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Fandom Star Wars: Chaos Theory


Thrawn was talking about times when less people would be around and she hummed agreeably. “I’m willing to adjust.”


Well, she may have done over the reps needed, but that wasn’t bad. She didn’t recognize it as she sat up on the bench, hardly aware she’d doubled up a couple of numbers in her mind while counting. “I’ll expect the list soon, though I doubt it will come in handy. Once this job is over, I expect to be relocated.”

No, she didn’t, but Thrawn wasn’t meant to know that her stay would be extended just yet. “Unless it takes an age for the negotiations to begin,” which she also doubted. Thrawn was likely to handle that swiftly.

But since he was lingering here, “What are you planning to work on here? Perhaps our agendas match.” They would, if she wanted them to. It wasn’t like Prince was a good partner given how he preferred rampaging after a droid. Hardly the kind of exercise she wanted most days.


Sorrow and anger.

Helena knew what was between Ryker and Octavia. How could she not? It was one of the reasons she worked closely with Ryker. He had a vendetta against the monster she had created. She was…often confused how she ought to feel or deal with that truth, but working with him felt the proper channel, for now.

Not that she couldn’t change.

She’d changed so many times. Including in the Clone Wars – she had chosen the Separatists. She had no qualms with the Jedi personally, but seeing what happened when the Separatists lost…well, it only hardened her heart against the idea of the centralized governance. She felt little for this Malachi, though it was obvious Cargo did.

“Shame what happened to them all. Genocide is a shit thing to do to any group.”

The cargo was mostly packed by then. “Hope you can find some time to mourn. Maybe others you knew made it.”

“Would you know?” Ryker asked, curious.

Helena lifted a shoulder in a non-committal answer. “I could find out, but it’s not worth my time. Don’t tell me you care?”

“Spilling the details on surviving Jedi would embarrass the Empire,” he smirked, but it faded, “But no. I don’t have the kind of credits to pay for that.”

“No, you don’t,” she agreed with a laugh.
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Thrawn silently observed Octavia’s reps, noting her form and lack of criticism he had for her. Of course, there was the consideration that she shouldn’t be with them too long, depending on how things on Ithor turn out. The schedule may not even be necessary.

“Of course.” But he would still give it out of consideration. And so his officers didn’t receive a freight every time they wanted to spend their leisure time in there.

“It should not take ages for negotiations to begin, but you, as any of us should know, to expect the unexpected,” he said with the barest hint of amusement. Should he expect her to stay longer than anticipated?

Oh, he had a feeling his officers wouldn’t like that, as he glanced over at Prince.

“And I was going to run,” he returned his gaze to Octavia, “but I have a feeling I need to change that. Maybe I’ll follow your lead and lift weights.” That would still take the edge off that he felt that evening.


Ayla glanced at Ryker with his comment, trying to truly gauge how he felt about the Jedi. It was hard to know if anyone would help her, or if they would turn her over to the Empire for a nice bounty in an instant.

And he may have his reasons to hate the Empire, but everyone loved a good payday.

Ayla wouldn’t mourn though. She didn’t have that luxury anymore. She had to move on and assume a new identity once she reached Tatooine.

She didn’t even know if she wanted to know who else was alive. It would only be torture for her, unable to do anything but wonder constantly.

After the last of the crates was loaded, Ayla gave a brief nod to Helena before leaving and returning to her temporary quarters. News of Malachai brought up old memories. Bittersweet memories. She couldn’t just…go to Ithor. Not with the Empire surrounding it.

They were already dead, and there was nothing she could do about it. She felt helpless.
Humor?’ Curious. Octavia let a bit of a smile grace her lips as Thrawn spoke of the unexpected. Idly, she wondered how unexpected the truth of her occupation would be. She'd likely never find it out.

If Thrawn learned, he'd be on his way to an execution.

“Prince won't chase you if you're concerned about that,” running. She hadn't brought her running shoes, but bare feet wasn't bad. However, she had little enthusiasm for cardio with the odds of chasing a Jedi ahead of her. “Though I won't be upset if you want to join me with weights. I can't lift too heavy without a spot. I've learned that lesson the hard way often enough.”

Given the odds of pushing too far were never in her favor. She could eat all the protein in the world but her genetics didn't favor muscle. It was hard enough to look like anything other than a gaunt skeleton, really.


With things unloaded, Ryker gave his farewells to Helena and got the ship up and going again, this time to Tatooine. He was cursing the loss of the dolovite job but more would come. The Empire was busy lately, especially with doonium.

He didn't really know why but he assumed it was more starships.

The flight to Tatooine was without issue, and soon enough he dropped out of lightspeed. ‘Gonna need to refuel.’ hardly an issue here. He could get a drink in a cantina while his ship was being worked on and check for any jobs. He didn't care for bounty jobs but sometimes Tatooine surprised him.

Hutts needed all sorts of things, after all.

As he got permission to dock in Mos Eisley, he once again left the helm to head to Lorelai’s quarters, taking a credit chip card and loading it with some credits so she wouldn't be complete stranded. He didn't bother to knock, just stepped in with, “We're here,” and the credit chip card offered out, “that should get you some ways.”
Yes, Thrawn had been a bit worried that Prince would chase him, but he wouldn’t show that to Octavia. Or anyone else. “Oh, I’m hardly worried about your nexu chasing me.”

