Spirit Battle Academy


Aki of Hearts ♡

[You must create a character and spirit]

Character Form










Personality: (Be descriptive)

History/Bio: (Optional)

Theme Song: (Optional)


Spirit Form






Special Attribute/Power/Ability:

Theme Song: (Optional)


Summoning For Newbies (1A)

SFN is a MUST class for all new Spirit Partners. This class will teach you how to properly summon your spirit and the types of summoning. It will also help you control your summoning and how long your Spirit can be summoned for.

Taught By: Celestina Denucio

Spirit Relationship (2A)

SR class is an easy class for partners who have a hard time bonding with their Spirit. It is not mandatory but if you do take it, it will definitely benefit you later. This class is for those who want to know more about their Spirit and other Spirits in general.

Taught By: Selruna Beans

Battle Training 101 (3A)

BT is also not a mandatory class however it is most crucial and beneficial to all partners who wish to participate in Spirit Battle Academy Tournaments. Not all students have to be a part of it but it is the main attraction to our school. BT is the class where you learn your Spirit's skills in battle and how to best utilize its full potential.

Taught By: Daniel Hopper

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Character Form

Name: Antoinette (Or Annie) West

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 125

Country: Ireland


Hot weather






Any sport involving contact and or throwing something

Making others laugh



Lying people, or those who beat around the bush


being alone

Being a slave to her fears


Being honest (Yes. She's a hypocrite)

Personality: Annie is a loud mouth and a jokester at first sight. She seems just kind with no verbal filter, a bit selfish, and too irresponsible should you not look further. In truth, she is a girl who needs to express the feelings she doesn't suppress, not in words but round about actions. Seeming angry or feisty when terrified. Telling people to leave her alone or be snarky when she feels alone. Smiling and letting people laugh at her when she is reminded of things the doesn't want to know. Its habit. She cares greatly about everyone but still feels unsafe with anyone close to her. Because of this her spirit is either fighting her, receiving the silent treatment, or the one to talk her out of panic attacks and say "Yeah. I know. You didn't need my help."

History/Bio: (Optional)

Theme Song:


Spirit Form









Personality: Nubilus is a man of honesty and clear understanding, going against everything his attribute shows. He comes off as cold and harsh, but his feelings are there. He just lacks the means of expressing them. He is like a parent, obscure and oblivious to his own faults yet out of love, is critical to others. He can be merciful and caring as well, but sometimes the kindness is too subtle to see.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: Nubilus Holds the ability of weather and a fog used only when ruining vision of the opponent and distorting their reality.

Theme Song:

Hey, I'm interested but I don't have much time to make a character today, but I'll try. If I fail, I'll be back tomorrow

Character Form

Name: Koanu Mia


Gender: Male




Weight: 160lb

Country: Oceania


All sorts of food

Surfing and swimming

reading books

Working out at the gym

Working out in the garden

Playing with his dog




Scented candles

Loud noises

Door to door salesmen

Personality: Koanu is quiet and keeps to himself preferring the company of animals and plants to that of an actual human being. However, when he is put in a situation around other humans he isn't afraid and will talk like normal. He can be quite prideful with himself but in general is not open about it. When he is with his plants he finds himself in a better mood and will actually talk to them being more open about his life to them than any human.

History/Bio: (Optional)

Theme Song: Octopuses Garden- The Beetles


Spirit Form

Name: Valerian


Gender: Male



Personality: He is quiet and almost puts off a lazy vibe. He doesn't enjoy confrontation purely for the fact that it takes too much time and effort to be apart of. However, When he is faced with it he prefers to rap it up as quickly as possible.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: Valerian has the abilities of plant creation,manipulation,and manifestation. He has a deep link with the plants of the world and is able to harness their powers of growth and decay.

Theme Song: Clouds by Zach Sobiech

Other: Loves sweets and sugar in general

Class: Spirit Relationships and Battle Training 101

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Name: Despereaux Ashenburg(goes by Esper)

Age: 16



Height: 5'6

Weight: 110

Country: France



The color pink

Frilly and lacy stuff

Basically anything cute



Gloomy days

The color black

Tight spaces

Sitting still

Personality: Esper is very bouncy and bright. She is always cheerful and happy in every situation, good and bad. She sees the good in people, no matter how dark or how alone they may be, and use that to encourage them.

History/Bio: (I'll work on it later)

Theme Song: None.

Other: None.

Name: Adina Polorole

Age: Unknown(Looks 18)

Gender: Female


Personality: She has a very mixed personality; she can be nice she can be mean, basically she has a really big and open personality.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: Electricity, she draws her power from lightning and electrical plants.

