Spirit Battle Academy [Inactive]


Aki of Hearts ♡
@Rai-Chan @Icefox11 @iLoriel2 @Kriyze @Britt-21 @Mintsong @Majestic Rose

"Welcome students to Spirit Battle Academy! Please line up at the entrance and hand in your registration forms! You have an hour before Orientation. Afterwards, you may all head to your dorm to get settled in! Please familiarize with the campus as classes will begin tomorrow! Summoning for Newbies starts at 9:00AM, then Spirit Relationship begins at 1AM (Right after lunch), then Battle Training 101 will end the day at 3PM. For students who do not have classes during a certain time period are more than welcome to roam the campus but you may not leave without permission. Ask one of our many teachers and staff about the activities a student can take! Good luck!"

The speaker blasted all around campus (Although mainly at the entrance) so all students could hear. Daniel Hopper, Teacher of Battle Training 101, was at the entrance with his hands over his ears.

"I hope these students are worth the noise." He complained to his companion. His companion was Selruna Beans, Teacher of Spirit Relationship. All she did was turn to him and smile.

"Be polite. If you're good, I'll give you a reward." Selruna said, smiling and winking at him. Daniel nodded eagerly. He loved rewards.

Selruna laughed. It's like I have a dog with me.
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Rose listened to the message on the PA system while walking towards the entrance. She was the first to walk up to the registration table and hand in her forms. She hated crowds and waiting in lines, so she had gotten there as early as possible.

As soon as she had turned in her forms, she walked away from the crowds and sat in the shade of a tall tree. She pulled her iPod out of her bag and plugged her headphones into it before slipping them over her ears. She hit shuffle on her playlist and began to nod her head to the music.

Her gaze moved across the area she could see. It was an amazing campus and she loved the look of the buildings. She may have a bit of trouble dealing with the rest of the student body, but she would deal with it to learn more about Daiki and other spirits.

She sighed at the thought of the Battle Training class Daiki had persuaded her to take. She wasn't much for fights, but she knew he would have fun.

At the thought of Daiki, she wondered where he was. He had been with her since she was 6, so she was an expert at summoning him. The only exception being when he didn't feel like being summoned.

Suddenly, he appeared next to her, startling her a little. He chuckled, putting his hand on top of her head. Rose brushed his hand away, snorting at his silly games. Just like always, a feeling of awe came over her at his appearance. She would never stop wondering why he had chosen her, but he avoided answering whenever she asked.
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Ardenzio suveyed the situation from afar. "Hmm...si many people...this'll be fun." He said. He cheerfully skipped to the registration table and handed in his form. "Ardenzio Loicelle with his partner Omega, at you service." He said cheerfully. "Now bring on the cha-Bwagh!" He shouted before tripping in front of a tall tree. "Owww...."
Nonna slowly walked to the registration desk, her eyes sagging and skinny arms stretching. She didn't look like much, sometimes she could be mistaken for a fifth grader, depending on how you looked at her. She didn't expect to gain much attention at first, unless people noticed how young she looked. She wasn't even that short, she was actually on the edge of being average, it was just she seemed like a very dainty girl, but she always thought she was far from that.

Only a few people were at the registration desk, yawning and stretching, none of them really wanting to be awake. She rubbed her eye, handing in her registration form, "Name's Nonna, but you can probably see that," she said a bit quiet, trying to hide her accent. It was kind of thick, and she was sometimes sort of hard to understand, and it gets embarrassing when you have to repeat yourself a billion times. She nodded to the lady she handed the form to and left.

