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Fantasy โคท ๐—Œ๐—. ๐—‡๐—Ž๐—†๐–พ๐—‡'๐—Œ ๐–บ๐–ผ๐–บ๐–ฝ๐–พ๐—†๐—’ ๐–ฟ๐—ˆ๐—‹ ๐—๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐—๐—Œ



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
  • st. numen's academy for hosts
    st. numen's academy was founded centuries ago, when the gods and goddesses from various pantheons began to fade as a result of the people's belief in them deteriorating. as they are immortal and incapable of truly dying, their essence remained while their divine bodies crumbled to dust.

    in an attempt to remain remembered, and to continue to have one foot on earth, these various gods and goddesses latched onto other living beings. at first it was random โ€” a last ditch attempt to stay alive while the memories of them were slowly being forgotten. they soon realised, though, that this was the only way for them to continue to exist in the physical world.

    over the years they learned from their mistakes, and their system of choosing hosts progressed. some humans were unwilling to act as hosts while others felt privileged and blessed. the gods soon realised, though, that a balance in nature needed to be maintained. just as they continued to exist, so did many of their foes.

    evil gods chose hosts as well, and roam the earth in their human disguises while trying to carry out the things they wanted to do when they were still gods.

    monsters, though eventually becoming the stuff of myths, continue to exist and cause chaos. they are invisible to the people of earth though, and most things that they do seem to be an accident in the real world. the hosts are the only ones capable of seeing their true forms, and are also the only ones capable of killing them โ€” even if this death is only temporary.

    the gods eventually realised that their chosen human hosts were not well equipped to deal with things that they'd been dealing with for years. their bodies, though enhanced by divine energy, were still mortal and therefore vulnerable. they needed to be educated, and they needed to learn how to hone their abilities, and so a school was made.

    st. numen's was named after the prophet who initially foresaw what would happen to the gods, and at first, educating the hosts was quite tricky. they didn't have many others to learn from, and the gods were still learning the ropes as well since they could contribute their power, but could not completely take over the human bodies they had chosen.

    eventually, after choosing new bodies, the older hosts were able to help the next set of hosts in small ways. this continued for years, and after a lot of learning and trial and error, st. numen's became a large institution.

    and you just happen to be among the next batch of hosts.
coded by natasha.
reserved for roster, house allotments, and room assignments once imake the code for it
chapter one: the arrival
It's arrival day for students attending St. Numen's Academy. With travel plans mapped out for each of them, they would have been sent off to ports closest to where they live in order to board a ship that'll take them to the island where the Academy resides.

Some may arrive earlier than others, but staff are already waiting to brief the batches that arrive and get some a few basic necessities out of the way.

First the students will be interviewed by a member of the staff to decide which house they'll be sorted into. Following that, they're given a list of jobs and asked to choose which one they'd like to opt for. Once they make a decision, they are given their room assignments and told to unpack and wait till dinner.

They are free to roam the grounds until then, and encouraged to mingle with other fellow students. For the time being, the border is restricted to keep the students from wandering too far away from the Academy's building. They will not yet be allowed to head into the neighbouring town, Anglion, either.

Once everyone arrives, there will be a few more announcements but until then, enjoy getting to know one another. This is where our story begins.


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"What would your friends say was the area you could use the most improvement in?"

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Arthur had always loved stories of grand adventure as a boy. Stories where he could pretend to be somewhere else, pretend to be someone else, escape from his own reality and indulge in one beyond the walls of his own mundane existence, beyond the fences, beyond the walls, beyond the troubles that kept him tied and bound. Adventures filled with action, with wonder, with travel and exploration, where the heroes could learn new things about the world and themselves, but those stories tended to skip the actual 'traveling' portion. As a boy, he never noticed or paid any mind, stories were about the adventure, not the monotony of travel. Oh, how as a man, Arthur wished he lived in such a story. A story where things may be challenging but tended to work out, where the finer details of long distance traveled could be waved away with the creation of a new chapter or even the single, powerful strike of an enter key. But he was not in a story, so he had the honor of traveling across the continental united states to reach an island that may not exist, accompanied only by a constant, annoying voice that was more interested in telling its stories then offering anything remotely useful or helpful.

