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Fandom Star Wars: Defiance In Darkness (Character Creation)



Sicarii Assassin

Physical Appearance:
(no anime)
(if applicable)
Planet Of Origin:
Force Alignment:
(if applicable)
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Name: Darth Tragedis
Species: Mirialan/Zeltron Hybrid
Age: 38
Height: 6'2
Physical Appearance:Sith.jpg

Faction: Sith Empire
Rank: Grand Inquisitor
Occupation: Interrogations Officer
Weapon(s): Curved Hilt Lightsaber
Planet Of Origin: Zeltros
Force Alignment: Dark Sider
The boy who would become the malignant Sith Lord known as Darth Tragedis was born as Casyn Yuufarr aboard a run down weapons freighter. His father, Zakks Yuufar, a Mirialan smuggler, was a cold and cruel arms dealer in the employ of Sarthian the Hutt. His mother Cillia, was a Zeltron prostitute, who was one of dozens of Zakks many lovers. Soon after Casyn was born, his father had a bounty placed on his head by Sarthian for withholding a large payment owed to the Hutt gangster. Zakks was ambushed by two Mandalorian mercs and brought before Sarthian, who summarily executed the Mirialan smuggler. Cillia fled to her home planet of Zeltros with Caysn in tow. However, instead of raising her young son, Cillia began to indulge back into the life of a prostitute and was swept up in the general free wheeling party atmosphere of Zeltros. Casyn was severely neglected and started exhibiting disturbing behavior as a toddler along with showing signs of being Force sensitive from almost the onset of his birth. Casyn displayed classic psychopathic tendencies as he began to enjoy torturing and killing small animals, such as Wampa Rats and Desert Skippers from the time he learned to walk.

His mother took little notice of her son’s alarming pass times as she was to busy partying and servicing customers. When he was only four years old, he was discovered by a wandering Mon' Calamari Sith Lord named Darth Demmonis, who was searching for new young recruits to induct into the powerful Sith Empire. The Sith Lord discovered little Casyn playing in the trash heaps, covered in the blood of Wampa Rats and immediately picked up that the boy was a Force Sensitive. Furthermore he had an inherent dark nature due to his psychopathy…a perfect candidate for a Sith Acolyte if there ever was one. Demmonis abducted the boy and brought him back to Korriban, planet based headquarters to the Sith Empire.

Lord Demmonis began to aggressively train the boy in the ways in the Darkside of the Force. Casyn proved to be a very quick study and began to exhibit impressive Force abilities before the age of sixteen. But what he relished in and prized above all else was light saber combat. Casyn mastered the forms of Makashi, Ataru, Djem So and Juyo and even melded all four combat styles into a specialized hybridization fighting discipline he named Chakra. By the time he was twenty one, Casyn was one of the deadliest and fiercest light saber combatants in the known galaxy. Even Demmonis feared his apprentice to such a degree that he hoped he would never have to duel his young student. From the onset of his training, Casyn was taught to hate his half Zeltron heritage, as most Zeltrons were empathetic to other lifeforms. Demmonis taught his young Acolyte that emotions and feelings were a hindrance and a weakness and that his strength must flow from his hatred and anger, rooted in the Dark Side of the Force.

Whilst in his Sith training, Casyn began to exchange in criminal dealings with various Hutt mobsters, who recognized the young Sith prodigy as an extremely valuable commodity to their illegal enterprises with his amazing Force powers, fighting prowess and his general enjoyment of bloodshed. They began to employ him as an Enforcer, which turned out to be very lucrative for the young Sith. With the help of new Hutt connections, Casyn engineered a small Zeltron massacre, that would see the young Sith apprentice eradicate hundreds of native Zeltrons, his mother included in the carnage. In the midst of this, Casyn also began to gain prestige within the Sith Empire, working his way up the ranks, first gaining notoriety for his skills with a lightsaber, than gaining respect for his keen, calculating and cunning mind, the young man taking a particular interest in military interrogations. Casyn genuinely enjoyed the torment and suffering of the prisoners. Before to long he garnered a reputation for being particularly brutal in his extraction of information.

Inevitably, as in typical Sith tradition, Casyn began to see his master as an obstacle to be dealt with. At the age of twenty five, Casyn would get his chance. Using his Hutt connections, Casyn challenges his master in open gladiatorial combat in front of a crowd of thousands. Fearful, yet impressed by his student’s treachery and bravado, Demmonis dubs his apprentice, Darth Tragedis. The ensuing duel between the two Sith was one of the most brutal and bloodiest fights the Hutts had ever seen in an arena. Tragedis had the advantage of youth and skill, however Demmonis was no push over, and gave his apprentice a more than worthy fight, even managing to cut off his student’s arm with his double bladed light saber. Yet in the end, although grievously injured, Tragedis overwhelmed his master with the sheer ferocity of his attacks, beheading Demmonis .Afterward, he received a cybernetic arm and went onto to gain significant promotion within the Sith Empire, graduating to the rank of Grand Inquisitor, all the while continuing his study of the Sith, the Dark Side and his own immense power within The Force.
Name: Darth Livyatan, formerly Zelen Livi

Species: Human

Age: 33

Height: 6'2"

Physical Appearance:
Beneath his armor Darth Livyatan shows the corruption of the Dark Side. Dark veins show beneath his skin like tattoos and Dark Side Energy swirls around him like smoke. He's managed to retain most of his looks, but it's obvious what he is just from looking at him. His mouth has changed the most, jagged teeth filling it as it gapes wider than a Human's should.

