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Fandom Star Wars: Defiance In Darkness (Re-Launch OOC)


Sicarii Assassin

2,763 B.B.Y.

The Sith-Mandalorian War now rages into it's second year. After a spate of initial victories, the Great Sith Empire, amazingly, finds itself on the defensive. For every Mandalorian soldier taken out, he is replaced by ten more. Out of nowhere, they have been supplied with vast amounts of star destroyers, fleet runners and have been wiping out whole contingents of Dark Side warriors at an alarming rate. The Sith simply cannot make sense of this and have struggled to hold back the Mandalorian onslaught. The Galactic Republic has officially declared neutrality in the conflict and has steadfastly denied supplying the Mandalorians with their new wonder weapons, which have thus far, decimated the Sith forces. Darth Lethalis, the One Sith Warlord and ruler of the Sith Empire has employed every tactic to try and turn back the Mandalorians, but time is running out. Many of the higher ranking Sith, suspect that there is far more going on behind the scenes and that there is an unknown third party working from the shadows, which has somehow resulted in a turn of Mandalore's fortunes. The Jedi Council have vowed to stay out of the war, but find themselves under increasing suspicion from not only the Sith, but from the Senate as well. One thing is for certain, if the Sith do not figure something out soon, this could mean the end of the Great Sith Empire...

Physical Appearance:
(no anime)
(if applicable)
Planet Of Origin:
Force Alignment:
(if applicable)
Name: Darth Tragedis
Species: Mirialan/Zeltron Hybrid
Age: 38
Height: 6'2
Physical Appearance:Sith.jpg

Sith Empire
Rank: Grand Inquisitor
Occupation: Interrogations Officer
Weapon(s): Curved Hilt Lightsaber
Planet Of Origin: Zeltros
Force Alignment: Dark Sider
The boy who would become the malignant Sith Lord known as Darth Tragedis was born as Casyn Yuufarr aboard a run down weapons freighter. His father, Zakks Yuufar, a Mirialan smuggler, was a cold and cruel arms dealer in the employ of Sarthian the Hutt. His mother Cillia, was a Zeltron prostitute, who was one of dozens of Zakks many lovers. Soon after Casyn was born, his father had a bounty placed on his head by Sarthian for withholding a large payment owed to the Hutt gangster. Zakks was ambushed by two Mandalorian mercs and brought before Sarthian, who summarily executed the Mirialan smuggler. Cillia fled to her home planet of Zeltros with Caysn in tow. However, instead of raising her young son, Cillia began to indulge back into the life of a prostitute and was swept up in the general free wheeling party atmosphere of Zeltros. Casyn was severely neglected and started exhibiting disturbing behavior as a toddler along with showing signs of being Force sensitive from almost the onset of his birth. Casyn displayed classic psychopathic tendencies as he began to enjoy torturing and killing small animals, such as Wampa Rats and Desert Skippers from the time he learned to walk.

His mother took little notice of her son’s alarming pass times as she was to busy partying and servicing customers. When he was only four years old, he was discovered by a wandering Mon' Calamari Sith Lord named Darth Demmonis, who was searching for new young recruits to induct into the powerful Sith Empire. The Sith Lord discovered little Casyn playing in the trash heaps, covered in the blood of Wampa Rats and immediately picked up that the boy was a Force Sensitive. Furthermore he had an inherent dark nature due to his psychopathy…a perfect candidate for a Sith Acolyte if there ever was one. Demmonis abducted the boy and brought him back to Korriban, planet based headquarters to the Sith Empire.

Lord Demmonis began to aggressively train the boy in the ways in the Darkside of the Force. Casyn proved to be a very quick study and began to exhibit impressive Force abilities before the age of sixteen. But what he relished in and prized above all else was light saber combat. Casyn mastered the forms of Makashi, Ataru, Djem So and Juyo and even melded all four combat styles into a specialized hybridization fighting discipline he named Chakra. By the time he was twenty one, Casyn was one of the deadliest and fiercest light saber combatants in the known galaxy. Even Demmonis feared his apprentice to such a degree that he hoped he would never have to duel his young student. From the onset of his training, Casyn was taught to hate his half Zeltron heritage, as most Zeltrons were empathetic to other lifeforms. Demmonis taught his young Acolyte that emotions and feelings were a hindrance and a weakness and that his strength must flow from his hatred and anger, rooted in the Dark Side of the Force.