Theme Song: None.

Other: None.
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Character Form Name: Andrew kingsley

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Height: 5'3

Weight: 127 pnds

Country: France

Likes: cheesecake, swimming, cats, instrumental music, painting, travel, fun, laughter, spiders

Dislikes: jerks, skydiving, garlic, crowded spaces, pain, fear, crying babies, cockroaches

Personality: He is an artsy not so serious person that somehow gets into trouble often he is a huge cluts which is most of his problem. But when he is less talkative it usually upset or sad about something not usually serious he can get sad over the most simplest of things for he believes you should display your emotion not hide it.

History/Bio: tbrp

Theme Song:


Spirit Form

Name: Maxius reynolds

Age: 10,985

Gender: Male


Personality: he is not much of a talkative person and hardly shows off his emotion not only to make an opponent angry but he does not think it is useful more of a weakness that his partner possesses. He will attack if necessary to keep mostly himself safe for he would not like the only thing linking him to the human world to die so he treats his partner as an idem not a person and shows no remorse for the opponent.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: he is able to distort himself or the playing field with an illusion that can mess with the mind of his opponent such as making them loose their sence of balance or making multiple copies of himself.

Theme Song:

Summoning For Newbies (1A)
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Name: Roselyn "Rose" Mayers

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 135

Country: USA









-night time

-being alone




-loud noises

-bright light


-wearing shoes

Personality: Rose is a very distant girl. She talks very little, if at all and when she does, it's very quietly. She's not shy at all, she's actually quite confident, but she's not a huge fan of other humans. She's seen how terrible people can be and she avoids dealing with other humans as much as she possibly can. That's not to say that she wouldn't befriend another human. They would just be very lucky. Despite being distant, she's very kind and cares deeply for those who get close to her. Despite not liking people, she would sacrifice her happiness for someone else's if she thought it was important.

History/Bio: Rose was born near Yosemite in California. Both her parents died in a fire when she was 6. That's when Daiki first appeared to her. She was jumped from home to home for a few years but she knew how to take care of herself after the first 6 months of her foster parents ignoring her. Her only joy was the various pets that came with the multiple foster parents and Daiki. They finally stopped trying after 6 years and she was placed in an orphanage near the hospital she was born in. The orphanage didn't have many restrictions so she wasn't going to school. Instead, she was in the forests of Yosemite all day, avoiding humans.

Theme Song: Frozen by Within Temptation

Other: Rose will be taking Spirit Relationship and Battle Training 101.

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The Spirit of Mischief

Name: Daiki "Dai"

Age: 28,952, though he can't be sure, he's quite the forgetful kitsune.

Gender: Male

Personality: Daiki is a very fun, mischievous, and playful spirit. He loves playing tricks and joking around with Rose. He teases her about not liking other people and always wonders aloud about how she'll be an old maid. But as soon as someone else tries to tease her he becomes very protective and intimidating. His biggest weakness is Rose. He named himself the Spirit of Mischief but no one has ever disputed the title. Despite being a trickster, he is honest and will never break a promise.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: Daiki, as the self-proclaimed Spirit of Mischief and a nine-tailed kitsune, has full control over kitsune magic. He can make flames with his magic and change his form to match that of any living creature, human or animal. He knows a variety of defensive spells, such as masking his presence and creating a barrier with his magic. He creates twin blades using his magic and they glow a bright blue, just like his fox-fire. However, he can only use his magic for two things at a time, with his two blades counting as one thing. His magic is limited in the fact that he can only use so much before he needs to rest or eat to recharge. No matter how convincing his imitation is, Rose will always be able to tell it's him when she concentrates on the feel of his magic. When he's low on magic, his shadow may give him away, showing one or more of his tails. If he drains his well of magic, he will pass out and sleep for roughly 24 hours.

Other: He has earned all nine of his tails through his "life." Being a kitsune and master of trickery, he can see through most illusions.

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Spirit Relationship and Battle Training 101



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Name: Hatomi Vex

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Shown above.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 163

Country: Japan

Likes: Solitude. Quiet. The Dark. Books. Deceiving others. Corrupting.

Dislikes: Loud noises. Spiders. Arrogance. "Goody-two shoes."

Personality: He is the type of guy to stay out of the lime light, he does his work in the shadows. Ao spends time researching, studying, trying to understand the power of the spirits. He wishes to learn how to truly grasp the power gifted to him. He doesn't spend time making friends, but if he considers you worth it he'll attempt to form an alliance.