Personality: Darth Livyatan believes in the freedom that power brings. For him the Sith Code represents the truest form of the Dark Side of the Force that allowed him to rise to such heights. That doesn't stop him from acting off his own whims or eliminating threats to himself. Like most Sith Darth Livyatan believes self-preservation trumps any code. Unless he has reason to hide them he shows his emotions openly and without restriction. He revels in his own power, happily explaining his vision of the truth of the universe: control is power and power is all. Whatever gives you control gives you power and whatever gets you control should be sought after. If he wants to do something then the only thing stopping him from doing so is his ability to do so while maintaining control.

Since Darth Livyatan went from a slave to a Sith Lord he believes the only thing preventing anyone else from succeeding as he has is their power and will to use it. He'll happily explain the Sith philosophy even to those who aren't force-sensitive, believing that all have the right to know it and potentially advance from it. While he'll always put himself first and even act seemingly hypocritically in his own self-interest, Darth Livyatan views it as his own right to act as he chooses to and that his power gives him that right.

In combat Darth Livyatan will use any tactic to achieve victory. While no coward he'll happily take out his opponents without directly facing them if he can. If they're capable of surviving all that and forcing him to face them they've earned that by right of their power or the will of the Force. In personal combat he focuses on speed, deflecting attacks with his lightsaber while scourging his foes with Force Lightning and other Dark Side techniques.

Fear, anger, pain, desire, all of these are tools to be used to channel the Dark Side and manipulate others. All is permitted to those with the power and ambition to seize what they want. Of course like most Sith Darth Livyatan sees no hypocrisy in violating his own claimed beliefs if doing so gives him an advantage.

Faction: The Sith Empire
Rank: Grand Inquisitor
Occupation: Sith Teacher, Sith Sorcery Expert, Sith Historian

Weapon: Curved hilt red lightsaber.

Planet Of Origin: Dromund Kaas

Force Alignment: Dark Side

Biography: The boy who would become Darth Livyatan was born a slave on Dromund Kaas. From a young age Zelen knew he wasn't like the others, his darkest emotions and those of others strengthened him and he could do things no other slave could. The overseers would pass by him when they wanted to make an example of a slave. He concentrated his hatred and objects moved. He didn't know what this meant until one day a Sith visited the work camp and Zelen felt a kindred spirit in her. He envied her freedom and how the overseers cowered before her. From that day forward he knew he was destined to be a Sith. He just needed a way into their ranks.

Not knowing how the Sith would react to a slave strong in the Force, Zelen hatched a plan. He tricked another slave boy into believing he was Force Sensitive and watched as he was cut down by the Sith he approached. Zelen knew then that he needed a different way in. Escaping from slavery and leaving everyone he knew behind he managed to make his way to the space port where new Sith Acolytes were sent to Korriban. Biding his time he waited until a would-be apprentice who he could pass as was set to be shipped out, killed him, and took his place.

At the Sith Academy Zelen reveled in his newfound freedom. Even if his fellow Acolytes would kill him without remorse to get ahead he was allowed and encouraged to do the same. Given the opportunity to grow he quickly distinguished himself from the others. By coincidence or will of the Force Zelen ended up apprenticed to the Sith who had visited the camp where he was enslaved all those years ago, Darth Naliwyn. She further taught him in the ways of the Dark Side, showing him how to master Force Lightning, cloud minds, and drain the life from others. Zelen took to these studies and came into his own as a Sith Sorcerer.

But Zelen knew there was more for him. His ambitions were greater than settling for this. His Master made it clear she viewed him as no more than a tool that she would discard if he stopped being useful. So he decided to get rid of her first. He got his chance on Balmorra. It was a simple matter to direct a group of anti-Imperial freedom fighters to redirect a turret to blow up her ship as she approached. Zelen then hunted down and slaughtered the 'terrorists,' making a show of grief at his Master's death. From there he smoothly stepped into his Master's responsibilities and power and Zelen Livi became Darth Livyatan.

Darth Livyatan's ambition has never been small and now he has his eyes set on ever greater heights. After studying a Sith Holocron containing the teachings of Darth Jadus Darth Livyatan became convinced that the best path for the Sith was to spread the Dark Side to all reaches of the universe. To bring about "The Democratization of Fear" that Jadus had believed in, but instead flowing from Darth Livyatan's vision. For now he watches and waits for the time to bring his schemes to fruition.
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Name: Vicious Rovaro

Species: Dathomirian Zabrak (Male)

Age: 24

Height: 6'

Physical Appearance:

Personality: Bold, Risk Taker, Honourable, Confident (though some might say arrogant)

Faction: Unaligned

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Weapon(s): A pair of DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistols, Set if Throwing Knives, Pair of Dathomirian Hand Scythes

Planet Of Origin: Dathomire

Bio: Vicious was born to a village of Night brothers and led a, relatively, normal life until the age of 16. An outsider came to his village in need of a young Dathomirian to train as a brutal assassin, then sell to the highest bidder. The tribes leader was in denial of such a proposal at first. But after being bested in combat, the outsider convinced him.