Whilst in his Sith training, Casyn began to exchange in criminal dealings with various Hutt mobsters, who recognized the young Sith prodigy as an extremely valuable commodity to their illegal enterprises with his amazing Force powers, fighting prowess and his general enjoyment of bloodshed. They began to employ him as an Enforcer, which turned out to be very lucrative for the young Sith. With the help of new Hutt connections, Casyn engineered a small Zeltron massacre, that would see the young Sith apprentice eradicate hundreds of native Zeltrons, his mother included in the carnage. In the midst of this, Casyn also began to gain prestige within the Sith Empire, working his way up the ranks, first gaining notoriety for his skills with a lightsaber, than gaining respect for his keen, calculating and cunning mind, the young man taking a particular interest in military interrogations. Casyn genuinely enjoyed the torment and suffering of the prisoners. Before to long he garnered a reputation for being particularly brutal in his extraction of information.

Inevitably, as in typical Sith tradition, Casyn began to see his master as an obstacle to be dealt with. At the age of twenty five, Casyn would get his chance. Using his Hutt connections, Casyn challenges his master in open gladiatorial combat in front of a crowd of thousands. Fearful, yet impressed by his student’s treachery and bravado, Demmonis dubs his apprentice, Darth Tragedis. The ensuing duel between the two Sith was one of the most brutal and bloodiest fights the Hutts had ever seen in an arena. Tragedis had the advantage of youth and skill, however Demmonis was no push over, and gave his apprentice a more than worthy fight, even managing to cut off his student’s arm with his double bladed light saber. Yet in the end, although grievously injured, Tragedis overwhelmed his master with the sheer ferocity of his attacks, beheading Demmonis .Afterward, he received a cybernetic arm and went onto to gain significant promotion within the Sith Empire, graduating to the rank of Grand Inquisitor, all the while continuing his study of the Sith, the Dark Side and his own immense power within The Force.
Name: Darth Livyatan, formerly Zelen Livi

Species: Human

Age: 33

Height: 6'2"

Physical Appearance:
Beneath his armor Darth Livyatan shows the corruption of the Dark Side. Dark veins show beneath his skin like tattoos and Dark Side Energy swirls around him like smoke. He's managed to retain most of his looks, but it's obvious what he is just from looking at him. His mouth has changed the most, jagged teeth filling it as it gapes wider than a Human's should.

Personality: Darth Livyatan believes in the freedom that power brings. For him the Sith Code represents the truest form of the Dark Side of the Force that allowed him to rise to such heights. That doesn't stop him from acting off his own whims or eliminating threats to himself. Like most Sith Darth Livyatan believes self-preservation trumps any code. Unless he has reason to hide them he shows his emotions openly and without restriction. He revels in his own power, happily explaining his vision of the truth of the universe: control is power and power is all. Whatever gives you control gives you power and whatever gets you control should be sought after. If he wants to do something then the only thing stopping him from doing so is his ability to do so while maintaining control.

Since Darth Livyatan went from a slave to a Sith Lord he believes the only thing preventing anyone else from succeeding as he has is their power and will to use it. He'll happily explain the Sith philosophy even to those who aren't force-sensitive, believing that all have the right to know it and potentially advance from it. While he'll always put himself first and even act seemingly hypocritically in his own self-interest, Darth Livyatan views it as his own right to act as he chooses to and that his power gives him that right.

In combat Darth Livyatan will use any tactic to achieve victory. While no coward he'll happily take out his opponents without directly facing them if he can. If they're capable of surviving all that and forcing him to face them they've earned that by right of their power or the will of the Force. In personal combat he focuses on speed, deflecting attacks with his lightsaber while devastating his foes with Force Lightning and other Dark Side techniques.

Fear, anger, pain, desire, all of these are tools to be used to channel the Dark Side and manipulate others. All is permitted to those with the power and ambition to seize what they want.

Faction: The Sith Empire
Rank: Voice
Occupation: Voice of the Sith. Darth Livyatan ensures the directives of the Dark Council are heard and carried out.

Weapon: A long-handled curved-hilt red lightsaber.