"Dobby..." she whispered, and whoosh he appeared. He was far from hard to summon, he was always so excited to communicate and be fed. He always told her he didn't have much to do, but usually he didn't stay for as long as she would like. She pulled out some candy from a bag and shared it with him, walking through the campus. It sure was pretty, but she was way too tired to notice.
Andrew walked up to the menceing school almost like home except much larger the scenery was nice plenty of plants and other minor dacorations here and there that sprused the place up. Due to his inability to doubletask he ran into a wall on his way to picking up his schedule but was too excited to really care as he continued to walk twords the entrance where he droped off his registration form. He had got the class Spirit summoning for beginers and the class that it was in "well that was really easy" he muttered to himself as he entered the large school.
Koanu sat on the bus sighing remembering he was leaving the paradise of his home. He watched all of the trees fly by as he drifted off to sleep. By the time he reawakened, due to the honking of cars from oncoming traffic, he could see the buildings now wizzing by. Again he closed his eyes trying to fall back to sleep but to his dismay they ran over a sizeable bump that caused him to slam his head into the window. He groaned as he looked out again to now see the school after what seemed like meer moments of driving.

The school appeared rather impressive but he wasn't sure if he was really shocked. Koanu stepped off of the bus lifting up his bags and slinging them over his shoulders. He took a deep breath and smelled the air around him only to sigh because it didn't smell anything like home. As he walked in he stopped to fill in the registration refusing to talk to the woman but instead nodding and pointing as his means of communication with her.

He took off his hat while he was walking to find his room and ran his fingers through his curly dark brown hair. Pausing to look around him and gaze up toward the sun "At least that hasn't changed ehh bud?" Eventually, he gave up his search for his room and just sat his bag down hoping someone would come talk to him. Waiting, Koanu looked around at some people summoning the spirits just because and decided he would do the same. He put his hands around his mouth and started to howl. Starting quiet and low to higher and loud. He thought people would think this was weird but he didn't care too much.

As he was doing this from the grass a wolf head emerged followed by its body that appeared to be made of vines. As its front paws arose from the ground in pushed up pulling the rest of its torso and backside from the earth. It wagged its tail and curled up laying down.

3 hours before arriving to Spirit Battle Academy, Connor had been sitting on his bed, reading over the letter in his hand, making sure that he really wanted to go or not. In all truth, he didn't really need to - or really want to, for that matter. Cybele had been sitting behind him, contemplating the same thing. It could just be the two of them. Forever, but then what would be the point? That would get old.

At last he sighed and tossed the letter away, and began packing. It was only an hour away, taking the highway as the quickest route to the academy, so the young Scottish lad had time to do what he needed before leaving. Clothes, books, drawing materials, music, and all other necessities went into his large suitcase, and finally he was ready.

3 hours later, Connor was sitting on a bench, conversing with Cybele before the intercoms startled him. He jumped, and so did Cybele, but the surprise was short lived and a chuckle was shared between the two. When the announcement ended, he stood up and turned to Cybele. "It's too late to turn back now, Cyb. So I suppose we should make this a pretty good time, ye?" He spoke with a very thick scottish accent. Not even his few short years living locally could change it.

Cybele nodded in agreement, and stole a look at the skies, watching the birds fly around, and then around to see that there were many trees that surrounded the academy. Perhaps an entire forest. They were both asleep on the way there. "Perhaps it's not so bad after all." She replied, smiling and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I believe we will both make good friends with others."

Her words were indeed reassuring, and so with greater confidence he strode over to the front desk, laying out his papers for the person at the desk to take, and then continued on as everyone else appeared to.
Robin stopped and caught his breath. He'd been traveling here on foot for the last three days, just for fun, but he was almost getting late, so he had picked up his pace. The building was gorgeous, and even Robin stopped to observe it for a moment, despite his need to move. Eventually his legs started itching though, and he tore through the crowd to get to the reception desk. He pissed of at least 342 people on his way there, but he had other things on his mind than all these plebs. He didn't actually think they were bad people, but at this moment in time, he couldn't care less about them.

Sliding to a stop by the reception desk, he quickly went through all of his pockets for the papers. When he didn't find anything he started panicking, and went through all the pockets again, and again, and again. People were starting to get pretty annoyed. Suddenly a face appeared inches from his and he jumped, and almost fell over. He didn't really have an idea of how to summon her or anything, she just kind of... Appeared. Constantly. "Why do you always have to do that Lynn..." He said, and looked at what she held in her hands. "Ohmygodthankyou!" he blathered as he ripped the papers from her hands and spread them out on the table.

