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Fandom Star Wars: The Darkest Throne


Senior Member
Hey guys, sorry for the extensive rule list. I encourage everyone to talk in the OOC tab, it's fun to meet people and talk with fellow RPNation members. Format the CS however you want, just make sure it includes all of the fields that are listed.






(1 or more paragraphs please)

Personality: (1 or more paragraphs please)







Companions: (Optional)

Strengths (3):

Weaknesses (3):
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Sicarius Noctyx

Pending Approval


"Red and blue must be in balance"

Name: Sicarius Noctyx

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Miraluka-Human Hybrid

Biography: Sicarius was conceived between a human female and a Miraluka male. His birth was a secret that when revealed was rejected by the Miraluka society and pitied in the human society. During an empire invasion of his birth planet of Corellia, a sith lord recognized the potential of Sicarius and brought him to sith academy for training. He would under go years of harsh and cruel training to bring out the best in the dark side. He would become known as a sorcerer's prodigy and his training would worsen, become savage and tormenting. It would change the boy from admiring the empire for taking him to hating it for recognizing his talent. He graduated and was given a master to follow. He did but during one battle his master was in, he escaped to where he heard the rebels were and the rest is history.

Personality: Sicarius's personality type is quite unique, as many of his qualities defy the definition of his individual traits. Though possessing the feeling trait, Sicarius has excellent analytical abilities; though introverted, he has well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though he is a judging type, Sicarius is often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, Sicarius is more than the sum of his parts, and it is the way he uses these strengths that defines who he is.

Likes: History | Relics & Artifacts | Freedom | Gourmet Food

Dislikes: War | Empire | Modernization | Burnt Food | His Master


  • Rebel Sith Sorcerer
  • Archeologist


  • Miraluka Mask - A mask that Sicarius puts on if he knows he is gonna do something nasty. Most of the time its just a metal cube in his pocket but once put up to his lips the cube unfolds and molds to his face.
  • Sith Clothing - Sicarius's clothing has been specially made with Zeyd-cloth, which is a type of dark-colored, non glossy fabric that had square waffle styled weaves. His hooded coat and shirt are made of this fabric. His shirt is of a lighter dye. His pants are made of a loose, baggy leather and his boots are normal combat boots.
  • Lightsaber - Part of Sicarius's training regime was learn on his own time and in doing so learnt how to create his own saber, which he did with songsteel and his own force abilities making him all the more connected with the force whilst using a saber.


Companions: N/A


  • Force Sensitive Genius - During his training, Sicarius showed a abnormal awareness to the force. When the trainers recognized this, they began to advance his training in harshest way possible to bring out the best. By the time he finished his acolytes training, he had become a fully fledged Sorcerer.
  • Form IV & Form VII - The two are forms of combat lightsaber combat that Sicarius became well known with during his time at the academy. He used Form IV, or Ataru, for dueling and as a base for all his combat. Form VII, or Juyo, was used later on in his training to channel the use of his darkish force abilities into the fight. The two together make Sicarius a devastating berserker on the battle field.
  • Cunning - Sicarius has shown skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion. He is agile, precise and can spend countless hours waiting, meticulously analyzing for the perfect moment to strike. He can also strike on a moments notice. He has gained a silver tongue from his strengths.


  • Honest - Sicarius is sincere, but that doesn't mean he is always good. He is honest to his friends. He doesn't care if it hurts there feelings or if he comes off as an ass. He is just honest. It hurts him more often than not.
  • Blind - Sicarius has the inability to actually use the sense of sight. It comes from his heritage of Miraluka and has caused him some trouble when he was training to become a sith.
  • Introverted - Sicarius is a shy, reticent person. He keeps to himself as much as possible, but if he does make a friend he will do everything for them. He just isn't a fan of people. He knows they can do wrong. I mean why do you think he is in this mess to begin with.
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Red and blue must be in balance.

Connor Mooredan

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Biography: Connor was born on a fairly calm, cloudy morning. The rain that tapped on the ship's roof seemed relentless, however it also brought a sense of peace to the people around the event. His grey eyes were not a surprise; his brother and father had them too. His father, Garrett, was a Mandalorian mercenary that was known for being both very smart and a very skilled fighter. His mother was a prostitute that Garrett had hired, however the Mandalorians would accept him anyway.

Connor knew much of his Mandalorian heritage. He knew that his father was a Mandalorian, and that he was born on the Mandalorian home planet, however him, his father, and his brother all left before he could walk. He knew that a Mandalorian was supposed to teach their child to be a Mandalorian, and so his father taught him their ideals. His family moved from planet to planet, his father taking all sorts of jobs as they moved around.