A four hour bus ride had taken him from his dirty, run down motel to Vegas, a four hour bus ride with no air conditioning, packed with twenty other people as it traveled down the highway in the intense heat of the Mojave desert, twenty people packed together like a can of tuna tossed into the microwave with all the delightful and interesting smells that accompanied it. Three hours of waiting in an airport, smelling to high heaven, followed by a seven hour flight from Vegas to Miami.. a wonderful seven hour flight filled with screaming children, one couple's lovers dispute and a rather large man whose.. girth spilled over the small arm rest that divided them. Mercifully, the taxi to the pier had been nicer even if the man who took him spoke in a manner which left much to be desired, had questionable music taste and nearly rammed them into not one, not two, but three other cars, and it was at the pier that his final mode of transportation lay;. a large, majestic, highly sought after.. fishing boat. The pleasant aroma of fish guts, sweat and salt would be his aromatic therapy for the next three days until they arrived to the Bermuda Triangle, to the castle on a secret island the voice in his head swore existed.

For three days the small fishing boat sailed the ocean blue. An endless expanse of water that surrounded them, that bounced and rocked them, where a single storm, a simple crack and splintering of wood would send the crew of two, and its passenger, to the murky depths. What creatures and secrets laid in its depths? Watching the small boat struggle to fight its way through the waves, waiting for it to break apart, waiting for one of them to spill over the side tossed around like a child's toy? Would it happen during the day? Where the bright, intense sun beat down upon them or at night when the stars sprinkled the sky as far as the eyes could see and darkness surrounded them, where only the harsh sounds of the waves that slapped against the worn, weathered wooden hull filled the silence. Perhaps.. Whatever thought that would have come next ended as Arthur leaned forward, curled towards the bucket between his legs and released yet another spurt of vomit into it. The smell mingled with the salt and fish guts perfectly in a scent he had grown used to over the days. The burning in his throat slowly subsided as Arthur took in deep gasps of the salty air and fought down another wave of vomit that the rocking boat tried to get from him.

'Come on, boy, all you seem to know how to do is vomit and sleep,' a gruff, annoyed voice said as it filled his mind.

'And shit,' Arthur corrected as he leaned against the wood walls, his long legs splayed out before him against the blood stained boards, 'Vomit, sleep and shit is about all I am good for these days.'

The voice didn't answer back, it wouldn't, the voice belonged to 'Zeus', the ancient God King of Mount Olympus. The god had been silent on the boat trip, no likely driven to near madness with boredom but Arthur couldn't bring himself to give much of a shit about the gods discomfort. The large rimmed hat sat askew on his head, one of the few protections he had against the merciless sun that had beaten down upon him for the last three days, his pale blue shirt was stained and almost 'stiff' from all the salt that had clung and interwoven itself into the fibers and the less said about the state of his torn jeans the better. The metal 'chum' bucket rested in his lap, cradled by his hands as Arthur sat, content in his misery.

"Oui, Kid! I see it! The island! Its pay time," A new voice called out, one weathered by years of working the ocean, the excitement behind the words is what caught his attention, Anton had tried to 'mess' with him a few times over the last few days by proclaiming that the island was on the horizon, of course, it never was and the older man seemed to get a kick at watching Arthur struggle to his feet only to sink back down into his vomit corner once he saw only endless ocean, but this time was different. The man had never had that tone in his voice, that excitement. Arthur struggled to his feet, holding onto the low wall to steady himself as his eyes scanned the horizon, but not a blue one, but a small shade of brown sticking out. A mixture of emotions filled his chest, excitement, fear, worry, relief... He was here. It existed. It was all real.


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"What do you hope to take away from your time at St. Numen's?"

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Arthur let out a long breath as he collapsed backwards, onto one of the two beds in the small dorm room he was shown to. The soft mattress, so much better then any bed he had been in in years made his back ache. He stretched out along the soft, cool surface and let out a small coo of pleasure that was certainly at odds with the giant man but it was so lovely. Just so lovely. A phrase he had never used before in his life, but it suited it so perfect. Time had passed in a blur since his landing. He had been herded, like an animal along with some others who all arrived, on what he darkly noticed, much nicer boats then his to be separated into smaller groups to be interviewed and questioned. Part of Arthur wanted to know whose bright idea was it to immediately question people who had been traveling for three, or more, days on what menial jobs followed by a questionnaire that felt like it was pulled straight from some website or job interview, but it was all happening so fast that it hadn't really bothered Arthur. Even now, that he was in his dorm, alone, with his day ahead of him on this new, strange place, did he really comprehend what was happening.