The outsider looked at all the males of age 16, viewing them as most appropriate to train; old enough to handle themselves, but young enough to still be taught. But chances of fate, Vicious was chosen and taken to be trained.

Over the next few years Vicious was trained to do all manner of things; fight, fly, hunt, track, shoot, anything an assassin might need to know. All the while the outsider, who he now called master, taught honour. Vicious was to be an assassin, an it was unbecoming for an assassin to kill without honour.

At age 20 Vicious was eventually sold to a Trandoshan trader. But when time came to pay Vicious' Master, the Trandoshan simply killed the man. This might have been fine, had the Trandioshan not shot his Master in the back. Seeing such a dishonourable murder to such an honourable man, Vicious fought the Trandoshan and won his freedom.....by killing the Trandoshan.

Vicious now roams the galaxy, taking bounty jobs to earn his meals. He became quite well known as a brutal warrior, especially at he was known to never betray his client once he'd been paid. After all, there was no honour in that.

The Viridux
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Name: Zenix Valentini: The Firestorm
Species: Human
Age: 27
Physical Appearance:
Faction: Sith Empire
Rank: Grand Inquisitor
Occupation: Leader, commander and Pilot

Weapon(s): Form 2 Makashi Saber
Planet Of Origin: Coruscant
Force Alignment: Dark Side
Bio: At the young age of 16 the boy was cast out of his family for seeming useless and a simple waste of time and resources to his mother and father, they would always complain to each other about how they wished they had a daughter instead of a son and saw their son as nothing more then a burden and a waste of food an water, a year later he discovered he was force gifted and by himself learned how to float small objects. At the age of 17 when sitting by himself he was adopted by Darth Felgrand and trained under him, over the years he had gained strength knowledge and a deep lust for the dark side, at the age of 25 he was promoted and given the honor of Grand Inquisitor due to his tremendous leadership skills and battle hardened experience. One of the many examples of his lead towards promotion was a strike on Naboo, eliminating many republican base camps and squads to take victory, a master of tactics and a a unique since of pathfinding led him and his troops to victory over and over again.
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Name: Darth Naraya
Species: Human
Age: 28
Height: 5'7"
Physical Appearance:

Personality: Darth Naraya holds an aura to her that reeks of privilege and self-importance. She believes she is entitled to most privileges that moth sith aren't due to her natural aptitude to the dark side of the force and for her descending from a family of Sith aristocrats, she walked around with a swagger that most would despise her for. She bears little consideration for sith philosophy and tradition and does things her own way. She believes in her use in the dark side of the force, her skills with a lightsaber, and her noble blood that she is one that people must respect and look up to. But it is in tradition that the Sith are able to survive but is something that Naraya has failed to understand.

A sadist with a thirst for blood in her own right. Naraya craves violence and loves to get into a scrap when she finds the chance. She's a master duelist with proficiency in makashi and is a practitioner in Shien and Djem So. Not so much a master practitioner of the dark side of the force but she knows the basics, to harness fear and anger to set her free and grant her power.

Faction: Sith Empire
Sith Marauder
Occupation: Sith Warrior
Weapon(s): Standard red lightsaber
Planet Of Origin: Dromound Kass
Force Alignment: Dark Side

Bio: The Andalon clan have held
significant status within the Sith Empire. Before she was granted the title of Darth, Lusia Andalon was the first born daughter and only daughter of Lord Kesh Andalon with her mother Aniya Andalon-Sark. Brought to Korriban for training at the age of 15, Lusia was not given special privileges. Lusia had urged her father to give her an edge in her trials over her groomed classmate, but was met with a cold shoulder with every reach out. Acolytes dropped likes flies as they were pushed to their limits or punished for cowardice or failure but Lusia grew stronger. She fed off the anger provided by her father, feeling like she was abandoned by the only person who cared for her or at least provided her with safety. During one of her trials to retrieve a sith holocron from ruins, she murdered an acolyte with her bare hands. Completing all her trials, Lusia was made to serve as her father's apprentice. The fact that her father would push her aside for someone else to be her apprentice made her resent him even further.

As her father's apprentice, she mostly went on peacekeeping missions alone. Putting down pirate gangs and crime syndicates operating in Sith territory. Lusia picked up on this pattern pretty quick and wondered why she was getting these assignments, why was she going after organized crime. Infiltrating her father's private quarters, Lusia found connections that her father had to various crime syndicates as well as shares in various corporations dealing with weapon manufacturing and shipwright. Lusia's father was looking to create his own mini empire under the nose of the Dark Council. By bringing this knowledge to the Council, Lusia was granted to permission to hunt down her father and put an end to his plan, killing him and taking charge of the Andalon clan. She liquidated all her father's assets and sold whatever business interests he had making her own fortune. For her efforts she was named Darth Naraya.
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Name: Darth Naraya
Species: Human
Age: 28
Height: 5'7"
Physical Appearance:
View attachment 887161

Personality: Darth Naraya holds an aura to her that reeks of privilege and self-importance. She believes she is entitled to most privileges that moth sith aren't due to her natural aptitude to the dark side of the force and for her descending from a family of Sith aristocrats, she walked around with a swagger that most would despise her for. She bears little consideration for sith philosophy and tradition and does things her own way. She believes in her use in the dark side of the force, her skills with a lightsaber, and her noble blood that she is one that people must respect and look up to. But it is in tradition that the Sith are able to survive but is something that Naraya has failed to understand.

