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Fantasy Spite


Dusty Wanderer
This is just a guideline...





[PICTURE and/or description]



Eye colour:

Hair colour:





Skills and abilities:


Approved Characters:

Orphaned Characters:

(Name: Gender - Affiliation - Occupation)

  • Valory: Female - Godslayer - Warrior

The Fallen:
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Name: Liffis Kai

Age: 28

Gender: Male



Height: 5'9

Weight: 175lbs

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Blonde

Affiliation: Faithful

Occupation: Warrior Priest


  • Devout
  • Spiritual
  • Thoughtful
  • Protective
  • Patient
  • Passionate
  • Reckless


Born the son of a high priest and priestess, Liffis grew up as a devout acolyte, attending every ritual and ceremony at their temple to pay homage to the gods and gain their favour. At the age of 20, Liffis himself became an anointed priest and dedicated his life to the path of the warrior, so that he may defend his temple against the heretics that opposed the gods.

When the ravages of war finally reached his home, Liffis fought alongside the temple's patron god as the heretics stormed the city and made a determined attack. Fighting with a fury he had never known before in his life, Liffis struck down many of the so called 'Godslayers', yet no matter how hard he or the other faithful fought, the temple eventually fell and with it the god that protected it, along with Liffis's parents.

Overcome with rage, Liffis would have thrown himself at the enemy had other survivors not prevented him from doing so. It was from that point on that he went wherever the war went, fighting battle after battle in a desperate attempt to crush the heretics, to avenge his family, his temple and the gods.

In the end however, it was not the fervor of the faithful that failed, but the patience of the gods. Tired of the insurrection of man, they abandoned the world and raised the dead as a final punishment. Faithful and heretic alike suffered then, and Liffis fell into a deep despair. Bereft without the gods and having nothing left to live for, he went to the ruins of his home and hid himself away from the world, alone and forgotten.

Years later, Liffis emerged a changed man and became a wanderer, seeking to find answers to the questions he had been pondering over so much time.

Skills and abilities:

  • Master swordsman
  • Adept pyromancer, specializing in contact pyromancy
  • Skilled healer
  • Decent cook and forager


In the manner of his temple's traditions, forehead markings denote Liffis's status as a priest and his piercings show that he is of the warrior caste among the Faithful.
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Name:Auden Boltons




[PICTURE and/or description]

pic below l


Height: 1.89 meters

Weight: 116 kg with armor and 109 with armor.

Eye colour: Bluish-red

Hair colour: Ginger

Affiliation: Atoners

Occupation:Saint/Leader or atoners



?Has lots of Ambition


?Has lots of Compassion


?Cannot control anger once his patients dries out.


Auden was a preist during the crusades. The lack of faithful warriors pushed him towards become a role-model. After the crusades in the middle east, Auden was a then knighted by his majesty which was followed him becoming a saint. The war on the gods has requested him to make a army and defend the gods with their bodies. Most of the army was either loyal saints or people who wanted to cleanse their sins. The army was overwhelmed. Preforming his last ritual to the gods he wanted to give his soul to the gods for their undead army. He was rejected but instead the gods themselves promised a eternal reward if he could bring them back after the war.

Skills and abilities:Has mace which turns into a sword once the spikey end has broken off. Auden uses his temporary reward or basic pyromancy to summon fire underground and make him fall into the hole the fire caused. Once inside he makes a fire surrounding the hole which keeps him safe till the bad guys are gone, and if the case is that they jump in he uses brute force to kill them.

Extra:Auden has a eye (the blue thing in the pic)to see who is a pyromancy wizard and who is a peasant who posses no danger. The army behind him is loyal atoners followers. Knows basic and intermediate pyromancy spells but not advanced since he is too busy doing other things then studying arcane arts(pyromancy.)

