St. George's Academy for the Gifted


One Thousand Club
ActionPony submitted a new role play. @ActionPony, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Abilities are covered in the Rules section. If you have read the rules, post 'Read the Rules' at the end of your entry, or edit it in if it's already there.

Character Sheet:


Appearance: (Picture Preferred)

Differences from Picture (If applicable)


Ability (ordinary human, ectomancer, auran, diviner):





Name: Ariana "Ari" Brown


Difference from picture: Her eyes are a very bright shade of green.

Personality: Ari is shy and gets frightened when faced with new things. She feels most comfortable with ghosts, who she has been able to see since she was little. She's quite nice and generous, and a neat freak. She has to keep things organized, and unorganized things sometimes distract her from battle. She sometimes shows a playful side.

Ability: Ectomancer

History: Ari grew up in a middle-class business family. Both her father and her mother worked, and she didn't see much of them. She had an older brother, but he was a bit of a delinquent and out often. In her alone time, Ari met a few ghosts, and discovered her talent of interacting with them. Ghosts were most of her company until she got the invitation to St. George's. Her parents were happy to send her there, due to the prestige of the Academy.

Likes: Order, quiet, ghosts, embroidery

Dislikes: Chaos, loud noise, injustice, scary things
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Name: Jason Wright Summers

Appearance: (Picture Preferred)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-5_19-4-46.png.63454fe8fe93489e64b556b0006beda3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-5_19-4-46.png.63454fe8fe93489e64b556b0006beda3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Differences from Picture:he usually doesnt wear head phones, and he has more bracelets, he also always has an orangle lollipop in his mouth or hands. :P

Personality: flirty, funny, bubbly, but he gets serious when needed.

Ability (ordinary human, ectomancer, auran, diviner): is it ok if he is a mundumancer? kind of an elemental controller? if not, can he just be a photographic memory atheltic kid who is fast, yet weak, ordinary human style?

History: jason doesnt like talking about it (but it is tragic, and he will reveal it in the rp if the situation arises)

Likes: orange flavored candies, flowers, nature, bein' flirty ;P

Dislikes:industrialism, war, belligerent people. 



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Name: Lilith Reinhard



Differences from Picture: Would rather be seen in grey shorts, long black socks, and a black lined royal blue dress shirt with dress shoes.

Personality: Not very shy, she is hard working, joking and a comfortable person to be around should she be in a good mood. When not in a good mood, she is calculating, precise, cruel and brilliant. Her intelligence and strategic abilities far out way her impaired vision and small size. She likes to mess with people like Ari though, and seems to tease just a bit too much, making it difficult for anyone to believe she would ever be a valuable person to ork with or even a member of her all so serious seeming and highly ranked family of Aurans. She refuses to admit out loud she may be a weak link, but her true dedication to practice is physical evidence of her believed inadequacy.

Ability (ordinary human, ectomancer, auran, diviner): Auran

History: Lilith was born among the prestigious and well respected family of Reinhard. Born into fairly large clan of hunters and being the first child in a long while, Expectations were held high. Still she was protected and made to train in safety to keep the steady growth of such clan without losing a member of the diminishing population. As expected, the childs personality and inexperience was more than frustrating to deal with for the elder members and her lack of prodigal traits did not help. Sure she was talented for her age, but not the wise person in a kids body type they had expected. She was still cared for, and taught none the less. Born with weakening eyesight, they always kept the possibility of losing her as a true member in mind.

During the week of her eighth birthday, a group left for a mission of sorts in a case of ridding a town of a witch hunt and distinguishing the evil creatures from the good and from the humans, something Aurans would naturally excel at. Being brought along but kept from the action, Lilith became irritated and cocky with her abilities. She saw with ease who the towns people were trying to weed out when left alone in "safety" and went after him. Fighting skills good but not that rivaling the disguised evil, she was captured and held captive. She was saved by her family, but lost her eye before they got there. Since then, she had begun pushing herself and promising there would always be somebody stronger. The elder members were pleased with her drive and it got her to the school she goes to now.

Likes: Having fun, sparring, pranking, training, making friends, the "old grump" elders

Dislikes: Tension, losing, letting someone get hurt, work, having to clean, possibly losing the vision of the only eye she has (She it scared of losing what makes her a Reinhard and is training to manage when it happens.), the "old grump" elders.
Name: Tanya

Appearance: (Down below)

Differences from Picture: None

Personality: Tanya has a very bold personality and a very peculiar curiosity. While she isn't very social, she doesn't mind being around others and is very caring. She is a quick thinker and very intuitive. Tanya is a nocturnal creature.

