Spy In Us All


Yuri sipped his coffee, the Italians did know coffee. He flipped open a folder his handler Maria sent him, the situation in South America was worsening, which ment big money. Jobs in Asia and Africa, America never had any money in it. Besides, with his accent they'd be sure to background check him, maybe shoot him. Yuri checked his gun under the table, Sig Sauer 9mm all 15 rounds, excluding the one in the breech. He slid it back into his waistband, and threw away his file and ordered another coffee, and enjoyed the scenery of Roma
Sydney sat down next to him, wearing all black, even sunglasses, she was sure she looked pretty suspicious, but she liked it that way, at least she got noticed. "Mind if I sit here?" she asked nicely and took off her glasses then crossed her legs, pulling out her phone to look for messages.

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