Eventually he got the go ahead to move on, which he did with gusto. He stopped in front of the school and looked up at it. It was still really pretty, but he couldn't stand here all day. He had to do SOMETHING. He looked around and quickly slid up to the nearest person, some short girl with blonde hair. "Hey there! What's up?" He said as he observed her, walking with his hands in his jacket.

@Captain Arabella
Nonna looked up at the person coming towards her. She squinted her eyes and tilted her head, but she didn't recognize who the boy was. Dobby faced the direction he could hear the voice from. Nonna could tell he was slightly annoyed that his time would be interrupted.

She nodded at the boy, unsure of whether to speak or not. But if you are scared to even speak then, Nonna confirmed to herself, you are a big wimp! And Nonna was certainly not a wimp, "Hello," she said to the boy, "I'm Nonna."

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Rose was still looking at Daiki when she felt more than heard a thud on the ground in front of her. Pulling her headphones off, she looked at the boy sprawled on the ground in front of her. Daiki was behind her, laughing as he flicked his wrist, making the root that had tripped the boy disappeared.

"You ok?" she asked, standing up to help the boy who had fallen. Flinging her arm back, she was satisfied with the loud slap and groan she heard as her hand connected with Daiki's arm.

"Sorry about him," she said, holding out her hand.
"Hello, I'm Nonna."

He was a bit relieved that she responded nicely. Mostly when he said hi to random people they stared at him like he was a pedophile or something, and then walked off. "Hello Nonna, I'm Robin!" He said. He realized how it didn't sound like him at all, and that he shouldn't give her the wrong image of himself, so he calmed down. He scratched his head as he didn't actually know anything to say. "Damnit, it always turns out like this."

Lynn appeared again, right next to him, and he jumped and bumped into Nonna rather violently. "Godamnit Lynn! Can you not!?" She did it constantly, but he never got used to it. He looked behind him at Nonna. "Uh, sorry, are you alright?"
"I'm alright..." He mumbled as he stood up. He dusted himself off and mumbled "Ow..." He looked at the girl. "Sorry, i was just so excited that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He said with a smile. "My name is Ardenzio." He introduced as he bowed slightly.
She glanced at the boy named Robin for a second, then stared at the girl, wide-eyed. But not in a scared way, Nonna didn't get scared by much, but more as if she was examining her. White hair and bright red eyes, She's like a human girl version of Dobby, she thought to herself. Dobby knocked his head into her thigh, he was thinking the exact same thing. She smiled, "Yes, I am alright Robin. Thank you. Is this your spirit?" She didn't wait for an answer, it was already obvious, "Hello, Lynn? Pretty name," nodding at her as a hello, "This is Dobby," she waved towards her spirit, who put his front legs in the air as a gracious hello.
Robin turned to see if Lynn reacted to the hail. Nope, and he wasn't surprised. He didn't think he'd ever seen her talk to anyone but himself. She just stood there, staring at him, with that creepy ass grin on her face. He looked at the weird shape that Nonna refered to as Dobby. He hadn't paid much attention to it, and hadn't realized it was moving at all, and just thought it was a piece of modern art or something. He shook his head. "I'm really not used to this spirit thing.." He thought.

"Sorry 'bout Lynn, but she never talks. Well, at least I've never seen her talk to anyone but me." He hesitated for a second, and then waved to the spirit thing next to Nonna. "Hey... Dobby.." He didn't really know how to talk to spirits. He had only met 2 other spirits than Lynn in his life, and he never talked to either, so this was completely new to him. @Captain Arabella
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Evie had her earphones on when she entered the school gates, not noticing the stares she received from the other students here. "Evie.. They're looking at you." Hagale called out, tapping her shoulder every once in a while. This caught Evie's attention. "I'm sorry, what were you saying sis?" She said to Hagale, turning around to face her, but was still walking, so basically, she was walking backwards. Hagale looked at her and pinched the bridge of her nose in the process. "I said, they're staring at you." She repeated, giving emphasis to some words.

