News Staff Changes

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Your care instructions are faulty, DWiz. That shelter does not have a standard charging port. Kagura would not be able to recharge her internal power cells. And there's no wifi either....

Captain Hesperus
Woofers296 said:
Kagura do you approve these methods?
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Your care instructions are faulty, DWiz. That shelter does not have a standard charging port. Kagura would not be able to recharge her internal power cells. And there's no wifi either....

Captain knows where it is.
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Your care instructions are faulty, DWiz. That shelter does not have a standard charging port. Kagura would not be able to recharge her internal power cells. And there's no wifi either....
Captain Hesperus

"Internal power cells"? I'm confused. I thought Kagura was a person, but then she's a sheep. And now she's a robot.
Ignitedstar said:
"Internal power cells"? I'm confused. I thought Kagura was a person, but then she's a sheep. And now she's a robot.
Kagura's previous title used to be sheep, same with her avatar. Hence my joke post about sheep care :P
Ignitedstar said:
"Internal power cells"? I'm confused. I thought Kagura was a person, but then she's a sheep. And now she's a robot.
This is what happens when you don't notice me sooner.

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Kagura's previous title used to be sheep, same with her avatar. Hence my joke post about sheep care :P

My title has been robot Sheep since I was given permission to change it, but I've #always been a robotsheep.
DWiz, did you not notice the huge jump in power usage? Robot sheep need a lot of juice to keep at top efficiency. Kinda like an iPhone. But wooly.


Captain Hesperus
I'm honestly not surprised with Kagubutt, she was kind of pulled back in when the site merger happened after resigning before :P she could never leave us and not give us cheesy magical girls though <3
Good luck to those leaving, happy relaxing to those stepping down, and congrats to those stepping up!
While it was fun while it lasted this morning I stepped down from my position as mod as well.

That doesn't mean I'm leaving. I enjoy RPing way too much to just disappear and running too many to just ditch. So I'll be around on the site and on Teamspeak. ^^
I think this leaves only Erica and Morde as mods for the time being.

Edit: what shura said, me too xD
So many staff changes in such a short time! Hopefully the community doesn't go tits up with people trying to take advantage of the thinned-out staff.

Five Staff members, cool. I feel sorry for you folks, it can't be easy to maintain a website AND the additional stuff RPN has been going through when you number five strong.
This is all rather saddening to keep up with tbh, as any mass genesis of powerful folk is, but nevertheless, I hope this can all be resolved too and, blind to the situation as I am, wish both the former and new moderation team happy continued RPing. The important thing, as Thorn and Dusky have already wisely said, is not to make too much of a big deal out of things, and to carry on the epic RPing!
I have taken the liberty to update the list in the first post mainly because there were some resignations this morning (Auren, Shura, Paranoia) and Inquisitor was left off the original list.

I'd like to thank everyone for their service on the Staff (and for those who remain - their continuing service). It was a rewarding experience to work with everyone.

Likewise, to the Community, I hope that my tenure as Administrator will be remembered with some fondness. It was a pleasure to do the day-to-day operation of the site and work as the Assistant to the Site Owner. I will definitely still be around to Roleplay and I will be doing some staff things, but not in same capacity.

As others have said, just keep roleplaying. Because Roleplaying is awesome (B')
With so many moderators gone, will we be seeing more promotions like Mordecai's soon?
Wow.. it was so surprising to see how many staff just poofed in a few days! Couldn't believe it. I love you all even if I never got to know you and thank you for your great work on this awesome site. <3
On a slightly unrelated and probably cheerier note, where can I find a list of Fellows? I've been trying to find one for weeks now, haven't been able to so I keep missing all the new promotions to the Fellowship (congratulations, Cloudy, on becoming a fellow, whenever it was that it happened xD ) Cheers!
SkyGinge said:
On a slightly unrelated and probably cheerier note, where can I find a list of Fellows? I've been trying to find one for weeks now, haven't been able to so I keep missing all the new promotions to the Fellowship (congratulations, Cloudy, on becoming a fellow, whenever it was that it happened xD ) Cheers!
We don't currently have a list of fellows - at least not that I know of. o3o But thank you! Happened yesterday, actually. x3
SkyGinge said:
I keep missing all the new promotions to the Fellowship
I made a Suggestion thread for that just a few hours ago! I think a list would be a good idea.

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