Planet Of Origin: Dromund Kaas

Force Alignment: Dark Side

Biography: The boy who would become Darth Livyatan was born a slave on Dromund Kaas. From a young age Zelen knew he wasn't like the others, his darkest emotions and those of others strengthened him and he could do things no other slave could. The overseers would pass by him when they wanted to make an example of a slave. He concentrated his hatred and objects moved. He didn't know what this meant until one day a Sith visited the work camp and Zelen felt a kindred spirit in her. He envied her freedom and how the overseers cowered before her. From that day forward he knew he was destined to be a Sith. He just needed a way into their ranks.

Not knowing how the Sith would react to a slave strong in the Force, Zelen hatched a plan. He tricked another slave boy into believing he was Force Sensitive and watched as he was cut down by the Sith he approached. Zelen knew then that he needed a different way in. Escaping from slavery and leaving everyone he knew behind, he managed to make his way to the space port where new Sith Acolytes were sent to Korriban. Biding his time he waited until a would-be apprentice who he could pass as was set to be shipped out, murdered him, and took his place.

At the Sith Academy Zelen reveled in his newfound freedom. Even if his fellow Acolytes would kill him without remorse to get ahead he was allowed and encouraged to do the same. Given the opportunity to grow he quickly distinguished himself from the others. By coincidence or will of the Force Zelen ended up apprenticed to the Sith who had visited the camp where he was enslaved all those years ago, Darth Naliwyn. She further taught him in the ways of the Dark Side, showing him how to master Force Lightning, cloud minds, and drain the life from others. Zelen took to these studies and came into his own as a Sith Sorcerer.

But Zelen knew there was more for him. His ambitions were greater than settling for this. His Master made it clear she viewed him as no more than a tool that she would discard if he stopped being useful. So he decided to get rid of her first. He got his chance on Balmorra. It was a simple matter to persuade a group of anti-Imperial freedom fighters to redirect a turret to blow up her ship as she approached. Zelen then hunted down and slaughtered the terrorists, making a show of rage at his Master's death. From there he smoothly stepped into his Master's responsibilities and power and Zelen Livi became Darth Livyatan.

Darth Livyatan's ambition has never been small and now he has his eyes set on ever greater heights. After studying a Sith Holocron containing the teaching of Darth Jadus Darth Livyatan became convinced that the best path for the Sith was to spread the Dark Side to the entire universe. To bring about "The Democratization of Fear" that Jadus had believed in, but instead flowing from Darth Livyatan's vision. For now he watches and waits for the time to bring his schemes to fruition.
Name: Chuka Struk
Species: Human (Mandalorian)
Age: 36
Physical Appearance:
(no anime)
Average height for his kind with dark medium cropped unkempt hair, mostly due to being under a helmet most of the time. His hazel eyes tend to look through beings, not because he's trying to intimidate but as if he's trying to seem like he's paying attention. His features are weathered and tough from years of hard living, with some faint scars to show for it.
Personality: Chuka has a fairly dark sense of humor, but often will remain stoic, he just finds very few things funny. He is loyal to his friends, of which he has few. Mainly due to the job and how they tend to die, again due to the job. He may come across as gruff and confrontational, but he'll be there when you need him.
Faction: Mandalorian
Rank: Sol`yc Ruus`alor (First Sargeant)
Occupation: Hunter
Primary: Mandalorian Assault Blaster Rifle with HUD linked optical/ranging sights.
Multiple grenade launcher. Secondary: Manalorian Ripper
Vambraces: Flamer thrower, Blast repulsors, grappling line,
Melee: Vibro Double-blade (collapsible) and KAL dagger.
Misc: Jetpack, x3 Stun Grenades, x2 Breaching Grenades, x2 Thermal Detonators

Ship: Lancer Pursuit Craft: Akalenedat (Hard Contact)
With upgraded dorsal medium laser turret cannons, forward mounted ion cannons, while keeping the tracker beam on chin mount. The secondary cargo hold has been fitted with a carbonite unit for acquisitions that need to contained. And the hyperdrive was upgraded to a class 1 hyperdrive.

ARMOR/CLOTHING: A combination of Beskar plates and Cortosis weave underlay augmented by personal shields. With integrated thermal units to insulate against environmental extremes. Helmet is full seal for vacuum with full environmental filters and an encrypted comlink, optical scanner with weapon site link and HUD.

