TV & Film Star Wars Saga: The Best to the Worst


grant me eyes
So in preparation for "Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens," I will be comprising a list for me, and you, of my top to lowest Star Wars movies in the whole saga. This will not include animated pictures such as "The Clone Wars." So I will be posting mine in this post and I hope to see yours down below.

1. Return of the Jedi is my all time favorite, hands down. Luke conquering Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader reuniting with Luke. The entire Endor scene. It is just my favorite.

2. Revenge of the Sith is my second favorite because 1: the Phase 3 clone troopers are the best, and 2: The Dark Side making a strong return to power. Some cons are the love story between Anakin and Padme and the death of children, nothing bad about the death, it's just sad.

3. A New Hope as my third is just an all time classic, plot development and the entrance into the Star Wars Saga is just played wonderful in this. Not many cons, I just put Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith above this one.

4. Attack of the Clones is where more cons start showing up at my fourth spot. I like the entrance of the clones and more presence of the Sith. But I hate the overbearing reddish brown of Geonosis, and how that takes up the entire end of the movie. But I do like the arena scene.

6. The Empire Strikes Back is not bad, but it is my second to last, almost tied with last, at the fifth spot. I was never a big fan of space in movies, the whole lot of black or just space warfare in general is a big turn off with me. But space is basically the entire movie. There was only Hoth, which was great at the beginning, Dagobah, the asteroid which was still in space, and Bespin at the end in regards to planets.

5. The Phantom Menace is not my all time least favorite movie but it is at the sixth spot, almost tied with The Empire Strikes Back. The Gungans were meant for comedic relief but came up not as funny laughing but horrid laughing. Wasn't a big fan of the entire scene on Tatooine, but I love Darth Maul. So it isn't too horrible.

So my favorite movie series lined up from best to not the best. They are all still great movies, but one of them has to be at the top and one has to be at the bottom. I would love to see everyone else's opinions. But just to make clear, these are opinions, and you can't resent them for their choice. Your favorite could be their least favorite, and vice versa. Just understand that we all love Star Wars, we just have to make a list.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, I'm one of those people when it comes to the prequels:

1. Empire Strikes Back: Star Wars somehow becoming really tense and fascinating. Includes the only moments in the entire franchise where you actually worry about whether the characters will make it. Han crawls inside the dead body of a space llama.

2. A New Hope: Just a solid movie, started it all, has the bones of everything in there and a really good pace. Basically a really good space adventure movie, but with little subtlety. Moff Tarkin is a hilarious obergruppenfuhrer that we don't see enough of later.

3. Return of the Jedi: Still good but with a more languid plot and a finale that's basically identical to A New Hope but not quite as tight or fun. Ewoks play a stormtrooper xylophone.

3.5. Hopefully the new movie slots in here?!?!? I don't want to ask for too much.

4. Attack of the Clones: This one I remember the least of out of the prequels which must mean it was the best of them. Although I think it had Grievous in it, who was some kind of robot with a smoking habit. Everyone in it is doing flips all the time.

5. Phantom Menace: Despite Jar Jar I think this is still slightly better than Revenge. At least it has a plot, I think, and the Ben-Hur chariot race pod racing was fun. Young Anakin is a weirdo ("are you an ANGEL?").

6. Revenge of the Sith: NOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
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1.) Empire Strikes Back: Absolutely the best. The character development was phenomenal.

2.) Return of the Jedi: Why didn't we get more of the emperor? He was awesome.

3.) A New Hope: A little generic, but still a classic gem.

4.) Revenge of the Sith: The only prequel I like. Action was good, plot wasn't horrible, and the Mustafar fight was golden.

5.) Attack of the Clones: Holy shit, this movie was boring. All I remember about it was the cool Dooku/Yoda fight, the Jango/Obi-Wan fight and Anakin whining a lot.

6.) The Phantom Menace: Mesa wants to forget about this movie. Maul was a boss though.
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1.) Empire Strikes Back: Great overall film in many ways, love that the bad guys had the upper hand and succeeded in the film. Also good character development through out

2.) Return of the Jedi: Epic conclusion and end fight. Plus the cute little ewoks!

3.) A New Hope: A great introduction and really had great pacing for a movie

4.) Revenge of the Sith: I actually really liked this film. Thought its plot was alright. Agree with the poster above, the Mustafar fight scene was absolutely epic.

5.) Attack of the Clones: Thought this movie was average and didn't pull me in that much.

6.) The Phantom Menace: Jar Jar Binks for Sith Lord
(author comment's here..)

See, I like The Empire Strikes Back, it is a great one. But I just was never a fond of all the space. The character and plot development is pretty great. But I was never fond of space warfare has I have mentioned.
Hey, I know this is kind of a random question, but what was the original reason Vader wore the suit? Before Episode 3 was thought up.
I think it was that the dark side was degrading his body + he'd been a gazillion battles with the fleeing jedi and got half himself chopped off. There wasn't meant to have been a single event.
A lot of sources say that the original reason before the prequels was very similar to the prequel's reason. It was that Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi were fighting near lava and Obi-Wan managed to push him into the lava and horribly damage and scar him. That is also when Obi-Wan went into hiding. So it is very similar to the prequel's story.
Granted, some of my memories of both trilogies are a little hazy so this might be subject to change but here's my order:

1) Empire Strikes Back: Too iconic not to be the best. Yoda's debut, Luke's training on Degobah, and the Luke/Vader twist alone sell this movie.

2) New Hope: The film that started it all. Simply classic, but Empire is just a teeny bit better for me.

3) Return of the Jedi: By no means bad, but there are some bits and pieces here and there I would have changed.

4) Return of the Sith: Best prequel, by that's only saying so much.

