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Fantasy St. Lucifer's school of the gifted

TheOnlyCatbug said:
Um...can she have NO powers. I would've said if she did...but if you insist.
Oh. I didnt know if she did or not. I'm sorry.
SmokedTowers said:
Ah! Sorry if I sounded too confusing. So the gist of it is that his shadow can sometimes take a physical form, usually when he has a very strong emotion. Yes, others can see it. Now my original idea was that Umbra (the shadow in it's physical form) was going to be sort of a very exaggerated and sometimes downright nasty version of himself, but I'm kind of new to this whole roleplay thing and I don't know if that would be against some rule or something? So right now it's just a mute form of attack. The shadow has two big white eyes and a huge smile at all times.
No, i never heard of a rule aganist such thing. that should be fine. Just put it your post so others can know. if you dont mind.
[QUOTE="River Vermillion]Is a witch considered a monster?

It did not have to be a monster really.
no slide

Name: Aran Eric King

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Description: 189cm, 68kg

Sexuality: Bisexual

Stereotype: The artist/The typical good guy

Year in school: 1st

Power: Teleportation


Aran tends to socialize a lot. He doesn't make a lot of close friends he could fully trust, but simply a bunch of connections and people he could hang out with. Aran's friendly and nice, always helping people out. He's simple, doesn't like complexity, but also neat and adventurous. The only time he's ever rude or mean, is when someone is like that to him.


One of Aran's favorite things to do is sing. He owns a guitar

that he plays whenever he has free time. He's also quite passionate about writing lyrics.
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Name: April Shards



Race: Witch

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):172cm, 54kg



Personality: April makes really lame jokes but she laughs a lot. She's very hyper at the most random moments and when she is she acts very cheerful and cute. She can't stay mad at anyone for long because it tires her out. She always tries to be nice to everyone but she can be sarcastic for the fun of it. She's a bit volatile but she stays docile in class, especially in front of her teachers who see her as one of the well-behaved and quiet students in class though they know about her outgoing side outside of class.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Stereotype: Outgoing nerd who everyone likes

Year in school:Sophomore

Bio: April's been raised almost the same way as normal humans except for the part about learning magic. She's never used her magic with ill intentions because she was raised well by her parents who have instilled morals in her but she has made use of her abilities to make a her life a lot more convenient and simple. And slightly more interesting with spells for almost anything and everything in her spell books. She thought that she could go on living like a normal girl (with magic) together with the humans but an incident where the existence of the paranormal was revealed in her school made her parents transfer her to St Lucifer's School in fear of being outed as witches. Apart from missing her friends, she's been quite happy with her new school so negative feelings on her part. Just good old school.

Any other important details: She's somewhat of a nerd and is obsessed with books and anime with her bouts of crazy fangirling directed to them. And nobody.Nobody. Damages her books. Ever.

(I'm sorry, this is kind of my first time roleplaying so please tell me if there's anything wrong. Thank you.)
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LilyannaGaming said:
Hello there. I understand it would be hard to find such pictures, but im sure you should be fine ;~; \. but for the sake of others could you please specify the powers you have? i mean im not Gm or anything, but it makes things easier for those with powers for everyone to know. So theres no random " SHe conjured a fire ball and the later "She shot a bolt at lighting at the boy"
Ahh Vamps. Could you specify any inhacement's your race has? Such as agility or speed?

It looks good to me. Wait until the GM accepts you. Though when you say 'demon' would you specify it? is it a mental form? Can others see it? How does it act? simple description.
Well, there's the two that you already named, speed and agility. Also, there's enhanced strength, senses and consumption healing. Meaning when they drink blood, any wounds they heal.
TheOnlyCatbug said:


Ashley Ven





Race of monster:


Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):





Usually goes as high as 5'2, but the full body length is approximately 15 feet.


About 230 lbs


Um...teenage girl...Yeahhhhh. Usually wanting to attack you instead of talking it out, likes being in power. She never hurts her friends though, in fact she's really nice if you get to know her better.




That one edgy girl.