Planet Of Origin: Concordia
Force Alignment:
Bio: Having grown up on Concordia, he trained and worked with the Death Watch. He was willing to do whatever it took to prove himself and going on every mission he could, no matter how dangerous. Her felt compelled to the old ways of Mandalorian life, but he could no longer stand to follow the ways of Deathwatch and what he felt was their lack of honor. So he left to find a more honorable way to live among the stars and colonies. He put his training to good use and quickly became a very good bounty hunter, smart enough to know when you back off but aggressive enough to get difficult acquisitions.

Extra info:
Limited musical ability
Tactical awareness
Hand-to-hand combat
Knife fighting
Expert Marksman (not a sniper)

Talents: Good tactical thinker, Expert Shot with a long and personal weapons, Handy with explosives, can multi-task. He also is fond of his bes'bev, otherwise known as a Mandalorian flute. He'll never make living as a musician, but he can play very well for for someone who spends most of their getting paid for more violent endeavors. Can get tunnel focused on an objective, otherwise known as being stubborn. He has an affinity to alcohol, which can lead to the aforementioned stubbornness. He doesn't want to trust so easily, but can be fooled by the right story. He is a decent pilot, but he won't last long in a dog fight against a well trained fighter pilot.

Training: Chuka is generally a straight forward fighter. Preferring overwhelming fire power, mixed with speed, surprise and violence of action. Though this all depends on the target. Softer targets do not need to have a wall imploded when a stun round will do, but harder/heavily guarded targets will get grenades to the face. Followed by blaster bolts. He uses a similar approach when dealing with Force Sensitive targets, though they tend to get more flamethrowers and incendiaries and concussion grenades. But if it comes to close up work he has lightsaber resistant vibro double-blade and a Kal Dagger, which he will mix in with a slug thrower.


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[I'll try to do something called 'The Jedi's Secret Weapon' first, someone who won't be entering any fight unless officially approved by the GM] (Massive WIP):
Name: Aiyalib Couselis
Alias: The Jedi's Secret Weapon
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Occupation: (I'm going to assume Jedi)
Picture: She is an relatively well figured young woman, with curves in all the notable places .greyish black hair , blue eyes, and is relatively fair skinned. She wears the general Jedi gear accompanied by an brown hoodie. She wields an green lightsaber.
Rank: Jedi Knight [Recently promoted] (But be warned: Don't underestimate her strength in the Force: It's much more massive than her modest Rank would suggest but to an otherwise Unknown extent)
Force Alignment: Light Side [Though has some Dark Side qualities such as being more emotional than the average Jedi would be and wrathful if pushed to the extreme, which hasn't happened yet actually]
Home Planet: Coruscant
Personality: Aiyalib can be considered rather wholesome to be around, and is generally very forgiving, to the point she'll likely let her enemy leave if they decide to go away. She is genuinely an pacifist even amongst Jedi, only going to actually hurt someone if not given the option, as shown with her fighting style focusing on merely incapacitating an individual than outright killing them, even if she was well in the right. However, when her emotions are tampered with, and her limits are tested, she can be rather formidably aggressive and wrathful. She is also outright introverted as no one aside from a few people have ever really seen her.
History: Aiyalib wasn't exactly born in a different way to the others. Her Father never officially had any extremely close relationship to conceive her, yet Aiyalib's Mom was pregnant with her regardless. Her mother didn't know what this meant so she only told her father and Aiyalib, in which the mother told the Mistress. Aiyalib was considered to be an generally useless maiden to an powerful family not so long ago. She was sent to this powerful family due to an agreement to her parents to pay off some debt to their family, much to her unfortunate pleasure. Now she was cleaning and doing whatever was necessary to appease her mistress, as the last thing she truly needed in a situation like this was to get the mistress angry and to refuse her assistance, as if that ever happened her family would pay the ultimate price.

One day she was cleaning and all of a sudden she looked to the door. The Mistress asked her what was wrong and Aiyalib answered "They are here" without even knowing who it was. Out of nowhere, an visit from one of the members of the Jedi High Council to the mistress' family estate was what truly allowed her potential to be shown. It was what separated her from continuing to be nothing more in people's eyes than an mere maid , or the beginning of joining the fight for the side of Light.

