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Fandom Star Wars: The First Order at War (OOC)



The meaning of life is the fine game of nil
Roleplay Type(s)
This is where we would handle OOC discussions!

Rules for the RP:
-Regular RPNation rules applies(link for those who might not be aware of the Rules)

- IC shall be written in 3rd person.

-No killing other people’s PC without permission. However you may kill NPC.

-Remember, it's not a war crime if you had fun

-You can create NPC. There’s no limit for how many NPC you can have under your command so long as it make sense. E.g. a star destroyer/cruiser captain would have access to all his crew. an admiral who command a fleet would have access to all the ships and their crews.

-You can be a member of another player’s fleet/ship/squad unit etc with said player’s permission.

-You can post one-liner if you really can’t think of something elaborate but still wants to partake in the action.

-You are encouraged to write a small TLDR section at the very end of your post if the post exceeds 500 words, for the sake of us who have short attention span.
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Just to double check the republic-First order war is well underway?

I have in mind playing a defector, the supposed grandchild of Maximilian Veers and commander in the First Order Navy. Happy with the influence of the sith in the first order and the treatment of thier father and grandfather., throws their lot with the republic. The thing is she comes out of nowhere and though Maximilian Veer's son is known, republic intelligence does not know of further family. Fearing she might be a double agent. Maybe force sensitive as well.
Just to double check the republic-First order war is well underway?

I have in mind playing a defector, the supposed grandchild of Maximilian Veers and commander in the First Order Navy. Happy with the influence of the sith in the first order and the treatment of thier father and grandfather., throws their lot with the republic. The thing is she comes out of nowhere and though Maximilian Veer's son is known, republic intelligence does not know of further family. Fearing she might be a double agent. Maybe force sensitive as well.
I plan to start this shortly before the First Order destroyed Hosnian system
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Shadow101 Shadow101 I feel like your character needs more polishing with the backstory, I get a bit confused as to why did his master struck him, is he a Sith or a grey jedi and what not. Also I was expecting the year that your character was born in the "Born" section, for example if your character is 42 then put in 12 BBY
My character was struck with a fatal wound. My master saved me, he was very weak so he sacrificed himself to save me. ( Kind of a nod to Star Wars episode 3 when Palpatine said you can save her life.)
My character was struck with a fatal wound. My master saved me, he was very weak so he sacrificed himself to save me. ( Kind of a nod to Star Wars episode 3 when Palpatine said you can save her life.)
force healing, ight. is he just gonna be an independent merc or something? i see you dont align him with any major faction. Also the RP would be in 3rd person.
So we are talking as if we are in 3rd person? Yes I am a Sith Master looking for his apprentice.
in IC yes. You’ll have to add a bit more to the backstory tho and edit the “Born” part to the year your character was born
Since we are doing AU, I plan on bringing EC Henry's ships into this story as well. Any objections? ;-q


"This is the only life I have ever known. My heritage is to Mandalore, and my loyalty to the Hand; for they are the ones who will usher in a new age of stability and security for my homeworld."


Universe: Star Wars (OC)

Character Name: Noraella Mali

Character Species: Zabrak

Character Sex: Female

Character Age: 32 (Born 2 BBY)

Character Height: 6’0” (182.88cm)

Character Weight: 145lbs (65.7kg)




-Mandalorian Protectors (formerly)

-Clan Saxon (formerly)

-Empire of the Hand

Backstory: Born on Concordia in 2 BBY as Noraella Theala to a Human father and a Zabrak mother under the governance of the Mandolorian Protectors, Noraella was destined for a reality she would never fulfill. With the second Mandolorian Civil War resulting from the formation of the Galactic Empire, Noraella's clan was slaughtered mercilessly during the siege on the third moon of Concord Dawn; the infant secretly being kidnapped into Clan Saxon and indoctrinated throughout the years to be utterly loyal to the aims of the Empire, with her surname being deliberately changed to Mali to indicate a former member of an old and inferior clan. Following Gar's demise after the invasion of Krownest, and the subsequent civil war between the two warring clans, Noraella was relocated off-world prior to the bombardment of the planet and eventually trained by the few remaining Supercommandos that were recruited to Thrawn's newly founded confederate faction known only as The Empire of the Hand three years later. When the Galactic Empire fractured at the conclusion of the Battle of Endor, the Hand quietly kept away from the disarray in the Uncharted Territories as planned; watching from the sidelines as the galactic stability changed; becoming an independent power and beginning to expand its territory soon after. Upon reaching her teens, Noraella was taught the value of the Hand's true goals as they became more pronounced; simultaneously instructed in the ways of her distant Mandolorian heritage, and to ensure her loyalty, lied that Mandalore was still under threat by the Sith takeover decades ago- that perhaps with her assistance, she may one day be able to salvage it from total collapse and ensure its protection under the Hand. Upon reaching the age of 21, Noraella was deployed to Kariek where she assisted the 501st Aurek Company and the Eickarie population in repelling the Warlord's Lakran mercenaries. Following the success of the battle, Noraella would again partake in the Hand's campaign to assist the Chiss Ascendancy, New Republic, and enigmatic Jedi Order to stop the third Vagaari war.

