St. Matheiu's Hospital


New Member



APPEARANCE: Picture is required. Anime is fine but they must have natural hair and eye colors



Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Any Distinguishing Marks

Body Type:


Likes: 10

Dislikes: 10

Fears: 5

Strengths: 5

Weaknesses: 5


Why are they here?:

How do they feel about being here?:

Anything else you'd like to say?:
Name:Aliele Samson

Age: 18

Gender: Female

APPEARANCE:View attachment 3408

Height: 4'9

Weight: 80 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Purple

Any Distinguishing Marks: her breasts or rather lack there of

Body Type: Pencil

PERSONALITY: Sweet and innocent, rather naive. Her appearance affects how people perceive her which effects how she acts and perceives herself. The treat her like a little kid, she acts like a little kid. People think she's anorexic, she becomes anorexic. People treat her like she's below them, she legitimately believes she is worthless. This is all a part or her please everyone kind of attitude. She's distrusting, borderline, Avoident, Dependent and OCD. She shows a generalized pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and observable emotions, and significant impulsiveness. Core issue is an inability to regulate emotions. She's generally tends to interpret the actions of others as threatening; preoccupied with suspiciousness/paranoia. They are stuck between their need for others and their mistrust of others. She's socially inhibited, feels inadequate, and is oversensitive to criticism. Core issue is an inability to resolve their codependent need for connection with their codependent fear of rejection and/or discomfort/anxiety around others. She shows an extreme need to be taken care of that leads to fears of separation, and passive and clinging behavior. Core issue is the need to be parented by others. She gets depressed easily and is very emotional.


- Being praised

- Being told exactly what to do

- Making people happy

- Being loved

- Cats

- Music

- Writing

- Drawing

- Singing

- Romantic comedies


- Gore

- Stupidity

- Metaphors

- Dogs

- Wild animals

- People saying bad things about her

- Changing habit cause you feel like it

- Narcissists

- Birds

- Text talk


- Everyone hating her

- Dying alone

- Angering people

- Be who she really is

- Praise herself


- If she has reason too she can change easily

- Very tolerant

- Despite what she says she's actually very talented

- She's persistent

- She has a lot of love to give


- Changes too quickly for someone else

- Naive

- Too forgiving

- Too emotional

- Gets emotionally attached too easily


Why are they here?: Clinically depressed, anorexic and suicidal

How do they feel about being here?: She has no real opinion

Anything else you'd like to say?: She can't have kids
Name: Rosalynn Stone

Age: 16

Gender: female


View attachment 3798

Height: 5'1''

Weight: 110

Hair Color: dark brown

Eye Color: greenish/blue

Any Distinguishing Marks: Has cuts on her wrists and stomach

Body Type: slender

PERSONALITY: Rose is extremely angsty and does not like to be bothered most of the time. She really likes being alone and is not very used to having friends or acquaintances. This is usually her fault though because she has a very high wall built around herself and pushes people away. While this is all true she is very manipulative and is very good at getting what she wants. She has a passion for photography and uses it as her escape from the world.




-being alone


-being outside



-horror movies

-horror novels



-crowded rooms

-being stuck inside



-chick flicks





-when people ramble


-small rooms


-the dark

-being buried alive



-adapts easily

-very good at photography

-considers being manipulative a strength





-is not sensitive to others feelings

-has a bad attitude to most things

-easily pissed off



Why are they here?: clinically depressed, cuts herself

How do they feel about being here?: hates it

Anything else you'd like to say?:
Name: Alexander Beal.

Age: 17

Gender: Male.

APPEARANCE: Picture is required. Anime is fine but they must have natural hair and eye colors

View attachment 3805

ight: 5' 9"

Weight: 146 lbs

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Any Distinguishing Marks: The scars that drip down his sides and rest on his shoulder blades

Body Type: Skinny, gangling, slightly toned.