As his second child, Garrett raised Connor in a similar way to his first son and Connor's half brother, John. He trained him to fight and survive, however he took a different approach to the way he taught Connor to think. The boy had a natural ability to observe and perceive, so Garrett taught him to think ahead and plan things out before going into a situation. This approach proved affective, and Connor became the thinker of the group. He was very intelligent, even at a young age, and as such his family often came to him for knowledge on subjects they weren't well-versed in.

Connor grew to be a skilled fighter and a very intelligent person. His brother John, who was seven years older than him, was an even more skilled fighter and very charismatic. Garrett had taught John to think well on his feet and to learn to improvise, a skill that John quickly became well-versed in. The two brothers were the best of friends, and their father was close to both. They were a tight-knit family despite their odd lifestyle. That changed, however, when Connor was fifteen.

Garrett disappeared without a trace. John was twenty-two at the time, allowing him to be his brother's legal guardian. The disappearance of their father left both of the boys shocked, however they continued their duties. Connor continued to train his abilities, while John began working as a private investigator in order to add to their income. He taught Connor to use his naturally perceptive mind to come to put details together and form an accurate conclusion, a skill that Connor would eventually overcome his brother in.

While on a trip to the planet Myrkr, the boys found a lone vornskr cub. They immediately recognized what the creature was and brought it to an animal trainer on Coruscant, who helped them train the creature to for guarding and tracking.

Three years after losing his father, Connor woke to find that his brother had disappeared too. As a result, the young man inherited his family's ship and their astromech droid, Spec. He quickly came to realize that their disappearances meant that he needed to start earning credits on his own, and started to follow in his family's footsteps. He primarily worked as a PI, and would occasionally take on bounties if income was low and the target wasn't of a good moral compass. The large amount of responsibility that was suddenly cast on Connor lead to him becoming quite stressed, however he eventually learned to juggle his various responsibilities. He does, however, constantly work towards finding his family and discovering what happened to them.

Connor's past has lead to a very complicated young man. He's become quite jaded within the last few years, and is very much a realist. He will lie if it is for the greater good, and tends to think logically and with less emotion than the average person. However, Connor is still a nice person and can be a good friend. He has a sarcastic sense of humor, but knows when to keep his comments to himself. While not silver-tongued by any means, he isn't especially awkward either. His (rare) jokes often fall flat, and therefore he usually avoids them. Connor is very much a workaholic and can often be seen spending entire days and nights working on various projects. He is also very mature for his age and has a 'wise-beyond-his-years' air to him.

Likes: Working, Tinkering, Training, Learning, Piloting

Dislikes: Being Bored, Embarrassment, Failing, The Empire

Occupation(s): Bounty Hunter, P.I


Connor's primary piece of equipment is his customized set of Mandalorian armor. Cortosis braces along with a set made almost entirely out of beskar, or Mandalorian Iron, makes the suit very durable, light, and very lightsaber and blaster resistant. His suit is also air-tight and offers a two hour supply of oxygen when he requires it. The helmet contains various vision modes (thermal, night, etc.), a HUD that gives him various bits of information, 50-foot sensor, a comlink, and a connection to his ship's computer. He occasionally wears a kama made out of armorweave, a material that offers basic protection from plasters and lightsabers and full protection against shrapnel. He uses a jetpack to move around in short bursts and to aid him while traversing environments. Connor also possesses a pair of wrist-mounted flamethrowers, a vibroknife hidden in his boot, an electroshock net that can be fired from his wrist, flash-bang grenades, shock grenades, smoke grenades, and EMP grenades. His main blasters are a pair of DE-10's with various modifications.



Along with his various pieces of personal equipment, Connor is also the owner of a starship. His ship is a Corellian YT 1930, a light freighter that is extremely customizable and is almost a complete improvement over the Corellian Engineering Company's previous ship designs. It has been heavily modified with various weapons, sensors, engine enhancements, and much more. It can carry over 200 tons of cargo and has plenty of space due to the pair of wedge-shaped cargo areas in the back.