History/Bio: Unknown mostly, he transferred over to the academy for training. He was not from a extremely wealthy family, had one brother who is now dead.

Theme Song: Baroque Nightmare



Name: Kuroyami (In Japanese it means The Black Darkness)

Age: 3,402

Gender: Male

Appearance: Shown above.

Personality: He doesn't play well with others. Shallow, arrogant, whimsical. Kuroyami finds enjoyment in others pain, especially if he's giving it out. Basically he's a huge sadist. When it comes to Hatomi he is very defensive. He's the only human that has gained respect of Kuroyami. If Hatomi is injured in some way, Kuroyami enters a panicked frenzy and lashes out to everyone.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: He can shift the shadows as he sees fit, whether it is your own shadow suddenly coming up to suffocate you, or a shadow from a pole next to you. His main/favorite attacks are Vice grip, and Dark trail. 1st: Chokes with own shadow. 2nd: Shadow spikes shoot of from before him.

Theme Song: Hour of Reckoning (Only plays when he releases his power)

Other: Shadows can be rendered useless with light, has a heavy distaste for fire/light/Earth attribute type spirits.
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Name: Maika Lazare

Age: 17

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_21-56-18.jpeg.a99720637d7ef8ca69261c77b05e170e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_21-56-18.jpeg.a99720637d7ef8ca69261c77b05e170e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 125 pounds

Country: Japan







Paper cuts




Personality: Strong on the outside, Miki is actually quite soft hearted. She is a loyal friend that will never leave your side in a crisis. However, on the inside she is insecure and shy. She wishes her inner self would hide forever. She is kind of an introvert, making socializing with other people a bit hard. She loves books and talking about books. She is often caught with her nose in a book.

History/Bio: Miki grew up in a home where her parents drank a lot an they all blamed her. Not enough money, the child ate to much. Not enough room, lock her in a closet, she's taking up room. She was shoved into corners, beaten starved. She hated it. She ran into a cave where she meet Mizui and they made a bond. Later the academy found her and insisted she enroll.

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brshpJmOxu8 I burn


Spirit Form

Name: Mizui

Age: 2,962 (About 18 dragon years)

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_19-52-25.jpeg.3c5f811ae4278812a83e78f69f0377eb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_19-52-25.jpeg.3c5f811ae4278812a83e78f69f0377eb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Strong but calm, Mizui is a level headed spirit that takes things seriously. She is harsh but has a soft heart in there somewhere. She loves Miki like a daughter and likes to stay by her. She does have an sense of humor and likes to crack jokes.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: Mizui can compress sound to create blasts.

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ikK5docONc Red like roses By Rooster Teeth



Spirit Relationship



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Character Form

Name: Avery Lozier

Age: Seventeen years of age. Born May 5th 1997.

Gender: Female


Height: 5'10

Weight: Since we don't usually measure weight in pounds over here, I'm just going to use a converter and hope it's correct. xD -- 140 lbs

Country: Finland

Likes: Scarves, reading, the outdoors, chocolate & red apples.

Dislikes: Very loud noises, cats, obnoxious people.

Personality: Avery has a habit of making snarky comments and/or showing whether or not she dislikes someone. Her innocent appearance for the most part is not to be underestimated, due to the fact that Avery is also a little hot-headed. She prefers her own company and the company of her spirit rather than the company of large groups of people, and could be called a 'lone-wolf'. Avery has a great interest in discovering the reasons that spirits are showing themselves to particular people, and the fact that Phenex never gives her a proper answer only adds to her curiosity.

History/Bio: Avery's spirit came to her when she was fifteen years of age, and even though she first thought herself to be crazy and that she was merely seeing things, Avery got over that at the discovery of a whole academy of similar teenagers. Now, herself and her spirit have quite a bond.

Theme Song: Undecided.

Other: --

Classes: Summoning for Newbies and Battle Training 101.

Spirit Form

Name: Phenex Caverly

Age: Just a little over 5,000 years old now- since he's pretty cocky when it comes to his looks, he has chosen to 'forget' the exact date of his birth and when questioned about his age, gives vague responses.

Gender: Male


Personality: Phenex is a little on the eccentric side, and can come across as pretty condescending with the obsession he has over his appearance. Phenex basically loves himself, to put it simply. He's also rather protective, and has formed a pretty tight sort of friendship with Avery. Although whenever asked why he chose her, the reason is always, 'Because I don't like cats either.'