A sadist with a thirst for blood in her own right. Naraya craves violence and loves to get into a scrap when she finds the chance. She's a master duelist with proficiency in makashi and is a practitioner in Shien and Djem So. Not so much a master practitioner of the dark side of the force but she knows the basics, to harness fear and anger to set her free and grant her power.

Faction: Sith Empire
Sith Lord
Occupation: Sith Warrior
Weapon(s): Standard red lightsaber
Planet Of Origin: Dromound Kass
Force Alignment: Dark Side

Bio: The Andalon clan have held
significant status within the Sith Empire. Before she was granted the title of Darth, Lusia Andalon was the first born daughter and only daughter of Lord Kesh Andalon with her mother Aniya Andalon-Sark. Brought to Korriban for training at the age of 15, Lusia was not given special privileges. Lusia had urged her father to give her an edge in her trials over her groomed classmate, but was met with a cold shoulder with every reach out. Acolytes dropped likes flies as they were pushed to their limits or punished for cowardice or failure but Lusia grew stronger. She fed off the anger provided by her father, feeling like she was abandoned by the only person who cared for her or at least provided her with safety. During one of her trials to retrieve a sith holocron from ruins, she murdered an acolyte with her bare hands. Completing all her trials, Lusia was made to serve as her father's apprentice. The fact that her father would push her aside for someone else to be her apprentice made her resent him even further.

As her father's apprentice, she mostly went on peacekeeping missions alone. Putting down pirate gangs and crime syndicates operating in Sith territory. Lusia picked up on this pattern pretty quick and wondered why she was getting these assignments, why was she going after organized crime. Infiltrating her father's private quarters, Lusia found connections that her father had to various crime syndicates as well as shares in various corporations dealing with weapon manufacturing and shipwright. Lusia's father was looking to create his own mini empire under the nose of the Dark Council. By bringing this knowledge to the Council, Lusia was granted to permission to hunt down her father and put an end to his plan, killing him and taking charge of the Andalon clan. She liquidated all her father's assets and sold whatever business interests he had making her own fortune. For her efforts she was named Darth Naraya.
This looks awesome! Can't wait for your approval, Can't wait to rp with you!

Name: Darth Rasan, formerly Paxton Zerstoiten;
Species: Presumed Human albeit unconfirmed;
Age: 26
Height: 5'9"
Personality: Paxton Zerstoiten, dubbed Darth Rasan, exhumes the qualities of cold and calculating. A wrathful wraith of a person, he specializes—and prides himself—on HVT elimination, infiltration, and covert operation. In fact, those last two skills had aided him in business ventures when he returned to Nar Shaddaa. Unlike most Sith who do not immerse themselves in the Galactic Economy, Rasan dives headfirst. He's the majority shareholder of two corporate entities and frequently invests in startup businesses that he deems favourable. He also harbours a curious fascination for numbers; when he isn't undertaking assignments from the Empire, he is crunching numbers by himself.

A natural explorer and cataloger, Darth Rasan also frequently spent his time discovering Sith tombs and burials. Did he partake in these activities for power? It cannot be said as he never tells. As a Sith, he is naturally ruthless but doesn't flail his weight around. He believes that most Sith are TOO emotional for their own good. It isn't uncommon for him to clash with hotheads who have death wishes.
Faction: Sith Empire;
Rank: Sith Assassin;
Occupation: Engineer/Slicer, Sith Historian, and Entrepreneur.
Weapon(s): Lightsaber Pike (Red), Twin Shoto Sabers (Red), and BlasTech DL-22 blaster pistol (Blue);
Planet Of Origin: Nar Shaddaa aka Smugglers' Moon;
Force Alignment: Neutral To Dark Side Leaning.

A permanent resident of Nar Shaddaa, Paxton Zerstoiten was born into soul-crushing poverty on the polluted moon. His parents were Spiceheads who frequently forced the young Zerstoiten to acquire currency via whatever means necessary. Due to his latent Force abilities, he was quite adept at his task. Until one faithful day at the age of fourteen when he met Darth Lord Saikuden. Arrogantly, Zerstoiten thought that he could pilfer the Lord's valuables. Until he got caught and beaten to a pulp by the Kaleesh Sith. His life was only spared because Saikuden had sensed his connection to the Force and admired his drive to survive.

Under the tutelage of the Korriban tutors and Saikuden's knowledge, Paxton did not strive for popularity or prestige. Rather, he focused his efforts on maintaining this facade of mediocrity. It was only during the Sith trials that Paxton managed to garner attention, however small. It was his tenacity and tendency for swift and stealthy strikes that caught their gaze. Despite his training, he passed the trials with difficulty. Still, he completed the tasks set before him and became a proper Sith apprentice.