Abilities: Connor is extremely intelligent and has a good understanding of various scientific subjects. He uses this knowledge to his advantage during jobs and when he is working with his equipment. He is a very skilled detective and is often contracted as a P.I. Trained by Mandalorians, Connor is also a skilled fighter and marksman. He can easily hold his own against most common folk, however an experienced Jedi will have little problem beating him in a straight up fight if he is caught without his gear. He is an engineer and a mechanic, and constantly repairs and upgrades his ship and droid. After meeting the Rebellion's leader and master Jedi Luke Skywalker, Connor was trained in an old form of mind blocking, a technique that makes it difficult for force users to enter his mind. While it is not 100% effective, it still has a high success rate. Most force users find it difficult to reach into his mind, let alone influence it.

Companions: His astromech droid, Spec, is an R-8 series that has been modified and programmed by Connor to function with his ship, despite its heavy modifications.


Connor also owns a vornskr, a canine native to Myrkr that can use the force to hunt and can easily detect force users. The vornskr's name is Kiba, and it is kept within the ship when not helping his owner.


Strengths (3): Highly Intelligent, Expert Fighter, Resourceful

Weaknesses (3): Can be Detatched from Others, Isn't Very Experienced, Often Avoids Severe Risk
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Red and Blue must be in balance


Name: Jace Setsuno

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Human


Jace was born on the was born of the Mandalorian Moon of Concordia. Most of the True Mandalorian Warrior Clans went there when Mandalore rejected their warrior ways. Jace's father was Alzak Setsuno was a jedi born on Mandalore and his mother was a mandalorian warrior named Velana Qui. When the Empire began to encroach upon Mandalore the warrior clans of Concordia went into hiding, the only reason they allowed Alzak to remain with them was because he was a member of the Setsuno clan and they felt Mandalorian Jedi would surely revolutionize their fighting strength. Alzak had been assigned to recover the Jedi holocrons but Jace's birth stalled that for a while until Jace was well trained both as a Mandalorian and Jedi.

When Jace was deemed good enough the two set out to recover the holocrons. They recovered six holocrons but on their mission to get the sixth holocron Alzak was cut down by a Shadowguard with Jace just barely escaping unscathed. After a period of mourning he realized his force training was still incomplete so he sought to complete it with the knowledge within the holocrons. He learned not only the missing gaps in his training but far more. He returned to Concordia a full fledged jedi, the clans feared he may attract Sith attention before they were ready so they sent him off to join the Rebellion with a promise that the Mandalorian Clans of Concordia will soon follow. In his exploits as a member of the Rebellion he became known as the Red Knight from his successes against the Empire.​

Personality: Jace is determined, strong willed, and quick thinking not just for himself but for his comrades. He has drive which is shown in his constant search for the jedi holocrons which he feels won't just benefit himself but what's left of the jedi. He also hates it when people think of him as an anomally for being a mandalorian and a jedi. Most notably is love of women which will one day be the end of him, its a strength sometimes but a weakness a lot of the time especially when combating women.




Mandalorian Armor


The Empire(of course)

When people ask if he's mandalorian or jedi like they mandalorian jedi are impossible(very frustrating)

Carrying too much into battle

Occupation(s): Rebel Alliance Special Forces Member




His white lightsaber


His father's


Abilities: He is skilled in the use of the lightside of the force. This is due to learning his force abilities from holocrons which contained standard abilities his father didn't teach him but uncommon abilities as well. So far he knows basic powers like telekinesis, precog, and art of movement. From the six holocrons so far he has learned healing, speed, stealth, jump, flash, and alter damage.

Light Saber Combat: Specializes in Form V

Hand to Hand combat


Piloting Skills

Companions: His ship if that counts a Mandalorian Starfighter/Transport

The White Mare


Strengths (3):

Uses common and uncommon force abilities

Jedi Skills

Mandalorian Skills

Weaknesses (3):

Women (many reasons)

Sith Holocrons(They're known to be strong with the darkside and he wouldn't be able to resist taking a peak, so it would be like setting off a concussion grenade only it'd dull his sense of the force greatly while he is stunned)

Has zero blaster markmanship skills
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Name: Artemis Vostock

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Biography: Born on Kuat, the son of a Republic navy commander who would die before he was born during General Grievous raid on Coruscant, and an engineer in the Kuat drive yards. Having grown up without a father, Artemis blamed the renegade separatists and saw the empire as his way of ensuring that galactic wide peace was available. At age sixteen, against his mothers wishes he joined the imperial officer academy on Byss, and trained with them for four years, graduating in the top ten of his year. Due to his academic results, he received an immediate position in the Star Destroyer Viper. After three years on the Viper, he was promoted to the position of captain. he was then given command over a small star fleet comprised of: One imperial-2 class star destroyer, two victory class star destroyers and three acclamator class star destroyers. The fleet served its purpose as a rapid response unit, used to reinforce imperial outposts against rebel and pirate attacks. His promotion to admiral came after the rebel routing at Hoth, where his ships intercepted a rebel convoy attempting to flee through the Vergesso Asteroids. Since then he and his fleet have been routing out rebel dissidence across the galaxy.

