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Fandom Star Wars: An Old Republic Story OOC

So, I am not very familiar with the old republic and which era it is currently in at the time so I apologize in that.
Hey, uh, Knight boi Knight boi , I hate to be particular, but your character cannot be both a Darth and an apprentice at the same time in this time period. (I mean, technically you can be an apprentice to another Darth, [insert diatribe about powerbases here], but your station would be "Darth")
Hey, uh, Knight boi Knight boi , I hate to be particular, but your character cannot be both a Darth and an apprentice at the same time in this time period. (I mean, technically you can be an apprentice to another Darth, [insert diatribe about powerbases here], but your station would be "Darth")
(Ohhh my bad, but thank you for the notice I will change it! And don’t feel bad it would’ve been embarrassing if you haven’t said anything!)
Where are you seeing that? In the main or here in OOC? Cause without context I don't know what you're talking about. :)
Um, I'm not really sure what to do here. Unless Venn wants to add something more. I was kind of hoping one of the Imperials would say something.
Oh, I was under the impression we were waiting for Grim. I added a small reaction because I felt the situation warranted it, but I can edit it to include something more if you'd rather. Just let me know either way ^^
I think it would be a good idea for the Sith to be more vocal. My post will be mostly getting the senator to his room and Delrick doing a bit of meditation.

My Mando will probably have more to do/say. So please don't wait on me. :)
Okay. I'll go be a bad guy and ruffle feathers maybe. But only if I get to pass out cookies afterwards.
Um, that's an interesting way to spot something invisible, but couldn't Ciel just move out of the way without having to influence people to walk around her?
That became apparent to me as well a few hours after the post
Ghost what do you think? Change it or nah? I'm fine with changing it.
*shrugs* I'm gonna be honest. Y'all wrote it as if y'all were in a courtyard, the delegation went inside, I assumed inside meant hidden from view. If that's not what you were thinking, I'll change it so she slips into an alcove before doing it.
Well, I honestly don't really have a name for it but fancy hotels usually have a space in front for unloading passengers and luggage. Also, I thought Ciel came back out to watch us? She can't really hear us from inside. There's gonna be noise in the lobby and noise outside and they're only talking to each other so they're not trying to be heard.
Of course she'd be going back out. Obviously she won't be able to hear. But this:
"Hope you enjoy your stay," she called after him, "Looking forward to seeing you again!"

All sense of the fear she felt before was gone. Instead, there was a slight eagerness to her tone as if inviting him to attack her. Cadence never got to see his reaction, though, as the crowd milling about in the courtyard closed around them. Once they were out of sight she turned to look back at Venn. "Why'd you do that," she asked, "Why'd you bow to them? Aren't they the enemy?"
gave me the impression you couldn't see the Imperial delegation anymore.

Regardless, I'll delete the post. Too much work to make everyone's visions mesh at this point.

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