He’s supposed to be infallible to everyone around him.

“I suppose I could join you for weights.” And he could gauge more about her. See if she was stronger than her appearance gave her credit for. He walked closer to her. “It would do us no good to lose a valuable officer of the Empire due to a careless mistake while working out.”

Another light joke. Some of his officers might have a field day if they heard him. “I admit, I don’t often lift weights with a spotter. Maybe now is an opportune time to do so.”


Ayla kept mainly to herself during the trip to Tatooine, only coming out of her room to grab a bite to eat. She was aware of the stares the other crew members gave her, and it was only easier to keep to herself and not strike up a conversation with anyone.

Not that she thought anyone really wanted to talk to her. It was better that way.

They arrived soon enough. Ayla was in her thoughts, browsing through her datapad for any potential leads on jobs she could acquire once on Tatooine. No such luck yet.

She felt his presence before he opened her door. Ayla put away her datapad and straightened up as Ryker opened her door, arching a brow at the lack of knock. Well, she couldn’t complain too much as he handed over a credit chip card.

“Thank you,” she took the card and pocketed it. “And thank you for bringing me here when you didn’t have to.” She wasn’t ignorant to the fact that Ryker lost out on a lucrative job because of her. “I’ll get out of your hair now.”
“No?” Octavia asked, amused as Thrawn denied his fear.


At least she knew now he was capable, and he would lie to save face. Pride, then, seemed a vice. Pride or vanity. They were similar enough to be linked. Greed was the more common one Octavia found herself dealing with, but Pride was just as deadly.

“Then why not run?” Not that she'd push him to it now as she rose from the bench and sweet her weights up before wiping them off. “I suppose I don't need to know what about Prince running around prevents you if it isn't fear when I get a spotter out of the deal,” she flashed a smile as she picked up the heavier weights.

“But you first, barbell or dumbbells,” she was sticking with dumbbells. “I'm sure I can say least stabilize you long enough to get the weight off of you if you hit failure.”

She was very curious as to how strong he was. She knew she wasn't as strong. That wasn't where her talents lied. But she could indeed find strength to manage heavier weights than she lifted, assuming Thrawn didn't lose all strength at once.

He'd probably die in that case.


Ryker gave an affirmative hum as Lorelai offered her gratitude and promise to get out of his hair. “With any luck our paths won't cross again,”it wasn't meant as a negative. They both didn't need the trouble that was likely to bring. “Maybe avoid shipyards.”

Her face was likely to be plastered at every one, now.

Crime might be her only alternative but he didn't say as much. He shouldn't worry about her. Besides, she was on Tatooine. The Hutts always had work.

“I'll be hitting Chalmun’s cantina to see if there's any work while I get refueled. You can join me if you like. Not sure if there will be much either way, but jobs on planet are more common than off,” he was hoping for something but he knew better than to get too hopeful. Odds were better for Lorelai finding something on planet of she wanted to stay here.
Thrawn lifted a brow, but opted to not answer her first question, especially when she decided that it needn’t to be answered. He wouldn’t say that the nexu was still a wildcard in regards to how obedient it truly was. It was a wild creature.

They could always decide to attack on a whim.

He scanned over the weights, deciding which ones he wanted to settle on first. “I will start with the dumbbells, before venturing over to the barbell.” He walked over to the dumbbell rack and chose his starting weights.

“I think I can handle the dumbbells by myself, but I will be sure to utilize your support as a spotter with the barbell,” he said.


Ayla gave Ryker an amused grin. “I don’t think shipyards are for me anyways.” No, their paths shouldn’t cross again. It would be better for Ryker. She rarely saw the same person twice once she left an area permanently. Less chance of someone figuring her out.

Of someone trying to capture her to turn her in.

She was going to reject his offer at first, but after a brief consideration, Ayla nodded her head. “Sure, I’ll join you. I could use a drink anyways.” With that, she would leave the temporary quarters to make her way off the ship alongside Ryker.

Maybe she could find a lead for her next job at the cantina. Hell, maybe her next job could be at the cantina, although dealing with that many people daily was not her idea of fun. Or keeping a low profile.

And the cantina was certainly busy, which would prove all the easier to blend into the background as she sought out a booth and kept an ear out for any potential leads.
‘I was warned you were difficult.’ Octavia almost sighed as Thrawn picked dumbbells and dismissed her offer of going first in favor of not needing her at all. Politics fed into social interactions, and she could see now some of those failings her cousin spoke of. However, she would not comment on it. She could glean information about what his norms were, and perhaps what the norms of the chiss were.

Assuming he wasn’t an outlier amongst them, as his records suggested.

“Very well,” she shook her head with a bit of a rueful smile. It’d be rude to do something that required a spot while he wasn’t, “Let me know when you are shifting over; I’ll expect a weight at least more than double one of those combined at the barbell.”

The weight was still good for split squats, thirty five in each hand, so she wouldn’t squander what she picked up by putting it back immediately. She was doing unilateral exercises predominantly that day, so that would work.

