• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Star Wars: The Clone Wars


This is the section for ANY and all OOC chat, if you have something to say about the RP, please put it here. Anything non in-character goes here, thanks :P
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She's already found it @RIPSaidCone , but she carries it with her as it amps her abilities. It does give off a lot of dark side energy, though, you could sense it maybe.
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Awesome, I'll post my character sheet the moment I get home. I have it more or less done. I'm totally going to be a Qui-Gon/Jolee type grey Jedi.
HuorSpinks said:
Awesome, I'll post my character sheet the moment I get home. I have it more or less done. I'm totally going to be a Qui-Gon/Jolee type grey Jedi.
Ohh that sounds great, can't wait to see your character. I believe there is going to be another Jedi as well.
RIPSaidCone said:
Ohh that sounds great, can't wait to see your character. I believe there is going to be another Jedi as well.
Yay, someone on the Republic side to interact with.

Just wanted to let you know that the RP is up (hasn't started just waiting for everyone to post their CS's)

HuorSpinks said:
Yay, someone on the Republic side to interact with.
And yeah I'd like for there to be interaction between each other on both sides before the two sides meet. (If they do)
HuorSpinks said:
Awesome, I'll post my character sheet the moment I get home. I have it more or less done. I'm totally going to be a Qui-Gon/Jolee type grey Jedi.
Our chars seem kinda like opposites.
I would very much like to participate in this group,but I'm currently on vacation and so won't be able to RP yet. I do have a question though, in which year do we start?
I could never do canon characters. I attempted once. I had a character sheet for Marvel's Hawkeye submitted and everything... and then chickened out because I felt I couldn't do the character justice. I was even planning to use Matt Fraction's Hawkeye but... I got scared.

It also did not help matters that the person playing Daredevil in the roleplay was a one-liner.

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