Everything about the island seemed to be surreal, like it was all pulled from someone's imagination and slapped down in the middle of the ocean, willed into existence by some unknowable intelligence. The castle was no less odd, dominating the island with its size and he can only wonder at whose idea was it to build some medieval castle in the middle of fuck off nowhere on some island slapped down in the middle of bumfuck nowhere... or who in the right mind would fund the construction of such a thing, but maybe that was the point. So unbelievable that if someone did see it, no one would believe them anyways and, well, rich people wasted money on all kinds of 'stupid shit' so Arthur couldn't rightly put this insane expenditure past them especially if it these people. This insane almost 'cult' possessed by the spirits of ancient deities that had long sense faded into legend and obscurity. If anything, Arthur would feel a bit better if their first 'class' was just the teacher trying to rope them into a pyramid scheme, at least then his mind could better cope and understand. That made sense. More sense then, 'Hey, have you ever wanted to go to gym class with some guy possessed by the spirit of Thor? Well, do I have an exciting opportunity for you..'

'So, boy, can you believe it?' Zeus' voice broke the silent tranquility Arthur had been enjoying, the god had been suspiciously silent during the arrival and if Arthur didn't know better, he would say the god had somehow been 'napping' to avoid the entrance process and silly quiz about his life choices, where he wanted to be in five years and other such nonsense to determine his 'house'.

'Well, when you're right you're right, this place is interesting, I kept thinking it was going to be some insane scientology experiment where I would have to sell a kidney to get the 'treatment' necessary to remove the bad spirit possessing me,' Arthur replied and closed his eyes, letting his body 'melt' into the soft bed beneath him.

'Not the academy, I mean the women. Did you see them? Mmm, I must say, the others outdid themselves this year. I can't wait to-' Zeus started before Arthur interrupted him, 'Yea, can we not? Its not like I don't just love to listen to an ancient old man trapped in my brain droll over people not remotely close to his age, but I just really can't find enough shits to give at the moment. I think I left them all on the boat,'

'You're no fun. Boring really. You'll see soon enough, but I do have one quick question, one quick issue.... Why in Tartarus did you decide to be a Janitor? A janitor!? How do you think we are going to get attention as a janitor? I get you were raised in shit, but do you have to make that your profession to?'
If Arthur didn't know better, he could almost swear the disembodied voice was pouting.

'Shit and vomit is my specialty, remember?' Arthur replied with a groan as he sat up. His blue eyes snapped to the empty bed across the room. He had never had a roommate before, at least, only having two people to a room. Their room. From the movies he had seen, it seemed pretty important to get along with the roommate. Didn't have to be best friends or anything, but was important they'd be able to tolerate them. Whomever he was, Arthur hoped the guy wouldn't cause him too much trouble. The smell of sweat and salt hit his nose once more and Arthur winced, it was a smell he had gotten a bit too used to over the days, but he doubted his new roommate would be quite so acclimated. Arthur lazily hooked his foot under the strap of his duffle bag and dragged it to him, he dug out a clean shirt, a shirt that probably used to be red but the sun had long bleached the color out and it was more of a pink now. With a new shirt prepared, Arthur peeled the old shirt off and tossed it on the edge of the bed and let out a sigh of relief as the cool air of the room touched his chest. His long blond hair spilled out across his bare back and Arthur craned his neck from side to side, his beard lightly scratching his shoulders as he worked out the kinks. Whatever was ahead of him for today, at least he'd be a bit less smelly when he faced it.
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  • how she's feeling...

    somehow just whelmed, in a relatively social mood


( portunus )

It was clear the academy tried to clean up before summer solstice and Astrid would applaud them for their effort, but she can just smell the dust evaporating from old furniture. She had to put her mask back up as soon as she walked through the doorโ€” just as Portunus chimed in about locking it so they can have the room to themselves.

She pointedly ignored him.

They really weren't kidding when they said no one had been back in twenty odd years. Nothing had seemed to rot within that period. Guess replacing the furniture isn't a huge priority when they're left unused for decades at a time.

The vintage has its own charm, she'll admit. It's like inheriting a space that belonged to someone else, instead of a blank canvas you get with regular college dorms. But Astrid is planning leaving a mark on this particular living history.