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: Phenex is the spirit of a coyote, with the personality of one too. He possesses the power to manipulate nature; cause tremors, control the minds of animals, etc. Phenex can only control canidae however, such as wolves, dogs and especially, coyotes. He doesn't manipulate nature geographically that often, as he feels it ruins the appearance of the land.

Theme Song: 'Shepherd of Fire' by Avenged Sevenfold

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Character Form


Evie Xanthe Abel






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118 lbs







Anything small and cute


Spicy food

The quiet

Obnoxious people



Evie is fun, active, friendly, outgoing and kind. She is all smiles, which her friends and family are thankful for, since she's the person to turn to when they feel sad. She's known by everyone for her sunny disposition and although everyone around her loves her for it, some find it sickeningly fake.

She has trust issues since her kindness has been abused one to many times.


Evie was an adopted child. Not knowing who her real parents were, she always felt like she didn't belong. She lost her smile this way. She got into a fair number of beat ups, most of which she didn't fight back. She always felt alone until she met Hagale one faithful evening.

Everything after that seemed to be pure luck. The beat ups stopped, she was safe. Still she felt lonely, then one day, someone found her in the streets, lying on the ground, it was her adoptive father that brought her home, to a family she would love and be loved back, to the Abel residence, eventually growing up healthily and bringing back the smile she once lost.

Theme Song:

I dunno how to link on my iPad so.. Her theme song shall be Happy by Pharrell. :)



Spirit Form




Is not sure herself, thinks to be around 1300 years maybe.


Apparently female


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She is cold and distant to those estrange to her, yet she cares deeply for Evie, thinking her to be a little sister of sorts, and stays by her side throughout the day.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability:

She uses her scrolls to conjure up powerful spells, some to entrap foes, other's to protect Evie. Although there is a minor setback. One, it takes a while to conjure the spell if both scrolls are used. Two, hit the scroll being used, the process of conjuring the spell stops, and whatever spell it was, being an attack spell or a trap, is activated, yet is only half as strong as a finished spell.

Theme Song:

(Can't think of anything yet xox)




Summoning for Newbies (1A)

Battle Training 101 (3A)



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Name: Benjamin Grace

Age: 16

Gender: Male



Height: 170 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Country: British


Jokes, tricks, making people laugh/smile, having a good time, shimmering/shiny things


Sunny weather, responsibilities, salad, carrots, gloomy people, depressing stuff


Benjamin is a bit of a trickster, he loves playing tricks with others and either scare them or make them laugh. It doesn't matter all too much, as long as he gets a laugh out of it himself. He is a selfish person that always has and will place himself before other's, still, he doesn't mean to be rude but in the end, usually ends up insulting people either way. He doesn't like to be hold responsive for things and is usually late for classes if he even shows up at all, much rather doing something else than sit and learn stuff.

He's a happy person and many people tend to like him at first before he becomes too much with his tricks and jokes. He can be a little disrespectful towards people personal space and doesn't hesitate to either hug or cling to people, gender doesn't matter to him, it's nothing he really thinks about.


The worse part about him is probably his fondness for shiny things and expensive stuff. He picked up the habit of stealing a long time ago and is excellent at pickpocket, usually doing so without even notice that he was planning it. Not that he actually needs the things, he just wants them because... Well, because he can.

Spirit Form

Name: Judgement (Benjamin calls him The Judge)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male




Judgement is a silent creature, mostly due to it's voice being rather unpleasant to listen to. He disliked humans, at least according to himself, finding them to be cruel and without happiness. He was sad for them, believing that nothing could save their souls, before he met Benjamin Grace. Every since then, the spirit changed, enjoying to spend time with Benjamin and together, they play tricks on people, all to gain smiles from them. In time, the boy became the most important being to him and he takes well cared of the human, listening to him and mostly agreeing to his plans, although he sometimes thinks that the boy is a little too much.

The judge is a little like a big brother to Benjamin, they play tricks on people, laugh and then he gets a little scolding here and there. However, the creature is nice and kind, with a sense of humor and fun to boot.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability:

The judge has the ability to bind, the long arms and the chains hanging from his back lace around the victim and rips it apart.


Judgement isn't too happy for the boy's stealing habits but nothing he says seem to help so he would rather turn a blind eye towards them than actually trying to talk him out of it.

Character Form

Name: Robin Praetor

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Height: 6'5"

Weight: 220lbs

Country: USA




-Highly energetic people

-Anything that lets him use up energy

-Junk food, candy, soda, etc etc etc etc



-Water (lakes, seas, not puddles. It's the only thing that scare him.)