Ability: Half Human half Raccoon. Her smell and hearing senses are quite keen and her night vision is impeccable.

History: Having been created by a young foolish wizard, Tanya doesn't remember much before her escape. After she left the young wizard's cabin, she's been on the streets scavenging through the trash of others. Being part raccoon, this is almost second nature to her, but it is still unpleasant to live off of other's left overs. She hopes that by coming to this academy her life will change for the better.


  • Food
  • Shiny Stuff
  • Puzzles
  • Flowers
  • The Dark


  • Bright lights
  • Loud sounds
  • Dark Magik
  • Needles
  • Tomatoes

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Name: Yumi Tsunasa

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/valerie_by_arieaesu-d5dqh44.jpg.ad2ae60854b2fdb75240dbc5592233c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/valerie_by_arieaesu-d5dqh44.jpg.ad2ae60854b2fdb75240dbc5592233c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Differences from Picture (If applicable): (...)

Personality: Kind and gentle, however crowds make her dizzy. Yumi does not trust people easily, and prefers to be alone in a quite area. Her solitude however, creates illusions and misguided opinions. Despite her preference of occasional solitude, she is still a friendly person, who loves everything around her.

Ability: Diviner


At age six Yumi suddenly lost her vision, the cause was unknown. A year later her family tragically died in a fire started by an undercover maid who was hired to kill Yumi and her family. With the death of her parents, she cried until she was sure her heart would shatter. Yumi was taken in by her step-brother's biological parents who treated her kindly and regarded her as their own daughter. She was tutored by the best and quickly surpassed knowledge of her own tutors which shocked them because of the absence of vision, however Yumi had a secret-- she could still see everything, perfectly. Yumi had a unique sense to feel and sense the world around, however she knew the source of her vision was not her own two eyes. Ten years later on Yumi's seventh birthday she decided to part ways with her step-family, and traveled to find the answer to two questions, one: who was the person who wanted her dead and two: Where did her ability to see originate? Within a years time her travels produced the answers to both her questions, though in vague detail. She hunted down the undercover maid who set fire to her home, through seemingly innocent questions Yumi found that she was hired by a supernatural creature who promised her immortality. Yumi also found that the source of her vision was from a sprite in another dimension who could predict the future, however because of the time-space convergence between Yumi and the sprite's dimensions the future foretold by the fairy is Yumi's real time vision. Though by accident Yumi had also found that she could foretell the future in her dimension's time, however causing faint loss of her vision, overuse of her fortune-telling abilities and Yumi may truly lose sight of the world around her.

Likes:Occasional solitude, still life, silence, a warm smile.

Dislikes: Cold temperatures (cold-intolerant), crowds, excess noise. 



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Name: Bente Aria Hill

Gender: Female

Age: Twenty-one


Differences from Picture: The white triangle is only there when she meditates; she paints it there. Her earrings are also black studs instead of plugs.

Personality: Not entirely antisocial, but (almost overly) mature. She's a no-nonsense girl, quick to reprimand other hunters for being too relaxed about something. Although she won't take the leadership role immediately, should another screw up (in her mind) she will correct them until she somehow ends up in charge.

Ability: Ordinary human

History: Bente was born into an upper-middle class family, her father a neurosurgeon and her mother a CEO. Little did she know that her cousins, who visited often, were both ectomancers. She found them odd, discovering them in empty rooms talking to thin air. Shortly after her fifteenth birthday her cousins were killed in a tragic accident during the hunting season that involved a very drunk man and pheasant costumes.

When she turned eighteen she was nearly kidnapped by a distant family member who was going to use her to get ransom from her parents. This, instead of traumatizing her, caused her to become much more aware of the world she lived in. Bente began to train in private, exercizing and going to the gym to increase her muscle mass so she could defend herself should the need arise.

The need did arise, in fact. During the spring of her twentieth birthday a diviner, caught up in a vision of the future, attacked her with a knife. Bente swiftly countered and disarmed the man, the knife skidding away and the young woman pointing a Glock at him. Her level-headedness and reaction time drew attention from the Academy, and she was invited to attend there. Naturally the Hill family was thrilled, their daughter going to get an education, and Bente accepted immediately.