Personality: Artemis is a commanding figure, demanding that his men push themselves in order achieve maximum efficiency and results. In return he will loyally defend his men, against the likes of the bureaucracy of the imperial navies central command and intelligence bureau. Artemis is entirely different when on leave, during which he is far more relaxed and friendly, rather than the cold and demanding task master.

Likes: Success, women, alcohol, power.

Dislikes: Rebellion, bureaucrats, instability, uncertainty.

Occupation(s): Admiral of the imperial navy.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3846ca27_SomeDude.jpg.b667f2e08d8e642d6776db6e9840c417.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3846ca27_SomeDude.jpg.b667f2e08d8e642d6776db6e9840c417.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Equipment: Imperial officers uniform, e-11 blaster rifle.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ISD.jpg.e8c25941d908b1052bc1361503760f54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ISD.jpg.e8c25941d908b1052bc1361503760f54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/VicStarI-EaW.jpg.dc39f3b61cac6c93169290595afbf04d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63889" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/VicStarI-EaW.jpg.dc39f3b61cac6c93169290595afbf04d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Accla.jpg.411cc301cbc7c3ccf7f24cfd3375a9bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63890" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Accla.jpg.411cc301cbc7c3ccf7f24cfd3375a9bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strengths (3): Piloting, Speech, Repairing

Weaknesses (3): Paperwork, explosives, stubborness



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@Bullet Tooth Tony The character is a very cool one, however we are only accepting characters that are part of the rebellion. Sorry for the confusion.
Name: Andra Farlander

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Biography: Andra was born on Abridon to a human mother and father. Her father and older brother worked for Tyr Taskeen and later Brenn Tantor. They fought with the Abridon Nationalists in the battle to regain control of Abridon from the Empire. Her father also owned a private starship production company, with which he supplied the Abridon Nationalists. He had limited knowledge of the ways of the force, which he taught to Andra and her brother. After they helped the Abridon Nationalists win Abridon back from the Empire, her father and brother joined the battle on Endor. Both of them were killed during the colossal defeat, leaving Andra and her mother to run the starship company. Andra wanted to join the Abridon Nationalists, which had allied with the Rebellion, but her mother was very catious about what she allowed Andra to do after losing her son and husband. However, they still supplied starships to the Rebellion and the Abridon Nationalists. Andra's mother died when one of the starships malfunctioned. Andra was then free to join the Rebellion, which she obviously did.

Personality: Andra can be very headstrong, but she can usually tell when to back down. She loves making new things and always enjoyed teaming up with her father, who she was very close to. When he and her brother died, she was often unhappy and rarely laughs or smiles. She does have a sense of humor but she doesn't like to show it. When ever she does something important, she does it to honor her father. Therefore she doesn't like failing, but generally speaking she isn't competitive. She has had bad experiences with selfish, prideful men and doesn't trust most men very quickly. However, if she meets a man that reminds her of her father or brother, she tries to become friends with him in a strange attempt to have her family back.

Likes: Starships, courage, storms, silence, reading

Dislikes: Brenn Tantor, selfish/prideful men, the Empire, people who talk too much

Occupation: Starship engineer/technology designer



Equipment: She has a starship that she has been working on since she was young that her father helped her with. She finally finished it not long ago. It has very high technology, speed and shields.


She has a ring that her father gave her that shields her from mind control and some times physical attacks.

Abilities: Slight knowledge of the force which she learned from her father. Mainly telekinesis and healing. She showed lots of potential using the force and if trained by a true Jedi, she would probably advance quickly. She is a very skilled pilot and knows how to fly many different types of starships. She could probably hold her own if she had to fight a Jedi or a Sith, but they would eventually beat her. She also has basic knowledge of how to use a lightsaber, but she has never used a real one before. She is a very good learner and picks things up quickly.

Companions: None

Strengths: Knowledge of starship technology and engineering, healing with the force, courage

Weaknesses: People who are in pain, men crying, lack of self-confidence

Red and Blue must be in balance.
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@Shadow Very nice character, I like it. I see that you're adding a picture which is good, however there's one more thing that you need before I can accept it. (check the rules again)

@Edward Valentine Nice character, it'll be interesting to see a sith. Accepted

@Shadow Accepted.