Throughout the numerous campaigns she undertook in her service to the Hand's conquest to rebuild the former Empire under Thawn's image, none were as widespread and as devastating as the beginning of the Second Galactic War. Tragically, all Commandos were present on Hosnia compiling a report on New Republic activity when the planet was obliterated. Stricken with grief and overcome with vengeance, Noraella's loyalty to the Hand only deepened in her quest to ensure Mandalore might someday be saved.

Yet, even that would have to wait. For five long years, all she could do was undertake small, solo operations to ensure her training and experience never faltered. Adhering to Thrawn's core principle that any enemy can be defeated if fully understood, Nora worked tirelessly to understand the (WIP)

Personality: (WIP)


-Noraella is highly intelligent and consistently analytical; only succeeded by her battlefield prowess and ruthless efficiency in combat. In everyone she meets either on the battlefield or in social dialogue, she never lets her guard down and is always scanning for any weakness to exploit as a potential threat to herself or anyone she considers a true ally.

-Being a Zabrak, Nora is exceptionally agile and dexterous due to her two hearts being able to pump blood much faster around her body; allowing her to endure much longer movement before tiring.


-Noraella’s only loyalty is to the Hand; being pestered into defection will most likely lead to hostile action.

-Nora’s only other disdain is toward Force-sensitives like Jedi and Sith, who she views both sides as being fanatical extremists.

-Although her armor is made from Beskar and Durasteel underweave, significant blaster fire and Force usage can have the potential to seriously wound or outright kill her if she's not careful enough.


Mandolorian Supercommando Armor: (WIP)


-EE3 blaster rifle: Highly modular and versatile, this blaster was exceptionally deadly at close to medium range. At longer engagement ranges, the blaster bolts could not hit their targets as easily, or at all.

-Czerka Arms 'Adventure' Slugthrower Rifle: A weapon solely used to take down Force users, this scoped single-action rifle fires a solid projectile instead of a blaster bolt; able to pierce shields and tear limbs from bodies. It is generally effective against organic targets, and not so much against mechanical threats.

-Vibro-blade: This close-quarters weapon is kept on Noraella’s right hip as a means for close engagements as well as being used as a tool.

-Thermal detonators: Possessing two of these spherical devices, these powerful throwable explosives can be programmed to be adjusted for blast intensity, time, and even radius. With an effective radius of up to 20 meters, this explosive operates by creating a miniature fusion reaction that can vaporize anything caught within ground zero of the impact. It can also be programmed to act as a dead-man’s switch, and can also only be turned off by the user when they are activated.

General Equipment:

-Jetpack: (WIP)

"This is the only life I have ever known. My heritage is to Mandalore, and my loyalty to the Hand; for they are the ones who will usher in a new age of stability and security for my homeworld."


Universe: Star Wars (OC)

Character Name: Noraella Mali

Character Species: Zabrak

Character Sex: Female

Character Age: 32 (Born 2 BBY)

Character Height: 6’0” (182.88cm)

Character Weight: 145lbs (65.7kg)




-Mandalorian Protectors (formerly)

-Clan Saxon (formerly)