His notable ascension to the ranks of Darth was his assassination of Senator Ti Zasz, a Kel'Dorian who was in the midst of peace talks between two critical factions for the Galactic Republic. The Senator was shadowed by a heavily armed detail accompanied by a Jedi Knight. It was an arduous task. Zerstoiten had managed to divine a portion of the Senator's defensive protocols in case of attacks and hatched a plan. The first part involved disrupting the Senator's speech via high-grade explosives. Second, they would take the Senator to the designated residence for safety. Which Zerstoiten had managed to infiltrate before the initial disruption. Then another set of explosives would be triggered. However, the Jedi Knight's pesky precognition had saved Ti Zasz. A titanic duel ensued between the two Force users in which Zerstoiten proved victorious. Instead of killing Ti Zasz with his lightsaber, Zerstoiten grabbed an intact blaster rifle from his guards and riddled him with holes. His last act was to use the remainder of explosives to destroy the Jedi's body and taking the corpse of one of the guards, making it seem like the Sith had no involvement.

Thus he was proclaimed as Darth Rasan, the Blank Darth.

(Art By Alexander Winkler)
Name: Larria Vahh
Species: Chiss
Age: 40
Height: 5'10
Physical Appearance: 88850ec513131eeafa81638450e71cfd.jpg

Faction: Chiss Ascendancy
Rank: Duchess
Occupation: Noble Woman/Senator
Weapon(s): N/A
Planet Of Origin: Csilla
Force Alignment: Neutral
Larria Vahh is the firstborn daughter of Duke Trovan Dar'eth Vahh, head of the Second Ruling House of Csilla and the Chiss Ascendancy. Growing up as literal nobility amongst her people, Larria is a true child of privledge. Wanting for nothing in her life, Larria was slated to rise to the title of Duchess when she came of age and despite her lavish upbringing, took her duties as a noble woman seriously, determined to bring honor to her family and put the concerns of The Chiss people first and foremost. Exceptionally educated and cultured, she speaks over a dozen alien dialects and is versed in many customs of different species' cultures. Throughout her life she has been matched with many Chiss males as suitors, but none have ever risen to her high expectations, thus she remains un-betrothed. Feeling a pulling call to involve herself in the wider politics of the galaxy, Larria submitted her consideration to become a Senator on behalf of the Ascendency within the Galactic Republic. Her background and academic achievements made her a perfect choice and she now sits proudly on the Galactic Senate as an emissary for her people.

With the rising prominence of The Sith Empire, the Chiss sought to learn more about them. In traditional Chiss style, they endeavored to feign cooperation in order to gain the empire's trust through several partnerships and tentative alliances. Like many before her, Larria was employed as a double agent. In one of many alliance proposals, Larria was assigned as a diplomatic liaison to a visiting Sith representative sent by The Empire. In this case, a particular half Zeltron, half Mirialan Sith Lord named, Darth Tragedis. From the moment she laid eyes on the mysterious and dangerous Dark Sider, Larria felt herself inexplicably drawn to him. A few months into their liaison partnership, Tragedis had all but figured out that the lovely Chiss woman had been sent to spy on him. He surprises her with a few Force attacks and nearly kills her, demanding to know why she had been sent as a spy, but Larria refused to divulge her mission. Impressed with her resilience and her tolerance for pain, Tragedis decides to spare her life. Remarkably, this attempt on her life does nothing to dissuade her attraction for the unpredictable Sith and she only finds herself more enamored with the Dark Lord. Recognizing her potential usefulness and his own physical attraction to the beautiful Duchess, Tragedis decides to take her as his lover. The two have been embroiled in a steamy and secret affair for a number of years. Larria now serves her Sith lover as both an intimate partner and a mole for him within the Galactic Senate. She reports all her findings directly to Tragedis and has proven to be an invaluable asset and source of sensitive information that only diplomats and politicians would be privy to.
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Name: Vahdress Anik'th l Andrita Anik'th
Species: Human
Age: 23
l 18
Height: 6'2 l 5'5
Physical Appearance:

