortu Jai Shan was born, he was born into a time of great strife for his tribe. Fighting alongside his future deity, Qymaen Jai Sheelal (General Grevious), he drove back the invading species, Huk, from their homeworld of Kalee.

Enraged when the Republic sent Jedi to fight his people, Shan served under Sheelal in driving them back, only to watch his tribe and comrades die. In defeat, Shan was captured by Jedi Master Kal.

During his flight to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Shan managed to escape his binds and violently murder. Kal's padawan, escaping before the Master could subdue him through one of the ship's escape pods.

He crash-landed on Dagobah, stuck there for many years. However, when Trandoshan pirates hunted down a wookie by the name of Tartahn, Shan worked with the fellow in bringing down the Trandoshans and stealing their vessel.

Learning of Sheelal's conversion to Grevious, he worked for the Trade Federation. Even participating in the Clone Wars, Shan became a well-known mercenary in the criminal underworld. After the death of Grevious, he began making his way back to Kalee to inform the clans of the hero's defeat and ascension into godhood.

However, when he reached Kalee, he heard of the Galactic Empire's rising after Order 66. Shan began working for the Empire with great respect, until Admiral Thrawn's invasion of Kalee. With a failed assassination attempt on Inquisitor Raahn, his overseer, Shan escaped to Tatooine and began working as a bounty hunter and hired gun. There, he took on the name Torturus, desiring to make the Empire suffer for what they were doing to his people.
No more Jedi, we have too many, and read the rules. If you don't get accepted unnamed or I will tell you the reason.
Name: Carlyle Aurelius

Age: 32

Personality: Carlyle has three main traits, loyalty, determination and ambition. Despite betraying his captain to his superiors, Carlyle exhibits unwavering loyalty to the empire, beliving that their pursuit for a secure galaxy is worth all the atrocities committed. His ambition comes from his wish to succeed and speed up the progress of securing the empire. Determination stems from his wish to please superiors as much as possible.

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Rebellion/Empire: Empire

Jedi or not: (some non-jedis can use the force)

Appearence :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c34eddc02_SomeDude.jpg.55e5c5e78672a0b2e9b4c1287c8a6033.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c34eddc02_SomeDude.jpg.55e5c5e78672a0b2e9b4c1287c8a6033.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: E-11 blaster rifle

Skills: Natural Leader



Home Planet: Kuat

Bio: Carlyle Aurelius was born on Kuat roughly three years before the clone wars ended and the galactic empire began, to an engineer for the Kuat drive yards and a merchant trader. Due to his fathers business connections, he received an excellent education and became an avid mechanic, a trait that had dominated the Aurelius family tree for generations. When Carlyle entered adolescence he began to become more interested in politics and thanks to imperial propaganda, warmed to the idea that it was the senates corruption and jedi incompetence which had weakened the republic, forcing what he saw as a justified dictatorship to stabilise the galaxy.

At age fifteen Carlyle entered the imperial officer academy and graduated three years later in the top five of his class. It was there he learnt that cunning and intimate knowledge of ones enemies were important tools to succeed. Immediately after graduation, Carlyle was posted aboard the Wrangler, an acclamator class star destroyer which was one of many that patrolled the outer imperial territories. After a display of initiative and slyness on his behalf, in the capture of a crew of rogue pirates, in which he bribed their first mate before stabbing him, Carlyle was promoted to the victory class star destroyer Wrath.

The Wrath was called to arms in order to support Darth Vader in subjugating the often violent outer rim. The Wrath was particularly involved with the installation of a regime on Jabim, Kessel and the often infamous invasion of Kashyyyk. During the initial blockade of Kashyyyk, several Wookie transports attempted to escape the system, the Wrath was ordered to intercept them. As it became clear through their communications that they were filled with civilians, the Wraths captain, one Diggory Willis, ordered the ship to allow them to pass, only to be overruled by his second in command (Carlyle). All seven ships were destroyed under his orders, and Willis was later court martialled personally by Lord Vader for his disobedience. Carlyle was immediately promoted to captain and was ordered to begin the transport of Wookie slaves to the Maw installation.

From there Carlyle was once again promoted for his efficiency and was offered a position as one of the heads of the death stars security, which he declined in favor of recieving a commission in the navy, meaning he had his own star destroyer, a menacing ship known as the Reaper. Now Carlyle commands the Reaper and patrols the outer rim, prowling hyperspace lanes and preying on rebel or pirate ships.




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