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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

Toni nods. “Find us some favorable ground to fight on.” She listens to the sound of the approaching creatures and tries to estimate just how long they have before contact.
Sherwood Sherwood Chaska understands that they have minutes before enemy contact. This means every second counts. Using his considerable understanding of wilderness and use of terrain, the Deliveryman makes it his top priority to find Cerberus a defensible-versus-melee-pack position preferably with a height advantage, clear firing lanes with good visibility, and the ability to conceal the squad regardless if they have Stealth Fields or otherwise.

Sending Woodstock above to get eyes on the pack, Chaska tries to keep his ear to the private Bio-comm he and his beloved battle birb share.

"Want help find good ambush site?" Chaska tries to ask Bellamy and Cerberus.
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Toni shakes her head. “We will stick here. We have our sides and back covered here already, making the only way for them to advance on us is from the front.” She shifts her position to put herself as the wall that the hounds will have to go through to get to the others and readies her mantis blades. “Remember to keep this as quiet as we can.”
Jin arranges herself on a raised piece of rock within the enclosed space behind the team, looking over the team's heads with her stealth field engaged, she lowers her heat cannon to the ready, and extended her various senses forward, watching for the incoming enemy, ready to try and observe them and identify the leader.
As the howling sounds echoed through the air, and Archos quickly gave the team the rundown on what was to come Bellamy's body tensed, preparing for action.

He initially moved toward Chaska, planning to help him find better ground, but when Toni announced that they would be holding their position, he shifted direction and took a spot behind her.

Knowing he wouldn’t be able to use most of his insects in this situation, Bellamy readied his Mantis blades, bracing himself for the incoming attack.
The barking and braying of the hounds is growing louder, and it is not long before you start to catch glimpses of the large creatures as they pass between the trees hot on your trail. They are all pretty large, measuring to be about as tall as a small horse at the shoulder. They don’t have hair, but instead are all covered in spiky scales, and their mouths are easily large enough to bite a man in half.

They are out at a distance of 500 feet, and with the trees they all have partial cover to be spotted until they get closer. From this distance it is not possible to identify which one is the alpha; that won’t be visible to you until they close in.

Everyone, please give me some initiative rolls.
Purr Purr Psychie Psychie celestialbody celestialbody Eonivar Eonivar
Toni stands still, but at the sight of the dog-creatures she kicks her force field on.

Initiative total of 14
MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 167 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 77 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 172 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 117 M.D.C.
Head: 107 M.D.C.
Main Body: 510 M.D.C.
Elbow Bone Blades: 85 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 157 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 457 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 187 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 277 M.D.C.
Bio Force Field: 200 M.D.C

Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade, Mega Upgrade

Action Points: 8 /

Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +10
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +2
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 16-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]

Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 2D8x10+40 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 4D6x10+40 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 /
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
Spore Discharger Tusks: See Description
Jin’s echo location pings her quarry as her heat cannon makes slight adjusting movements to center on a target.

Initiative = 1D20 +10 =nat 20! + 10=30!
Bellamy readies his stance, bracing his arms in front of him, ready for the fight to begin.

Initiative: 14 + 10 = 24
Using the data received from Woodstock, Chaska describes to a tee which of the assaulting dino-hounds is the pack leader and where he is in relation to the rest of the pack along with any discerning marks/behavior. Chaska is hoping Cerberus can destroy the foundation of the pack allowing the rest to fall and flee.
The Dino-hounds are still some distance away from being able to attack, but they are now vulnerable to ranged assault. Range is 500 to 550 feet out. It will take the hounds two actions to get within melee range.

If you want to try and spot the pack’s Alpha, you will have to take an action to make a successful Perception roll, difficulty of 15. You can use an Action Point on this roll if you want.

Eonivar Eonivar is up with Jin

Initiative order
30 - Jin <====
24 - Bellamy
18 - hounds 1-4
16 - Axel
15 - hounds 5-8
14 - Toni
12 - Chaska
10 - Archos
7 - hounds 9-12
Jin gazes through her telescopic sight trying to identify the pack leader.

(Jin will use an action point to perceive the pack leader)

Jin's Perception is +8

Action Point = 1D6 = 6!
Perception Roll = 1D20+8+6 = 6+14 = 20!

Jin gets a bead on the Leader and fires off an aimed shot with her Heat Cannon

Heat Cannon Shot = 1D20+13 = 2+13 = 15 to hit

Damage if hit = 2D8x10+20 = 16x10+20 = 180 MDC (if hits)
After taking a close look at the advancing animals, Jin is confident that she can see the one that would most likely be in charge and levels a deadly blast from her heat cannon at it. It takes the creature by surprise and it is hit, causing it to let out an ache snarl.

They are still several hundred feet out.

celestialbody celestialbody is up with Bellamy

Initiative order
30 - Jin [2]
24 - Bellamy <====
18 - hounds 1 - injured
18 - hounds 2-4
16 - Axel
15 - hounds 5-8
14 - Toni
12 - Chaska
10 - Archos
7 - hounds 9-12
(Bellamy is gonna try to make out the leader as well!)

Watching as the pack of Dino hounds approach Bellamy attempts to make out which beast could be the pack's alpha.

Perception 7 + 6 = 13 (Fail)

Unable to see a clear difference from this far away, he instead waits for the incoming Dino-hounds to get closer before trying anything.
At this distance, with the hounds weaving in and out of the trees the way they are, Bellamy is not quite certain which one is the Alpha of the pack. At least they are still far enough away that they can’t chomp on you!

But they are doing their best to change that. The hounds are all loping along at high speed and will be on you guys soon.

Axel takes careful aim, then fires a burst from his Casting Rifle at hound #1. It hits, but does only minor damage.

The next group of hounds also are running along at high speed and will be in melee range soon.

Psychie Psychie is up

Initiative order
30 - Jin [2]
24 - Bellamy [1]
18 - hounds 1 - injured [1]
18 - hounds 2-4 [1]
16 - Axel [2]
15 - hounds 5-8 [1]
14 - Toni <====
12 - Chaska
10 - Archos
7 - hounds 9-12
Toni takes a careful look at the approaching hounds and tries to spot the leader of the pack. In any case, she charges up the Sidekick light cell and fires.
MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 167 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 77 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 172 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 117 M.D.C.
Head: 107 M.D.C.
Main Body: 510 M.D.C.
Elbow Bone Blades: 85 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 157 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 457 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 187 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 277 M.D.C.
Bio Force Field: 200 M.D.C

Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade, Mega Upgrade

Action Points: 8 /

Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +10
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +2
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 16-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]

Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 2D8x10+40 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 4D6x10+40 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 /
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
Spore Discharger Tusks: See Description

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