Faction: Sith Empire
(if applicable) Sith Assassin (Emperor's Hand) l Ultimate Weapon of the Dark Side (Unsure where to put her. But she basically follows her sister wherever she goes. She was told by their parents that she would be an weapon that the Dark Side could use whenever they use the following phrases [Higher your Rank means your Override can override another person of an lower rank using the same phrase. Can't override The Emperor though]:
- 'Bypass': Sith Warrior to Sith Inquisitor can use this phrase to control her [can't force her to kill herself though]
- 'Overrule'. Only Grand Inquisitor to Sith Magistrate. is aware of that phrase, and the phrase
- 'Emperor Overrules' can only be used by the Emperor to completely control her, and at that point, the other phrase won't work on her until the Emperor relinquishes control.
Force Potential (Force Potential =/= Current Force Power. Anakin's Force Potential is immensely greater than what he actually ended up being before he became Vader. It is saying she could become an extremely formidable force wielder if the conditioning wasn't set.): The Ank'th Family has the Following Upgrades: "Those in the Ank'th Family are powerful enough that they exert their will over the Force itself" "The Force itself is under the will of the Ank'th, For... We are it's master" "The Will of the Force can be overridden by the Ank'th Family, for we are superior" . They are beings so powerful they can completely override the will of the Force with their Force powers, something completely unprecedented. Despite this she is amongst the strongest members of her family, rivaling her Father who was amongst the top 5 Ank'th Members, and her gift is the primary reason why she was chosen as The Emperor's Hand, and would imply despite everything, she is unfathomably weaker than even The Emperor, and the full extent of her gifts can only be used when approved by the Grand Inquisitor + above members of The Dark Council. That, plus the fact it is incredibly in character for her to hold back an immense amount when sparring or doing anything force related, so thusly, she won't be acting anywhere near the full potential of what her gifts can accomplish unless approved by The Dark Council. l The Ank'th Family's Most Powerful Members, have the following accolades: "Those in the Ank'th Family are powerful enough that they exert their will over the Force itself" "The Force itself is under the will of the Ank'th, For... We are it's master" "The Will of the Force can be overridden by the Ank'th Family, for we are superior" . They are beings so powerful they can completely override the will of the Force with their Force powers, something completely unprecedented. Even then she is considered such a monster in the Force in comparison to her Family, that she was thusly restricted and given the codes, and even then could still use the Ank'ths power as great, if not greater, than their most powerful ancestors. When under her 'Sith Lord' persona, she is without a doubt using her powers solely on reflex. As a result, you need to use experience besides attempting to overpower her with the force. Unless you use the code phrase 'Bypass', 'Overrule' , or 'Emperor Overules' , then you instantly can get her to do whatever you want her to do.
Occupation: Same

Vahdress is mostly calm and collected, even calculating at times, but has an overall sense of purpose and destiny that truly cannot be denied. She may appear angry at times but underneath that is quite the bunny who will sacrifice her arms and legs for your sake. It is something The Emperor is infuriated about and trying to get her to be completely ruthless.

Vahdress is extremely wrathful and can be considered impulsive if she doesn't check herself, ready to do whatever needs to be done in the name of the empire. Hot-Headed and wrathful at times when she doesn't check herself, she will challenge authority whenever possible as long as it is within her best interest. She truly has the best interests of the Empire at heart, she just sometimes will go out of her way to accomplish this. She hates that the Empire are using her sister in the way they are, and it serves as an fuel source for her anger, and determination to one day become powerful enough to the point they free her sister.

Andrita was nowhere near as confident as her sister, Vahdress. Fearing being an dissappointment she always tried to do her best, but failed when it generally mattered.This self-hatred fed her Dark Side in ways that could be considered especially dangerous. The rise of self-hatred gave her an virtually boundless source of Darkness to feed upon. Unlike most Sith, she surprised is much nicer than most that has ever shared her bloodline, and would offer genuine assistance to anyone irregardless to their siding in the force, which hints she does have the potential to change. She is absolutely terrified of what she could do, and doesn't want to hurt her sister if she ever does lose control. It is also very safe to say she despises being used as a weapon. She is just too afraid to say anything about it due to the very fact that is most likely the only thing keeping her alive.

Dark Lord Andrita - She cannot be brought out unless someone either says the phrase 'Overrule' , 'Emperor Overrule' When she loses control, which sometimes happens, this is what she looks like. Powerful, Radiating the Darkness in an unprecedented sense, embodying the full potential of what her entire bloodline could ever. She is much more arrrogant, cocky, and proud of herself than Anita ever could become. She truly believes herself to be the next Emperor, which is why she refers to herself as an Sith Lord.
Weapon(s): Red Lightsaber l Same
Planet Of Origin: Dromund Kaas
Force Alignment:
(if applicable) Dark Side
Bio: Anik'th Family was one of the most well known names in the Sith Empire, due to their almost unprecedented talent in the Dark Side of the Force, their talent only being supposedly surpassed by The Emperor, due to their unprecedented power over the will of The Force, reigning supreme over it. Having descended from the most ancient and powerful Sith Lords of Old, The Anik'th Family strived to always have their descendants be incredibly powerful in the force, to always be the very best they could be. They would go to Temples specifically to train their offspring on how to use the Dark Side for it's most pivotal intent. There were two extremely promising members of the family, that being the Sisters Andrita and Vahdress.

Vahdress did in-fact inherit the raw unprecedented , nigh unsurpassed power of the Ank'th. This was considered an very acceptional thing by her Mother and Father, who both inherited the gift but chose to be purely Neutral in the upcoming conflicts with the Sith and Jedi, but she more than made up for it with her willingness to learn and her Vahdress constantly, everday, went and studied every aspect of the Dark Side of the Force she could feasibly get her hands on. She went to the Dark Temple at the age of 10, despite her parent's worries, only to see she was strong enough to do such, and as a result let her continue. Her prodigious nature got the attention of the Higher-Ups in the Dark Council, even The Emperor himself, and thusly was taught an deeper understanding of the Force than she ever imagined directly by The Emperor himself, becoming one of the chosen Emperor's Hand.

