Stadium High


One Thousand Club

Stadium High


We are inviting you to join us at Stadium High.

Here we have many unique classes like archery and economics.

There is three required classes each year.


Language Arts


If Stadium High is too far away from your home, we provide dorms for $30 per month.

If you decide you would like to cancel your stay, we give you $30 back.

Care to join?

View attachment 5428

(Stadium high is a real place if you want to see more pictures for it here is a link...









Dorm/No Dorm




Name: Austin

Personality: Funny, fun to be around, smart,

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Grade: sophomore

Crush/Date: None


Bio: Lived in California all his life, but decided to come here to get away from everything.

Dorm/No Dorm: Dorm

@TheJoker please add appearance, I forgot about it xD

@kikinavi Realistic please.

Name: Laura

Personality: non-romantic, doesn't even realize when you're flirting with her.

Age: 16

Grade: Junior

Crush/Date: none

bio: Danni was a rich girl who was popular girl at herold scool.

No dorm


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Name: Nadia Romana

Personality: pompous, self centered, conceited, mean, seductive.

Age: 16

Gender: female

Grade: Sophomore

Crush/Date: none yet

Bio: Average, rich, daddy's girl

Dorm/No Dorm: dorm

Apperance: View attachment 5432

Name: Cody

Personality: sweet, polite, romantic, hard worker

Age: 17

Gender: male

Grade: junior

Crush/Date: had a crush on his childhood best friend, but she never knew. she moved away last year, so he decided to come to school here at stadium high

Bio: speaks with a southern accent, raised in the south, worked on a farm his whole life

Dorm/No Dorm: no dorm
Name: Massie Jameson

Personality: Blunt, Carefree, Lazy, Tomboy

Age: 15

Gender: female

Grade: freshman

Crush/Date: N/A

Bio: Massie was always talking back and making trouble. She didn't bother to do school work and hates school all together. She says things without thinking about how it will affect people and thinks nobody should be able to tell her what to do. Her parents couldn't take it after they found out she had left with her friends to go out of town for a week. They reluctantly sent her away when she returned.


Apperance: View attachment 5434

Name Mitchy

Personality fun loving, cute, competitive, easy going, sporty

Age 16

Gender F

Grade Junior

Crush/Date She had a crush from back home in Florida, but he never knew, so she decided to come here

Bio She comes from a family in Florida, they had a barn with animals, and a fairly sized house. She worked with horses for most of her life.

Dorm/No Dorm No dorm




Coedy you are accepted. Thanks for joining the RP.

Blue, I'm going swimming I'll be back in 30 mins or 1 hour.

EDIT: Why is it that when I go back to check the other characters, THEY LIKE ALL LIVE ON A FARM? FUUUUUU

: Georgia May Cotton

Personality: Georgia's friendly, naive, stubborn, and has a mindset that mixes old-fashioned thinking with liberalism. She has certain ideas about simple living and purity, but unlike her parents she's never one to judge.

Age: 16

Gender: Female. A feminine female at that.

Grade: She's a bit young for her grade; she just barely slid into the age group that makes her a Junior.

Crush/Date: At the moment, none.

Bio: Georgia had a pretty nice farm life in the state she's named after, in a small town called Noware. As the name might suggest, however, education in Noware is not a priority. Georgia proved from a young age to be exceptionally bright, devouring all the books available for her to read - which for a child in Noware meant various versions of the Bible. As a result of the Catholic influence around her she's strongly Christian to the core, but she tries to leave religion out of the equation as much as possible when she interacts with others. Also resulting from her upbringing on the farm she is very fond of animals. As she got older, her parents yielded to her requests to be driven to the nearest library, a small one in another town an hour or so away. She found her calling there when the books on animals caught her eye. Her new aspiration being to become a vet, she grew increasingly dissatisfied with the education she was getting, which didn't offer more advanced classes. The summer before her Junior year, a brochure for Stadium High caught her eye.

But that was not her only incentive to leave her life behind. She was beginning to feel suffocated by the conservatism she encountered wherever she went. She shared many conservative thoughts, but she was open-minded too, unlike many of her peers. Hearing their insensitive talk on sensitive issues was driving her crazy. And the worst perpetrators of all were her parents.

It took a great deal of convincing to get her parents to send her off to Stadium high, but she was dead set on it and by golly, not a soul could stand in her way. She saw allure in the castle's architecture, beauty in the surrounding area's climate, and adventure in the idea of meeting new people, ones that came from a less sheltered environment. However, she kept this to herself; it was her veterinary aspirations that convinced them, in the end, to let her go. So Georgia kissed Mama Buttercup and Papa Jack goodbye, adjusted the straps on her overalls, and pulled her small suitcase behind her onto an airplane that would give her flight.

Dorm/No Dorm


Name: Matthew Madden

Personality: Silly, energetic, romantic, nice, sweet, easy going

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Grade: Junior

Crush/Date: No date, kind of likes Mitchey

Bio: He lived a very normal life with his 3 older brothers, Jimmy, Richard, and Jason. Even though he was often pushed around by then, it did not effect his lifestyle.

Dorm/No Dorm: Dorm

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Name:Cyrus Eden

Personality: very nice to girls very protective for their health,easily PO'd by guys




Crush/Date:No just no

Bio:Moved here from England with hes mother and father. He has no brothers and sisters. Is used to getting what he wants and isnt afraid to fight for it.

Dorm/No Dorm: Dorm sadly

Name: Melody Barson

Personality: Kind and caring, Shy, puts others needs above her own.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Grade: Junior

Crush/Date: No date, likes Cyrus

Bio: Melody has great grades that have recently suffered since she found out she has ADD. Her sophmore year she got her first D and first Cs on her reportcard. Her parents blamed the school system and sent her to go to school here. (Secret: Melody doesn't really have ADD. She is a good actress, and faked it because the girls at her old school call her slutty for being pretty and having secret admirer notes in her locker often.)

Dorm/No Dorm: Dorm


(Im sorry the picture is very large)

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Name Victoria

Personality reserved and some what lonely. But a fierce friend once you've got her.

Age 16

Gender F

Grade Junior

Crush/Date no one as of yet.

Bio Victoria is quiet rock loving girl always sporting a band T. She quiet and reserved and new, making fitting in even harder. She just moved over from South Africa. She's fiercely loyale and she's a great companion. She also has a party side and if you can bring it out she can be a blast, becoming suddenly loud and tons of trouble!

Apperance long black hair with blue eyes. She's extremely short and small, just an arm full. (I know you said picture but I'm not with my PC and my phone hates me. Think young Amy Lee.)
([MENTION=2704]Blue[/MENTION] second chracter accepted

[MENTION=2802]Victoria Knox[/MENTION] accepted,

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