Evie faced back to the front and looked around, taking in the view in front of her, finally noticing the stares she was being given by the other students here. "Oh.. Why are they staring?" she asked her spirit, still turning her head left and right. "How should I know.." Hagale muttered. She knew exactly why, Evie wasn't the girl to be categorized as average. To Hagale, her master was beautiful and most of the boys shared the same idea. "Shouldn't you be getting to the reception?" She asked Evie, who was still looking around. "Reception..? Oh yeah.. I need to pass these papers don't I?" She asked herself.

With her bags rolling after her, she made her way to the front desk and gave the papers to the female seated behind the table. "Evie Xanthe Abel, but I guess you knew that.." she muttered, handing her the registration papers and looked back to Hagale. After they were done, they walked past the desk and sat under a tree, her belongings right beside her. "Should we find our room now..?" Hagale asked her, standing in front of Evie, potentially blocking out the sun.

Evie looked up at her spirit, and looked around. Other students were conversing with each other, making friends and potential rivals. "Well.. Since no one's trying to talk to us.. Sure. Why not." She told Hagale, getting up and pulling her luggage with her, into the buildings, hoping to find her room... And maybe make a few friends.
The night before, Avery had been aboard a plane, travelling all the way from Europe to attend this school. Cordovan oculars sweeping over the letter the academy had sent out, she couldn't help but think about whether her choice had been a good one or not. It was a little late to change her mind now though. And she was so far from home ..

But, she still had Phenex with her, which made things a lot better.

As of on cue, the spirit materialised by her side, taking the seat next to her, even though he wasn't actually visible to any one else. Glancing at the untouched sandwich that had been set down on the tray table in front of Avery, he cocked an eyebrow. "Don't like airplane food?"

"No," Avery responded, her voice no more than a murmur, conscious of sounding like an idiot in a public area, seeing as she was the only one who could see the spirit. With that, her gaze had travelled back to the window, obviously deep in though as she gazed out at her homeland which was now vanishing from view.


Now, Avery was standing in the slow moving line towards the reception desk to hand in the papers. The difference in temperature had been a surprise, but she kept her scarf on, the fabric reaching to just below her nose. Avery had a habit of dressing warmly, coming from the most northern part of Finland, and the arctic circle, so all she had packed were sweaters. She supposed she'd have to due some shopping eventually. It was clear enough by her appearance that she had travelled quite far.

After finally reaching the end of the line, Avery handed the papers over to the receptionist, before making her way outside and onto campus again. Her gaze swept over the exterior of the large academy before she contemplated on perhaps talking to some other students. Thankfully enough, Phenex interrupted her train of thought, occupying her again for now.

"It's big, isn't it?" he commented, his own gaze transfixed on the large building.

"Yeah, I suppose." Avery had had to tug her scarf away from her face to speak. Her accented-laced voice wasn't as hushed as before, since everyone else here was like her.
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((May I post?)) 

Quietly, she stood behind all the other students, hidden in the shadows picking at her black uniform, her Spirit companion, Celeste, also hidden with her. The one thing they had in common was their need for the dark and solitary. At last, it was her turn to hand in her registration forums. Some of the others had smaller spirits and others had bigger ones. Slowly walking forward, she began making her way to the Dorms, glancing at the Map of the Campus she was handed. Others were already socializing, and she sighed, she would always be the out cast. Celeste trotted beside her, the old mare's white mane and tail flowing like clouds behind her. Sensing Ara's sadness, the Spirit nibbled on Ara's dark hair, and rubbed her silky pink muzzle against Ara's head, causing her to smile and stroke the old Spirit's nose.

Despite being a Spirit, Celeste was basically like any other horse, she felt like one, acted like one, and looked like one, but there were also subtle differences, like the way she carried herself, or how her mane and tail seemed to be moving even without the wind. Scratching her forlock, Ara continued to the Dorms.


