St Carlisles Acedemy for Shifters (Accepting) -Sign up-


Junior Member
The Academy

St Carlisles Academy for shifters is a large boarding school, It is located in a remote part of England. Every student here is a shifter. The classes include; fight training, Running, Agility, Hunting and all the normal subjects (Maths, english, science e.c.t). Most students chose not to leave campus but you can at the weekends. It is open to 13-18 year olds. There are no humans at all.

The character sheet





Animal shift:




My character sheets

Name: Sierra

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Year: 9

Animal shift:Mountain lion

Looks: Human form -->View attachment 10893

View attachment 10894<-- Lion form

Personality: Happy, Playful, Friendly, Smart, Nerdy.

Other: (Nothing to add)

Name: Riley

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Year: 8

Animal shift: Wolf

Looks: Animal form -->View attachment 10895

View attachment 10896

Personality: Popular, Trendy, Likes to be in control, More instinctual (Does things without thinking)

Other: (NTA)

Name: Cole

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Year: 10

Animal shift: Leopard

Looks: Human --> View attachment 10897

Animal form -->View attachment 10898

Personality: Bad boy, doesnt like to listen to other people, Tough, Independant

Other: His parents dumped him as a baby when they discovered what he was, Cole spent his life wandering around the world in both forms. Later when he was staying in a hotel a letter came through for him from the academy, it offered him a place and he took it.

Name: Poppy Montouge

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Year: Head teacher

Animal shift: Cat

Looks: Human -->View attachment 10899

Animal -->

Personality: Happy, Interactive, Fun, can be serious and will always be obeyed

Other: (NTA)


  1. No god mode
  2. No powers (Other then shifting)
  3. Keep to your character
  4. No bunnying
  5. No shifting willy-nilly
  6. Listen to the teachers in the school


  1. Maths Teacher
  2. Science teacher
  3. English teacher
  4. Drama teacher
  5. MFL teacher
  6. Cook/s
  7. Fighting teacher
  8. dorm master/mistress
  9. Running teacher
  10. Agility teacher
  11. Hunting teacher
(Feel free to add another teacher if i have missed anything)
Name: Kitty Pride

Age: 16

Gender: F


Animal shift: Wolf

<----- Human form

Wolf form----->

Personality: ruthless and daring. if in love will sacrafice anything. considered dangerous.

Other: tattoo on her left arm of a full moon
Name: Luke

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Year: 12

Animal shift: Wolf-View attachment 10941

Looks:View attachment 10942

Personality: He keeps to himself and is usually found with his headphones on. He don't talk at all unless he has to. No one really knows his voice. He is an artist and a photographer. He is a fighter when it comes down to it.

Other: He has a lip ring and his arms are covered in tattoos.
Name: Ellemea Torren

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Year: Hunting teacher ((if allowed))

Animal shift:



Lion form:

Personality: Fierce, stubborn but caring. Protective of her students and teachers/friends. Usually gets straight to the point. Very easy going at times.

Other; cosplays alot; at times a half demon, nurse or even a spec op.
Ok [MENTION=3943]HeartBrokenIceQueen[/MENTION], Your are accepted and yes you can be the hunting teacher.

@Serenity_Black yes you can we always need more players

@anonymous92 You are accepted but makes sure you check your image it is a load of **** (the coded one, the peacock is good.)

I am going to make the RP now, Come join in.
Name: Emily

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Year: 12th

Animal Shift: white tiger


Human: View attachment 11242

Tiger: View attachment 11243

Personality: She is kind and always seems to be happy, she is normally around her twin and they have a tendency to finish each others sentences, when Jacob feels like talking.


Name: Jacob

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Year: 12th

Animal Shift: Snow Leopard


Human: (see the picture for Emily)

Leopard: View attachment 11244

Personality: He is quiet, he usually lets his sister lead the conversation, though he will pick up the end of her sentences before she can finish them.


Name: Ian Shemlock (Sir)

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Year: Fighting Teacher

Animal shift:




Personality: He is more of a man of action than a man of words. He believes everything should be simple and if he doesnt get things his way you will wish you didnt get them yours.

Other: He is actually blind in his left eye.
Name: Nathaniel

Age: 17

Gender: male

Year: 4

Animal shift: Barn owl

Looks: short black hair and eyes, very thin about 5,6

Personality: reclusive

other: orphan (never knew his last name)
Name: Rui

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Year: Junior

Animal shift: White Otter


Personality: Not much of a social type. Let alone, her facial expressions speak instead. Rui is a hard-working girl after carrying the burdens of her family even at a young age. She is very absent-minded, getting her attention is quite some trouble. Whether its jumping, running, or even walking, she can be clumsy at times. When it comes to the heart, she is forgiving, doesn't hold grudges, more likely won't even remember the grudges.

Other: Loves sweets very much; eats it as much as she can.

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