-Sitting still


-People he consider "boring"

Personality: Robin is always happy, but being with Lynn for so long has really made him a bit of a psycho. He's incredibly energetic, and has an impossible time sitting still for an extended period of time. He hates himself very deeply, and thinks he's pathetic and all that jazz, but he seems completely unable to get depressed or sad for more than 1-3 minutes at a time. He likes fighting, but after a while he can go into a state where he acts practically identical to Lynn.

History/Bio: Robin was calm, nice, and all around regarded as a great kid when he was a small child. However, that was before he started getting nightmares, seeing ghosts, and screaming in the middle of the night, scared, because the pale lady was back. In his wardrobe, under his bed, outside the windows, inside the walls.

His parents were driven to the point of madness, being concerned for their child who seemed to be so much more scared of spiders, the dark, everything, than other children. They started sending him to doctors, and they declared that he was mentally unstable, and suffering from schizophrenia. Of course, no kind of treatment or therapeutics worked against the visions of the pale lady, and eventually, his parents broke down and sent him to an asylum.

He spent a whole bunch of years in there, and to begin with he gradually become less and less stable. The pale woman visited him more frequently, and eventually she was there at all times. He spent most days just sitting in a fetal position in a corner, shaking. He would probably have broken down altogether if it wasn't for a kind old nurse, who always talked to him and made him feel better. Her name was Abigail, and she always seemed so happy to meet him. Abigail got Robin to open up and talk to her about the pale woman, and always tried her best to convince him she was not real. "Robin, maybe you're stuck with the hallucinations for life, but if you can just act like you don't see her, if you can tell yourself she isn't real, and live life without letting her affect it, you can still live like a normal person."

She did, in fact, convince him. He started ignoring the pale woman who followed him around everywhere. He tried his best to ignore it, but it seemed to him as if the lady became sad about it. Over the course of 2 years, Robin became gradually less paranoid, and started acting like a normal person. He was still very reserved, and only ever cheered up when he was talking to Abigail. But, then came the day when Abigail didn't visit him. Then another day went by, and then another, and then another. Robin grew more and more worried about her, and he started returning to his former self.

After about a month, a security guard came over to him and said "I know you liked Abigail, Robin, but I've got to tell you what has happened." It turned out that Abigail had fallen over while crossing a road, and gotten run over by a bus. Robin spent three days crying. He refused to eat, despite the doctors and nurses best attempts. When he finally ran out of tears, he got angry. He looked up from were he was sitting, and wasn't surprised to the see the pale woman there. She was always there. He stod up in a fit of rage, and picked up a nearby plate and threw it at her. To his surprise, however, she smashed the plate out of the air. He stared at her in disbelief. He had never tried to touch, or interact with her before. To begin with, he was too scared, and later he was convinced that she wasn't real, and that she couldn't do anything, but looking at the shards of porcelain on the floor, he had been proven wrong.

His eyes teared up again, and he slid down into a sitting position against the wall, completely convinced he had gone mad again, and he flinched when someone touched his arm. He looked up and saw the lady looking him directly in the eyes, but this time she didn't have the creepy grin on her face, which she had had for as long as he could remember. This time, she looked almost worried, though it was clear she wasn't used to doing anything but grinning, and for the first time, she spoke. "... Lynn... I'm... Lynn...... Please don't cry... I'm real..."

Ever since then, he has had conversations with Lynn, but it was very rare that she did anything but answer in psychotic ways with the grin on her face, but it happens, now and then. He started regaining his confidence, and eventually was deemed stable enough to be let back to his parents.

He slowly learned about spirits though, and eventually learned about other with spirit companions, and the spirit battle academy.

Theme Song:

Other: I'm totally getting into this, ain't I?

Spirit Form

Name: Lynn

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female



Personality: She's a psychopath. She has confessed murdering many humans before meeting Robin. She hasn't told him why she chose him, but she has said she has never liked a human more than him, for no apparent reason. She listens to Robin, and never does anything radical without asking him first, nor does she ever, EVER, leave him alone (Yes, showers and stuff included, but he's gotten used to it at this point). She's in control, but she definitely ain't sane.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability:

She can manipulates some sort of semi-invisible power, which she can use as a weapon, or armour (Think elfen lied, vectors, but not really). It looks different to everyone, but usually it looks like incredibly clear and clean glass, or slight distortion in the air, like air over heated metal. Some people have seen it as what looked like almost molten rocks, and some have claimed not to see it at all.

Theme Song:

(dont worry, no jumpscare. Just creepy.)
Other: Yepp, I totally just got into this

Robin is convinced that Lynn had something to do with Abigails death, but he doesn't want to bring it up as he's grown attached to her.