Likes: Fighting, considered a 'hawk' (one who supports war as opposed to a 'dove', one who doesn't), having others around as company without speaking to them, studying, learning about the supernatural and combat strategies, analyzing her combat skills, meditating.

Dislikes: Stress, people who don't know what they're talking about, finding weakness in her strategies and being unable to correct them (especially in the heat of battle), surprises.

Read the rules.
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Name: Alixhander Gamble "Alix"


Differences from Picture (If applicable) N/A

Personality: Bubbly, eccentric, flamboyant, and outgoing

Ability : Human

History: On his seventeenth birthday, Alix decided to come out about being gay. His parents, being Christians, didn't take it so well. Their response was to send him to a boot camp and "fix him". At that boot camp, Alix realized that he had a hidden talent he hadn't noticed until then. He could bend and contort into crazy shapes that seemed impossible. His flexibility soon thereafter caught people's attention and word got around until St. George's sent him a request to join their school. Seeing this as an opportunity to get away from his parents, Alix agreed to it. However...he didn't realize he would be in training to become a hunter... He wondered how his demon friend would react if he found out...

Likes: Men, music, fashion, the color purple(if you couldn't tell lol), and animals

Dislikes: Pop idols, spicy foods, and anything slimy

Read the Rules
Name: Michael Nickson

Appearance: (Picture Preferred)

Personality: Quiet and reserved, doesn't feel right speaking unless spoken to, and is exceptionally good at following orders. Despite his past and his disability, he's actually really sweet and kind if you get to know him, as at first he might come off as antisocial or rude for not talking much. He was also born with his left leg crippled...(it's not rly personality but there wasn't an 'Other' section so yeah =/ its cool)

Ability (ordinary human, ectomancer, auran, diviner): Auran

History: Raised by his mother for a short time, after his father left at his birth, though she died of cancer when he was barely 8, leaving him to his strict uncle and aunt on his father's side (his mother was an only child), who, most of the time, ignored him and only talked to him when they told him to do the chores, which eventually made him into their servant (basically...really cheesy and Cinderella-y but idc =P).

Likes: Kind people, the sky, plants (like trees and flowers and stuff), warmth (especially a nice warm fire), horses, and the color blue

Dislikes: Cold, dark rooms, being alone, being hurt, mean people, and wild dogs

Read the rules

Rules Read

Minevra (Mini)

Appearance: (Picture Preferred) Below

Differences from Picture (If applicable) No sword.

Personality: Most of the time she comes off as mean and is known for having a cold heart, which is almost always true if you aren't already her friend. If she's not training her hardest, she's attempting to find a way to get a hunting mission and prove to everyone that's strong. She likes to spend her "free time" sitting around busy areas and "people watch" with her spirits that are constantly around her or play a friendly game of cards with them.

Ability (ordinary human, ectomancer, auran, diviner): Ectomancer

History: Minevra came from a normal family (so she thought), her mom died while giving birth to Minevra, but from the time she was five she always saw her mom and was able to talk to her, her dad had the same powers as her and accepted the fact that his daughter was also cursed with this gift. Sometimes, late at night, her and her father would play a game of cards with her mother, these nights would always stay a favorite in her memory. Her father always told Minvera to keep her special power a secret from people, but she just couldn't keep this amazing secret to herself, and why should she? All these spirits were talking to her trying to get them to speak to thei r loved ones. So, one day, being so tired of the constant nagging, she went up to someone and told them, this person, acted calm and slowly left (little did she know, this person was a supernatural creature in disguise). Later that day when Minevra came home, her house was ransacked and her father was missing. Minevra has never seen or heard from her father's spirit, or her mothers. She's now on a life mission to find the monster that killed her father and avenge him.

Likes: Playing cards, Training, Reading 'Hunter's Weekly' magazine

Dislikes: Fire, Bad card players, loud people, Sweet foods.


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Name: Laika Kareen

Appearance: (Picture Preferred)

Differences from Picture (If applicable) Her eyes are a bright green colour, and she dresses more modern and casual than in the picture. She's very small at only 5"

Personality: Laika is strong willed and reckless, but physically weak. She isn't very secure in herself, but manages to hide it well under a self-confident arrogant bluster. She can be flirty and outgoing but finds that she often has to be on her own for a while afterwards to make up for it. She is very curious and always eager to learn. She has a natural distrust of anyone in a place of authority, and she doesn't trust people readily, although she gets along well with almost everyone, she absolutely despises her brother, Fenri.