Andrita is considered without a doubt an extreme prodigy even amongst her own family. She truly embodied something very terrifying. Her parents noticed one of them was frightening in the force, that force related stuff was occuring during even the womb, such as suddenly an aching of the Mother's tummy, which emitted an force push that sent the father flying. She attempted to use her powers over the will of the force, but it didn't help her, proving even in the womb, her powers... even surpassed theirs. Her powers continuously grew which caused her entire family to despise her and even grow jealous of her, except her Sister Vahdress.

After getting word from The Dark Council of her prowess, to avoid anything, she was to be watched very carefully, and ordered besides from the very basics, to never be allowed direct training by any means. Her strength in the force was heavily restricted by constant mental torment and trauma, so while she can use it, she won't. This means while she was on Korriban, the Sister was allowed to come, but only watch and observe. This was all she was allowed to do. However, when she was younger, she was given an certain code fraze, which only the high-end officals know. THis code phrase 'Overrule', was what was used to stop her if she went beserk, and also to trigger her into that state. Whoever said that phrase had absolute control over her and could make her do whatever they wanted.
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Name: Artem Kesyk
Age: About 14; does not know true birthdate
Species: Human
Origin: Coruscant
Gender: Male
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 100 lbs
Faction: Unaligned (will align with the Sith)
Occupation: None
Definitive features: Inky black hair, curious and quick emerald eyes, and fairly tanned skin.


-Hand blaster: The blaster is not loaded. Artem keeps his blaster in a holster and only threatens to use it when in danger.
-Handful of credits: Artem doesn’t have much and uses it to buy food.

Special abilities:

-Force abilities: Artem is extremely powerful in the Force. Perhaps he was more powerful when he was younger. He is mostly unaware of his Force powers, maybe with the exception of his ability to anticipate the future. He can levitate things, but fears that people will see him as a demonic being of some sort.

Artem is a sly and cunning boy; he is willing to cheat and do anything dirty to achieve his goals. He is sarcastic and enjoys making jokes about his past. He is lazy and dislikes responsibility. He will attempt to weasel his way out of anything if he doesn‘t like the task assigned. When facing dangerous situations, Artem prefers using empty threats, before fleeing. He’s generally very paranoid, due to his past with a slave trader.

Artem is stubborn as well. He believes that he is right about everything; after all, he’s been on the streets for the past 13-14 years. He hates being proved wrong and will try to do everything his way. He will not give up until he proves that he’s right. It may take physical harm to break him down, to put him in submission.

He can be easily provoked when angered. He enjoys fights; he may intentionally pit people against each other, just for his own amusement. He’s clever and sly; he will manipulate those around him until he receives what he wants. He doesn’t forget if ou anger him; he’s just waiting for sweet ol revenge.

Orphaned at a young age, Artem was born on Coruscant. He doesn’t know anything about his parents. He is frustrated by his abandonment and believes that he is a mistake and unwanted. Due to his mindset, he can come off as brooding or moody.

Living on the streets for a long time, Artem has learned not to trust anyone. After being promised some credits for a job, Artem was nearly kidnapped by a slave trader, who wanted to sell him to the spice mines. Thankfully, he was able to run away, but has been unable to sleep well ever since. Artem has never been able to sleep easy, fearing that someone will come after him. Due to his fear, he is untrusting and easily accuses people of betrayal. He tends to avoid the Jedi at all cost, believing that they will restrict his freedom.


-Food: as an orphan, you’re almost hungry all the time!

-Power: Due to his upbringing as 'the lowest of the lowest', he seeks power. He wishes to ascend.

-Peace: Peace means lack of productivity. Peace means being lazy and lounging around. Peace means a full stomach.


-Trust, promises: He believes that all promises will be broken.

-Being wrong: Artem hates being wrong. He will not admit that he is wrong.

-Rules: Rules were made to be broken. Why else do they exist? They’re just unrealistic standards made by society. In fact, Artem will literally go out of his way to break a rule or two, because he feels like it.

Goals: Survive in the streets; buy a ship (the irony is that he has no experience with them) and explore the galaxy. Maybe become a bounty hunter too? Make a lot of credits, live a good life... Maybe kill that awful slave trader too.


Spice mines/slave traders: Artem fears that he will be caught off-guard and sent to the spice mines. He believes that if he is enslaved, he’ll lose his freedom to do whatever he wants.

Death: He fears death because he doesn’t know what happens after death. He believes that death means the end. He doesn’t want life to end, despite his numerous hardships as an orphan. Death is unpredictable and he doesn’t like it one bit.
136D8673-1244-4DF3-A9C0-1DDD4BD1ACCC.jpegName: Jhansi Kal’Derron
Species: Human
Age: 34yrs
Height: 6ft 1in
Physical Appearance: Jhansi has long gotten by on his average if not a bit scruffy appearance. He is not particularly handsome, nor is he particularly ugly one could most easily describe his look as forgettable.
Faction: The Highest Bidder
Ex-Jedi Knight, Currently N/A
Occupation: Smuggler
BB-07- A drone that was made by Jhansi and works by his side at all times is is equipped with a variety of tools and weapons from grapple hooks, Electroprods usable for hacking and tasering foes, and an assortment of Flash grenades, Electro stun grenades, and smoke grenades.