At least the mattresses looked fresh. She plopped down, running her finger down the ridges and seams.

"Feeling nostalgic?"
she asked the empty room.

Actually I find all this is quite shallow in my memory,
Portunus replied, voice as velvet as when she first heard him, but here he sounded distinctly bored.
I've been here for too long to find this nostalgic.

Astrid snickered.
Oh I don't know, the fall of Rome feels deceptively recent. You can't be that old.

These things are complicated.

Of course they are. And you're not any help.

Astrid planned to interrogate him some other day, unless a professor beat him to the punch. The concept of gods being primordial was hard to wrap her head around. But then again, Portunus rarely gave her a straight answer. Unlike her, he didn't have a mind to read.

She already had most of her things hauled into her room, primarily consisting of her entire closet and two semi large boxes of books and trinkets while her guitar case and bass amp are already propped on the back wall. Astrid pulled one of the boxes towards her sneakers and started rummaging through the unsafe packing.

Her move was probably more permanent than most of the other kids. She didn't have anyone back in Annapolis to hold everything for her. The slow multi-day trip on the discreet fishing boat she arrived in revealed to Astrid that she really wouldn't like to travel by sea ever again.

Maybe she should've taken up that lady's offer to transit to the Florida port.
You really should've.
Meet some other students, hop on a bigger boat. No reason for regrets now.

She pulled out an alarm onto her bedside. It read 9:16 AM, a little over an hour since she docked.

Quick, someone's coming.

Astrid suppressed the urge to stand up and greet whoever's heading towards the room. Only when the footsteps stopped did she glance behind her and pulled her mask to her chin.

"Oh," they said, standing at the frame of the door โ€” a girl. She was stylish. Tall. They might be around the same height.

Astrid hoped she sounded cool when she said,

"Hi." The girl morphed a look from mild surprise into a smile. Her cheerfulness was hard to resist as Astrid eased up. "You must be my roommate."

Astrid made a small affirmative sound, absently grabbing the next thing out of the box while still looking up at the girl.

"I'm Akari."

Power strip and desk fan.

"Lemme guess, you got a Norse god?"

She could hear Portunus gasp.
"Surprisingly, no."

"Whaat?" Akari took the wrong guess so easily as she settled on the other side of the room. She must be great at this whole small talk thing. "Who did you get then?"

"I don't think anyone would know him. He's kind of obscure."

I beg your pardon,
Portunus said, scandalised.

Astrid simply side-stepped the question altogether, much to his chagrin.
"What about you?"
she asked, plugging the power strip into the little nook of the brick wall.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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A bit melancholic / Excited / Homesick



Beachfront ~ Near the docks


Sedna / N/A



"This water is much too warm... But I will admit it is nice." The deity spoke to Bi-Hwa as she walked barefoot along the water's edge. The Goddess has suggested it, or rather directed the mortal girl to the beach. Sedna didn't speak much and often was a more or less silent observer, but when she did Bi-Hwa listened. To her the Goddess wasn't just an annoying voice, but an elder she had been taught to respect even among other elders. Despite not wanting to be a host in the slightest, she had been prepared and already knew Sedna rather well by the time it her turn to take the spirit of the sea into her body. "I haven't been at the Academy since Nuliajuk was my host. Generations pass and pass, but our blood passes with it. You've done well to continue the cycle dear Tapeesa. Though I will admit I am curious to learn about your other family and to visit Korea with you someday. You are my first host of mixed blood and I do not travel outside of our tribes lands often." Bi-Hwa kept silent as she took in what was being said to her, though she paused for a moment, hearing her Inuit name. The deity was the only one who addressed her by that name, it made sense, though still a bit odd to hear it.
"I will, I promise."
was all she said in response. She didn't have too much to say often, much like Sedna though the Goddess was being unusually chatty for once. Moving in was a bit more of a shock than she had realized, and Bi-Hwa was feeling a little more than homesick. Wishing to be back in Canada with her surrogate mother, but she had a duty to be... Here. Bi-Hwa didn't hate it, it was just.. A lot.

In the end there wasn't much she could do but just keep going. Maybe go back to her dorm room and reed a book, the Sea Goddess seemed interested in some of the titles she had on her list. The idea of having to take having another being inside her mind into consideration when doing something as simple as choosing a book was a weird one for sure, even if they promised not to interfere much. Bi-Hwa didn't have it in her heart to accidentally upset the woman, so being more selective might just be something to get used to.

