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Fandom Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Meh canon characters aren't that diffecult,at first I was thinking of RPing Pre Vizsla, but there are already so many anti-republic characters. So I decided to RP Plo Koon, a plain character.
Yes, there are a lot of pro-seperatist characters, it's good to have another Republic character.

Though there would be much tension between your guy and mine. He does not get along well with the Jedi Council, Mace Windu in particular. Going to be interesting to see how that plays out.
Cooper said:
Thank you! I am just getting all followed up with the events! So excited for this!
Can we oocly arrange for our characters to meet? I'd like to see how they react to each other as they're opposites but still the same in a lot of ways.
bobokapita said:
Can we oocly arrange for our characters to meet? I'd like to see how they react to each other as they're opposites but still the same in a lot of ways.
I was thinking that! They're the same age. Perhaps they could have at one point studied together at the academy before things turned sour? Maybe they were even friends (if that is pushing it, that's okay!). I doubt they would recognise each other now, having such opposing views.
Cooper said:
I was thinking that! They're the same age. Perhaps they could have at one point studied together at the academy before things turned sour? Maybe they were even friends (if that is pushing it, that's okay!). I doubt they would recognise each other now, having such opposing views.
I like the friends idea, it'd definitely make for something interesting.
I thought about giving her a canon Master, but went with leaving it ambiguous.

I wonder if Kosnora might hitch a ride with Master Thauren to Clak'dor? If not, I can make it another Master :)
Cooper said:
I thought about giving her a canon Master, but went with leaving it ambiguous.
I wonder if Kosnora might hitch a ride with Master Thauren to Clak'dor? If not, I can make it another Master :)
Sure you can. Lee would have to head to Clak'dor very soon anyway, for his mission.
Oops, I made a mistake in my posts. Found out that hacking was known as splicing in Star Wars. I'll edit my posts pronto.

I haven't constructed a character sheet as of yet, but only because I wanted clarification on a single matter that has been causing more trouble than it's worth as of late.

What are your thoughts on the uses or restrictions of the Expanded Universe/Legends and the 'Disney Canon'? I only ask because I've encountered difficulties before with someone claiming only Disney confirmed canon is allowed, and want to know if that's the case before I attempt joining this RP.
I'm going to have to edit Kosnora's name to Kos'nora or something more authentic. I mean I guess all Tw'lek names are pretty much made up.... Gaaaaah lore!
Cooper said:
I'm going to have to edit Kosnora's name to Kos'nora or something more authentic. I mean I guess all Tw'lek names are pretty much made up.... Gaaaaah lore!
I think it's fine; Aayla Secura and Darth Talon didn't have apostrophes in their names, of if they did, they probably did not use them to make it easier for people to pronounce.

I kind of cheat when it comes to naming characters... for characters of different species like Twi'leks, Togrutas and Chiss, I use naming generators for them.
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HuorSpinks said:
I think it's fine; Aayla Secura and Darth Talon didn't have apostrophes in their names, of if they did, they probably did not use them to make it easier for people to pronounce.
I kind of cheat when it comes to naming characters... for characters of different species like Twi'leks, Togrutas and Chiss, I use naming generators for them.
I used a name generator too, haha! I actually discovered a purple Twi'lek Jedi from the EU called Rachi Sitra who is very much how I envision an older Kos'nora looking. She also has a super cool backstory! There are so many cool Jedi in the EU, I need to delve more into it!

I really found it hard to decide between Togruta and Twi'lek too.... Aayla Secura and Ahsoka Tano are way too great!
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Cooper said:
I used a name generator too, haha! I actually discovered a purple Twi'lek Jedi from the EU called Rachi Sitra who is very much how I envision an older Kos'nora looking. She also has a super cool backstory! There are so many cool Jedi in the EU, I need to delve more into it!
I know I haven't joined the RP yet, but I do have to say, it's best to consider the EU/Legends as Canon until Disney makes a better version of it. And if they don't make a better version of it, then tough for them, maybe they should have just used the full EU rather than stolen ideas from other peoples stories =P
Cooper said:
I used a name generator too, haha! I actually discovered a purple Twi'lek Jedi from the EU called Rachi Sitra who is very much how I envision an older Kos'nora looking. She also has a super cool backstory! There are so many cool Jedi in the EU, I need to delve more into it!
I really found it hard to decide between Togruta and Twi'lek too.... Aayla Secura and Ahsoka Tano are way too great!
Back in Second Life I used to go around as a Togruta avatar. Not for roleplay, sadly I never got the chance to do SWRP in Second Life, but as a avatar. I went everywhere as a Togruta. It was unique, and a fun way of finding friends who actually recognized the species. To this day I still miss my Togruta.

And my Star Wars avatar collection on Second Life consisted of a Togruta, Twi'lek, Chiss, Dantomirin, Zeltron, Mirialan and Miraluka. I was in the midst of getting a Nautolan when I lost interest in the programme.