(if you think he is too op you can tell me what to nerf as I just made this oc on the top of my head.)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/medieval_warrior_by_dgdigital-d8jtgnm.jpg.7c7d8e4b7b2e814f6850bff805cab4f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/medieval_warrior_by_dgdigital-d8jtgnm.jpg.7c7d8e4b7b2e814f6850bff805cab4f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hmm, pyromancy magic only, dude. I said nothing about summoning or friend-or-foe detectors, but apart from that, I could approve your character.
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No I used summoned as another word for requested. I changed the sign up a bit to include pyromancy
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Basically, fire magic. If there's anything your character would be able to summon and control, it's fire, but not anything else.
Name: Guardius Soul

Age: 34

Height: 5''11

Weight: 150lbs (armour weighs an extra 55, all his equipment together including armour adds up to 105lbs, so 265lbs in total)

Eye Colour: Lime green

Hair Colour: Dark brown

Affiliation: Protector

Occupation: Warrior

Personality: Cautious, friendly and likes to help but can get angry quickly.

History: At first, he trained simply to help with self defence, but when it was revealed that he could fight quite well, he trained to be a guard to protect his people. When the war began, he decided that he did not wish to take part in the war, as too many people would die and he wasn't ready to go through that. He mainly supported the Godslayers, but he wasn't an enemy of the Faithful and he never went out to fight. Instead, he stood guard at his town's gates and held back any attacking forces he could, until one day they caught him off guard, stabbed him 3 times and razed the town. Barely alive and hungry, he woke up just outside the town. He had no idea who had got him out, and he didn't know why either. He made his way into the forest and eventually decided to set up a small village in the woods, a safe haven for all people. As the war finished and the dead rose, he swore to protect the village from the hordes, and trained whoever he could to help him protect it and all the people within.

Skills and abilities: He wields a very large shield and a longsword, both of which he is a master of using. He has no magic: instead he focused on being capable to survive many hits from a normal human, and being able to deal out as much damage as he could take. His armour is very strong and capable to shrug off an undead blow with ease, but too many undead could overwhelm him and break his armour.

Extra: He is always wearing his armour, even when eating (he lifts his visor and eats that way). He never goes anywhere without his armour, shield and sword at the ready.
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Name: Valory

Age: 25

Gender: Female



Height: 5'8

Weight: 160lbs

Eye colour: Amber

Hair colour: Red

Affiliation: Godslayer

Occupation: Warrior


  • Solitary
  • Vigilant
  • Terse
  • Proactive
  • Loyal
  • Resilient
  • Wrathful


Born to parents of common birth, Valory spent her life growing up on a farm and was seemingly destined to live out her days on it until a travelling priest passed by and caught sight of her. The priest paid Valory's parents a handsome sum for adopting her and they gave her away, thinking that she would now live a better life.

As they traveled on the road however, the priest's intentions quickly became clear as he forced himself upon Valory and after a brief struggle, Valory ended up stabbing the priest to death with his own dagger. She would have been killed by his guards then had a band of Godslayers not been lying in ambush, striking them down before they could so much as react.

Where before Valory was doomed to live a life of horror, the Godslayers showed her another path and her fear turned into rage against the Faithful, fueling her drive to become an able warrior. She was 16 at the time.

4 years later, Valory was present at the final battle between gods and men, and by that time she had become a veteran Godslayer, having killed many foes twice her own age and size on numerous battlefields with nothing but her skill with the blade.

Even as the gods left the world and raised the dead to unlife, Valory's hatred towards them and the Faithful did not subside, though her experiences later on would teach her to hate the undead just as much. Having drifted from one failed group to another, Valory is now surviving on her own, though she would prefer to find a place where she may belong.