Standing for Force Blaster Saber this is one of Jhansi’s trademark designs. This beauty is A long barreled High powered blaster which fires the equivalent of a lightsaber blade in a long piercing bolt that can carve its way through multiple targets if they are in a line. The Kyber Crystal within can actually consume the users force power to amplify the power behind each shot. However the primary function of this blaster is its ability to open up into a lightsaber.

A more modernized version of Jhansi’s original saber design the Force Blaster saber 02 is a streamlined version of the original sacrificing the power of the shots for added fire rate and cool down allowing it to be used in rapid succession. The lightsaber blade also comes with an additional stun setting. Overall this weapon is less powerful than the original but far more versatile.
Planet Of Origin: Hutt Space Mining colony 142.
Force Alignment:
Neutral (Leans Light)
Bio: Born into slavery as a child of Hutt mining slaves Jhansi seemed to have a long life of servitude ahead of him. His first few years he didn’t see any labor however at age four he was introduced to the simple jobs of the labor camp like pouring water into the mine shafts to lubricate the drills. It was here he met the Jedi Knight Khali Sim, a Jedi who had made a wrong step and wound up incarcerated in Hutt space. This Jedi just so happened to be cast into the mine at around the same time Jhansi was and he was quick to note the high mitechlorian count within the boy, he wasn’t some Prophetically predicted force juggernaut, but the boy had some kind of potential. As such when the Allies of Khali Sim infiltrated the mine to break their cohort free The Jedi Knight insisted they bring young Jhansi and the young boy found himself sold from one form of slavery to another.

The shackles of the Jedi were Ideological, wrapped in Dogmatic adherence to ancient traditions, and Jhansi found them no less heavy. As a Youngling he excelled in the practice of saber forms, though he was poor at the studies of the force. He was often advised to study the force and meditate, but he found himself distracted by the technological wonders around him as the mines only offered rudimentary and outdated gear. Eventually he met a likeminded Jedi master who would take him under his wing and the two would travel the galaxy exploring the technological wonders that were developing and cataloging all they could. Jhansi remembers this time with his Master Dhara Lumnia as his fondest memories of the Jedi order.

His time Dhara would grant him new perspective on the force seeing it as a natural power within the universe akin to gravity and electromagnetism. He viewed it above the concepts of good and evil or light and dark, as such his disdain for the Jedi way began to grow. He would be promoted to Jedi Knight and this disdain would only grow as he found himself no longer able to pursue his goals with the council giving him more orders and his time for study and exploration dwindled to nothing. However when he heard of a schism between several Hutt crime lords that was putting his home mining colony in the line of fire Jhansi would effectively tell the Jedi council to stuff it. He promptly abandoned his post and rushed home breaking into the mining facility and evacuating as many of the slaves as he could just in Time to save them from the inferno of crossfire from the two colliding criminal fleets.

Jhansi would obviously face reprimand for his transgressions, not only had he abandoned his duties, but he had launched a raid into Hutt space with no permission, yet perhaps worst of all according to the Jedi council he had selfishly pursued his families safety over his duty to the force. They intended to send him away to the archives to spend the remainder of his time as a Jedi studying the Jedi transcripts to perhaps enlighten him on his poor decisions. Yet Jhansi would have nothing to do with them any longer. He renounced his ties to the Jedi and made his statements conviction known by destroying his own lightsaber right in front of the council only keeping the kyber crystal as he left the Jedi temple for good.

In the years since Jhansi retreated to Hutt space where news of his smuggling of the slaves had spread. For eleven years he has traveled between territories delivering and retrieving everything from ships, to artifacts, and even occasionally people. His only rules are that he doesn’t do contract killings, nor does he kidnap children. Other than that his services are offered to the highest bidder and he takes the security of his cargo very seriously. Shortly into his career he gathered enough credits to buy a ship, then he bought the components for his sabers, Purchased and completely redesigned BB-07, And finally he managed to upgrade his ship with a onboard laboratory small as it may be. Unfortunately he has found himself addicted to a vicious cycle of smuggling goods for large sums of credits, disappearing into his laboratory until he has spent all his credits on research materials, and then seeking another job. This lifestyle has proven very risky as it has had him cross paths with dangerous beasts, Bounty hunters and thugs, And even has seen him crossing sabers with Jedi and the occasional Sith, yet he has no intention of ever stopping.

D8005AFC-9C3E-4D3B-9775-EB98A818AE64.jpegJhansi’s personal ship is a light frigate that has been stripped and refurbished for speed and cargo capacity. Powerful twin engines allow it to outpace most larger vessels even when fully loaded. For defense it has two twin turbo lasers on the nose, and two twin turbo laser turrets on the top and bottom of the vessel. It also holds eight photon mines. The laboratory is near the cockpit and connected to the captains quarters and the cargo bay can carry four fully loaded fighters and all associated equipment, though it usually is reserved for his precious cargos.
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