Ability (ordinary human, ectomancer, auran, diviner): Ectomancer

History: 5 years ago, at age 10, Laika first discovered her ectomancy powers. She knew she had them obviously, but never realised that the people she saw and her "imaginary friends" were actually ghosts. She'd spoken to a certain ghost who had explained who and what they were, but never saw him again after that. Life carried on as normal for a while, until she decided to trust her twin brother Fenri with her secret. He told their parents out of concern, who sent her off to be tested. At the time, she wasn't worried, but in the test, a particularly nasty poltergeist took it upon himself to haunt her, throwing things at her and swooping at her. Being only 10, she was terrified, and because they were ghosts, the examiner couldn't see them, and so thought that she was having hallucinatory episodes. Bad went to worse and this poltergeist continued to haunt her until at 12 she was put into a mental asylum, where she was in solitary confinement most of the time. The poltergeist considered his job done and finally left her alone. Laika blamed her brother for the whole thing. She reasoned that if he hadn't mentioned anything the poltergeist wouldn't have found her in the psychiatrists office and wouldn't have haunted her, and wouldn't have thrown her into an asylum. He tried to visit her, once with her family and once without, and each time she refused to see any of them. She finally got out of the asylum 3 years later when the school approached the man in charge of the asylum and claimed responsibility for her. For some reason they agreed, and Laika was discharged to attend the school.

Likes: Chocolate, the colour white, solitude, flowers and plants, animals,

Dislikes: Fenri, arguing, poltergeists, sleep, manipulation, medication

(Can I have two characters? The other will be Laika's brother. Read the rules) 
Name: Fenri Kareen

Appearance: (Picture Preferred)

Differences from Picture (If applicable) Not much difference, he's a little bit more filled out though.

Personality: Fenri is a quite, sullen guy, who always seems to be brooding on something. He doesn't trust people readily and is always looking for meaning behind things and for hidden loopholes. He doesn't like approaching people and will almost never start a conversation, unless the situation calls for it. He has no hobbies, and no kind of past time except for his training, which he uses to forget his past.

Ability (ordinary human, ectomancer, auran, diviner): Ordinary human - extraordinary fighter.

History: For whatever reason though, he feels duty bound to follow and protect his sister, even though he blames himself for er incarceration at the mental asylum. He jumped at the opportunity to join the academy, although he feels no real ties towards the academy. His appearance has changed since the scrawny pale boy that his sister knew, and she now no longer recognises him. He started training soon after Laika left, and discovered that he had an affinity with weapons, and feels comfortable using nearly every weapon without extensive training. Laika doesn't know that the boy who practices so much in the weapons area is her brother, and he is quite content to let it stay that way, watching from afar.

Likes: Fighting, training,

Dislikes: Socialising, lying,

Name: Kara Silverbones


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/nidy-2d-anime-girl.jpg.164e752628450bc055670c2fc533f825.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/nidy-2d-anime-girl.jpg.164e752628450bc055670c2fc533f825.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Differences from Picture (If applicable) A little more muscle, has multi colored highlights on the edges of her hair


Kara is an obsessive observer and likes to keep track of everything, leading her to constantly be moving and tabulating. While she is a detail oriented person she is not ocd about it, rather she prefers to figure out the sequence of events that led to the problem and solve it from there,. in conversation she’s sly and sharp of tongue but usually treats everyone with respect. However, she is a focused and intense person and hates obstacles and interruptions, and those who get in her way are often disparaged or worse.


aura tracker


Kara was born to two cops and her upbringing shows it. She was practically raised in a police precinct and the people therein, leading to two things. First, she considers herself to have a big family and is used to having a huge social network. But More importantly, she learned crime scenes. She saw her first crime scene at the tender age of 7 and (after throwing up) and quickly solved the crime, to the shock of her parents. It was then she noticed the so called “Footprint auras” which let her track the suspect and victims path. that and her attention to detail led her to become almost the unofficial consultant to her home. And when she was 14 and dreading going to a normal highschool, she accepted the invitation to Saint. Georges, hoping to further hone her ability



-Forensic science

-Crappy TV police dramas (She laughs at them)

- Hayao Miyazaki

-Knowing her surroundings



-spicy food

-Soap operas




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Name: Arthur Davidson



Personality: Headstrong and foolish, but loyal, kind and tough

Ability: Auran

History: Raised by travelers in Scotland, Arthur has a wide knowledge of flora and fauna, survival and people, but little else besides. He is the second of four children, and the only boy. At 19, he busks with his father to earn money for his family.