Skills and abilities:

  • Sword master
  • Farmer
  • Horse rider
  • Agile climber
  • Competent archer
  • Knife thrower

Extra: Keeps throwing knives in hidden pockets. Face is marked with battle scars.
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Name: Gareth Bryne aka The Demon Knight

Age: 38

Gender: Male



He thoroughly believed that in order to fight the gods, he must become a demon. And a demon he became. Donning armor that showed nothing of his face, the emotionless killer. His horse he specifically selected for it's black coat, the red eyes are simply stained glass he had put on the helmet. But take that armor off and the horse away, he's like any other human being. Short brown hair on top of an angular and rather square face, and eyes that have seen many a battle and are hardened to the sight of death. Solidly built, some people get the feeling that not even a mountain will move this man.

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 190

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Black

Affiliation: Godslayers

Occupation: Godslayer

Personality: He's a determined and ruthless man. He set out to get rid of the gods, and with that done he's now cleaning up the mess they left behind. He has zero tolerance for any Faithful he meets, whether they are fighting him or praying that their damn gods will return. And the funny part is, at least for him, they were pretty shit gods if humans like him could beat them back.

History: Gods do not rule men, men rule men. That's the way Gareth has come to think about things. Gods, they see mankind as nothing more then playthings. His parents lived their entire lives serving a god in hopes of some reward that would never come. Gareth knew differently, however. If you wanted something, you had to go and get it yourself. And the gods were in the way of that.

So, joining up with a local Godslayer band, more a bandit party then anything else, he quickly made a name for himself and brought the attention of the only knight in the group. The grizzled old man taught him how to fight properly, more then just swinging the weapon you were given. This teaching didn't completely work, hence his war hammer. But other things did sink in a bit more.

His crowning moments are two things. Getting the stylized war hammer, armor, and horse with armor set up the second critical thing of his life. He killed a god, with a simple short sword he stabbed it through the chest, and bled it until it stopped moving. Gods, see, can handle just about anything. Poison, broken bones, etc. But how he figured it, if he sat right next to the god and made sure it died, then there was nothing it could do to stop it. The short sword stayed in that god for one day and one night, all the while he and the rest of the now army fought off fanatical Faithful who were trying to save one of their gods. Ever few minutes Gareth would have to go back and break the scab that formed around the blade to keep it bleeding.

Eventually, the god died, and they threw the body down the palace temple's steps to prove to the Faithful that it was dead. With one of their gods dead, their moral quickly shattered and they fled the palace temple in terror of the demon that had slain their much loved god.

Now, after having the short sword engraved, he wanders around the world as the leader of the Godslayer army. Clearing out ruined villages and slaying any proclaimed Faithful they cross, along with the Risen.

Skills and abilities:
Master in the use of the war hammer. Thanks to him wearing heavy armor and using a heavy weapon, most of the time, he has built up incredible strength and stamina to the point that he can easily run in the armor and swing his war hammer with one hand should he so choose. When he is on his armored war horse, he is an iron bastion moving across the battle field, brushing away all but the heaviest blows.

Extra: He also has an ornate short sword, but never uses it in combat. If pressed, he will tell you that the reason for this is because it's only used to stab gods. So far, it has only done that once.
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Name:Anki Aboli



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.6c807ab66bd524cfce99df2816a7d4ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.6c807ab66bd524cfce99df2816a7d4ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height:6ff 2in


Eye colour:unknown

Hair colour:unknown

Affiliation:who ever paid the most.

Occupation: Assassin

Personality:Anki is kind of serious, that being said he isn't edgy or extreme, he doesn't seem to have any setting besides his default calm,he rarely shows an emotional response to anything. Even in combat he is eerily silent and graceful. All of that said he will speak to any ally about nearly anything,but he will not initiate the contact. He has no problems with the actions of others so long as they do not impede on his freedom,all in all he is a hard to read man, but those who get to know him may find comfort in his calm logical outlook.


Anki's mother died during his birth,he never met his father,who abandoned him out of grief. Instead he was raised in an orphanage, not one of those evil horrible ones, but an actual good home for children who were underprivileged in the whole parent department.

But every place has a secret...

One of the nuns at the orphanage was actually a member of the masked assassins, she recruited him and two other orphans,as it was her position to recruit new masked men.

