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Fandom (Star Wars Old Republic) Dawn of A New Age

This is the Character sign up Skeleton. Please fill out accordingly and i will let you know if your character will be accepted.


Age: (Must be 21+)

Appearance (picture please, but you can describe anything that is different from the picture):


Any allegiance?:

Force user? If so, what allinement, and what powers?:



Name: Haran Dara'asuum

Age: 24

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image1.JPG.857fd68650dcdbe1b4690301a5db6bda.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image1.JPG.857fd68650dcdbe1b4690301a5db6bda.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Male

Any allegiance?: Clan hired by Imperials, Lead Warrior of Family Clan Alba Érinn

Force user? If so, what allinement, and what powers?: Built Prototype "Force Manipulator" (Glove attachments that can push back an object or person depending on energy level) [Extremely Unstable] Only uses in dire situations

Equipment: Dark Saber, Blaster pistol, Modified DTB-27 Bolt Pistol, Vibroblade daggers, MK-1 Blaster Rifle (custom scope)

Backstory: Haran's family Clan was well known across the galaxy for their ruthlessness and efficiency. Haran and his brothers were the main warriors of the clan, doing most of the dirty work when the clan's services were required. His hate for Jedi came from when a group of Jedi attempted to stop one of their hired assassinations. The Jedi killed 2 of his brothers, so he learned how to hunt and kill Jedi. A year later, he snuck inside the Jedi temple and broke into their archives, stealing a Dark Saber. He then went and found the Jedi who murdered his brothers within the temple, and slaughtered them and stole their Light sabers as trophies. Now he is the Head Warrior of the Clan Alba Érinn.

Race: Mandalorian

Other: Extreme hate for Jedi, Hunts Jedi, has a complicated relationship with Sith (doesn't trust them), will kill anyone he dislikes, Loves the Clan hunts for Evoki during seasons of unemployment.



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Name: "K'tal Maverick..."

Age: "That's none of your concern." (28)

(gauntlets on his forearms)

Sexuality: "...How good are your cuddles?"

Any allegiance?: "Both sides suck. I will bring it all under one flag. One name."

Force user? If so, what allignement, and what powers?: Yes. Dark Jedi. Lightning, Telekinesis, Pull/push, force drain, perception, levitation (under development)

Equipment: Darksaber infused with the purple shards of his late master. Standard red lightsaber. Specialized armor meant to take lightsaber hits.


And this is story all about how,

K'tal's life got flipped upside down.

Now, I'd like to take a minute, the time's gonna fly by

when I tell the story of K'tal the rogue jedi.

On planet Naboo, K'tal was born and raised,

training as a jedi is where he spent most of his days.

Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool,

until one day he was played for a fool.

Traitorous sit spies, they were up to no good.

They killed everyone in K'tal's neighborhood.

K'tal had to admit, this was actually quite frightening.

The sith killed his beloved wife, and K'tal shot sith lightning.

Continuing onward, with his loved ones dead, and with his newly found powers, K'tal decided to dabble in the dark side for a bit. Later, while serving under the Emperor, he deducted that both sides were corrupted, they sucked, and that needed to change. He would gather his strength, and soon lead a rebellion to overthrow both jedi and sith, unifying the force under one name. One power. He resides in hoth, when he isn't wandering about the galaxy for jedi/sith to slay.

Other: He is self taught in dueling.

Theme:https: //

((Forgive the undertale, this was the best video I could find in terms of sound quality and that included lyrics))

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