First post is up on the RP tab. Basically, Luke Skywalker has requested that we all meet at the Rebel base for something. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the OOC chat.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3ad67383_ImperialDatabaseBanner..png.330d5b3c4739bd9ee4f628c49c596b57.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65626" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3ad67383_ImperialDatabaseBanner..png.330d5b3c4739bd9ee4f628c49c596b57.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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    Call sign



    Chronologically: 16

    Physically: 22






    Imperial Commando, Captain


    As all clones, Wolfe, or IC-2020's life started in the New Tipoca City Cloning Facility, on Kamino, where the original Clones of the Grand Army of the Republic were bred for the Clone Wars. With the Empire's crushing victory upon the Rebel Alliance, Imperial directives and Emperor Palpatine himself ordered an increase in the production of higher quality clones after seeing that the Stormtrooper program wasn't enough to keep any other rebellions from rising.

    Also, as a direct order from the Emperor, to the doubts of others, the production and training of Imperial Commandos, known as Republic Commandos in the Clone Wars -a force of specially trained and equipped squads of four commandos each, whose tasks were the hardest to accomplish, usually behind enemy lines. With the fall of the Republic, they were transferred to Imperial Commandos, in charge of tracking down and exterminating Jedi stragglers that might have survived Order 66- was increased. Wolfe was a Imperial Commando bred a few years before the battle of Endor.

    For him, there was no flash training, simulations or fire drills. It was live round training, live explosive ordinance training, hand to hand combat training, crawling through nerf guts for hours holding in the urge to puke, and watching other Commandos die in training. It was survival of the fittest in Tipoca City Commando Training Facility, and Wolfe was one of the fittest. In the years that came after his finishing training, he and his squad of three more men tracked and hunted down a total of 14 Jedi padawans, 7 Jedi knights and 3 Jedi masters. They were awarded a medal of service from Darth Vader himself, something extremely rare for a Clone to earn.

    Palpatine had these results in mind when he gave the order to increase production, but he hadn't reasoned the fact that the commandos had more of a free mind then the average Clone trooper, allowing them to break direct orders and to take their own initiatives and decisions in missions. This also produced a large amount of desertions in the ranks of the commandos. Wolfe was different from the rest of the commandos, and so was his team. They were trained to work together as a team, but also deadly as individuals. "As various, we kill, as one, we exterminate" was their motto.

    Because of this, Darth Vader himself issued an order for Wolfe's squad to be temporarily separated and put into different strategic corners of the galaxy. As a result of this, Wolfe was assigned Korriban in order to protect the extremely important Sith Academy and the artifacts. He was also assigned a whole company of specially selected 501st troopers. He did not know why he was assigned Korriban, but he was made to obey orders and there was no reason to not obey this one.


    As all Clones, they may all look the same, but they all have some trait that distinguishes them. It can be their hair, their lack of hair, a scar, a tattoo, the markings on the armor or their personality. The latter is the one that varies from trooper to trooper, captain to captain, commander to commander and especially from commando to commando.

    Each squad is tight knit and close to each other. They are tank brothers.

    Wolfe is a perceptive, quiet person. He is tactical in the mission, outgoing when not in the mission. He turns from a warm, funny guy to a killing machine in seconds, especially when it concerns Jedi.

    He is cunning, intelligent. He was bred to be a natural leader, and he is so much more.

    Although he is loyal to the empire, he does not like the Sith, seeing them as a bunch of cowards that pull strings.




    -Working out

    -Missions gone wrong

    -Food and caff






    -Bad food


Theres my app. There are some things that need perfecting, but all the info is in there. The Katarn armor tab especially needs fixing >.>



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Redrobinwing said:
@Darkangel666 Very nice character, sheet, it's very impressive. I did notice though that he's on the Empire's side. Is he planning on switching to the Rebellion?
I was thinking of having him do that at some point. Maybe if you guys can convince him. Hes not like other Clones, hes not blindly loyal, but hes still loyal. Is it a very big problem if hes on the Empire? I thought you could use a little antagonist.

And thanks, it took me some effort to get most of the coding done, and still its not perfect. Very flawed.

@Redrobinwing Heyy, am I accepted then or denied?
Redrobinwing said:
@Darkangel666 I've only accepted those who are on the side of the Rebellion, however if he will switch sides then that's okay too. If either of those happens then I can accept
Can he maybe switch to the rebelion after, or while, he fights you guys? I mean, it would be interesting if you could try and convince him to. As I said, hes not a normal clone, so hes very open minded.


