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Multiple Settings Squishy's Search Thread - Updated 12/30/24

hi, I was interested in Who You Callin Cowboy, if it was still available?
ooh, there's a few that caught my eye if you're still open: the arranged married one, the old god / young atheist, and gothic monster / victorian occultist!
but I heavily favor platonic ships.
Oh golly, you just won me over with this. I am in agreement that the world needs more platonic love!

The "Who You Calling Cowboy" plot sounds really appealing to me as well. I have not done a 1x1 roleplay in a long time (and am just getting back into roleplaying in general after a decade or so), but count me interested!
Hi there, I've got a character who would drop into "Being Dead Don't Pay the Bills" in a heartbeat, so consider me interested!

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