The routine was mindless for her, split squats, single-arm rows, and single-leg glute bridges. She could hear Prince moving in the background, until he got bored with the toy. It did go to bother him a few times, to no success. Thankfully, it knew to turn off when the threat ceased, and Prince just sprawled out on the track.


Chalmun’s cantina never seemed to have a slow day. Then again, it was one of the few decent cantinas within several miles, so regulars and travelers alike tended to visit it frequently. At least it was too early in the day for a band to be playing, so there was just the din of conversation as he and Lorelai entered.

He lifted his hand to wave at the bartender as he stepped up to the rodian, “Just an adumar for me,” he said, noticing out of the corner of his eye a couple of familiar faces. He wasn’t sure how he knew them, right off, but he got a sense it wasn’t good.

The nimbanel inquired, “And for the lady?”

“She’s on her own,” mostly said so the tabs weren’t combined, though he had gestured her to a space nearby, “We’re both looking for work, though, if you have any leads. I’m not keen on bounty duty, but she might be,” he shrugged.

The nimbanel looked to the woman for answers.
Thrawn dived straight into his workout. Many upper-level officers, that he could see, allowed comfortability to get to them, and they slacked in their physical peakness. They became arrogant, thinking that they were infallible.

He wouldn’t let himself or his officers think that way.

And in his own workout, he kept a furtive glance on Octavia, to see how she worked out, to see what kind of weights she could handle, and thus, what her strength was like. Nothing like what he was capable of, but maybe her strengths, so to speak, laid elsewhere. Maybe she was agile. Maybe she was a master manipulator.

Thrawn knew to never underestimate anyone.

“I am shifting over to the barbell,” Thrawn announced after putting down his dumbbells. “And I assure you, I will be using a weight more than what I’ve been using,” he added with slight amusement, remembering what she said earlier.


Something felt off.

Ayla couldn’t immediately pin it down right away as to why something felt off. It just…did. And she knew to always trust when the Force was warning her about something. She would just have to remain vigilant to anyone who looked like they were about to start something.

“Give me what he’s having,” she said, not quite paying attention at first, until Ryker started talking about looking for work. Bounty duty. Ayla didn’t know how she felt about bounty work.

She doubted that the Empire was actively looking for her right now, but what if they were? What if Lorelai from the shipyard was being searched for?

Fuck it. “I would prefer something else, but if bounty work is all that there is, I’ll take that.”
Octavia feigned ignorant of Thrawn’s glances, but she was aware of them. Her own weren’t hidden, she’d already made it apparent she recognized the weights he picked up, after all. She had no reason to hide recognizing more. Thrawn was strong. Octavia already saw that in his physique. He was no Octavian Grant, he put in the work to prove himself capable in many fields.

It certainly made her wonder where his lines were. Where he faltered.

And how readily he’d own them, and which failures he’d own, which he’d hide.

He already hid fear of Prince. Would he hide fear of other animals they encountered in Mother Jungle?

Her thoughts ran through their catalog of questions as she finished her set and prepared to start a new one when Thrawn called over about the barbell. She hummed and moved to help him load it, noting what weights he grabbed and matching it on the other side of the barbell so it was stacked quickly up. With all on, she chuckled a bit, “That is more, so I won’t fight you to add to it,” she stepped around so she could stand at the head-end of the bench, prepared to grab the bar if Thrawn failed in pressing it up during his set, “Certainly more than I can do.”

She would ignore the voice in her head that told her to press down on it and see if he could lift against the weight, and pressure.


The bartender fetched them both the same, and Ryker offered credits immediately, not wanting to start a tab. The tender would look for payment from Ayla as it answered the query, “There is some bounty work, but there is work in sand whaling. Butchery. Moves wherever a carcass is.”

Ryker wrinkled his nose. “Anything off world?”

“Only the bounties,” the bartender answered.

“Why?” a human stepped forward, “you finally looking to pay your debts to us?” Ryker cast a sidelong glance at the human. Recognition failed him.

“Do I know you?”

The human sputtered a laugh, “Do you—Ryker! Don’t tell me you forgot me? Wullim?”

The name rang a bell and Ryker’s brows lifted, “You look like shit,” he did. His face was partially burned. “Sorry,” he said, waving it off, “I don’t recall owing you any credits, though.”

“Don’t you remember that job you stole from me and my gang?”

“You’re still on about the Krayt job? Look, it’s not my fault you—” a blaster was pulled, and Ryker lunged out of the way in time for it to sear the wall.
Thrawn was ignorant in many things, he’d admit, but he wasn’t ignorant in the looks Octavia sent his way. It was amusing, though he did wonder the meaning behind the looks.

He would need to continue to figure her out to understand her own social cues.

Thrawn chuckled at her comment as he took his position on the bench, looking up at her slightly upside down. Not a bad view. “I am not surprised.” Not at all a comment on her own physical strength, or lack thereof.

But he had been watching her, and he could tell alone from her form that she would be physically weaker than he. But where she lacked in strength, he knew she made up somewhere else.

Thrawn proceeded through the workout, lifting the weights with no struggle, albeit a little sheen on his body near the end of the count. After his repetitions, he sat up and looked to Octavia. “Would you care to switch places?”


“I want the info on that sand whaling job,” Ayla said. Sand whaling was easy enough. Low key. She could easily blend in with everyone else doing their job.

