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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

Upon Deep Space Nine's new discovery of a wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, Starfleet realises the necessity to have forces on the other side; and that's when  you are called upon, your crucial expertise being sought after for the challenges the Gamma quadrant may present...
So, as you clutch Starfleet's letter of recruitment in your trembling hands, the ultimate question remains in the air; will you join the USS Starlancer?


Heyo :)
To formally introduce myself, my name is Vida and I'm currently recruiting other people to be part of a Star Trek Starship roleplay.

As you can guess from the intro, the start of this rp will be set in 2369 and the USS Starlancer will be located in the Gamma Quadrant on the other side of the wormhole - the purpose of our mission will be to seek out new lifeforms and engage in exploration to build upon Starfleet's limited knowledge of this sector.

The main roles included are:

- Captain
- First Officer
- Chief Science Officer
- Chief Medical Officer
- Chief Engineer
- Chief of Security

Some miscellaneous roles included are:

- Ship Counselor
- Transporter chief

I'm only looking to recruit 3 people at the moment, who will get 2 roles each. The roles I mainly have my eyes on are Chief Engineer and Transporter chief, but I don't really mind what role I get (don't be afraid to ask for captain or first officer lmao)

To audition for roles, please make a brief character profile detailing basic information about your characters as well as some character traits (multi species characters are recommended), if I select you for the role, I'll DM you, but be prepared to (peacefully) negotiate for roles with other rpers.



- Please keep the roleplay PG-13

- Hate the character, not the role player

- Respect other person's boundaries if they're not comfortable with something you're doing to their character

- No discrimination will be tolerated out of roleplay whatsoever (including racism, homophobia, ableism, etc.)

- Don't make your character ridiculously overpowered

- Have fun!! :D


Thanks for reading!!
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A "Vulcan" female captain. She is harsh and a task master but does care for her crew in her own way. In her mid 150s has been apart of star fleet for the last fifty before than her life is a mystery. She has been called cold and calculating.

Sharassor Th' Verion (shar)
An Andorian male.Security chief position. He comes from a military family going all the way back to the Imperial Guard before it was absorbed into Star Fleet.

He brave and loyal to his crew being the first to volunteer for dangerous missions. In his mid thirties.
I apologise if this goes against courtesy or anything since I'm new to this site, but would it be alright to DM you with a couple of questions. It looks really interesting, but I'm just curious about a few things.
Name: Osshyloth Th'shaaralenak
Race: Andorian
Gender: male
description: aside from obvious blue skin, antennae and silvery hair. Osshyloth has turquoise eyes and short slick messy back hair. He's fairly muscular and has a few bodily scars including a horizontal blaster scar across his right cheekbone. He wears standard uniform for chief of security.

Personality: Osshyloth is a bit of a pragmatic sort. He's alw always skeptical of everything that isn't absolute certainty. He is known for his paranoia and cunning brutal tactics.

Backstory: Osshyloth wanted to carve his own path different from his parents. One thing led to another and during his life he met a few Starfleet representatives and after some agreeable conversations found himself in complete total confidence in his decision to enroll in Starfleet academy. Through hard work and determination and ever so cautious decision making he was capable of reaching his well earned rank.

Weapons: compressor rifle, andorian otf dagger
Name Lucas Thompson
Position Chief medical officer
Race Human
Gender male
Description: Caucasian, stands at five eight, barley regulated hair, has a hideously deep scar over his left eye. The eye itself is cybernetic the original having been lost. His right eye is green as emeralds while his left is a dark red. Usually smells like a brewery

Brief history: Luke grew up the son of a star ship captain. Most of his fond memories were aboard the Apollo. Because of his time he wanted to continue the family legacy and become a starship captain. At the academy his focus changed to medicine. Fifteen years later he became the chief medical officer of the U.S.S Pheonix. Their first mission Wolf 359.... The Phoenix destroyed and most of her crew was killed Luke suffered a major injury that took him out of the fight but not before seeing most of his crew dead and him powerless to do anything
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Name: Liliya Adrone
Position: Chief Science officer
Race: Betazoid
Gender: Female

Appearance: Blonde, wavy hair usually worn in a bun, with a few strands left to frame her face. Black eyes. Fair complexion and she stands at a height of 5'4.

