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Fantasy St. Lucifer's school of the gifted

So guys where you all from? What do you do? How old are you?

My name is Alan, Im from Mexico, I'm currently a 17 year old highschool student that's currently on summer break c:

Hey I'm gonna make my first post(sorry 4 being late) and I did a liiiiiitle more research into the lamia race and it turns out they're much...bigger statistic wise. I just merely updated the height and weight for Ash if that's ok :3
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Hey I'm gonna make my first post(sorry 4 being late) and I did a liiiiiitle more research into the lamia race and it turns out they're much...bigger statistic wise. I just merely updated the height and weight for Ash if that's ok :3
okie dokie
LilyannaGaming said:
"oh the gem?" Dianna said opening her palm to reveal the shards. "Sorry, i didnt realize. " She said, smiling to keep the mood up. "I can't use my magic with out them. And to release their energy i have to break them." She explained following behind as Opal skipped beside her.
im so sorry i thought i answered back to you hats why i never replied to you
So... I need help here.

I am planning on making two characters (One male/One female) And I have no idea of what race to make them...

I have an idea for the male, maybe a dragon, but for the female I have no heck of an idea.

For the female though, I already have an idea of her personality, but as I said before, no idea of a race.

One thing though, I want her to be scared of my male character (Because of their past... PLUS HE'S A DAMN STALKER AND HE'S FOLLOWING HER AROUND)

They aren't siblings or related by family.
DreamCatcher99 said:
im so sorry i thought i answered back to you hats why i never replied to you
It's fine. Glad to see your using the code.
LyraDark said:
So... I need help here.
I am planning on making two characters (One male/One female) And I have no idea of what race to make them...

I have an idea for the male, maybe a dragon, but for the female I have no heck of an idea.

For the female though, I already have an idea of her personality, but as I said before, no idea of a race.

One thing though, I want her to be scared of my male character (Because of their past... PLUS HE'S A DAMN STALKER AND HE'S FOLLOWING HER AROUND)

They aren't siblings or related by family.
what about a shapeshifter of your choice? or a pixie?
DreamCatcher99 said:
what about a shapeshifter of your choice? or a pixie?
There is no restriction on shape-shifter types? And by shape-shifters you mean werewolves and other things like that?

If so, I was thinking either that or a Kitsune.

For the male, i'm still not set though. I am thinking of making him a dragon, but i'm not sure.
LyraDark said:
There is no restriction on shape-shifter types? And by shape-shifters you mean werewolves and other things like that?
If so, I was thinking either that or a Kitsune.

For the male, i'm still not set though. I am thinking of making him a dragon, but i'm not sure.
No there isnt a restriction to shape shifting, and yeah like werewolves or something like that pr a kitsune is fine
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Thanks, but does anyone know what freaking time it is in the RP...
Late morning. Is my guess.

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