But she wasn’t able to hear anymore about the job, before her feeling made an appearance. Someone Ryker had crossed in the past. She was not surprised in the least, not with what little she gleaned about him and his crew.

Then all hell broke loose

Ayla immediately stood up with unnatural speed. She grabbed Wullim’s arm, and when she saw the others he was with to get out their blasters, she pushed Wullim in front of her to take the brunt of the blasters. “I don’t know what your deal with him is,” she motioned her head to Ryker, throwing aside Wullim’s limp body, “but that was just rude.”

She grabbed her blaster and pointed it at them. “I’d suggest you leave.”
Thrawn didn’t need any help with the weights, which was only a little disappointing. It was good he could lift them, but Octavia had hoped he’d actually push himself. It didn’t help with the thought of just pushing down on the bar at all to see how little he struggled, and so when he finished his reps and racked the bar, she moved to grab a couple smaller weights to add to his bar.

This simply wouldn’t do.

“That was too easy,” she tossed back. Perhaps he didn’t plan to go to failure today, but she’d try to get him there anyways. At the suggestion of switching places, she didn’t bother to stop her tongue on, “Lying on my back looking up at you?” how easy did he get flustered? How easy did he understand? “Sure.”

Not that she’d use the bar, no, she went back to her dumbbells. She’d just have to have her feet at the bar and she’d be able to lift the weights, “Do you know how to spot dumbbells?” She assumed, but she’d wait for the affirmative before actually laying down. If he didn’t, she could show him quick enough.


Lorelai moved quick, though Ryker couldn’t assess just how quick it was, given he was getting a table between himself and some of the shots. Others now went towards Lorelai, though they all struck Wullim. He definitely wouldn’t be getting up again, when Lorelai dropped him to the ground and pulled her own blaster.

Wullim’s crew seemed hesitant, but Ryker wasn’t.

One shot went through the head of one, and then a second. He knew better than to leave survivors to plot his downfall. Really, he shouldn’t have left Wullim, but he never thought much of that job – not enough that Wullim would still hold a grudge of this nature.

There were two left that scattered for their own cover, throwing shots back in an effort to try and make sure they could get to cover, more than to hit someone – not that they weren’t aimed, they were just aimed poorly.

Ryker was able to sink back down behind his overturned table to shield himself from those shots.
Thrawn said nothing of her declaration that his workout was too easy. Sure, he could’ve pushed himself even more, but he didn’t that evening. He didn’t wish to, not with an unknown variable in the room with him.

Two unknown variables.

He did raise a brow at her rather uncouth comment, but said nothing in response. He was immensely amused, however. Flirting wasn’t something he was used to by humans, given his alien-like appearance in his blue skin and red eyes.

He wasn’t a stranger to it altogether though, and he wouldn’t fluster.

Octavia went over to her dumbbells, and Thrawn sat up and then stood. “I do,” he answered easily. “I can assure you, you won’t injure yourself with me nearby.”


Ayla did not sink behind a table to shield herself.

She was able to dodge each shot sent her way, much to the confusion and frustration of those trying to shoot at her. She easily vaulted over a table to land beside one of those trying to shield themself from blaster shots. “Really, you’re just making this harder for yourself.”

They scrambled to try and grab their blaster, but Ayla grabbed their head and slammed it into the table, knocking them out. She did actually try to avoid killing if at all possible, but she knew that sometimes it was impossible to avoid that.

The Jedi in her still had a loud voice, no matter how hard she tried to move on.

Ayla vaulted back over the table, and dodged the shots coming from the other person she hadn’t gotten yet. With a flip, she landed behind them and knocked their head harshly into the nearby table, knocking them out as well. “Anyone else?”
No comment – but the expression said something. Raised eyebrow, glint of amusement. Perhaps Thrawn was accustomed to it? No, that seemed strange. ‘Does it?’ Debatable. He was an officer, but he was an alien. It was taboo, which for some meant out of bounds, and for others made it more enticing.

Octavia still doubted it was common, given rank.

“You are clearly not aware of my propensity for injury,” Octavia joked. The scars would certainly say something to that. Perhaps even the nexu, but she’d leave it at that; she hardly planned to push herself that far, but she did intend to reach failure on each set.

And this one would be no different as she laid down to go through the motions of the chest press. Four showed strain, and at six she hit what Wilhuff called failure – when the reps slowed drastically and she had to struggle against breaking. Nine, and the weight overcame her, arms not able to push them all the way up before they started slipping back down.


The woman didn’t shoot back at them. Strangely enough, she knocked them out. Ryker, perhaps, should have left it at that. No one got up to volunteer themselves for punishment, and he got out from behind the table. “Don’t know why you bothered to spare them,” he shook his head, and aimed a blaster at the head of the first one he could see.

“People left alive always come back seeking revenge.” A lesson he lived. A lesson he learned.

He fired a shot at their head to put an end to it, not expecting any issues, already in the movement to get to the other one to put an end to them, as well. After all, it wasn’t like the unconscious person could defend themselves!
Thrawn smiled at her own disparaging comment, recalling the scars he saw earlier. Were they a result of her own propensity for injury? Or did something else happen?

The location made him think something major happened, but everyone was prone to ridiculous mistakes.

