Stanley Ipkiss/The Mask


One Thousand Club
Name: Stanley Ipkiss

Titles/Other Names: The Mask

Universe From: The Mask the animated series

Gender: Male



Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality: Stanley: A bright, but mild-mannered, young account executive at the Edge City Bank, who is constantly berated by his boss, labelled "nice" (read "wimpy") by the ladies and always finished last.

The Mask: a zoot-suited, green-faced, grinning, bizarre, wacky trickster with an energetic and wild personality who possesses powers with cartoonish, Tex Avery-style movements and humor. His famous catchphrases are "SssssMOKIN'!!" and "Somebody Stop Me!"

Likes: Stanley: Peace and quiet, enjoying time with his dog Milo

The Mask: Giving people Wedgies, causing Mischief in General

Dislikes: Having his tricks used against him. His friends being threatened.

Bio: A bright, but mild-mannered, young account executive at the Edge City Bank, who is constantly berated by his boss, labelled "nice" (read "wimpy") by the ladies and always finished last. Things change, however, when Stanley finds an ancient mask, which, unbeknownst to him, is cursed with the spirit of Loki, the Nordic God of Mischief. When he puts on the mask, all his innermost desires - good and bad - are revealed, transforming him into THE MASK!

Weapons & Equipment: The wooden Loki Mask

Skills & Abilities: The Mask is a very powerful object, which defies our laws of science indefinately. The possibilities with this awesomely powerful mask is said to be limited by the wearer and their imagination. There have been accounts of Matter Manipultion, Super Strength/Speed/Agility/Durability/Senses, Invulnerability and even Increased Intelligence with the sacrifice of losing one's sanity. Object Manifesation and Altering the very fabric of time and space.

Quotes: "SssssMOKIN'!!" 

"Somebody Stop Me!"


Other: He has his Dog Milo with him.

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