Year in school:

First year

Bio: Well her life in school wasn't easy, with her race being one of the most hated out there. She didn't do all that well gradewise and almost didn't make it to the high school. Not much else is known about her past other than a caring mother. She found the high school as "the only place safe for her" even though that might not be true.

Any other important details: Yeah I couldn't find any more realistic lamia pictures(Hmm I wonder why). Well at least it isn't a description with 7 essays describing everything.

And props to you if you know who the girl really is.

I enjoy you're character but like @LilyannaGaming said is there anyway you can explain if she has powers? i understand the picture part because my faerie character is meant to be either blue, lavender, green, or a very pale pearl white and i couldn't find anything is there anyway you can may just find a picture of what her face is meant to look like? I understandthat that is difficult
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[QUOTE="River Vermillion]Name: April Shards


Race: Witch

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):172cm, 54kg



Personality: April makes really lame jokes but she laughs a lot. She's very hyper at the most random moments and when she is she acts very cheerful and cute. She can't stay mad at anyone for long because it tires her out. She always tries to be nice to everyone but she can be sarcastic for the fun of it. She's a bit volatile but she stays docile in class, especially in front of her teachers who see her as one of the well-behaved and quiet students in class though they know about her outgoing side outside of class.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Stereotype: Outgoing nerd who everyone likes

Year in school:Sophomore

Bio: April's been raised almost the same way as normal humans except for the part about learning magic. She's never used her magic with ill intentions because she was raised well by her parents who have instilled morals in her but she has made use of her abilities to make a her life a lot more convenient and simple. And slightly more interesting with spells for almost anything and everything in her spell books. She thought that she could go on living like a normal girl (with magic) together with the humans but an incident where the existence of the paranormal was revealed in her school made her parents transfer her to St Lucifer's School in fear of being outed as witches. Apart from missing her friends, she's been quite happy with her new school so negative feelings on her part. Just good old school.

Any other important details: She's somewhat of a nerd and is obsessed with books and anime with her bouts of crazy fangirling directed to them. And nobody.Nobody. Damages her books. Ever.

(I'm sorry, this is kind of my first time roleplaying so please tell me if there's anything wrong. Thank you.)

SM Town unite! :D
[QUOTE="River Vermillion]Name: April Shards


Race: Witch

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):172cm, 54kg



Personality: April makes really lame jokes but she laughs a lot. She's very hyper at the most random moments and when she is she acts very cheerful and cute. She can't stay mad at anyone for long because it tires her out. She always tries to be nice to everyone but she can be sarcastic for the fun of it. She's a bit volatile but she stays docile in class, especially in front of her teachers who see her as one of the well-behaved and quiet students in class though they know about her outgoing side outside of class.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Stereotype: Outgoing nerd who everyone likes

Year in school:Sophomore

Bio: April's been raised almost the same way as normal humans except for the part about learning magic. She's never used her magic with ill intentions because she was raised well by her parents who have instilled morals in her but she has made use of her abilities to make a her life a lot more convenient and simple. And slightly more interesting with spells for almost anything and everything in her spell books. She thought that she could go on living like a normal girl (with magic) together with the humans but an incident where the existence of the paranormal was revealed in her school made her parents transfer her to St Lucifer's School in fear of being outed as witches. Apart from missing her friends, she's been quite happy with her new school so negative feelings on her part. Just good old school.

Any other important details: She's somewhat of a nerd and is obsessed with books and anime with her bouts of crazy fangirling directed to them. And nobody.Nobody. Damages her books. Ever.

(I'm sorry, this is kind of my first time roleplaying so please tell me if there's anything wrong. Thank you.)