And then the nexu…Or maybe that proved that she was more than capable of escaping injuries. Or it was the creatures that gave her the scars.

So many possibilities of the Tarkin.

Thrawn maintained his position next to her, ready to catch the weights should her strength fail her. And as she went through the motions, he noticed she started slipping. Her arms failed her, and Thrawn easily caught them in time before the weights had a chance to land on her chest or face. “Apparently I was not aware of your propensity for injury.”



Ayla would prefer if the unconscious people weren’t killed while they were…well, unconscious. Something didn’t seem right about that.

More of that Jedi teachings, no doubt.

Ryker aimed to shoot, and Ayla put a stop to the bolt in midair. It hovered, halfway between Ryker and his target. “No one else has to die today,” she said sternly. “I think they got the idea of what happens when they mess with you.”

Largely thanks to her, really. But they didn’t know that.

With a movement of her hand, the bolt landed on the floor instead.
“You should listen to me,” Octavia grinned up at him as he made sure she wouldn’t hurt herself, the momentary break giving her time to rest enough to get her strength back so she could pull the weights from him and rest them on her thighs, before sitting up, and then moving off the bench to allow him another set if he desired.

‘It isn’t nepotism that earned me this position.’ She set the weights down on the floor; by next round, she’d be rested enough to try them again, and then do a drop set.

Not entirely. It played a role, she couldn’t deny it, but she was good at what she did. Nepotism simply made it easier for her to be noticed. “Don’t worry, I’m only going to failure because I am certain you’re a man of your word,” and he wouldn’t let her hurt herself.

“An alien doesn’t get far in the Empire without being at least three times better than a human,” which meant a human in Thrawn’s position, with nowhere else to go, would be notable indeed. But no Grand Admiral was so lauded. “So you clearly mean what you say, or you’d be long gone.”


Ryker didn’t move far before he noticed the bolt held itself in midair.

‘No. She’s holding it.’ His eyes lifted to Lorelai, who definitely wasn’t a Lorelai, as she spoke to him of killing the others, not allowing it. He lifted both brows as the bolt was cast aside, scorching the floor.

“I see why you’re running from the Empire now,” he noted, glancing at the bartender who was peering out from over the bar. “Looks like your cover on this world is blown now, too.” Unintentionally, he hadn’t meant to do such a thing to her, but he hadn’t known what she was, until now.


He heard stories about it.

About what Vader could do, too, though Vader wasn’t a Jedi. He had no idea what Vader was, but that wasn’t important.

He didn’t extend any offers. No, he wanted to see her reaction first, while his own mind came to grips with what she was.
Thrawn raised a brow in slight amusement. He should listen to her? Well, maybe he should, but for more reasons than she thinks. He would allow her to talk and divulge about herself as much as she wanted.

Let her unintentionally tell him the quiet parts of herself.

Thrawn took the invitation to do another set. He grabbed the barbell once more, but this time, he added weights to it, remembering Octavia’s earlier comment.

He wasn’t one to show off, but he also wasn’t weak. He could and would add more weights, but it wouldn’t be an obscene amount.

“You are correct in your observation.” An alien certainly didn’t get far in the Empire, and he was the highest ranking alien. It wasn’t an easy climb, and one that didn’t happen without making a few enemies along the way within the Empire. “I do like to think I am a man of my word.” Or Chiss of his word. Whatever.

He went into position with the barbell, wondering if Octavia could really catch him should his strength go into failure. He wouldn’t purposely find out that evening though.


Ayla stood frozen for a moment, like a lothcat in the headlights. Then, in rapid succession, her gaze darted from Ryker, to the bartender, back to Ryker, then once more back to the bartender. She walked up to the bar, and the bartender flinched, which sent a stab of pain in Ayla’s chest.

‘People fear you.’

She sighed, “You will tell no one of what you saw here.”

“I will tell no one,” the bartender repeated.

Ayla looked over to Ryker once more before she headed out of there. To what? She didn’t know yet. She didn’t have a plan, but she knew she shouldn’t drag anyone else into her mess, no matter how much she yearned to not be alone. To have someone she could talk to and someone who knew her truth.

It would be a death sentence for anyone.
Thrawn went through his reps again, and again after another rest where Octavia took her turn, again going to failure for herself. After all, why not take advantage of the opportunity? Thrawn was a man of his word – and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't fuck it up yet.

He cultivated trust.

He couldn't rise without it, and he'd made an ally of Wilhuff. He wouldn't toss that away yet.

Still, Octavia scoffed when he succeeded without any help. “Seems you're going to need help finding your limits,” he knew. Pride remained his obvious vice. He wasn't prepared to show a struggle. “Shame I won't be around for it, it would have been interesting to see.” Alas, no struggle for her.

Though she would see it, even if right now she had to feign otherwise.

She went to rack her weights and grab others for her next set. “Unless that negotiation is giving you trouble? I know it's only almost breakfast, but I don't suppose you have any news on that front, do you?” Certainly he had at least reached out by now. It was just a question of how soon until the others responded. Few worked on Imperial timing, or with as much diligence.

That was why the Empire was in charge, of course.


The bartender was given an order, which he repeated. Ryker arched a brow at it but didn't comment. He expected the same, but instead, Lorelai walked out. He watched her leave a moment, before sighing and walking out after her.