-Empire of the Hand

Backstory: Born on Concordia in 2 BBY as Noraella Theala to a Human father and a Zabrak mother under the governance of the Mandolorian Protectors, Noraella was destined for a reality she would never fulfill. With the second Mandolorian Civil War resulting from the formation of the Galactic Empire, Noraella's clan was slaughtered mercilessly during the siege on the third moon of Concord Dawn; the infant secretly being kidnapped into Clan Saxon and indoctrinated throughout the years to be utterly loyal to the aims of the Empire, with her surname being deliberately changed to Mali to indicate a former member of an old and inferior clan. Following Gar's demise after the invasion of Krownest, and the subsequent civil war between the two warring clans, Noraella was relocated off-world prior to the bombardment of the planet and eventually trained by the few remaining Supercommandos that were recruited to Thrawn's newly founded confederate faction known only as The Empire of the Hand three years later. When the Galactic Empire fractured at the conclusion of the Battle of Endor, the Hand quietly kept away from the disarray in the Uncharted Territories as planned; watching from the sidelines as the galactic stability changed; becoming an independent power and beginning to expand its territory soon after. Upon reaching her teens, Noraella was taught the value of the Hand's true goals as they became more pronounced; simultaneously instructed in the ways of her distant Mandolorian heritage, and to ensure her loyalty, lied that Mandalore was still under threat by the Sith takeover decades ago- that perhaps with her assistance, she may one day be able to salvage it from total collapse and ensure its protection under the Hand. Upon reaching the age of 21, Noraella was deployed to Kariek where she assisted the 501st Aurek Company and the Eickarie population in repelling the Warlord's Lakran mercenaries. Following the success of the battle, Noraella would again partake in the Hand's campaign to assist the Chiss Ascendancy, New Republic, and enigmatic Jedi Order to stop the third Vagaari war.

Throughout the numerous campaigns she undertook in her service to the Hand's conquest to rebuild the former Empire under Thawn's image, none were as widespread and as devastating as the beginning of the Second Galactic War. Tragically, all Commandos were present on Hosnia compiling a report on New Republic activity when the planet was obliterated. Stricken with grief and overcome with vengeance, Noraella's loyalty to the Hand only deepened in her quest to ensure Mandalore might someday be saved.

Yet, even that would have to wait. For five long years, all she could do was undertake small, solo operations to ensure her training and experience never faltered. Adhering to Thrawn's core principle that any enemy can be defeated if fully understood, Nora worked tirelessly to understand the (WIP)

Personality: (WIP)


-Noraella is highly intelligent and consistently analytical; only succeeded by her battlefield prowess and ruthless efficiency in combat. In everyone she meets either on the battlefield or in social dialogue, she never lets her guard down and is always scanning for any weakness to exploit as a potential threat to herself or anyone she considers a true ally.

-Being a Zabrak, Nora is exceptionally agile and dexterous due to her two hearts being able to pump blood much faster around her body; allowing her to endure much longer movement before tiring.


-Noraella’s only loyalty is to the Hand; being pestered into defection will most likely lead to hostile action.

-Nora’s only other disdain is toward Force-sensitives like Jedi and Sith, who she views both sides as being fanatical extremists.

-Although her armor is made from Beskar and Durasteel underweave, significant blaster fire and Force usage can have the potential to seriously wound or outright kill her if she's not careful enough.


Mandolorian Supercommando Armor: (WIP)


-EE3 blaster rifle: Highly modular and versatile, this blaster was exceptionally deadly at close to medium range. At longer engagement ranges, the blaster bolts could not hit their targets as easily, or at all.

-Czerka Arms 'Adventure' Slugthrower Rifle: A weapon solely used to take down Force users, this scoped single-action rifle fires a solid projectile instead of a blaster bolt; able to pierce shields and tear limbs from bodies. It is generally effective against organic targets, and not so much against mechanical threats.

-Vibro-blade: This close-quarters weapon is kept on Noraella’s right hip as a means for close engagements as well as being used as a tool.

-Thermal detonators: Possessing two of these spherical devices, these powerful throwable explosives can be programmed to be adjusted for blast intensity, time, and even radius. With an effective radius of up to 20 meters, this explosive operates by creating a miniature fusion reaction that can vaporize anything caught within ground zero of the impact. It can also be programmed to act as a dead-man’s switch, and can also only be turned off by the user when they are activated.

General Equipment:

-Jetpack: (WIP)

Looks great! What’s the bottleneck you’re facing?
With the RP, in terms of how the events work out with the setting you've devised. Is there anything that needs to be added or edited?
Thank you! Probably, though not regularly. A hand or two does wonders for loosening tongues.
Excellent. Im trying to find at least one character to have some slight history with that way the introductory posts are less aloof. Perhaps they met in some seedy places, played a few hands, perhaps completed a few contracts.
Jackson123 Jackson123 hey so i was looking for a sphere jedi training Droid image and sinstead found this little gem.
Would you mind if i changed the sphere type jedi training driod for this one? It would be an NPC with exquisite Dueling skills and not much else.

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