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Fandom Star Wars: The First Order at War (OOC)

I've been under the impression that until 8 came out, it was a none problem. Hyperspace ain't technically light speed, which is why something destroyed -slamming into a mass shadow- is only going to be the equivalent of power in real space, which they aren't travelling near as fast the speed of light. Hyperspace travel is more like Nether travel in Minecraft -The Nether taking up less space than in the Overworld- than Warp speed in Star Trek -quite literal faster than light travel-. My understanding from this coming from the fact when something comes out of hyperspace, they seem to come to a near complete stop... or another way of looking at it, the blown out proportions of a ship in Hyperspace are actualizing in real space, giving an illusion of slowing down, from shrinking from the messy physics of hyperspace that even those in the Star Wars galaxy don't quite understand. Not actually FTL, but the illusion of FTL.

I agree that the Holdo maneuver don't make much sense. But people always point to the same thing in Legends as proof that it don't work, meanwhile in Legends it's worked elsewhere. So I would say Hyperspace as people point to it, as faster than light travel, ain't right, just the illusion of it... like looking at one side of the night sky and then to the other side. Your eyes did not move faster than light to travel that distance, just as Hyperspace doesn't really do that, the distances are just much, much shorter in hyperspace.
Alright, I need to figure out a way to get my character integrated into the story, but hopefully that's a decent first post.

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