As soon as the Jedi Council member went into the room, they felt a massive force presence coming from Aiyalib. They asked the Mistress where did that find such a strong force sensitive. It was then and only then after hearing her mention the circumstances of Aiyalib's birth, that it all truly clicked into place. She was truly 'it'. Without delaying it, they took her into the council and helped to pay off all the debt. They checked her Acolytes, and confirmed the fact that her acolytes were unprecedently large , allowed her to be trained on how to be a Jedi. Indebted to this particular Jedi Council member, who will be unamed, is who she was taught directly by, being taught everything they knew. Ever since then, her massive force power while still not as controlled, is now under the command of the Jedi, and woe be anyone who manages to get into any of her force attacks.

They decided to keep the young girl within a safe base on Coruscant , where she wouldn't be found so easily. If someone like her was discovered by the Dark Side of the Force, one wouldn't need to have an active imagination to realize how badly that could edge the Dark Side over the edge, hence why she is so heavily guarded.

  • Her Immense Force Strength & Connection: Due to the circumstances surrounding her birth, her 'unofficial title' and her immense Acolytes, , she can be considered to have amongst one of the strongest connections to the force in recorded history, although her actual power in comparison to the Council currently is otherwise unknown, but it is highly likely she's comparable to the Jedi's Strongest, but still unknown and purely conjecture...
  • Patience: This is truly a virtue. She is pretty calm for the most part and is able to talk calculated risks for the sake of many. Due to this, it is safe to assume that unless there are some dire consequences and stakes where there can't be any other options but a truly risky one, she will always try to wait things out and come to a peaceful situation.
Name: Darth Aegis, formerly Nate Sunworth
Age: 23
Height: 6"1- 1m85
Species: Dathomirian Zabrak
Weapons: He often carries a heavy blaster pistol with him, and 2 light sabers, one red that he uses mostly alone, one a dark shade of orange that he might draw in a tough situation.
Back Story:

He would be a Dathomirian, and he never went to Koriban or the Sith academy. Instead, he ran from his planet at a young age, sneaking into some random cargo flight. He was then raised by the jedis and embraced the sentinel way, becoming a very adaptable warrior, and was now mostly only learning new experiences as his Jedi basic formation was overall done. That went up until he met Night brothers from his planet, people that he knew as a child. Fighting and killing them got him to feel anger for the first time in a long while, and enough to also kill his own master and " go back where he belongs" . As a former Jedi apprentice he was fairly capable, and thanks to his Sentinel master, he also knew a lot of various skills.

He tried to back to Dathomir, but on his way, got in touch with Hutts and ended up doing a bunch of dirty works for them, quickly gaining a name in the criminel world. Using what he knew about how to stay hidden in the mass, he was never caught or even approached by republic forces or even other Jedi's, allowing him to live his life as the Dark Jedi he now was.

For 2 years he thought he could manage to stay in between the Light side and the Dark side, using both when necessary without falling into the Dark Side for good. Eventually though, the Dark side got into him, too much for him to handle, and he couldn't turn back anymore. That is when he started engaging in fights rather than doing plain jobs, allowing him to unleash his rage and bath in violence. Gladiator fights went well for him, after all, he had a good advantage over most other warriors. People used to say this Zabrak once defeated a Mandalorian in the pits, but that is the common stuff people would tell about their favorite gladiator, right ? He got a wide scar across his face during this period, and always points to it when people ask about this Mandalorian story, laughing. That is how he eventually met his Master, Tragedys, who took him under his wing and renamed him Darth Aegis.

As a sentinel, his saber was a yellow-orange color, and he still has this one, although he made another one with a bled crystal, as any Sith should wield a red blade. He would master force immunity quite well, and he would be pretty skilled in stealth actions, is able to use various technologies and ships. His affinity with the force would be quite good, since he's a Dathomirian Zabrak, and his control of the force would be more than alright, as he was raised to become a Jedi Knight.

He would be a very sarcastic, cynical individual because of how he plunged into the dark side, not especially prone to violence for no reason- he understood after the start of his training as a Sith, that how he used to indulge in fights was not the right way- Yet always up to force someone to face the brutality of this world, as he'd consider that giving them a service. The kind of guy who'd make sure bad things happen, only to have people understand his own cynical views on the world and tell them it was fated to happen. He has no shame to draw his blaster and shoot someone in the back if need be.

To his Master, he could both be a capable apprentice and a danger. Since Sentinels were known to specialize in combat against Sith lords, his force immunity skill, and knowing how Siths always end up betraying their master at some point, plus how chaotic he sometimes proves to be already.

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