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Fandom Star Wars: The Darkest Throne

Name: Ashe

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Miraluka

Biography: Though Ashe was born with no eyes she never had a problem seeing. Much like the rest of her race she sees through the force like a human sees through his or her eyes. Ashe is a spacer living most of her life stowing away on various ships, until at the age of fourteen was caught a thrown into a escape pod and jettisoned landing on Yavin 4. While taking shelter from a rainstorm in an abandoned temple she felt the force start to guide her to something. That something was a holocron forgotten by time as she picked it up she had a vision of the far future. A vision of her, but as a great jedi fighting the dark side. The holocron became her most prized possession when she found it taught her the ways of the Jedi Sentinel the path to her future was just laid in front of her by the force. And so almost every moment for the next nine years was dedicated to training.

Personality: Ashe is a rather smart-ass and a joker when it come to most things feeling it's better to laugh rather than cry. Still dealing with some abandonment issues after her parents left. Some say she has a bit of a gambling addiction, but to that she replies “It’s not gambling if you know you're gonna win.” Ashe is a quick thinker and a little head strong, but always puts the needs of others over her own. Loyal to Connor to a fault after he saved her from a group of slavers. When it comes to drinking she is a total light weight and usually ends up with a hangover the size of Nar Shaddaa.

Likes: Space, forests, making blind jokes, and kicking Connor's ass in pazaak her blue and red cards must be in balance.

Dislikes: The Empire, Death, crowded cities.

Occupation(s): Jedi, drifter



Equipment: Two lightsabers (One green. One violet.)

Abilities: She is adept in both saber combat and the force. Her piloting skills are not the best but she can manage. Ashe has been known to have visions of the future though the force.

Companions: (Optional)

Strengths (3): Agile, loyal, strong in the force, and kind hearted.

Weaknesses (3): Not the best pilot, Aquaphobia, can't shoot a blaster worth a shit.

Her ship won in a game of Pazaak

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