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I'm cool with how Epiphany Epiphany wrote it up. Although I do need Savir edited to Lieutenant Commander if possible unless he wants us to change that storyline
Wow, did what I was writing get lost?
Also do we have a 1st Officer or should I bump myself up to that?

Epiphany Epiphany message me About common backstory? Perhaps even on discord cause I always have it open
I said I was going to delete our convo in the CS thread. I am trying to keep the thread clean, just the characters there. Sorry about that. I suppose I could have waited longer.
I have added the links to the OOC, CS, and Main IC Thread in the 2nd post of this Interest Check.

I will link everyone once I make the first IC post, which I will try to get started on. But I want to give folks time to get their CS's posted.
I don't know how to enlist myself :D
Should I take the 1st officer? Should I stay 2nd and take doctor as well?
Up to you. YES, there will be uses for a doctor in the first mission I have for you guys. In fact, most of the good Away Team roles - including First Contact (with a pre-industrial civilization (non-human) as well as a starfaring one and one other.
well. I'm mainly interested to know if you have other options than me to fill those spots (I suppose you did fill the counselor?)
basically I'd like to do what is most needed and would otherwise stay unoccupied for now
Personally I think the doctor should be a full time dedicated doctor. I could create one, but I already have three characters. I suspect the Counsellor won't see much facetime. But then that depends on the Captain and First Officer. I only assign missions via Star Fleet Command - sort of the way Kirk and Picard got their missions.

The way Savir reads, he sounds like a better First Officer. If so, he should get promoted to Commander though. The tactics skill set would give him the skills not unlike those of Riker, who led a LOT of Away Team missions. I also think that in that role he will get more face time.
Then I shall rise to glory and promote myself :D
(the rank is from previous RPs where we started out smaller)

Savir is also secretely a mental weapon, but he can hide it really well. (Starfleet Command would know his background though).
Bump. (May as well see if we can't get 1-2 more while we are waiting.)
Oyyy shit
I haven't been on RPN since the RP we were in. Discord has become my platform, because RP's here kept dropping like flies and I just wasn't into that.
Now I'm randomly browsing and WHOA A TAG.
I mean... should Taris make an appearance?
I have Discord, just never much use it. I've had the opposite results. But I get what you are saying about RP's dropping. If the whole group would rather migrate everything to a Discord, I can ... but it would take a bit of time - or I could rename one of the channels I created for an RP.

I typically type up my posts in Google Docs, then copy and paste. Not sure if there is a length issue in Discord. (I do NOT have time to sit in a Discord and chat.)
Can I say it is surprising (yet definitely not in an unpleasant way) that you guys are still alive. XD
Epiphany Epiphany MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake

Right back atcha. These days, can't take anyone's internet impermanence for granted. I've only had one RP stall and die because its GM got Covid and passed away (RIP Gands!) and I'm a little surprised it's not more.

Characters are here if Taris feels like making a reappearance. :) But definitely read the interest check header and make sure the pitch is up your alley!

FYI, I looked. There is a 2000 character limit per post in Discord - but you CAN link a shared doc file instead. Most of my posts are 1-2 pages - or about 600-700 words. That's probably over the limit.
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After two years this RP is being revived. We are picking up where we left off as we hadn't even gone through a full round of posts. I have since gone ahead and added a doctor. (The first mission is heavily involved in medical science which would pretty much require I have long private conversations to anyone who took the role - only to they could regurgitate what I sent to the. I don't want to be a ventriloquist GM.)

So ... though we have started posting, we can still use more members. Those so inclined, check recent activity in OOC and IC to see who is active. Inactive folks can have their positions replaced by other characters.
Hello I would like to join, it looks like you could use someone at the Conn, and I would be happy to provide
Yes we could. (A little background in other types of vehicles will also be useful in the first adventure. IE shuttles, fighters, submarines, exotic vehicles - though not absolutely necessary.)

LOL, there IS one future Conn officer, but he's only 2 years old. Kinda young for the Academy. (I ran a future generation of my current characters once. Jonathan Rhand's son, James eventually enters Starfleet, always trying to get out from under the shadow of his father. Bit of a rebel.)

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