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]I know I haven't joined the RP yet, but I do have to say, it's best to consider the EU/Legends as Canon until Disney makes a better version of it. And if they don't make a better version of it, then tough for them, maybe they should have just used the full EU rather than stolen ideas from other peoples stories =P

I miss the EU. I loved the Solo dynasty, especially Jacen and Jaina and the Fel Dynasty/Imperial Knights. Only thing I hated from the EU was the whole Young Apprentice Series, especially the Qui-Gon and Xanatos bit. I tend to completely ignore Xanatos and simply pretend that Obi-Wan was Qui-Gon's second padawan. But I did like Tahl, Bant and Siri.

Most of all, I miss Han Solo being alive.
HuorSpinks said:
Back in Second Life I used to go around as a Togruta avatar. Not for roleplay, sadly I never got the chance to do SWRP in Second Life, but as a avatar. I went everywhere as a Togruta. It was unique, and a fun way of finding friends who actually recognized the species. To this day I still miss my Togruta.
And my Star Wars avatar collection on Second Life consisted of a Togruta, Twi'lek, Chiss, Dantomirin, Zeltron, Mirialan and Miraluka. I was in the midst of getting a Nautolan when I lost interest in the programme.

I miss the EU. I loved the Solo dynasty, especially Jacen and Jaina and the Fel Dynasty/Imperial Knights. Only thing I hated from the EU was the whole Young Apprentice Series, especially the Qui-Gon and Xanatos bit. I tend to completely ignore Xanatos and simply pretend that Obi-Wan was Qui-Gon's second padawan. But I did like Tahl, Bant and Siri.

Most of all, I miss Han Solo being alive.
Well that post took a turn and punched me in the gut. (:'()
HuorSpinks said:
Back in Second Life I used to go around as a Togruta avatar. Not for roleplay, sadly I never got the chance to do SWRP in Second Life, but as a avatar. I went everywhere as a Togruta. It was unique, and a fun way of finding friends who actually recognized the species. To this day I still miss my Togruta.
And my Star Wars avatar collection on Second Life consisted of a Togruta, Twi'lek, Chiss, Dantomirin, Zeltron, Mirialan and Miraluka. I was in the midst of getting a Nautolan when I lost interest in the programme.

I miss the EU. I loved the Solo dynasty, especially Jacen and Jaina and the Fel Dynasty/Imperial Knights. Only thing I hated from the EU was the whole Young Apprentice Series, especially the Qui-Gon and Xanatos bit. I tend to completely ignore Xanatos and simply pretend that Obi-Wan was Qui-Gon's second padawan. But I did like Tahl, Bant and Siri.

Most of all, I miss Han Solo being alive.
I would take the Wookie's being proud that it took the destruction of a whole planet to kill Chewbacca a thousand times more than I would ever take the hokie dokie way they killed off Han in the newest film.

They really did have a lot of interesting lore to work with from the EU too, but now they are, and I wasn't just kidding, but are literally stealing ideas and story baselines from EU authors and creators to make their own work, and due to the changes they aren't crediting the EU authors. Rogue One? Flatout stolen. Ahhh, them blinding the one guy in Star Wars Rebels at the end of the S2 finale? Straight up stealing the 'blind master' General Rahm Kota from Force Unleashed.

They can't even hide it anymore it's that bad.

And don't get me started on the lack of Bothans in the Disney Rogue One storyline, or especially on Rey as a character. Mary sue to the max.
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Cooper said:
Well that post took a turn and punched me in the gut. (:'()
Well, his death felt like a million punches in the gut to me :(

On to less depressing topics. -cough- By the way, how would you like Lee and Kosnora to meet? I'm planning to make my second post for Lee soon and we should probably start discussing his taxi services.
HuorSpinks said:
Well, his death felt like a million punches in the gut to me :(
On to less depressing topics. -cough- By the way, how would you like Lee and Kosnora to meet? I'm planning to make my second post for Lee soon and we should probably start discussing his taxi services.
I was thinking that she's probably been told to go to him after asking a Master from the council. She is not the type to just run off and do it, so she would have been asked to go to Clak'Dor, and now she's trying to find a way to get there - and to find someone who will take her. Lee has already been told to go there, I guess you could write that he gets another message through his datapad to expect a Padawan to accompany him or something?
Cooper said:
I was thinking that she's probably been told to go to him after asking a Master from the council. She is not the type to just run off and do it, so she would have been asked to go to Clak'Dor, and now she's trying to find a way to get there - and to find someone who will take her. Lee has already been told to go there, I guess you could write that he gets another message through his datapad to expect a Padawan to accompany him or something?
That'll work very well, I think. Plus, it would have saved him a dilemma haha.

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