Accepted you're doing great good job
SivOmega said:
Aran was born in a completely normal, average human family. He had two older sisters and a dog named Woofy. Ever since he was little he kept going missing. That freaked his mother out a lot, since you couldn't really find Aran in the most usual places. Even though he was only around three years old, you could find him stuck on the roof of a skyscraper. How he got there, was a mystery on it's own. Missings like this became more frequent as he grew older. He'd get home arrested practically every other day. Not only that, but his mother blamed him for running away. In reality, Aran couldn't control his jumps yet. Over time, he started to get a hang of it. Soon he could jump whenever and whereever he wanted to. He tried to explain to his mother that he had this ability. His mother didn't belive him and thought he had a mental illness. That led to Aran being sent to a psychiologist. Of course Aran had no plan of going there. He just ran away from home, worked some low-pay jobs, got a cheap apartment and decided it's time for him to get an education. The only place he thought he could possibly fit into was this St. Lucifer's school, so there he went.


Name: Aran Eric King

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Description: 189cm, 68kg

Sexuality: Bisexual

Stereotype: The artist/The typical good guy

Year in school: 1st

Power: Teleportation


Aran tends to socialize a lot. He doesn't make a lot of close friends he could fully trust, but simply a bunch of connections and people he could hang out with. Aran's friendly and nice, always helping people out. He's simple, doesn't like complexity, but also neat and adventurous. The only time he's ever rude or mean, is when someone is like that to him.


One of Aran's favorite things to do is sing. He owns a guitar

that he plays whenever he has free time. He's also quite passionate about writing lyrics.
Hell0NHighWater said:
My character is a witch as well :3
The thing that brought me to this idea a while ago when i made my first roleplay like this was an anime and it did have a witch, they downed her though because she was half human half monster but i think it would be.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Um...can she have NO powers. I would've said if she did...but if you insist.
She doesn't have to have powers I'm sorry I'm trying to read everything but I'm going backwards so its extremely hard so if i say one thing then another its because i haven't been able to read that part yet cause it hasn't loaded on my computer
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SmokedTowers said:
Name: Dave Crooked

Gender: Male

Race of monster: Half Human, Half Shadow

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well): 5"11, 154 lbs.

Personality: Pretty cheerful, usually is the first one to talk to you when you're the new kid around. Although still haunted by his past, he tries to make the best out of life, and give everyone the happiness he just can't fully grasp. Is usually pretty nice but with a big mouth, which may cause altercates with his friends given he takes mostly everything as a joke.

Sexuality: Heterosexual, but can appreciate every person's attractiveness.

Stereotype: Sarcastic witty character

Year in school: Sophomore

Bio: Dave was a normal kid, a happy guy who went on his business while trying to be nice to everyone. Everything changed when, during a party he agreed to be part of a dark ritual, which took a wrong turn and caused his inner demons to take a physical form and him blacking out. When he woke up in a pool of the guest's blood, he knew he had to escape this city and leave everything behind.

Trailing around the world, he was drawn into the school, where maybe he would be able to put "Umbra" to good use, and control it's murderous intent.

Any other important details: He's followed around by his shadow "Umbra", which given the situation can bring out the worst in him, coming as far as to him randomly wanting to see his friend's insides, it is also his main form of attack.

He won't show his face until he feels he's redeemed himself for Umbra's senseless murders at the party way back then.

Personality: Kuro is generally a composed person, though he can be very protective of his friends. He sports a scary aura that makes most of the students wary of him. Kuro can also glare in a way that even toughest of students call scary. Being the genius he is, he doesn't see the point in doing work or paying attention, and is often seen in detention for telling the teacher just that. However, his innate nature is to others, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance. And even though he seems like a cold person, he is a big softy at heart. Kuro even resorts to eating tablets and sucking the red out of things so that he doesn't have drink blood. Despite his efforts, Kuro can't resist his urges to suck blood all of the time.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Stereotype: Bad Boy

Year in school: Senior

Bio: Kuro comes from a family of really strong vampires. His family is arguably the strongest family of vampires out there. Because of this, Kuro's parents always forced him into being the perfect vampire. He had to always be at the top his class, he had to do extra homework and training to be a proper vampire. Kuro's parents shaped him to be the best vampire to ever live, but there was one thing that was stopping him. He wouldn't drink blood unless he was being starved or his urges to suck blood became to much for him. Kuro's parents were ashamed of him for that. And when it was time for him to prove that he was the best vampire, he wouldn't suck blood so his mom sent him off to the school so that his dad didn't have to see his disappointment of a son anymore.

