The Sovereign Will - Fireteam Besh, crew quarters
Dolkes and Gharnes- both dressed in formerly standard-issue Imperial Army fatigues and armor looked at Row first but were quick to nod and comply once Castus gave the order to form up on the armory door. Both troopers had opted to don their rebreathers and helmet goggles upon landing outside of the Sovereign Will though since then both troopers had mimiced eachother yet again, this time by placing the goggles on the top of their helmets- revealing Dolkes' somewhat nervous expression and Gharnes' stern one as the duo got split up.
Gharnes- being quite bulky and large- looked almost comical as he stacked up with the other troopers at the door. The penal trooper muttered something to himself before gripping his E-10 tightly while tapping the back of his own helmet twice for good luck.
Meanwhile Dolkes, now crouched and facing away from the armory, gave Sharn a quick glance before shaking his head.
Gharnes drummed his fingers on the E-10 rifle in his hand, watching the exchange silently. He was a private- and a penal trooper at that- so he didn't have much say in any command decision, let alone much of a say at all in any tactical situation. Row's gesture wasn't lost on him and as such Gharnes decided to skip both protocol and years of military conditioning by placing a firm hand on Castus' shoulder;
"I can take point, sir."
At the same time Dolkes glanced at the Dharka and Crix, either attempting to gauge a possible reaction from the two of them or perhaps waiting for them to pitch in with any thoughts of their own.
Grim Wraithe Stjerna
The Sovereign Will - Fireteam Aurek, starboard gundecks
Rolled: 7
Indeed, the starboard gundeck appeared empty as Hailin entered, followed closely by Racksen and Kitressi. The three Death Troopers entered a large, rectangular space, fitted with a row of sealed hatches- normally protected by a ray shield to allow for the gundeck crews to engage in deadly broadside combat- on one side of the room and ammunition racks on the other.
At the center of the room were mounts for the massive broadside cannons usually employed aboard Confederate vessels though in this case most of the guns were missing with the three remaining ones having been stripped down. The ammunition racks around the room appeared empty as well, though a number of equipment crates and containers with CIS-stamps on them littered the room in the form of neat and organized stacks.
"Look at that," said Racksen, motioning forward with his blaster.
Seated next to one of the stacks of CIS crates were two B2-series super battle droids, though these two were sporting bright orange and white paintjobs and had been fitted with special "claws"-seemingly for gripping and lifting heavy equipment- instead of wrist blasters.
"Sharn is going to love these," muttered Kit. She nodded forward. "Sweep the room. Check the corners."
Back at the door Iessa peered inside, eyes scanning the room with a quite visible look of curiosity.
Solar Daddy
"Armory..." the trooper repeated in thought. "Screams ammunition."
"Armory first, then Crew Quarts." Prejet ordered.
"Oh, ha-ha. This heap of junk has been sitting here for years. I'm sure the armory hasn't been rigged to blow by some stupid droids looking to stop guys like us."
Dolkes and Gharnes- both dressed in formerly standard-issue Imperial Army fatigues and armor looked at Row first but were quick to nod and comply once Castus gave the order to form up on the armory door. Both troopers had opted to don their rebreathers and helmet goggles upon landing outside of the Sovereign Will though since then both troopers had mimiced eachother yet again, this time by placing the goggles on the top of their helmets- revealing Dolkes' somewhat nervous expression and Gharnes' stern one as the duo got split up.
Gharnes- being quite bulky and large- looked almost comical as he stacked up with the other troopers at the door. The penal trooper muttered something to himself before gripping his E-10 tightly while tapping the back of his own helmet twice for good luck.
Meanwhile Dolkes, now crouched and facing away from the armory, gave Sharn a quick glance before shaking his head.
He shook his head. "No charges. Not yet."
Gharnes drummed his fingers on the E-10 rifle in his hand, watching the exchange silently. He was a private- and a penal trooper at that- so he didn't have much say in any command decision, let alone much of a say at all in any tactical situation. Row's gesture wasn't lost on him and as such Gharnes decided to skip both protocol and years of military conditioning by placing a firm hand on Castus' shoulder;
"I can take point, sir."
At the same time Dolkes glanced at the Dharka and Crix, either attempting to gauge a possible reaction from the two of them or perhaps waiting for them to pitch in with any thoughts of their own.

The Sovereign Will - Fireteam Aurek, starboard gundecks
"Looks clear, no contacts."
Rolled: 7
Indeed, the starboard gundeck appeared empty as Hailin entered, followed closely by Racksen and Kitressi. The three Death Troopers entered a large, rectangular space, fitted with a row of sealed hatches- normally protected by a ray shield to allow for the gundeck crews to engage in deadly broadside combat- on one side of the room and ammunition racks on the other.
At the center of the room were mounts for the massive broadside cannons usually employed aboard Confederate vessels though in this case most of the guns were missing with the three remaining ones having been stripped down. The ammunition racks around the room appeared empty as well, though a number of equipment crates and containers with CIS-stamps on them littered the room in the form of neat and organized stacks.
"Look at that," said Racksen, motioning forward with his blaster.
Seated next to one of the stacks of CIS crates were two B2-series super battle droids, though these two were sporting bright orange and white paintjobs and had been fitted with special "claws"-seemingly for gripping and lifting heavy equipment- instead of wrist blasters.
"Sharn is going to love these," muttered Kit. She nodded forward. "Sweep the room. Check the corners."
Back at the door Iessa peered inside, eyes scanning the room with a quite visible look of curiosity.

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