Bi-Hwa nearly yellped, stepping back. She hadn't realized how deep she was into the water as she now moved through it was no resistance at all. Getting lost in her thoughts was probably not the best thing to do at the moment....There was another realization that made her rather sad. She could feel the waves and the side, but her body remained inert, not moving an inch. She may as well not even be there. Bi-Hwa missed the tugg and push of the sea... It was going to be a long twenty years.

Walking out of the water with only a slightly dampness on the bottom edge of her shorts as the sole indicator the girl had even come close to the waterline she headed up the sand bank to where she had put her shoes, just next to one of the piers, to keep them from getting sand in them. Something she was certainly not immune to.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

  • how she's feeling...

    eager, excited, optimistic as usual


( raijin )


Despite everything her mother had told her about the academy, Akari never felt herself prepared for what faced her. There was just something about the St. Numen's that just made it mysterious.

Perhaps it was its enormous structure that looked like it was built ages ago but yet remained with a decent amount of modern touches here and there that didn't make it seem outdated. It was more historic, like a grand haunted manor one would usually see in a one of those horror movies, not that she made it a habit of watching them.

It was certainly not that she wasn't brave or anything, she just had a detestable hatred for horror movies of any kind. She had never quite managed to explain the hatred to anyone, there was just something about the genre that had never failed to make her uncomfortable and bothered since young.

Making the journey to the academy in the Bermuda Triangle had been quite the adventure, as she boarded a fishing trawler, lugging all her belongings on a little trolley. Her electric guitar case was slung on her back, and her other luggage that contained her necessities along with her electric guitar amp, and the taiko drum. The god within her had demanded that she brought along a real Taiko drum, and back-and-forth arguments took place before the two actually settled on her bringing her Taiko no Tatsujin Drum along with her Nintendo Switch and a frigging flat screen TV monitor and its accessories from home.

She had managed to persuade Raijin to see reason, and the the Lightning god had surprisingly agreed to a compromise, seeing how her suggestion made it seem more sensible than actually transporting an actual Taiko drum itself. Lugging the trolley off the fishing trawler and onto the docks, she grumbled to herself once again about the hassle about it all.

Raijin was quick to speak up.

"You'll miss it girl, even if you don't feel that now. Drums are part of you. Part of us. We don't leave home without one. No, we don't."

Akari released a huff in response and continued dragging her trolley towards the direction of the dorms. Finally arriving at her room, she opened the door wide, building the suspense of anyone waiting to see who it was inside as she went back to drag her little trolley into the room. It was there that she met the other girl called Astrid, her roommate.

The other girl didn't introduced her deity, simply referring to them as obscure. Before Akari could say anything, Raijin spoke up once more.

"I am loud and deserve to be known."

"Announce me, girl."

Akari obliged and introduced her god.
"I got Raijin, the Japanese god of thunder, lightning, and storms. He's says he's loud and definitely not obscure and wants to be known."
Akari then moved on to her part of the room and began unpacking her things into what felt like designated spots, starting with the bigger items first.
"He also loves drums, as you'll see here."
She said, gesturing wildly to her Taiko game drum along with the TV monitor and the iconic red and blue Nintendo Switch.

The power strips came next.

So which god did you get exactly?

Obscure or not.


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Damien Hyunjae Chwe
Location: Boat to Dorm
Interacting: None (OPEN)
Tags: a z u l a a z u l a
Nervous and Confident
Outfit: XX XX XX

Cerulean sky into teal water. Rusting metal beneath rubbery soles. There was a warm breeze in the air and land was soon to be in sight. Even after the past half week at sea, the host of Vulcan, Roman God of Fire still was unsure of what to expect. Spending much of his time alone on this trip didn't make his anxiety much better. He'd been biting his tongue afraid to say anything to his fellow host passengers in case he completely lost it and accidentally set something ablaze again. If there was one thing Damien was comfortable with was the fact that he was sent here on a boat. He'd never flown before and fire within a plane sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

Basically, being part god was never apart of Damien Chwe's plans. He wished to become a freelance blacksmith, metalworker or carpenter. The Korean never thought any God would ever need a weird guy like him. He wasn't all that strong despite working out and his only skills in life were his engineering, carpentry and smithing skills. Youthful and tall but not a giant and he wasn't knowledgeable about any Gods besides a few major deities. Now he had a voice in his head, that wasn't his own, talking up a storm for the past week. It wasn't particularly fun but better than alone with his thoughts at least.