She hadn't gotten far and he made sure to lengthen his strides to catch up with her. “You really think you can let me go with the knowledge, huh?” Foolish. He'd told her not to trust him, and years ago he would have reported this. Of course now he was an enemy of the Empire and didn't plan to change that.

He understood, though, that she had nowhere to go.

“Staying in one place isn't the best idea for you, is it?” Obviously. “I'm already an enemy of the Empire. Made a Tarkin my enemy, that's about as bad as the Emperor.” Worse, depending on who you asked.

He knew he was lucky she hadn't yet decided he was worth her time.

That could be the only explanation. Or she was being kept busy.

“So if you wanted to join a crew that would stay mobile, and not put them at more risk than they're already in, you could join. You've proven more than competent.”
Thrawn took her comment in multiple ways. Did he wish to see him at a weak point? Like so many others in the Empire wished to see, so they could further dig their fingers into his metaphorical wounds and see his fall from grace.

Did she wish to see him at his limits to truly see him? To get to know him better? He could not figure it, or her, out.

Either one, or other theories, would be interesting for her to see, he was sure of.

Thrawn sat up and racked his weights. “Yes, what a shame.” His tone indicated it wasn’t entirely a shame.

He still wouldn’t trust her the same way he trusted his second-in-commands and proteges.

“No trouble on my front in regards to negotiations,” he answered. “Just waiting for now. Waiting for a response or any other move.”


Ayla was mildly surprised that Ryker followed her, but then again, he may have a million questions for her. Or wanted to try and turn her over to the Empire for a profit or a pardon.

He wasn’t someone she could exactly trust, as she remembered him telling her to not trust him when they first met.

She tensed at first when he approached, but soon relaxed before she answered him. “You’re a known pirate of the Empire, you don’t know my name, and I don’t intend on staying on this planet for much longer. You’re not much of a threat to me, and I prefer to not kill if I can help it.”

He may be physically larger than her, but she could easily overpower him if she had decided to not just let him go.

Ayla raised a brow in surprise at Ryker’s offer. “Your crew?” First instinct wanted her to yes…to finally be around others, and not just temporary coworkers at one of her many jobs she picked up over the years.

But there was an issue that presented itself largely in her head. Screamed at her. “But you told me not to trust you. How can I trust you won’t turn me over? Making a Tarkin an enemy is one thing…but turning in a Jedi? An entirely different thing.”

Ever the tedious part.

Octavia was never good at waiting unless there was a tension. It was how she survived the Carrion Plateau, after all. That was a good deal of waiting, but one wrong move, and she’d be dead. The tension had kept it from being a bore. Waiting on a starship had none of that tension or excitement, and so far, Thrawn was proving an adept enough Grand Admiral to make sure this wasn’t tense.

He revealed little, beyond pride. It was even in his denial of it being a shame.

“How long do you expect we will have to wait,” Octavia asked, taking her new weights and setting up her new station, “based on the art you have studied of the Ithorians?” she knew that was where his skill rested, so why not probe it?

How much would he even say of his talent?

How accurate would it be?

She didn’t have the same eye for art that Thrawn did, but she knew how to use it. Most art seemed like obnoxious clutter rich people wasted money on. And so, she had wasted money on it, because people had to think she was some rich person who gave a damn about the finer things, and art was one of those things. She made it all of Corulag, fostering the image of caring about Eriadu’s ancestry, and trying to set herself apart from Eriadu at the same time.

As if Eriadu could ever be taken out of her blood.

Prince, bored of lounging, bored of his toy, came to sniff around the weights.


“I’m not saying trust me. You think I tell anyone in my crew to trust me?”

No, not after what happened to his last crew. His last fleet. By every star in the sky, he knew he couldn’t be trusted by anyone ever again. “I’m saying there’s no hope for me turning you into the Empire. It will gain me nothing. That Tarkin would smile and accept me handing you over, before shooting me through the head.”

There was no doubt in his tone.

The image was clear in his head.

There might be forgiveness in the Empire, but not from her – and she had the name, and ability, to make sure he died, if he ever thought about reconciling. ‘You don’t slit a woman’s throat and expect her to let you live.’

He didn’t expect her to live, either.

“And I’m saying you have better odds living if you’re constantly moving about. That doesn’t mean you’re out of danger, and it doesn’t mean you can trust me, either. But it means you can make some credits, travel, and if you’re lucky you can cut your losses before it gets to a point where either us find our trust misplaced.”
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“I imagine we won’t have to wait very long,” Thrawn answered, watching Octavia set up her new weights. “I would be surprised if it’s more than a day or two.” Anything long, and he would consider the possibilities of going down to the planet and talk to them face-to-face.

But he will wait first for communication on their end.

The nexu came over to them, and Thrawn eyed the creature, not once tensing in his posture. He did not show that he was nervous around Prince.

“Does Prince tend to come with you everywhere you go?” he wondered. “I imagine in certain situations, having him right behind you could either prove most useful, or quite the opposite.”


Ayla looked away from Ryker, observing their surroundings, but she didn’t ignore him. She still listened to every word he said, still unsure about the entire situation.

Sure, it sounded fun, but she was paranoid, like with everything else in her life.

