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Fandom Star Wars AU: The Hunt

Ginko The Mushishi

Traveling Mushi-Shi
Roleplay Type(s)
To start us off, this will be a short story RP. It won't require extreme lengths of story. It is set in a (somewhat) linear progression format, with two different storylines that intersect at the climax. There is a possibility that after this RP finishes, I can contribute the storyline for this short story into another short story RP. (A continuation essentially). If we continue off of that one, I should probably give the series a name. Maybe "Star Wars: Sagas" XD.

The timeline is currently in the very early years of the High Republic Era. The sith are thought to be extinct, or at least so spread out that there is no need to worry anymore. I'm debating on 5 RPers for both Stories. You can opt in for one of them, but I would hope you are interested enough in participating in both storylines to get the full picture. Let's get to the story-- shall we?


Fear and innocent screams tear through the night on the Jungle Planet of Valifor. A planet in the Outer Rim rumored to hold a connection to the Force. A set of Jedi Masters take their padawans to construct their lightsabers at the old temples found on the Planet. A shadow stalks them, with the intention to kill. A Sith Assassin has escaped the great purge of the Sith. With revenge in their heart, the night quickly turns to horror as the Masters are struck down with deadly precision. Now, 5 Padawans are running for their lives. A cracked distress signal in one hand, and a remote beacon in the other. Their objective is to survive the night together. Find a clear patch of land upon the dense, forest jungle landscape and acquire the attention of the Jedi Order. Survival is key, but the Sith Assassin draws near...​

Story A - The Hunt: Involves 5 Padawans all tasked to survive the horrible night. Run away and try not to engage with the Sith Assassin too much, and find a clearing on the planet of Valifor to recieve the Order's help. This storyline features horror, survival, and thriller type storybeats centered around the Sith Assassin and the Padawans. To engage with the Sith Assassin means the possibility of never making it out alive- but you can do it. There will be a certain amount of time gifted to the Padawans in an attempt to help stall the Assassin by slowing them down, or figuring out a way to make a break for it and live for another hour or so before they catch up. During the CS process, I will ensure that one padawan is given the beacon, and another is given the distress signal. Every Padawan is also allowed to have a special ability/skill that nets them a better chance at survival with the group. To work alone means certain death. Offensive skills will also be included just in case the Padawans *must* face the Sith Assassin in combat. More about the CS process will be detailed in the coming days.


The Order is in shambles: A fizzled connection from a distress signal screeches a calling for help. A set of Jedi Masters and Padawans are stranded and in need of dire help, the last seconds of the hologram tell of a dark presence. A Sith Assassin has found their way snaking through the shadows.. With the intention to slaughter the padawans left behind. The Outer Rim is vast, and with no precise technology the Order cannot find the exact location of the planet. With no beacon, the Order is at a loss.. But that does not stop them from fighting on- A team of 6 jedi both masters and knights alike, all have been tasked with pinpointing the location of the planet and retrieving the stranded padawans.​

Story B - The Search: Involves 6 Jedi (myself included GMPC) tasked with a search and rescue mission. The planet they are searching for has been obstructed by the outer rim and its problematic frequency. 3 Jedi Masters, and 2 Jedi Knights are allowed to participate. This storyline features search and rescue, strapped for time, and way more combat moments for its storybeats. The team of Jedi *will* eventually get the location and arrive on Valifor- but it is only a matter of when. If Side A is able to finish their part of the objective quick enough, it allows Story B to reach a faster conclusion to the storyline. Although, if Story A drags on its mission- there is a chance that Story B gets far more context into what is happening, what the plot twists are, and where all the cards fall into place. In the end, this reaches a climax of facing off the Sith Assassin in a grand finale battle. The CS process will allow for far more customization options for those who take on Story B- in an effort to show off when the time is right. Think carefully, because certain force skills could help the members of Story A and Story B connect in certain ways- to help each other reach a satisfying pay off. Vice versa is also the case for Story A and the special skill sets they will recieve.

Overall, this RP is meant for fun and not so much canon. (i'm not even sure if the planet is a real name for one but who the heck cares XD). There will be more to come involving the CS process and approval; and we will get to that over time. For now, if you have any questions- I will be happy to answer them. You don't need to know *too much* information about the universe and its lore, as this is a isolated event in an AU of Star Wars.
Just popping in to say: you're a neeeeeerd.
Interested in this. Not sure if I want to be a part of the Padawans in distress or the rescue crew, so I'm going to wait and see how the character roster fills out. I have this idea in mind for awhile to play as a Trandoshan Jedi, but this is set in the High Republic, and there is already a notable Trandoshan Jedi in that era, Jedi Master Sskeer. So maybe I'll need to come up with a different species as I don't want to tread over the same ground as canon.
Interested in this. Not sure if I want to be a part of the Padawans in distress or the rescue crew, so I'm going to wait and see how the character roster fills out. I have this idea in mind for awhile to play as a Trandoshan Jedi, but this is set in the High Republic, and there is already a notable Trandoshan Jedi in that era, Jedi Master Sskeer. So maybe I'll need to come up with a different species as I don't want to tread over the same ground as canon.
Just a reminder that this is an AU situation. I can always allow you to create a Trandoshan Jedi if that's what you prefer!
Actually I might make my Jedi a Quarren. I like the idea of taking what are usually considered evil species and making them heroes. Plus I don't think I've ever seen anyone ever play a Quarren Jedi, so it would be a novel concept, at least for me.
ALRIGHT! Official posting of CS and OOC thread will be on Wed or Thursday. (Work has been keeping me away from my computer, among other things) But to get a final roundup of my people-
Talathel Talathel
Orin Orin
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Lost Martian Lost Martian
Luelle Luelle
The Mechanist The Mechanist
IcarusEm IcarusEm
Queen Arya Queen Arya

This SHOULD be everyone.
I need to make sure who among you all will be making two characters for Story A and Story B.
Those of you who will be only making one character for a certain storyline let me know here, and I'll see if I need to rework the story a bit. At most I would still like 2 Masters and 1 Knight if possible for Story B. If everyone is all in for both storylines- awesome!
I am making two characters: a padawan for story A and a knight for story B
ALRIGHT! Official posting of CS and OOC thread will be on Wed or Thursday. (Work has been keeping me away from my computer, among other things) But to get a final roundup of my people-
Talathel Talathel
Orin Orin
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Lost Martian Lost Martian
Luelle Luelle
The Mechanist The Mechanist
IcarusEm IcarusEm
Queen Arya Queen Arya

This SHOULD be everyone.
I need to make sure who among you all will be making two characters for Story A and Story B.
Those of you who will be only making one character for a certain storyline let me know here, and I'll see if I need to rework the story a bit. At most I would still like 2 Masters and 1 Knight if possible for Story B. If everyone is all in for both storylines- awesome!
I think I can only make one padawan character for now but I'll see if I can add another.
ALRIGHT! Official posting of CS and OOC thread will be on Wed or Thursday. (Work has been keeping me away from my computer, among other things) But to get a final roundup of my people-
Talathel Talathel
Orin Orin
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Lost Martian Lost Martian
Luelle Luelle
The Mechanist The Mechanist
IcarusEm IcarusEm
Queen Arya Queen Arya

This SHOULD be everyone.
I need to make sure who among you all will be making two characters for Story A and Story B.
Those of you who will be only making one character for a certain storyline let me know here, and I'll see if I need to rework the story a bit. At most I would still like 2 Masters and 1 Knight if possible for Story B. If everyone is all in for both storylines- awesome!
i have a padawan and I can make a master if need be!!

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