Likes: Singing, the outdoors, cooked fish, whittling

Dislikes: Being made to feel stupid, crowds, large dogs
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Name: Emily Power


Differences from the picture: She has a nose peircing and her eyes are red

Personality: Emily dosent like to follow the rules. She likes to sneak out after curefew to enjoy nightime. She dosent like to socialize a lot and she dosent want any friends. She enjoys being alone and is not afraid to speak up. She likes to write a lot and reads a lot of books. She likes to be prepared in case of an attack. She can cause some trouble from time to time but is hard to get her in detention. She likes punk music and heavy metal. She dosent trust anyone because she is afraid to get hurt. She dosent care what people think about her.

Ability: Who knows

History: For years, Emily kept her ability a secret. Thinking people would freak out and try to kill her or something. She grew fond of her best friend at age 12. She told him her secret and she showed it to him. He promised to not tell anyone but the other day at school. Everyone was afraid to come near her or to talk to her. A couple of girls started to bother her, she didnt care about those girls trying to bully her but she soon found out that her best friend told the whole school about her ability. Overun with anger, without wanting to, she tried to hurt him to make him pay. The kid ended up with a broken arm and a broken nose. Her family sent her to care, they gave her away. Her only company in the foster homes was herself. The years passed and Emily was now able to control her powers and make things at will.At the age of 16, the school sent a letter inviting her to join the school. She was very exited but she knew how to do things now.

Likes: Music, reading,writing

Destikes: people who lie
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EmilyPower said:
Name: Emily Power

Differences from the picture: She has a nose peircing and her eyes are red

Personality: Emily dosent like to follow the rules. She likes to sneak out after curefew to enjoy nightime. She dosent like to socialize a lot and she dosent want any friends. She enjoys being alone and is not afraid to speak up. She likes to write a lot and reads a lot of books. She likes to be prepared in case of an attack. She can cause some trouble from time to time but is hard to get her in detention. She likes punk music and heavy metal. She dosent trust anyone because she is afraid to get hurt. She dosent care what people think about her.

Ability: Ectomancer

History: For years, Emily kept her ability a secret. Thinking people would freak out and try to kill her or something. She grew fond of her best friend at age 12. She told him her secret and she showed it to him. He promised to not tell anyone but the other day at school. Everyone was afraid to come near her or to talk to her. A couple of girls started to bother her, she didnt care about those girls trying to bully her but she soon found out that her best friend told the whole school about her ability. Overun with anger, without wanting to, she sent a ghost to make him pay. The kid ended up with a broken arm and a broken nose. Her family sent her to care, they gave her away. Her only company in the foster homes were the ghost she talked to. The years passed and Emily was now able to move things with her mind, summon a ghost and read thoughts. At the age of 16, the school sent a letter inviting her to join the school. She was very exited but she knew how to do things now. Before she went she summoned the ghost and said: "Remember, do not trust anyone". After those words, she left.

Likes: Music, reading,writing

Destikes: people who lie
Accepted, but I thought I should let you know, your picture isn't working.
Name:Florance Cinder


Differences from Picture: She wears bright green boots and a grey t-shirt that reads "Dollhouse"

Personality: Seems distant, friendly, kind, a bit out there, keeps to herself

Ability (ordinary human, ectomancer, auran, diviner): Ectomancer

History: She moved into an old house at age three. It was the scene of a mass murder. 15 girls kidnapped and killed, the best part was it was in her room where six girls were brutally killed. Small yet creepy events happened for 3 years until at age six it got far worse. In the middle of the night she began to choke, struggling for breath, she tried to get up but was being held back. She knocked over a lamp which woke her father. As soon as he entered the room she was able to breath again. After strange cuts could appear on her arms and face. She was being pushed down steps by no one and her room was always being trashed. One day at age 12 she went to get a glass of water and saw a young girl at the bottom of her steps. She raced after her into the kitchen where she was 14 other girls. She soon put it together and realized it was the poor girls who were murdered. They warned her to leave for the killer's spirit was still in the house and had tried to kill her numerous times. She told her father but he didn't believe her. But she soon convinced him and they left but she still kept her skills now seeing spirits all over town. As soon as she was offered to come to the school she accepted, so she might have a chance to figure out what is happening to her.