All of 'em(They aren't on the same time are they?)
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Woo!!!! My first roleplay on here, let's hope I do this right *rubs hands together*

Character Form

Name: Nonna Baskov

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Height: 5'2"

Weight: 103 pounds

Country: Russia

Likes: Friends, Laughter, Being in control, Good food, kindness, people laughing at her jokes, reading, noise, bright lights, crowded places, winning, honest people, card games

Dislikes: Liars, Fighting, Boredom, Disrespect, People underestimating her or not letting her help, harmful or rude jokes, her friends being upset

Personality: Nonna is a tough girl, through and through, though that doesn't mean she isn't kind. No, she loves kind honest people. If her life was just an easy going river with nice people all around, her life would be perfect. Despite her appearance, and her attraction to honesty, she can be a very scary girl using her words. She can easily intimidate people, with no strain. And though she isn't strong, she can make up for it with being versatile in weapons. She'd rather not use them though.

History/Bio: Nonna grew up in a shabby russian village, where her mother and father made...deals day in and day out, all through the night. She was surrounded by vicious men and spacey eyed women, and lived in a not so nice neighborhood. This did not mean her parents didn't care for her and love her, they just got caught up in things they regretted, and taught her how to be a tough but loving person to avoid it.

Other: Give her a cute hat or voluntarily play a card game with her and she'll be yours forever. Somewhat self-conscious of her accent and voice.

Classes: SFN, BT

Spirit Form

Doujuno "Dobby"

Age: 6,942

Gender: Male

Personality: Dobby can be very playful and lovable, and always wants to go on some type of adventure. Dobby doesn't speak much, mostly communicates through body language. He is always so hungry for innocent affection, like hugs and little kisses, though when he speaks, he sounds of a wise and old man.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: Dobby is able to manipulate his own body, he cannot change into another creature, but he can make his legs longer, his teeth sharper, his torso longer, things like that, which can make him a very intimidating spirit if he wanted to be

Other: Give Dobby yummy food
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Character Form

Name: Nanami Cresent

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Height: 5'5


Country: Born in Japan, but raised in the US

Likes: Sweets, christmas/carnival/fair lights, sleeping, reading, music,going out with friends, joking around, playing games, parties, dancing, run about, honesty, animals, crazy and rough sports

Dislikes: BUllies, Liars, stabbed in the back by friends, fighting, being wrong, being yelled at, someone taking her things, people making fun of her.

Personality: Nanami is a girl who mostly keeps to herself unless she has her closest friends with her. When she's with her friends, she's more open then she is with strangers. She doesnt like fighting others unless she needs to in self defence. If she has a crush on you, you better feel special because it's rare for her to crush on anyone because she's scared to let anyone come closer then her friends. Afraid to be happy then instantly broken not too long after. She's playful and funny around her friends and when it's only her friends. Other then that, she's quiet, stands up for people and/or herself and not afriad to speak her mind.

History/Bio: She's an orphan..leave it at that.

Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH3S_r-K77E

Other: noppers, unless i missed something in the rules xD

Spirit Form

Name: Naomi Hiro

Age: 12,576

Gender: Female


Personality: SHe's not afraid to speak her mind and will do anything to protect her friends. She's confident and bold, not afraid of anything. Just dont piss her off, or you'll regret it.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: She can make sharp shards of ice appear and use them as if they were throwing knives. Her gun does the same thing when she shoots it. As for her sword, its a strong shard that glows a brought blue and is a powerful blade.

Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jewdqionk4

Other:Summoning For Newbies (1A)
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Character Form

Name: Ardenzio Loicelle

Age: 16

Gender: Male






Likes:Sweets, sleeping

Dislikes:Snakes, spiders, bullies

Personality: He is rather quirky and moody when woken up for no good reason. When awake he is cheery to the point where long exposure will annoy everyone. However when involved with anything related to tactics and combat he loses all sense of morals and becomes a monster in human form.

History/Bio: Not much is known about him exceptthe fact that he is very skilled.

Theme Song:


Spirit Form






Personality:Violent and silent, capable of winning through sheer tenacity. He' usually calm when not in combat and can sometimes be seen admiring flowers, which he will deny before beating up the person asking about it.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: A brutal fighter, Omega has strength and the speed to back it up. He can send out energy waves from his claws and an energy or from his chest. He can send his claws out and control. He also carries a sword that is unknown in origin. His armor and sword skills assist him greatly

Theme Song:


Classes: Summoninf For Newbies (1A), Battle Training 101 (3A)
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Due to how many joined, I won't be joining as a character. (My characters will be staff/teachers) 


Classes have been made (First page of Sign Up)! Please put in your Character Form which classes you will take.




