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Star Fox Rp

"What? You wana play? Go for it, I have better things to do" Falco sighed, sitting at the table and watching him as he sipped some soda.
Falco walked over and grabbed the other controller, bumping into Chip's shoulder. "Well, I guess I wont complain. Nothin to do anyway until we get another merc job. So, Chip was it? Okay then, let's see how good you really are"
Inside himself, he was jumping around with excitement. He was sitting right next to the one he was looking up to when he was young. "So, what else do we do in between missions we receive? I assume this isn't all you do"
Falco shrugged and dropped the controller, "Play the game all you want, I have better things to do. Like work on my R-wing" the blue avian walked away.
"Hmph..." Chip sighed, and got up, walking away and started wondering around the ship, waiting for something interesting to happen.
A grey old rabbit made his way through the ship, seeing a face he didn't know. Peppy knew everyone, but not Chip. He only cruised his arms, "Well, speak up son I ain't got all day"
"New member? New member! Well I never.." he grumbled to himself a couple times. "So the kid finally did it? I thought he wasn't serious. Well I guess it's nice ta meet ya Chip? I'm...we'll you probably already know who I am so I'll save the greeting. Welcome aboard, I just hope fox chose right"
"Oh you want an assignment do ya? Well too bad. Were all on call here bud. No jobs equals no jobs. If you want something to do you can go clean up the R-wing hanger" the rabbit grunted and walked on by.
-He sighed, and walked to the hanger, walking over to his own Arwing. He looked at the others, seeing each had some modifications that made them unique. It was time he did the same to his. He grabbed some tools, and began to work on the Arwing.-
"Whooooo? Chiiiiiip?" the voice called out again, pushing himself out from under the Arwing. "Heyyy. Your not supposed to be in here!" the frog hopped out from under the ship.

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