Personality: Liliya is perceptive and uses her telepathic abilities to help her get a better understanding of those around her. Despite this, her communication skills are lacking and the friendships she forms have awkward or uncomfortable moments where she says the wrong things or digs a bit too deeply with her abilities. Her heart is usually in the right place and she does her best to be kind and patient, but that patience is often put to the test when her curiosity gets the better of her. Her desire to know things is partly the reason her friendships struggle from time to time. Not everyone likes being asked a million questions.

Brief History: Liliya was born on Betazed. Her mother was a respected diplomat and her father was a noted xenobiologist. Growing up, Liliya was immersed in an environment that valued knowledge, empathy, and exploration. From an early age, she showed an exceptional aptitude for science but unlike the other children on Betazed, Liliya struggled with the social aspect of life.

She was enrolled in the Starfleet academy at the age of 18 and majored in xenobiology and minored in exopsychology. Over the years she has honed her skills and has been fortunate enough to have worked with some amazing officers. Now it is time for her to forge her own path and step up to new challenges.
Name: Jaziq, son of Krogath
Position: First Officer
Race: Klingon
Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'5, muscular build. Jaziq has an oblique scar along the defined ridges of his forehead, dark brown eyes and long black hair usually worn in a warrior's braid.

Personality: While Jaziq comes across as quiet, stoic and stern, he has a great sense of humour, though some may describe it as 'dry' (he doesn't think so). Brave and honourable, Jaziq is a great representation of what a Klingon should be and while he is fiercely loyal to his Captain, he will not hold back if he feels the Captain needs a different perspective on matters. To a very select few who get close to him, they will find a very soft-hearted man who is a great listener and very protective.

Brief history: Jaziq's early life was filled with rigorous training in the arts of combat and strategy. His father was a decorated warrior and instilled in him the importance of honour and duty from a young age. Jaziq quickly rose through the ranks of the Klingon Defence Force, earning a reputation for his tactical brilliance and prowess in battle. One year, during a joint Klingon-Federation mission, a Starfleet officer saved the life of Jaziq's father. It was only then that Jaziq turned his attention to what Starfleet actually did in the universe and decided to join them on their courageous mission.

This decision was met with unhappiness from those around him. Jaziq's family were not keen on his joining Starfleet and his friends thought it was a strange move. The softness in Jaziq's heart yearned for this opportunity though, and he told those who opposed his decision where to 'shove it', in less polite words.
Name: Chaoxiang Lánfēi
Nickname: Chao
Race: human/Chinese
Position: Ship Counselor
Gender: Male
Description: Chaoxiang is a fairly tan gentleman with brown eyes, very dark brown hair, fairly well built. His hair is long, going down to his chest and often put in a top knot/manbun.

Personality: Chaoxiang is a man whom is very friendly, chill laid back guy. Despite his ever so calm carefree he has very high expectations, but not judgmental or condescending. he believes in and expects the best of others. He's an amazing listener but will respectfully disagree if presented with what he perceives as excuses.

He takes mental health and safety of others extremely seriously and is one of the few things that will break his carefree attitude. He is an extremely angry unapologetic man when crew members or others under his supervision are wronged or mistreated. he is also a liar. He will tell you he forgives and forgets, but he does not. In contradiction, he won't let his grudges keep him from performing his duties without bias.

History: Chaoxiang had a strict upbringing. he had a demanding parents, but also kind and understanding. He went to private school in his youth, he had many great people in his life teach and shape him into the man he is today. He followed his father's footsteps in Starfleet.

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