Name: Celestina Denucio

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 145lbs

Country: Italy

Likes: WIP

Dislikes: WIP

Personality: She's very harsh and very easily put in a bad mood. If you do poorly in something, she won't hesitate to point out everything you did wrong. Of course, she doesn't do it maliciously, she's just very blunt about everything. If you do well, she'll still find something you didn't do correctly rather than praise what you did right. She's difficult to impress, and if often way too hard on her students...but never has she met a student she wasn't able (or willing) to teach.

Theme Song:


Name: Ka'jin

Age: 39,048

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm and wise. Since he literally knows everything (but chooses not to tell), he annoys the crap out of Celstina when she just wants a simple answer to a question and he refuses to tell her. He also has a habit of speaking in riddles...

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: He is the Spirit of Knowledge. He knows everything that was, everything that is, and everything that will be. Being as wise as he is, he does not share this information, for it could destroy the mortal mind.

Theme Song:
Character Form

Name: Felix Jaquet Montéplanteur

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Height: 5'7

Weight: 128

Country: France

Likes: Strawberries, Flowers, doodling, imagining random scenarios in his head that stretch from slightly possible to out of this world impossible, star-gazing, cold weather, and botany

Dislikes: painting, warm weather, sweaters, excessive physical activity, lime, and cleaning his room, pollution.

Personality: Felix generally wants to get a long with everyone (even know such a feat is impossible), he finds it hard to just "Give up", even though in times when he can't stand to push further, he does. Felix is the ideal of true neutrality, he'd view both points as beneficial to that side, but not beneficial to everyone as a whole he doesn't enjoy selfish people, and he doesn't particularly like people who don't use their potential to the fullest. Felix also tends to lock away most of his feelings, putting on a façade that only few could look past.

History/Bio: Will be revealed at some point in the Rp

Theme Song:


Spirit Form

Name: Jaquinette

Age: 406

Gender: Female


Personality: Jaquinette is a humble arbre spirit form, nearly hell-bent on acting in the "proper manors", she scorns Felix any chance she can get, a common one is, "You didn't flex your hand back, and wave? What are you? A dirty, foul pheasant?". When she's not being a half-psychopathic mother to Felix, she's usually reading, or meditating, but from 12-4pm she's usually sitting cross legged in a clear spot, absorbing the sunrays like any other plant would. Although she has an exterior of humbleness, and grace, she has a small, sinister side, one that encourages trickery, and deceit. Although this side rarely shows, it definitely leaves a mark.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability: Jaquinette wields a long entwined vine that has many sharp thorns plastered to it, she uses it like a whip, and thoroughly enjoys practicing with it.

She also can blast small orbs of pure solar essence (although using this requires her using her own energy, often making her tired if used too often) , and can heal herself when injured.


Summoning for Newbies (1A)
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Character Form


Connor MacNare














-Mint flavored things

-Nature (rainy weather, forests, lakes, ocean, animals)

-Time spent with others

-Large buildings/spaces

-Many different kinds of music



-Loud/Sharp noises


-People who talk too much

-Artificial fruit flavors

-Being alone for extended periods


Connor can be described as a rather down to earth sort of guy. He's very relaxed and laid back, and likes to hang back and observe before he makes decisions or judgements. He is rather protective of his spirit, and of his beliefs, and should he make any friends, them too. If pushed too far, or too many times, he can become very angry, and sometimes his anger turns into violence. However, this is rather rare. He also has a belief in karma.


I hate 'To be revealed's, but I guess this is going to be one of them. /:

Theme Song:

Never seen this before. None.


Battle Training (3A)



Spirit Form









She sees herself as more of a motherly type of spirit. In the days of olde, she was the mother of all of the Celtic gods, and made sure that they were orderly and protected until they could handle themselves. After they began to look after themselves and rule their own way, she began to hibernate beneath the Celtic lands (Ireland, Scotland, Wales). She rested for many millenia, and so she can be a bit of a grump (not a morning person). That being said, she is rather protective, just like her chosen human, Connor.

She can be rather vengeful, as well. Loss isn't one of her likes, and doesn't take to it very nicely. However, she is very fair, and does enjoy being the mediator between things, should this be needed.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability:

Cybele is rather attuned with nature, and the things that involve nature. She can control plants (vines, trees, flowers, et), can speak with animals, and control the aerial animals (birds - hawks, eagles, owls, etc),can move the earth, and can use the water as a healing agent, though because it's not strictly nature, it doesn't work all the time. Through the many thousands of years of her life before her slumber, she used these powers to protect her children, but she might be a little rusty after so many years of not using them.