He and the other two trained together for nearly ten years,then the trail came.

Anki was put in an arena with the other two and they were told only one would leave alive.

Anki was that one,he was grieved at the loss of his friends, he had grown close to them almost as if they were his brother and sister,but strangely he wasn't to disturbed by it. It would seem the years of training,the "practice" killings,and the killing of his friends had changed him. He was no longer an angry boy who got into trouble for attention, he had grown into a deadly man who was trouble, and claimed no attention.

he was absent for most of the war, appearing here and there to take out key targets.

Nowadays he is mostly regarded as an urban legend as very few have actually scene him.

Skills and abilities:

Very stealthy

Master of bladed weapons of all kind

Skilled hand to hand combatant

Master of poisons and venoms.

Par qor (or at least a similar art)

Psychological warfare.

Master of thrown weapons.


He comes equipped with many weapons. Twin long swords,twin short swords,twin daggers,and twin knives. He also has an assortment of throwing knives. Smoke pellets,caltrops,silk string for traps,several poisons and venoms.

Despite his vengeance served to the masked men,he wears his mask to honor them for making him what he is today



  • image.jpg
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Hey @Alphaius, I've taken a look at your character and I'm afraid... that he has been approved. You may post at anytime xD
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Tolam Lasgrim

Name: Tolam Lasgrim

Age: 37

Gender: Male



Height: 6'2

Weight: 187 Pounds

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Brown

Affiliation: N/A

Occupation: Survivor/King

Please read the history tab pleas. It is very Important, And you will get the song in the extra if you read it.


  • Calm
  • Patient
  • Internlised
  • Vengeful
  • Glum
  • Cold


Tolam the last hair of the Lasgrim monarchy, King above the Moaning Mountain, Ruler of no-one. Long ago the God's created the Planet, the Sea and the Mountains, One of the Mountains was Peculiar among the rest, the God's only half completed it; The mountain was not filled was rock but was Hollow. The fire God decided to destroy this mistake. However Man, The most adaptable of all the creatures claimed this mountain and made it their home. The Mountain was Perfect, It shielded them from storms and rain, and was warm because of the protective walls and the proximity it had towards the Core of the Planet.

In little time the men made the mountain a thriving Kingdom with layers of city’s; going from the top of the mountain where only the King and the immensely rich lived, to the bottom, where the villainy and poor remained. To accommodate for the high population many entrances and exits where tunnelled out from within The Mountain. The result of these holes was when the wind was fast and strong, it travelled through these caverns and tunnels and into the hollow mountain and made a bellowing noise akin to a moan. So the men of the mountain decided to name it after these noises. They called it, The Moaning Mountain. The Moaning Mountain was ruled by the first family who lived in the mountain, The Lasgrims. These rulers were fair and firm and ruled The Moaning Mountain with Grace.

The Fire god was displeased with this, because it was in his nature to destroy; and these men got in the way. So the Men and the god made a pact, The Humans could keep their home at the cost of them worshiping the Fire god higher than the rest of the God’s. As a gift the God gave the King a sword of no other kind. It was a sword which wielded fire. It could shoot fire at range, It could do long sweeping movement which resulted in fire waves, It could even control fire with elaborate flicks and Swish’s it was known as “OathKeeper”. The sword was passed down from King to King. It became a symbol of the royal family.

The Kingdom grew and grew, it expanded out of the mountain and the land around it. And with great growth came the great wealth, Tons upon Tons were collected in the treasury and it became known as the “Golden Chamber” because you could not see any of the stone walls, All you could see was Gold.

Ages past and the Fire god’s demands became Unreasonable. He wanted the Men of the mountain to build massive statues, and the hero’s to go on perilous journey to do his menial job’s which he could do in an instant. Then the God went too far, he asked the king to sacrifice his son. The whole mountain erupted with anger. And Rebellion came. The Fire God appeared floating above the mountain. Fire rained down from the sky. Water turned to Lava, Steam boiled men’s skin. The land was scorched and burnt. Magma exploded from underneath the Mountain and filled the empty caverns and dungeons. The king fell, all but one man escaped, Tolam; the kings son. The new King above the mountain and ruler of no one.

