HK Fifty
Jedi Historian
I still wouldn't consider that a shortage. Mandalorians , outside of Clone Troopers , have been known to work against the Republic throughout the war - both Death Watch and Spar's (Alpha-Ø2 , a rogue ARC Trooper) small army of Mandalore and Mandalorian BL Battle Legionnaire Droid soldiers. That there are true , non-Cloned Mandalorians (by that I mean armored badasses , not Satine's pacifistic 'New Mandalorians') working with the Republic and the Jedi this much should probably surprise most people not already familiar with or knowledgeable of , say , the Cuy'val Dar (and perhaps by extension the Alpha- and Null- Class ARCs , and the Clone Commandos obviously). Jango Fett's probably the most recognizable Mandalorian the Galaxy over , and he's renown for killing Jedi. To most Mandalorians are either the same malignant armies they were millennia ago during the Mandalorian Wars , or highly skilled Bounty Hunters and Assassins.
In other words , it'd be a lot more likely to find a Mandalorian working with General Zektar , the Sons of Chalek'don , and their droid allies than against them. Discounting Clone Troopers and Cuy'Val Dar of course - but not even all the Cuy'Val Dar were actually true Mandalorians!
In other words , it'd be a lot more likely to find a Mandalorian working with General Zektar , the Sons of Chalek'don , and their droid allies than against them. Discounting Clone Troopers and Cuy'Val Dar of course - but not even all the Cuy'Val Dar were actually true Mandalorians!