This was the first time Damien felt lost since he was a child. Not physically. He knew exactly where he was going, Vulcan had been recounting tales of his former host's first time to St. Numen's sporadically throughout the trip. He knew her name and that she was a beautiful kickass queen with fire manipulation. He immediately felt insecure. The only thing he'd done with his powers so far was accidentally set a lecture hall on fire. It was a long story but that's how he first heard Vulcan's voice. He was screamed loudly about how engineering is dull is a silent room. Damien had burst out of his seat and out of shock set his fabric chair on fire. It was unbelievably shocking and it took four seperate people to calm him down enough to tell him that he was most definitely a God's host and a fiery one at that. Since then it was a struggle to balance his emotions and his powers. Fire was dangerous. He'd wished it wasn't such a verocious power but no one chooses what power they get. The experience so far most definitely shook his world up-side down and now he was on the deck of a boat travelling to an island to learn the ways of some Gods he doesn't know much about. Of course he's excited to learn new things but he'd need time to settle in and a way to make friends quickly.

Vulcan finally spoke in his head again after a surprisingly long time quiet, 'Did I tell you already how I was raised by a water nymph?'

This made Damien pull a face in confusion. He thought back, 'What?'

he replied, 'When Jupiter and Juno threw me out as a baby I fell into the water, busted up my leg and was raised by a water nymph called Thestia. She was the best mother I ever had and was the person who encouraged me to forge things for the first time. I made jewellery for her all the time a bit like you do but for yourself. You see we're similar like that.'

Damien had an anxious look across his face, 'Is the reason why you told me that so you could find another way to relate to me because you've pulled too many of those already?'

he exasperated. 'I told you about it to lessen your nerves. The ocean was my friend but I went back to Jupiter and Juno because they wanted me, knowing I was good at something. Of course I know that's not a good thing but the lesson is unfamiliar circumstances can lead toamazing rewards. I became the God of Fire, Metalwork and the Forge because of my skills and people will notice your skills too. You're very likable. I'm sure you won't have a problem with any of the other newbies at the academy.'

The Korean smiled and vocalised an, "Okay." What was he even worrying about. He'd ace his classes, he always does, and he'll meet great people that he'd have something instinctually in common with. He carried himself off the boat with a smile on his face before looking back upon the vast ocean. He got himself checked in, assigned a house like it was Harry Potter, wrote down two preferred jobs (it was good to keep busy), and given his dorm room number and key. The island itself seemed awesome. It was old and fascinating. He could tell the history of even the smallest shops themselves must be immense. Having never travelled outside of America before, this was sure a dream come true. Then it was off to, hopefully, be the first person to unlock his dorm room. He wondered what kind of person would await him. He hoped to not get too overwhelmed by the history he walked past. it. Damien was already very excited and looking forward to starting school for the first time. Sure he'd be understanding entire new cultures and training to become like the badass that came before him but he was a twenty year old man. He unlocked his room and placed his bag down on one of the two beds. What's the worst that could happen?
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( njรถrรฐr )

The boat to St. Numen's was delayed, as it usually goes with these sorts of things.

At a quarter-past-midnight, a large group of tired, confused twenty-year-olds were gathered underneath the floodlights, holding passports and carry-ons while the crew loaded the rest of the cargo. They were short on the headcount and the chaperones rather wait than arrange another trip. He heard they would've gotten the fishing boat.

Rex sighed. He had been in Florida a few times before and it usually treated him well, if only for the regattas against the skilled and well-equipped clubs in the area. He's won some, he lost others, but Rex had never made time for sightseeing. Even now apparently.

They boarded as soon as the stragglers caught up. There couldn't be more than thirty of them, huddled in the dark. Seats you would usually find on a passenger ferry were gone, the insides repurposed into well spaced bunk beds equipped those railing handles in case anyone rolls off.

He picked one near the edge with a small window to peer out of, and spent the bulk of his hours asleep.

Rex later woke up before dawn and watched as the sun rose up from the endless horizon, as if the ferry was trying to outrun it.
Sรณl too is outrunning something, lad.

Must be crowded in that chariot.