5) Phantom Menace: I'm biased, but this was my intro to Star Wars. Plus, Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon v. Maul is too good.

6) Attack of the Clones: At the very least, it had the "deathsticks" joke. That's hilarious, I don't care who you are.
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My ranking would be this:

1) Return of the Jedi. Best movie in the series. The rescue on Tatooine. The space battles. The lightsaber battles. The ending. I loved every single part of it.

2) A New Hope. My first introduction to the Star War series. Gave me Han Solo being epic.

3) The Phantom Menace. Gave me Qui-Gon Jinn, the character I credit to contributing the most to my development as a person. Qui-Gon alone pretty much bumped this movie from last to third for me. Everything else was forgettable and embarrassing; that pushed this movie down to third from second for me.

4) Attack of the Clones. Jedi Army fighting. So cool. The only cool thing about the movie though.

5) Empire Strikes Back. I admit, I barely remember anything about this movie. The novelization was good though. It was thanks to the novelization that I even remembered what happened in this movie.

6) Return of the Sith. I didn't even watch this. Or at least, I watched some of it and it wasn't enough to compel me to watch the rest.
1. The Force Awakens- May be a rehashed version of a New Hope, but still pretty damn awesome.

2. The Empire Strikes Back- A good character driven plot and a classic in terms of the Battle of Hoth and the reveal at the end.

3. Return of the Jedi- The Battle over Endor is one of my favorite action sequences till today.

4. A New Hope, nothing too bad, it just isn't too interesting compared to its other brethren. Still awesome though.

5. Revenge of the Sith- The battle over Corascant, General Grievous and Mustafar seal this as the best of the prequels.

6. Phantom Menace- Take out Jar Jar, and the diplomacy BS, you get an alright movie. Not as spectacular as the others, but not too bad.

7. Attack of the Clones- The Attack of the Clones suffers with shitty romantic dialogue and not enough decent action to make it as good as the others. The Attack of the Clones on Geonosis is a major let down.
1. The Force Awakens- May be a rehashed version of a New Hope, but still pretty damn awesome.

2. The Empire Strikes Back- A good character driven plot and a classic in terms of the Battle of Hoth and the reveal at the end.

3. Return of the Jedi- The Battle over Endor is one of my favorite action sequences till today.

4. A New Hope, nothing too bad, it just isn't too interesting compared to its other brethren. Still awesome though.

5. Revenge of the Sith- The battle over Corascant, General Grievous and Mustafar seal this as the best of the prequels.

6. Phantom Menace- Take out Jar Jar, and the diplomacy BS, you get an alright movie. Not as spectacular as the others, but not too bad.

7. Attack of the Clones- The Attack of the Clones suffers with shitty romantic dialogue and not enough decent action to make it as good as the others. The Attack of the Clones on Geonosis is a major let down.
Too lazy for reasons. 1-7 Best to worse. In my opinion. GO!

1. New Hope

2. Return of the Jedi

3. Empire Strikes Back

4. Force Awakens

5. No.

6. Noo


I like to pretend the prequels don't exist.
Hmm let us see

ngl I don't hate any of the movies, even the prequels, but if I had to make a list...

  • 1. A New Hope
  • 2. The Force Awakens
  • 3. Revenge of the Sith
  • 4. Empire Strikes Back
  • 5. Return of the Jedi
  • 6. Attack of the Clones
  • 7. Phantom Menace (Only one I cringe at)
Empire Strikes Back- This movie has spawned more iconic moments and quotes than the rest of franchise (Probably combined). It also is such a solid link that ties the entire story together. Probably the best stand-alone too.

Return of the Jedi- My favorite as a child (probably for the intense space battle), but as I grew up, I came to realize that besides the battle, there was little character development.

A New Hope- Surreal and breath-taking in both its scope and idea. It does borrow a few details from other Sci Fi stories (John Carter), yet it establishes these ideas for the first time on film.

Revenge of the Sith- The less cringe-worthy of the prequels, the last act is probably the best part of the newer three films (most likely due to its conclusion). The ending is rushed, and not all pieces line up well with A New Hope, either.

Attack of the Clones/ A Phantom Menace (Tie)- It's hard to truly decide which one takes the bottom tier when they both have great scenes (Jedi fight scene/ pod racing, respectively), but book-end these scenes with terrible character development (Hayden Christiansen scenes/ "Its working, its working!").

I enjoyed The Force Awakens because of its preference to puppets and live action characters than CGI over-usage. In my opinion, I would rather a good actor portray a decent looking alien, than a computer model's beauty end up butchering a voice-actor's performance.
Don't really have a preference as to my favorite or least favorite, kinda hard to put them to the test many of them are either more good, or more bad. But I do know the BEST order to watch them in. (take note they are numbered as in episode order, not in order of release.)

Episode IV

Episode V-
these two are the obvious choice to watch first. If somehow one was to never hear of the Iconic 'Luke I am your father.' line, then it would be the perfect reveal to the end of Episode V to the audience. A true cliff hanger as you go on to the next two, (Or three) movies.

Episode II

Episode III-
as you can see we skipped right over Episode VI, and went back to Anakin Skywalker. This gives the flashback on how Darth Vader came to be. And you will notice that we left out Episode I. If you want to watch this one along with these it would be fine, just for the experience. But It doesn't give much to the background of Anakin.

Episode VI- now we get back to the original series, and away from the prequel. This will bring the whole saga to a nice cut end, and gives the audience one of the best experiences with Star Wars.

Thats what I think would be the best way to watch the Star Wars Saga.
Oh and the Number Seven you can watch afterwards. Personally I did not find it good, definitely not a George Lucas worthy film, but not a bad picture itself.

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