Spirit Shells [Inactive]


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A town somewhere in the middle of the US stands a city. Pierreville. It is a quite big one, but not like New York. Stretches far and wide, and has everything from small shops and kiosks to several malls. A police office, firestation, hospital, basically everything in one place. It's the universal town. The middle of the town is covered with city blocks and tall buildings, but the surroundings are beautiful detached houses with lawns and back yards. Just how a city should be. Two highschools, one college, one elementary school and one university are places where people study in this town. It's like a country of it's own. What part do you take in this life?

"Just three more weeks of running." He thought inside his little head, covered in dark, medium length hair. "Just three more weeks before my birthday. I have to hold on." He kept thinking. That was true, three more weeks, and he'd be allowed to live on his own, cops wouldn't look for him anymore, no one would. And he was pretty sure that his fake parents would drop him out of his home anyway. He had a small backpack on his back with both straps on, which had plenty of nothing inside. It was empty except for a few clothes and a bottle of lake water. Andrew did have a job to make money. His job was carrying out mail. He'd go out every day at 7 AM through the town, carrying out letters to people's houses, helping the local mailmen. It wasn't the best job in the world, but it kept him slightly saturated.

Carrying out the mail as usual, he rung doorbells of people who did not own mail boxes, and put letters in the boxes for those who did. He had been doing this for three whole months, but it was fine as it was the job to sustain him. The sun shined bright as he finished his last batch of mail. "Soo, what now?" He thought to himself, looking around for something to do. Only houses and happy people around. Nothing particularly interesting.

"Go kill someone" A voice in his head said. A voice much different from his own. It sounded more mature, but at the same time very childish and cheerful. Scared, Andrew shook the voice out of his head and carried on. "Ugh, he probably still doesn't hear me. Well crap." The voice carried on talking. Andrew shook it away once more, shaking his head sideways, and carried on going towards the mall to see what's new there. Even though Andrew was homeless, he was still clean and bathed. He'd go to the nearby lake every morning to wash before work, and sleep at the train station. He got caught by cops twice, but managed to run away both times.
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The light shone down on Lily's bedroom, right on her face. She murmured and lifted her hand to block the light.

Grumbling, she got up and rubbed her eyes and glanced at her clock. 6:45AM

"Too early.." She complained and was determined to go back to sleep.

None of that Lily. You are already up so you might as well stay up. The next time you wake up, it'll be far past noon.

Of course, Aeron spoke the truth. It happened before after all.

"Why do you always have to be right." She grumbled and got up. Lily stretched and took a quick shower, then changed into her casual clothes. She check her watch. 7:00AM. She gasped happily. The mail would be coming soon. She would hopefully get a letter from her eldest brother who was studying abroad. Lily went to her apartment mailbox and was disappointed to see the mail had not yet arrived. She was about go back inside when she saw the mailboy making his way toward her mailbox.

"Oh he's a cutie isn't he." Lily commented. "Looks young though. How sad." She giggled and rocked on her heels as she waited. She suddenly felt Aeron tense.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, confused.

If Aeron had eyes (Also a body but you get the idea) he'd be staring right at the mailboy.

I sense something. Something.. I can't explain...
Going through his bag for the money he had found on the street the other day he came across one letter that wasn't sent. That wasn't delivered. It was supposed to go together with the last one he put into the mailbox. He turned around with the letter in hand and his backpack on his stomach. He approached the house where he put the last letter in, and saw a young lady standing in front of the door. Andrew didn't pay much attention to the lady, all he wanted was to put the letter into the box and leave.

"Dude, be careful." The manly voice in his head said once again. He didn't shake it away this time, thinking about something else. He actually responded. "Shush." He whispered under his nose as he closed the mailbox after slipping the letter in.
"Thank you! What's your name?" Lily asked cheerfully waving to him and grabbing the letter. "You do have a name yeah? Can I get you anything? Want some breakfast? It's pretty early. Did you have breakfast yet? Am I going to fast for you?"

Slow down Lily. Don't overwhelm the boy. Also....keep him here.. I need to examine something..

Lily smiled sweetly and gestured for the boy to come inside.

"Come come! Don't worry. I don't bite!"
"Uhh.. It's irrelevant." He murmured as he attempted to walk away from the unfamiliar face. As soon as he heard his stomach growling, he remembered that he will only get his payment at twelve, and he only had three dollars, he changed his mind. He turned around and looking to the ground he stepped a little. "Uhh... I'm... Andrew." He said, looking up slowly at the lady as he walked up a little closer.