PERSONALITY: Alexander is generally a sweet and caring guy. However, due to his over protective adoptive parents sheltering him from the world, he's incredibly innocent. He came from an incredibly christian household, but constantly questions his faith and curses his birth parents for making him so 'sick'. He does believe that his conditions are hereditary, due to the fact that he's never met his birth parents. He knows that they could be like anything, and be anywhere. He has no real desire to meet them because of their abandonment. He was left in an abandoned cab that his father used to drive in an abandoned lot when he was three. After being in the cab for two days, he was discovered. He stayed in an orphanage until he was six years old and was constantly teased, which lead to his dislike of strangers and children. He was then adopted by his adoptive family that was constantly reported to the police for domestic disturbances, due to his parents loud fighting. His younger sister, Carloine (who was about three years younger than he was), would often wander into his room with her teddy (Which she gave to Alexander when he left), curl up next to him, and drift off to sleep. Because of his bad luck with girls and friends in general, Alexander has developed a poor self image of himself, which sent him into a little pool of depression. Fuel was added to that fire when his adoptive mother passed and his father spent the rest of his days nourishing a drinking problem and pushing around his children. Alexander soon found himself harming his own body in multiple ways, (cutting, burning, etc.) upon asking for help, his father sent him away with the last words they would ever exchange, "I never wanted you". Alexander never truly felt accepted or felt like he belonged and now he's terrified of what the future holds.


- Organization.

- Calligraphy.

- Piano.

- Writing.

- Chivalry.

- Reading.

- Silence.

- Owls.

- His Teddy.

- Nature.


-Large groups of people.

- Loud noises.

- Obnoxious people.

- Disorganization.

- Cabs.

- Trouble makers.

- Needles.

- Bustling streets.

- Children.

- Strangers.Fears.

- Dying alone.

- Needles.

- Cars.

- Being walked all over.

- Small spaces.


-Whiz at the piano.

-One with nature.

-Lots of motivation.


-Charming when he wants something/really needs to be.


- Far too innocent for his own good.

bandonment issues.

-Has trouble expressing himself.

-Trust issues.

-Has trouble believing in himself.


Why are they here?: Self mutilation issues, Depression, and extreme paranoia.

How do they feel about being here?: Incredibly in denial and doesn't feel a need to be there.

Anything else you'd like to say?: ---
Name: Anya Dardanos

Age: 17

Gender: female

APPEARANCE: Picture is required. Anime is fine but they must have natural hair and eye colors

View attachment 3822Height: 5'7

Weight: 120

Hair Color: blonde

Eye Color: blue

Any Distinguishing Marks: very intense eyes; no noticeable scars or tattoos. Pierced ears

Body Type: lanky



manipulating others

observing human behavior

feeling superior

defying authority

heavy metal

acting/putting on a role



horror movies


Dislikes: 10

being told what to do

being treated like a child

feeling that someone thinks she is beneath them

feeling disrespected

feeling out of control


her own emotion or lack of

not getting her way

having people question her




being weak

being controlled

losing her lack of empathy




very intelligent



can be quite charming


Weaknesses: 5

no true concern for others

no true ambition

wastes energy towards others rather than self


ultimately wasting her life


Anya has previously been suspected of being involved in the deaths of three people, though she did not herself kill them, but rather instrumented ways for the deaths to occur without her having to actually lift a finger to murder them. She could be considered dangerous, though she is not physically violent.

Anya comes from a wealthy family who was not abusive but was somewhat distant. Her parents are afraid of her.

Why are they here?:

When Anya was sixteen, left to babysit her toddler brother, she watched as he fell into the pool and drowned, but did nothing to stop his death. Her parents sent her to a hospital, suspecting her part about it, and lied that they were sending her away to deal with her issues of depression and grief as a result of his death. At this hospital Anya stayed for over a year before manipulating a depressed patient to first murder another patient, then to commit suicide. Again Anya's part was suspected in this, and she was sent to St. Matheiu's.

Anya has been diagnosed with a conduct disorder; when she is eighteen, her diagnosis will change to antisocial personality disorder.

How do they feel about being here?: Anya is perfectly fine with being here, because it means that her life will remain interesting, with easy access to troubled people to bother.

Anything else you'd like to say?:

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