“What kind of crew do you have where you can’t trust one another?” She recalled the trust she had for her clone troopers, that every Jedi had for their troops, and how that turned out.

Everyone was dead, save for a handful of Jedi spread across the galaxy.
“You do have a good point though,” she admitted with a chuckle, shaking her head and looking back at him. “I’ve heard things about the Tarkin family. Handing them a Jedi will not forgive you of whatever crime you committed against them.” Naturally she was now curious as to what he did, and to whom.

“What about your crew?” she wondered. Ayla shifted on her feet, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jacket. “They’re bound to learn of what I am. How can I be sure they won’t collect that bounty?”
A day or two wasn't long and Octavia hummed acknowledgement, moving into the front raises with the weights as Prince began his examination of the area sans screaming officers. Thrawn didn't step away this time, but let his is curiosity get the better of him.

“Of course. I cannot exactly leave him in just anyone's care. Haven't you ever had a pet?” left rhetorical, but open.

Wilhuff might be the only one, and he'd refuse on principal. “Don't worry, if being seen is an issue in any situation, I can hide him,” she set her weights down and took her datapad out of a pocket, unlocking it, and shifting to a familiar control panel.

In a moment, Prince was gone from sight.

“Cloaking technology,” she couldn't help but grin, “we've come a long way with it now.” It wasn't the Imperial ‘We’. “He doesn't end up on many reports because of it.”

She hadn't forgotten the surprise.

A huff, and a weight against her leg, caused her to turn the cloaking off and settle a hand on Prince’s head, which he pushed up into, wanting more, and denied it, despite the rattling noise that left his throat, his equivalent of a ‘meow’.


“A rather foolish one who forgets I told them as much,” Ryker answered, because it was true. They forgot weeks or months in, because they became friends. They began to depend on each other. They began to trust each other.

And the Jedi rightly worried about her future with them.

Ryker shrugged.

“I'm not offering you guarantees. Someone in the crew could try to find an opening to rat you out,” why lie? She had deduced as much. “I live with the possibility of them turning me in any day. So far their own hatred of the Empire seems stronger than their greed.”

It was one of those things that bonded them. “I don't work with Imperial sympathizers. Not saying they can't be bought, but I'm saying they've got their reasons to fuck over the Empire, and that means something when it comes to working with them. With anyone.”

If he couldn't trust them, he could trust that hatred.
Thrawn merely hummed his answer in regards to owning a pet. He never really had time in his past to own his own pet, though the comments of some disgruntled officers suggested that Eli served that purpose well.

Rhetoric he ignored entirely.

Though there was one ‘pet’ he did indeed want, that he researched extensively. The ysalamir of Myrkr. They would prove to be formidable against a Jedi opponent.

Shame he didn’t have one now.

With cloaking technology, Octavia hid her nexu from sight. It wasn’t a surprise, as they weren’t even made aware of another creature on her ship. It was how she hid him. “And I’m sure he has received many different greetings as a result of this cloaking technology.” The nexu reappeared next to Octavia, almost as affectionate as a lothcat.

Endearing in its own way.

“How did Prince come to be with you?”


Ayla couldn’t believe she was actually considering Ryker’s offer. He was right. They would be constantly moving, which is what she always did anyways, and she wouldn’t be damning people who were already damned to the Empire. It was almost ideal.

She hadn’t exactly gotten a feeling that they were planning on backstab Ryker. Either that, or they were really good actors. But she could feel the camaraderie there. It was palpable for her.

But that ‘what if’ always lingered in the shadows. The one person whose greed for those credits and a possible pardon won out.

Ayla groaned, already heading back in the direction of the ship. It was a no brainer for now. She had nowhere to go. No ship. No job. She couldn’t stay on Tatooine. Ryker’s crew was a palatable option for now, until she could figure out what to do next.

If you don’t stay for the long haul.

That was…certainly a prospect that made her feel uncomfortable, yet giddy.

“Well, you now know I can kick your ass should you end up betraying me.” It wasn’t a warning, but more of a fact. “But it seems that I can’t pass up this offer.” Ayla paused in her step. “It will be nice to be myself for once, around someone who knows.”
Octavia shrugged at the statement. Most of the time he received no greeting, considering he wasn't known. But when he was revealed, it did make for quite the reaction. She reveled in those moments. Thrawn had been fortunate to meet Prince right off with no tricks. Very often she never introduced him and let him linger on her ship, or in invisibility.

At his question, she hummed as well. She'd been asked it before, but telling the full truth wasn't on the agenda. Mostly because explaining the Tarkin Rite of Passage wasn't for most ears.

She went back to her weights as she answered, continuing her routine, “Prince is from Eriadu. Perhaps you've heard of the land we own – the Carrion Plateau?” it didn't much matter, “I met Prince there while I was venturing along the river.” Orrineswa, the name of a dragon in myths, the constellation that also fell as her so called zodiac, one day off from Wilhuff, but a different month and sign all together. She sometimes wondered if that's how Jova picked the challenge.

Prince stayed seated at her side, watching the weights, watching others, ears flicking a couple times.

“We crossed paths a few times before he joined me, after his pride was massacred,” it wasn't spoken of as an event, though it was, of course. A nexu pride didn't just get massacred. One or two killed at a time, certainly, but not everyone. “I suppose my familiarity was enough. They're social creatures.”