The silvery white Spirit mare watched her fellow human's gray eyes stare at the other groups of people enviously. All through her life, her human companion, Ara, had been an outcast. The mare nibbled the girl's raven black hair affectionately, as if reminding her that she still loved her. They would be human and companion until the end, like a loyal dog and owner. She wiggled her lips in delight as Ara scratched the itchy spot on Celeste's forlock causing her to laugh, no doubt from her silly expression.
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After deciding herself and Phenex had been staring at the large academy building for far too long already, even if it had only been about thirty seconds, Avery grabbed the spirit's wrist and turned, cordovan oculars searching for something else to occupy them. It was the flower beds that were littered around campus that primarily caught Avery's attention, and it didn't take her long to approach one of them. She supposed if was a little cliché for a girl to be fascinated by flowers, but in her own country it wasn't often that one would see such vibrantly coloured plants.

"You're too easily amused, y'know that?" Phenex commented, chuckling faintly as he followed the human. Though he took his words back again after Avery had soon lost interest in those too. But she didn't want to just sit on one of the benches like many of the others, and had subconsciously not ventured all that near to the main group of students. It wasn't that she was shy, she just didn't really like the company of many.
Miki listened to the announcements. She had a while before class, so she started wandering around. She didn't know what to do, so she went to go sit on a bench and sit. She began to hum while she sat there. She started clapping her hands to the invisible beat, settling into the smooth rhythm. She started to sing after a few measures of the beat.
Andrew had walked throught the school as he saw the diffrent rooms and courtyards the garden was the most relaxing place he heard singing from there but it may be aquward to walk in and listen. He still entered the gaurden but walked the other was so he didnt bother the girl he sat down at the bench and was talking to himself mostly stuff that he should remeber for later and other mental notes. He kind of stopped with his thinking to listen to the music playing from the garden the gril on the bench haddent noticed him due to being occupied at the moment his spirit formed with a blank look "you really are pathetic you know" she glanced at his partner who wasnt paying attension at all.
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Miki finished her song, looking up into the distance. Mizui floated in beside her, standing on the grass in front of her. "I wish you would stop wandering off." Mizui said, giving her the 'I am your parent' look. "I know. I'm sorry." Miki said sarcastically. She healed out her arm for her spirit as it jumped on her shoulder. She looked around for a bit until she looked next to her. She jumped as she realized she had been sitting next to someone the whole time. "Hello. Didn't see you there." Miki said sheepishly.
Rose watched as the boy dusted himself off. She lifted an eyebrow at his bow, glancing at Daiki who had come to stand next to her. "Hn. Rose," is all she said as Daiki draped an arm across her shoulders.

Rose felt Daiki pulling her away from the boy and she smiled up at him. He always knew when she wanted to get away from other people. They stopped for a moment as he bent down to grab her luggage.

Rose allowed Daiki to lead her away from the crowds and into the garden. He could hear a few people in one direction so he turned the opposite way. "How are you gonna do this?" He asked.

Rose bit her lip, her eyebrows drawing together as she contemplated what she was going to do. She sighed before saying, "I'm not really sure, but I needed to get away from home. And I think you'll have fun."
Andrew blinked a couple times pefor responding to the girl "I heard singing so I walked over here to find the scorce" his partner gave him a look of disgust before he started to vanish once more "how pathetic" he mumbled lowed enough for his partner to hear then vanished completely "dont mind him he is always that grumpy" He look as if his insults didnt phase him like its just another thing. He looked back up at the girl to see her suprised face "Ah its fine I wasnt trying to get your attension or distract you" he smiled at her with a reashuring look.
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"Oh. Ok! Hi, my name is Miki." Miki said, giving a warm smile. "This is Mizui." She said, gesturing to the dragon. She smiled, trying to seem friendly. She can sometimes come off as rude so she was trying to stay away from that. "What's your name?" She asked.
"I'm Andrew and the other guy that was here was my spirit Maximus he can be a bit of a pain" he laughed a little bit before acually continuing the conversation"you know we will be seeing eachother alot more when classes start so I might as well get used to my class mates" she had a look of excitement at the thought of finally being able to meet someone that wouldnt classify him as a spirt freak like in his old school.

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