Theme Song:

Still none. :)



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((Ok thanks!))

Character Forum~

Arabella Lemare

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Arabella or Ara is small and slender reaching only a slight 5'3" and an even smaller 100 pounds. In comparison to her height, Ara has extremely long legs and a graceful figure. She is, like most asian girls not gifted with many curves, yet still full on the upper body and has a few curves that kiss her waist and legs.

Ara has long lush black hair that grows in torrents and flows down her back in waves like a water fall. Her dark hair curls slightly at the bottom naturally, and is usually either down or tied up in a navy blue ribbion in a high ponytail. Her heart shaped face is framed nicely by her black bangs that curve slightly outward and grow neatly in a row ending right at the bottom of her defined yet narrow eyebrows. A small button nose is accented by a light dusting of freckles that embrace her rosy cheeks and nose. Her large eyes are the color of the sky right before a storm. This color is brought out nicely by the dark blue hues that are built into the gray. Ara's giant blue gray eyes give her an extremely innocent look that she often uses to her advantage.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images.jpeg.54029e4af7e944e283d23062178f54f8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images.jpeg.54029e4af7e944e283d23062178f54f8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: Ara reaches a small 5'3."

Weight: Small like her height, she reaches 100 pounds.

Country: America, but her mother is Chinese and her father is European/American.

Likes: Quiet people, an intelligent conversation, books, yogurt, and music.

Dislikes: Crooked things or out of place objects, a party, loud noises, and people who can't distinguish the difference between a violin and a viola.

Personality: Ara is an intelligent young adult who often prefers a conversation with a scholar about a book than someone her age. She doesn't get why anyone would ever want to talk about boys or anything else. Something else that can be used to describe Ara is the word Perfectionist. Although perfectionists are extreme, Ara takes this to a new level, freaking out about some of the other smallest things like a crooked painting or a speck of dust on the table. You should have seen her face when she discovered a dead bug in her spotless textbook.

Ara is independent, not liking to rely on others to make it through the world as she has learned it is an extremely unreliable source. She has slight trust issues from being betrayed so many times and will often regard someone coldly until they can prove themselves to be loyal and faithful.

RP Out

Classes: Battle Training (3A)

Theme Song:
Eye Water from Attack on Titan


Spirit Form


Age: 8,389

Gender: Female



Celeste is an old spirit who is easy to get along with, and in a way, almost like a sweet old mare. She is one of the oldest spirits, and is also extremely powerful, knowing how to control her powers very well. She is not quick to lose her temper and can think with a calm mind, yet when she does lose her temper, she is very scary, and can kill within seconds. She is a mysterious and magical creature, with her fair share of secrets.

Special Attribute/Power/Ability:
Celeste has the ability to melt into shadows, almost like a camouflage mechanism and become nearly invisible from both the Spirit's view and the human eye. This comes very handy in battle.

Theme Song:
None yet.





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Character Form

Name: Aaran Maclo






Weight:128 lbs

Country: Europe


-Maintaining armor and weapons







-broken equipment

-vain people




Aaran is a warrior at heart, she is almost never seen out of her armor. In fact the armor, which her dad gave to her, is her pride and joy. She is incredibly protective of her armor, and will go after anyone who tries to damage her armor.

She is also very bed with time management, she almost never shows up anywhere on time. Its often due to the fact that her armor weighs as much as her, and takes about an hour and a half to put on.

Spirit Form

Name: Xanen Rale

Age: ?

Gender: female?



Personality: Xanen is a trickster spirit, it isn't a big fan of combat and violence, preferring instead to trick and deceive its foes. It also loves games and puzzles,and often if it sees a puzzle, it will drop everything its doing and work on the puzzle until completion. Much to the chagrin of Aaran.

When cornered, Xanen is not afraid to use its powers, especially if its existence is in danger.

Special attribute:

-Metal Melting Acid: Xanen's slime becomes an acid that slowly corrodes metals.

-Flesh eating Acid: Like metal melting acid, but instead with flesh, Xanen can only use one of these two powers at a time.

-slime form: Xanen give one living object a gelatinous form for a short period of time, allowing the subject to fit into cracks and crevases they normally wouldn't be able to get through.

Other: Aaran thinks Xanen is a coward.

Classes: Battle training, spirit relationships

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