The New King escaped with OathKeeper and climbed the melting mountain and confronted the fire God. It was impossible for Tolam to survive however against all odds, he plunged OatKeeper screaming, into The Fire Gods stomach; and because of its divine properties it was killing the immortal God. Fire sprang and exploded around the surrounding land. Both Tolam and The God where Screaming together. Then all went quite. The God turned to dust, the fire and lava disappeared, and Tolam fell to the ground. Crying into ash, Tolam stood up. And looked over his Kingdom, a kingdom of dust and smoke. He had no-one to rule over. All the gold gone, all his people dead. All he could do was cry.

Now The king of No-One just wonder’s. Over deserted land. He doesn’t feel anything anymore, and is cold to anyone who he meets.

The Moaning Mountains emblem:


Equipment and Skills
Equipment and Skills:

Tolam Owns OathKeeper a Fire sword from the fire god, From his family he learnt how to wield this mighty weapon, However any other sword or weapon he does not know how to handle properly. Tolam himself has no skills, However his weapon which he wields has it can: Shoot fire,Control fire, Produce fiery slashes, Create fire Ect.




Theme song:



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Name: Igni Fenru

Age: 30

Gender: Male



Height: 6'4

Weight: 200lbs

Eye colour: Blue

Hair colour: Black

Affiliation: Heretic

Occupation: Priest


  • Kind
  • Protective
  • Polite
  • Caring
  • Inquisitive
  • Mild mannered
  • Utterly ruthless


Born a noble, Igni was given to a temple when his gift with pyromancy manifested itself at the age of 4 in the most spectacular of ways. Not wishing for the day to end, he summoned a brilliant flame over his family's house and kept it lit for the entire night until he fell asleep from exhaustion.

Growing up as an acolyte with such talent, Igni quickly proved himself an exemplary servant of the gods who was not only extremely gifted with the flame, but also an avid learner of the temple's teachings and traditions. Having been marked for priesthood, he served as a personal assistant to the high priest and was allowed to communicate with the gods themselves through use of the temple's emberstone.

However, as the Godslayers had proven, even such mighty beings were at the mercy of death and one day during an audience with the gods, Igni's curiosity led him to ask how they might overcome it. When told that such a thing was impossible, this led to Igni asking the most damning question of all: "Then is death not the greater god?"

Subsequently banished from the temple for his heretical words, Igni was excommunicated and exiled to labour for years on the construction of another temple where he might do penance. However, some who heard his question began to echo it themselves and he had unwillingly gained a following of death worshippers and cultists.

Deciding that an example had to be made, the temple sent warrior-priests and inquisitors to arrest and execute him, and Igni would have accepted such a sentence had everyone he had ever called a friend were not already dead, incinerated at the stake for fear of them being corrupted by his heresy.

As a result of an intensely emotional outburst, the temple burned that day and knowing there was no turning back, Igni went into hiding along with those who called themselves his flock. Though still reluctant, he began to lead them in earnest, if only to protect and prevent them from suffering the same fate as his friends. However, despite all efforts to keep their beliefs private, his following soon attracted the absolute worst in humanity.

Murderers and thieves, heretics and assassins, all were drawn to the idea of death being greater than the gods and by extension life itself. These rogue elements eventually expressed their devotion through killing anyone who was not part of their cult and Igni being held responsible, he soon found himself to be a target of both the Faithful and the Godslayers. An enemy against all who lived.

His infamy bolstered by the strength of his power and his act of burning an entire temple to cinders, Igni became a hunted man for the next half of his life. Everywhere he went, people sought to claim his head and whenever they failed, they settled with the lives of his followers.