Likes: Star gazing, sketching, finding out what ties a spirit to earth,

Dislikes: When people call spirits "ghost", being in small spaces, not knowing anything about what's going on
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[QUOTE="Messing With Reality]Name:Florance Cinder

Differences from Picture: She wears bright green boots and a grey t-shirt that reads "Dollhouse"

Personality: Seems distant, friendly, kind, a bit out there, keeps to herself

Ability (ordinary human, ectomancer, auran, diviner): Ectomancer

History: She moved into an old house at age three. It was the scene of a mass murder. 15 girls kidnapped and killed, the best part was it was in her room where six girls were brutally killed. Small yet creepy events happened for 3 years until at age six it got far worse. In the middle of the night she began to choke, struggling for breath, she tried to get up but was being held back. She knocked over a lamp which woke her father. As soon as he entered the room she was able to breath again. After strange cuts could appear on her arms and face. She was being pushed down steps by no one and her room was always being trashed. One day at age 12 she went to get a glass of water and saw a young girl at the bottom of her steps. She raced after her into the kitchen where she was 14 other girls. She soon put it together and realized it was the poor girls who were murdered. They warned her to leave for the killer's spirit was still in the house and had tried to kill her numerous times. She told her father but he didn't believe her. But she soon convinced him and they left but she still kept her skills now seeing spirits all over town. As soon as she was offered to come to the school she accepted, so she might have a chance to figure out what is happening to her.

Likes: Star gazing, sketching, finding out what ties a spirit to earth,

Dislikes: When people call spirits "ghost", being in small spaces, not knowing anything about what's going on

But... Ghost is what they're called, at least by most people. She's accepted, though.
[QUOTE="Messing With Reality]Yes I know she does this because she believes the term means they are tied to the earth by grief and thank you

You're welcome.

Character Sheet


Andrew Miller




Witty guy, always knows the right answer at the right time. Although having an air of superiority, he's friendly.




Since child, Andrew had a knack for trouble. Always picking up fights with older kids, and beaten up in the process. But something kept him doing it. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe the chance or trouble. But one of the main reasons was justice. He always tried to fight the bullies. Since childhood, he had an incredible sense of justice. And that sense often led him home with a bloody nose.

This sense of justice was with him on middle school. There's where things got grim.

In one of those attempts of "justice", he ended up with trouble with a school gang. He defended a boy from being hit, and on the fight, almost killed one of the attackers. This impacted his life greatly. he had to move schools, but even with that, his infamy preceded him. He thought that his life as a normal person of society was over, until he got an invitation letter from a school in an island. Without much ope for the future, he accepted it.

Likes and dislikes:

Andrew has a particular taste for cheese. He also likes his lighter, since fire soothes him. He really dislike people who pick on weaker persons, and although he may deviate from the law to get "justice" done, he is really fond of following the rules.

Raizel said:

Character Sheet


Andrew Miller




Witty guy, always knows the right answer at the right time. Although having an air of superiority, he's friendly.




Since child, Andrew had a knack for trouble. Always picking up fights with older kids, and beaten up in the process. But something kept him doing it. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe the chance or trouble. But one of the main reasons was justice. He always tried to fight the bullies. Since childhood, he had an incredible sense of justice. And that sense often led him home with a bloody nose.

This sense of justice was with him on middle school. There's where things got grim.

In one of those attempts of "justice", he ended up with trouble with a school gang. He defended a boy from being hit, and on the fight, almost killed one of the attackers. This impacted his life greatly. he had to move schools, but even with that, his infamy preceded him. He thought that his life as a normal person of society was over, until he got an invitation letter from a school in an island. Without much ope for the future, he accepted it.

Likes and dislikes:

Andrew has a particular taste for cheese. He also likes his lighter, since fire soothes him. He really dislike people who pick on weaker persons, and although he may deviate from the law to get "justice" done, he is really fond of following the rules.


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