A few people had cycled through for some fresh air. One of the boys greeted him, who he learned was host to Tyr after overhearing conversations the night before. Something about the wrist pains in his right hand.

How long could he last without telling anyone that piece of information? Get everyone to play the guessing game. Rex isn't particularly interested or well-versed in mythology but the game isn't about winning. Though, it's probably not mythology if it's real.

Rex hasn't been to church in a while. Wonder if there's one on the island. He wouldn't bet on it.

Keeping secrets is hardly wise, River,
Njord echoed.

It was more like self-preservation, really.

Rex stood above deck with hands tucked into his jacket, wearing his earplugs while empty music played through. It's no use, here especially, when the loud waves are tirelessly crashing against the hull. But he liked the illusion, the tactile sensation. He's been having a hard time making out words from people's voices more than usual.

He's not too eager to blame it on the plus-one voice in his head however. After all, it's a preexisting condition.

Eventually, another figure appeared in Rex's peripheral and he spared them a sheepish glance. They probably wouldn't have chosen to stand so close if not to talk to him. There was plenty of space on deck if someone wanted to avoid the presence of people; that was partly his initial intention.

Rex peered at their face completely now, catching their eyes before he spoke.
"Kinda cold up here,"
he offered, leaving a question hanging in the frigid air.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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the deck of the ferry.
kind of excited but also nervous.
river, aka, rex.
host of iris.
Birdie had never been on any kind of boat before, so her trip to St. Numen's was just another first added to a list of first that had taken place over the past few weeks. Waking up one morning and finding out that she was the host to a Greek Goddess โ€” with no kind of warning โ€” was the quickest way to make her wonder if she'd maybe spent a bit too much time around plant fertiliser.

Since then, after learning more about the goddess she was hosting and finding out that there were several others like her whom she would soon get to meet, Birdie's feelings on the entire situation quickly switched from bewilderment to fascination. She had yet to find her purpose in life, to figure out what she wanted to do for the rest of her days, and while this wasn't exactly an answer, Birdie decided that it could probably be a helpful start. College hadn't been a very exciting experience for her but surely this would be different. Right?

That was the kind of energy Birdie maintained till the day of her departure finally arrived. The ferry was nice, the inside of it kind of cozy, though Birdie hardly stayed in her bunk for too long. Whoever hadn't gone to sleep right away ended up being at the receiving end of her attempts to make conversation and get to know other fellow students. Eventually, exhaustion got the best of her and she napped for a while, only to wake up at the crack of dawn.

Go on, take a look outside. The sky, the ocean... the colours are marvelous.

Iris' voice had more or less been dormant since she'd boarded the ferry, and Birdie suspected that it was to allow her to enjoy the experience without much interruption. She'd quickly come to realise, however, that the goddess could only go so long without speaking up. She could understand that though. She was the same.

Not to mention the fresh air would do you some good, Iris added on, almost as an afterthought.

Few others were up and about, and Birdie decided to listen to the goddess in her head and get a bit of fresh air. She didn't know how much longer it would take before the ferry arrived at their destination but it would be nice to witness it while on the deck. The ocean breeze hit her immediately, and she shoved her hands into the pockets of her jeans as she wandered around, the soles of her feet still sticking out of her sneakers since she just slipped them on instead of taking the time to lace them up properly.

Birdie smiled at those who passed her by, most being people she spoke to a few hours ago. She eventually spotted someone standing alone, someone she hadn't spoken to yet, so she made her way over to stand beside him. He seemed to notice her quickly, and was the one to initiate a conversation while she thought about what to ask. "It is," Birdie agreed with a nod, lifting her hands from her pockets to cross her arms instead. "Although I didn't really know what to expect. Never been on a ferry before," she added, chuckling a bit at herself. Compared to hosting an actual Greek Goddess, going on a ferry sounded like nothing special, but she'd been excited about it all the same.

If you think a ferry ride is exciting, wait till you get to the academy, Iris' voice chimed in.

Birdie merely smiled in response and continued her conversation with the guy she was standing next to. "I'm Birdie, by the way." She untucked an arm and stretched it out toward him in greeting. "Did all of this take you by surprise too?" After a few conversations last night, Birdie had also been introduced to the concept of legacy students, so she was curious as to how many of them there were. "The whole 'hosting a god' thing, I mean."
coded by natasha.

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