It was quite a bit more than all that, but Prince could have stayed at the end of it all. Instead he followed her out and never left. “It's been eleven years now with me. I don't really know how old he is, though vets have told me he is likely near 20.” So around half his life, yet he still retained that wild edge, that obviously not domesticated vibe.


Ryker wouldn't comment on the Jedi being able to kick his ass. It was true, but he'd never plan to fight fair if he turned on her. He wasn't suicidal. Fighting dirty was the only way he escaped Tarkin alive. That, and sacrificing his fleet.

“I want to know your real name before you come on board. After all, if you're planning to be yourself, that might be a good start.” She knew his real name and now that her secret was out, it felt important. Her name as it was, was less important than being a Jedi. He wouldn't know anything from it at this point that mattered. He already knew the Jedi thing after all.

“I didn't lie about mine. It's Ryker,” that was the truth, he'd known a lie wouldn't work with everyone calling him that, after all.

They were starting back towards the ship, which he had no issue with. The only reason they’d come to Tatooine was her, after all. “Also, let me know if you’d rather address this with the crew yourself, or if you want me to re-introduce you as what you are.” It was going to happen immediately so it was out of the way.
Thrawn hummed at her question, that yes, he was aware of the Carrion Plateau. He was aware of many things when it came to the Tarkins, specifically Wilhuff Tarkin, yet so much still eluded him.

One of the few he admitted could maintain an upper hand on Thrawn.

“Fascinating,” Thrawn mused, continuing to watch Octavia for her form and any sign of struggle. “A social creature who lost its community, perhaps desperate to seek another one out in the wilderness.” And Prince just so happened to come across Octavia and claim her as part of his pride.

“Obviously he sees you as one of its own, in a way.” Perhaps not in a strictly nexu sense, but as a family. As someone who belonged together.

He looked down at Prince. It was clear that anyone who appeared to be a threat to Octavia’s livelihood would not live much longer with him around. “Although I wonder how comfortable he has gotten in a life away from the wilderness he grew up in.”


Ayla bit her lip in thought. It had been too long since she told anyone her true name. Since the Clone Wars. But…why did it matter, if he already knew what she was? It didn’t. She was already condemned enough, if he so chose it.

“My name is Ayla.” She looked away, ashamed of the vulnerability she felt creeping up in her thoughts. “I haven’t told anyone that in over a decade.” He should believe her sincerity. He should believe that she was now telling him her real name, and that she wouldn’t lie anymore about who she was to him.

She took a deep breath and sighed, and started back towards the ship. “I’ll let you re-introduce me.” It was hard doing this once. Doing it again was not something she thought she could feasibly do. But if Ryker helped her out…that may make things easier.

“It feels like a job the captain should do.” Yeah, that was the reason why.

Was it, though? Wilhuff spoke highly of Thrawn and how he could read others. Perhaps it ought to be no surprise he knew a speck of land on Eriadu. Given that Wilhuff named his own ship Carrion Spike, perhaps it should have been expected, and yet, so few ever questioned the name of Wilhuff’s ship.

So few questioned the backwater world of Eriadu. “Oh? And since when were you one who could read animals, Thrawn?” A bit of a tease, the connection was fairly obvious to anyone with eyes. Or the Force.

So far as she knew, Thrawn lacked the latter.

“Oh, as comfortable as I’ve gotten,” Octavia said, “we visit plenty, and on missions such as these, he gets to enjoy the wilderness. That’s why there was no need to hide him from you, it’s rare he needs to be known as an actor in the mission,” though he always was, in some way or another. “It’s why I immensely dislike your gym. No rock wall,” she bemoaned the luxury. “Prince loves those,” as did she, for that matter, but that wasn’t the point. The Executrix had them, likely to sate Wilhuff.

Truly, what kind of 3rd World Ship was the Chimaera? “I know there’s a pool, that’ll at least make up for the lack of a rock wall if this waiting takes too long.”

She finished with her sets, not taking these to failure, and again moved to put her weights up, “Well, I intend to go get breakfast. You should be able to do your run now,” Prince would be gone, his fear alleviated. “But I am curious, Thrawn – what is your favorite animal?”


The hesitation was obvious. Ryker didn’t immediately trust the name he was given, considering how the Jedi looked away. Liars looked away. The hesitation could have been to craft another name. Even so, what choice did he have except to believe her? None. There would be no ID to ask for, that would have her name on it.

“All right,” he’d take to introducing her, then, and as they reached the ship he led her to the lounge, where Aro was, “Get the others,” he said as Aro gave the Jedi a quizzical look, but nodded, and went to get the others.

It didn’t take long before the crew was gathered in the lounge, and he motioned, “This is Ayla. She’s a Jedi. She helped me out again when some old gang decided they had beef with me still,” he rolled his eyes, “so she’s going to stay along since she revealed herself on Tatooine. Got it?”

There was surprise.



“A Jedi? But they’re all….”

“Don’t you remember what Helena said?”

“Yeah, but….”

“We can do so much more with a Jedi!”

Aro slapped his face, “We’re in so much more trouble now, Ryker. You know that?”

Ryker shrugged. He didn’t mind at all.

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