Any other important details: Kuro's eyes turn blood red when he succumbs to his urges to suck blood.
Accepted I'm so happy that there is another senior so I'm not the only one
i think that's everyone and if anyone else would like to join you're welcome to, but id say we are ready to start. I may not always be able to post because i have work and such but ill always try my hardest to post before and after my shift and during my break.
[QUOTE="Red Reaper]Should Kuro also be helping out for the orientation?

I'd say he could considering he's a Senior. But I think it's an 'up to you' type of thing. But, I'm not the GM so I can't give you a for certain answer :)
DreamCatcher99 said:
I enjoy you're character but like @LilyannaGaming said is there anyway you can explain if she has powers? i understand the picture part because my faerie character is meant to be either blue, lavender, green, or a very pale pearl white and i couldn't find anything is there anyway you can may just find a picture of what her face is meant to look like? I understandthat that is difficult
Alright I edited the CS a little bit with a faceclaim(or w/e tf you call it) and extra important details at the bottom. :3
TheOnlyCatbug said:


Ashley Ven





Race of monster:


Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):






Usually goes as high as 5'2, but the full body length is approximately 15 feet.


About 230 lbs


Um...teenage girl...Yeahhhhh. Usually wanting to attack you instead of talking it out, likes being in power. She never hurts her friends though, in fact she's really nice if you get to know her better.




That one edgy girl.

Year in school:

First year

Bio: Well her life in school wasn't easy, with her race being one of the most hated out there. She didn't do all that well gradewise and almost didn't make it to the high school. Not much else is known about her past other than a caring mother. She found the high school as "the only place safe for her" even though that might not be true.

Any other important details: Yeah I couldn't find any more realistic lamia pictures(Hmm I wonder why). Well at least it isn't a description with 7 essays describing everything. She doesn't have any powers other than what she can do with her body(Half snake).

And props to you if you know who the girl really is.

Accepted thank you very much
Is this RP still open? This one seems like its booming and I'm looking for an RP that's up and running. I might as well select this one then. But if this RP is closed then my luck is pretty much screwed 'cause I was hoping to be here.

Just curious, can I be a genuine human character here that has a history of dealing with the supernatural? I think it will give out more variety to the story, and I also think that not every character has to be a monster too. It's an odd request since I am asking you to deviate from the norm of this RP, but I feel compelled to ask this anyway because of my desire to insert a human character here.

The human character in question will be one of those survivalist types that are always on edge because every student in this school are those monsters that he was taught to fear. He won't go out in a killing spree I'll assure you, that's because he's likely to have his guts, balls, and brains torn out of his flesh the second he makes a move. Now, he won't be the loner, he's a fairly sociable character, but interactions with him will be awkward because he's nervous being around a monster.

Why was the human in question sent to the school? His family decided to send one person to the place to learn more about the monsters. It is his mission to try to understand what makes these monsters tick, and he'll often have a diary to record his observations of these monsters.

So why would the school officials let in a human? They wouldn't if they knew he was! This human of ours has to disguise himself as a monster first, a human type of monster though. To resolve this situation, he pretends to be a wizard that can do magic. The problem is that he can't do any magic of his own, so he relies on magical objects to do the work for him. These magical objects can only do a specific type of thing such as make him invisible or burn someone with a firebolt.

The magical objects are artifacts from monster hunts that were taken from their owners, and they are powerful enough to grant human beings a fighting chance against monsters. Our human will have lots of these, because without them, he'll be defeated easily. Just be sure to inform me if I go overboard with these and make my character too overpowered so I'll rectify it immediately. I'll try my best to make a fair and well-rounded character.

If you decline, that's fine because I can come up with a ghost character instead. He'll haunt the school grounds, cross through walls, stay up late at night, and delight in plotting and initiating mischievous acts. The only true downside of being a ghost is that he can't touch physical objects.

By the way, I'm new to roleplaying, so please point out any mistakes that I make. I am willing to admit the faults I commit and correct it once I see it. I have to compensate my lack of experience with a desire to improve.
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