Though he cared little for most of them, he had come to count a precious few as dear friends who were only guilty of asking the same question he had asked on a certain day many years ago. It was these few he spared when Igni purged all the murderers and monsters from among his followers who believed that the worship of death meant the killing of others.

Even with this however, he remained a heretic and a murderer himself, and to protect the few left he deemed worthy of saving, he abandoned his followers altogether, distancing himself from them so that they might know some peace while he remained a hunted man. This lasted all up until the end of the war between gods and men, by which point it no longer mattered what Ignis had done. He has since then settled in a village outside the city of Crosk, where he hopes to start anew protecting the handful of residents from bandits and undead.

Skills and abilities:

  • Prodigious pyromancer, able to summon flames at any distance with great levels of intensity
  • Skilled healer
  • Semi-skilled carpenter


Though never ordained as a priest, he wears the robes of one. It's so tattered and patched that it can hardly be recognized as such anymore.
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Whoa that is so detailed. There is more info on the character then we have on Greg from the winpy kid series.
Name: Desmond Hayden

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: Humans



Desmond Hayden for all extensive purposes has the body of a warrior or even gladiator as many people have commented, this can be a blessing and a curse due to the constant thought he is more muscle than speed or brains which is actually not true at all. Due to his his high impact no holds barred training it has developed his body to almost peak physical condition without any augmentations most of the time. This is certainly useful when it comes to combat and his own unique style of fighting but his muscles arn’t the only part of him, standing at a even six foot.

It’s also noteworthy to know his body type is almost a picture perfect mesomorphic type with only a little bit more influence in the upper half that’s rarely noticeable unless you are taking his measurements. This makes it easy to find something to wear for him thankfully. Once you pan in closer for a deeper look into his body you may notice it adorned with series of scars in every which way that all looked to be moderately healed by this point but it’s rare for a new one to appear on his body mostly due to his healing factor, the scars that he has accommodated sense his healing factor are more symbolic because he allows them due to significant events are they where inflicted so bad his healing cannot fix them. As for body fat? Pft on this man damn near non-existent.

Hayden’s hair is usually a spiked messed due to his rare care of it, at most it’s combed or brushed to straighten it but it usually ends up rugged and spikey to say the least. It adorns the color of raven black just like the rest of the hair on his body, he likes to maintain good hygiene so he doesn’t let hair grow out to crazy proportions choosing to keepy body hair close to the body. His facial most of the time is a rugged five o’clock shadow he can’t bother to shave and at longest a small beard if he truly can’t find the time after a week or two.

A signature mark one should note of Hayden is the horizontal slash across his nose that has been there as long as he could remember, if asked about it he simply chuckles shrugging it off moving to some other task. His face is hold a strong jaw something that adds to the ‘hero’ vibe people usually associate with him, holding mostly normal features one should expect from that of human birth before. It is worth knowing that his eyes are typical a light brown/hazel depending on the light but when he enters into a state of battle or excitement they turn a deep maroon color in the irises.

His outfit is his combat attire which consists of a set of heavily augmented armor pieces he inherited from his family. The armor consists of two pauldrons that are three plates fused together to add mobility to himself, his torso armor is a simple metal chest like vest that fits right over his head similar to that of Spartans from ancient Greece, followed by this is the exact same design for his pauldrons but on his outer thighs. Finally on his right hand is a gauntlet that act as a grip for his sword but ends turns into slight claws finishing his set of armor, under this armor he usually wears some type of comfortable clothes. His scarf is event more prominent here as he attaches a clip usually a indicator of his lineage something he inherited from his family.


Height: 6'0

Weight: 235

Eye colour: Naturally Brown

Hair colour: Black

Affiliation: Himself/Vastimian Empire

Occupation: Vastimian Leader



Skills and abilities:

  • Unyielding Willpower
  • Titanic Strength
  • Master swordsman
  • Knowledge of Battlefield Tactics
  • Bargaining
  • Horse riding
  • Aware of Surroundings

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