Name: Jarik Kelthin

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Biography: Jarik was born on Arda-2, one of the planets decimated in the Stenax Massacres. He was offworld by then, however, having been smuggled through to Yavin 4 by trace remnants of the Rebels who had an idea where Luke might have been, and what Jarik was, a Force Sensitive. When on Yavin 4 at age 13, he accompanied Luke on his expeditions and became Luke's Apprentice. Eventually he became Luke's right hand and a trusted agent. His training was going on longer than any other of the Jedi Luke started training, but was a little rougher at the start. He has been busily preparing for the start of the next Rebellion, and was one of the reasons it has been so successful. He is something of a lightsaber prodigy.

Personality: Jarik has taken the core principles of the New Jedi Order to heart, and keeps his emotions in check whenever he can. His greatest fear is falling to the Dark Side. He tends to be very efficient in his actions, not wasting any time if he can help it. He is also dedicated to restoring the Jedi Order He is extremely loyal to Luke, almost to a fault. The only thing that he is even close to as loyal to is to any resistance against the Empire, as he has no lost love for the Empire, although he avoids hate, following Luke's teachings that such thinking will turn him towards the Dark Side. When he is in a more casual mood, he unveils a dry wit laden with sarcasm.

Likes: Luke Skywalker

Corellian Ale

The Rebellion

Those pure of heart

Dislikes: The Empire

Unnecessary loss of life

Wasting time

The Dark Side

Occupation(s): Jedi, agent


Saberstaff (Double Bladed Lightsaber)

Single Bladed Lightsaber x2 One green, one blue.

Abilities: Jarik is a master lightsaber combatant, as well as having average mastery of the Force. His fighting style is a mix of Makashi, Shii Cho, and Shien, but was mostly Soresu. He has adapted this for any combination of his lightsabers. Look up Wookieepedia if you're confused. He is equally skilled with most of these combinations, but has a knack for dual wielding either his lightsabers or a lightsaber and his saberstaff. He shows great interest in learning more Forms, and improves almost daily in some small way. He also has a fair knowledge of mechanical things and droids.

Companions: A PROXY training droid, with a DNA coded switch to change from lethal to nonlethal training.

Strengths (3):

Lightsaber Skill

Jarik is a master duelist, using his sabers to cleave through the enemy ranks or duel particularly powerful opponents with equal skill.


Jarik wastes no time in completing any tasks he is set or sets himself. He does only whatever he needs to when he needs to complete his goals.

Pure of Heart

Jarik is particularly pure, and resists the temptations of the Dark Side with an uncommon resistance.

Weaknesses (3):


Jarik finds making social connections very difficult, as he prefers to keep himself to himself. He also considers social interaction a distraction

Strong Morality

Jarik has a strong set of moral guidelines, and follows the Jedi Codes faithfully. This results in him being quick to forgive, but sometimes too quick; along with many other things. Some of this makes him somewhat inflexible. Regards crime as distasteful, but is willing to put up with it for the sake of overthrowing the Empire.

Reliant on Jedi Skills

When deprived of his lightsabers and/or the Force, he is exposed and vulnerable, as he has dedicated his learning to these. He has mechanical skill, but that's it.​

I hope it's ok if I have a connection to Skywalker, and I can change it pretty easily if you like.
Alright, cool. There are two left on Yavin 4, which is where the group assembled. We're heading to Korriban to investiage some Sith artifact stuff. My character is still on the planet, as is Newtype's.
Ok, so since Jarik wasn't present at the briefing, what do I do?

My best guess is I can sidle up to one of the characters still on Yavin 4 and introduce myself and say Luke's already briefed me and I'm part of the team.
@Fezzes Luke probably sent you along with us, thinking it was a good idea to have another Jedi with the group, so I imagine he would have said "Oh, Jarik, I'd like you to go with that group that's going to their ship right now. Grab your equipment, I'm sure one of them will be happy to let you ride on their ship with them. They'll debrief you on the mission." that sort of thing. So you'd probably just be running up to our ships and explaining the situation. Or what you said, either is fine.
Redrobinwing said:
@Fezzes Luke probably sent you along with us, thinking it was a good idea to have another Jedi with the group, so I imagine he would have said "Oh, Jarik, I'd like you to go with that group that's going to their ship right now. Grab your equipment, I'm sure one of them will be happy to let you ride on their ship with them. They'll debrief you on the mission." that sort of thing. So you'd probably just be running up to our ships and explaining the situation. Or what you said, either is fine.
Newtype actually just jumped to hyperspace.

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