"Dude, seriously, did you hear what I just said? Wait, you did!" The voice in his head sounded again. It was like his inside voice, but different. "Shut up." He said a little louder this time, confused as to what it was. He seemed to perfectly hear the voice, not only in his mind, but in his ears aswell. He hit himself in the head slightly as he said those words to shake off the voice.
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Lily nodded when he said shut up.

"You're right. I talk to much. Let's eat something."

She grabbed him by the hand and walked (dragged) him into her house and plopped him on a comfy chair.

"How do you like your eggs? Scrambled? I like scrambled. I like all eggs though."

I don't think he was talk to you when he said shut up....

Lily raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Were you talking to me? I talk to myself sometimes. Well not myself. Someone else. In the noggin." She said, tapping her head, laughing. "Do you have someone in your head? Not a conscience. A person. Spirit!"

Well I suppose that's one way to put it.
"Eggs? No, I like my eggs in one piece. They haven't been used yet." Andrew muttered ironically as he sat on the chair the person put him on. He wasn't feeling too comfortable in someone's house. Although it looked quite cozy. "Yes, tell her you do have a spirit in your dumb little head, you fat-ass. Well, you're not fat, but..." The voice inside him spoke again. "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" Andrew yelled hitting his head several times cutting the voice's speech. "And no, I have nothing in my head besides my brain." Andrew nervously spoke to the lady.
Jason ran along the deserted street, humming softly to the music tune in his headphone. The weather was nice, and this part of town was always the sunniest, perfect for a morning jog accross the city. He saw few others along the way, all morning runners. He inhaled deeply the cool refreshing air, not even breathing hard after a few miles jogging. Smiled lightly, Jason turned left to a smaller less-used road with many objects blocking the way, his daily parkour exercise ans sped up, gathering momentum. But after a few steps, he slowed down, scowling. What the hell? He didn't remember that there's rap in this song. And it's totally out of beats too, destroying a perfect melody. Gingerly, he pulled the headphones out.

"What, Lorus? This is my favorite song and you've just ruined it. I thought we talked about this before."

Stop that whinning. You know I'd only call you when it's necessary. Go over that wall over there. I had a strange feeling just now.

A commading voice answered him in a totally unconcerned way. And the worse part is Jason knew Lorus was always right.

Sighed resignedly, he turned and ran toward the said wall, performing a perfect wall-step on the side of the adjacent house and vaulted over it. He found himself on a small alleyway, cleaner than most others.

"Now what?" He thought, irritated. Breaking off his cardio was one of the things he hated the most. "Please don't tell me it's another of those Roman antiques that you think used to belong to someone you knew."

Hey, there's nothing wrong being nostalgic. But no, this time it's different. It's more like...a hunch. That house accross the street.

"Oh good. So it's no longer because the objects talk to you. Now it's a hunch. Way more credible." Jason muttered sarcastically under his breath, but approached the house anyway.
"I have a good feelin' 'bout today, so yer gonna get up early and get out of the apartment for once!"

Grumbling softly, Seagram rolled over, pulling the covers over his head (as if that would help anything). Still, the cheery, accented voice went on in his head. "Don't fight me on it, Seagram. Yer gonna miss out on somethin' if you lie around all day, I'll guarantee it."

"The only thing I'm missing out on is sleep, so shut up."

"Hey! Don't give me that!" A touch on the shoulder (well, more like a rousing punch) got the man to roll back over, even if it was all in his head. "Ugh! Fine! Fine! You win!" Kicking the covers off in annoyance, he ran a hand down his face. "I can't even muster the will to fight you in the mornings any more .... why do you do this to me, Donna ...."

The woman's tone of voice suggested a grin. "Aw, you'll thank me later, honey bun."

Mumbling something about cloying nicknames and baseless hunches, Seagram dragged himself out of bed, avoiding potted plants scattered across every surface--including the floor--until he made it to the bathroom, where washing up was in order. Some time later, and with some insistent prodding from Donna, he was relatively clean and dressed for an outing. Shoving his hands into the pockets of a ratty letterman, he stepped out into the hall of his apartment building and, kicking the door closed behind him, locked up and went on his way, Donna suggesting the blocks of proper houses for their morning walk today, still following her 'intuition' as she insisted to Seagram.
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