• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

The order and format you do these in don’t matter, as long as each point is included. Below this code is another place you can copy the CS. Though I'll be using coding for my CS, you don't have to use code or make things pretty as long as the info is there.


[insert an image]

Real name: (Your characters birth name)
Hero name: (e.g “Spiderman 2099” - can be multiple people with the same generic name, e.g two universes may call their hero “Spiderwoman”, or it can be entirely unique. Doesn’t need to include the word spider.)
Alignment: (Hero or villain)
Basic bio: (optional)

Likes: (At least three)
Dislikes: (At least three)
(Optional) Hobbies:
Personality: (At least two paragraphs)
Vices: (Don’t include hero weaknesses here, only personality-based negative qualities).
Virtues: (Positive qualities about your character. Don’t include hero abilities here.)

[insert an image]

Abilities: (e.g “Miles Morales gained his powers similar to Peter Parker – getting bit by a radioactive, genetically-modified spider. The bite gave him similar powers to Parker, but seeing the spider was different; the results were different, too. Hence, Miles gained the bio-electric 'stings' that mimic a spider's sting. Miles turning invisible is just an extension of certain Spiders and their ability to blend into their environment”. Abilities are recommended to be spider-related but if you have other ideas feel free to ask in OOC. Even if they don't seem spider-related, the ability could be inherited from a genetically modified spider, etc. I recommend reading through this page for ideas. No limits to how many abilities you can have, but just don't go too overboard)
Weaknesses: (At least two, to keep things balanced. No character should be 100% flawless.)

Universe name: (e.g Earth-616B. Can be absolutely any made-up name too with or without numbers.)
Universe time-period / year: (Is your universe in the future relative to real life, the past or the present? These time periods can be entirely different from OG Earth periods, for instance it could be the year 6021 but be similar to real life's medieval era.)
Universe Description: (Tell us what it's like on your planet! At least two paragraphs. Be as descriptive as you can. It’s also okay if your universe is just similar to Earth, or completely different.)
Spider Society?: (Is your character already a part of the elite society of Spider-heroes, or are they just about to join it? Were they even aware of other universes before now?)

Backstory: (At least three paragraphs. Include how your character became a Spider-hero. Not every hero has to have been bitten - this page describes a few other ways.)
(Optional) Reference photo of what your planet looks like.
Relationships: (Any allies, family members or enemies worth mentioning).

Costume: (Short description. At least one reference photo of a Spider-suit / hero costume should be somewhere in the CS. Outfit doesn’t have to be spider-related per se but must be somewhat similar. Can use costumes from other franchises apart from blatant ones like Superman and Ironman.)
Looks: (Short description at least two sentences. This CS should include least one photo of what your character looks like unmasked, but doesn't have to be put here.)

(include any extra information you want us to know.)


The order and format you do these in don’t matter, as long as each point is included.


[insert an image]

Real name: (Your characters birth name before they were a villain.)
Villain name: (Villains don't need to be spider related.)
Alignment: (Hero or villain)
Basic bio: (optional)

Likes: (At least three)
Dislikes: (At least three)
(Optional) Hobbies:
Personality: (At least two paragraphs)
Pre-villainhood vices: (Personality-based negative qualities from before they were a villain, if there was a before).
Current vices: (Current negative personality traits).
Pre-villainhood virtues: (if your character used to be a normal person)
Current virtues: (Any positive qualities about your character, if any. Don’t include abilities here.)

[insert an image]

Abilities: (e.g “By utilizing his Vulture harness, Adrian Toomes is able to fly as if with a natural winged flight. He wears a costume of synthetic stretch fabric housing an electromagnetic harness with artificial bird-like wings attached beneath the arms...” etc)
Weaknesses: (At least two)

Universe name: (e.g Earth-616B. Can be absolutely any made-up name too with or without numbers.)
Universe time-period / year: (Is your universe in the future relative to real life, the past or the present? These time periods can be entirely different from OG Earth periods, for instance it could be the year 6021 but be similar to real life's medieval era.)
Universe Description: (Tell us what it's like on your planet! At least two paragraphs. Be as descriptive as you can. It’s also okay if your universe is just similar to Earth, or completely different.)

Backstory: (At least three paragraphs. Include how your character became a villain, the moment they became evil and reasonings as to why, etc. Unless they were a villain from the start, of course.)
(Optional) Reference photo of what your planet looks like.
Relationships: (Any allies, family members or enemies worth mentioning).

Costume: (Short description. I appreciate that reference images may be hard to find with villain "costumes", so if you have an idea you're free to just write the description if you can't get a visual reference. Feel free to use costumes from the existing franchise and any other non-marvel franchise too if you need to, in that case do include a photo.)
Looks: (Short description at least two sentences. This CS should include least one photo of what your character looks like appearance-wise, but doesn't have to be put here.)

(Optional. Include any extra information you want us to know.)​

The order and format you do these in don’t matter, as long as each point is included.


[insert an image]

Real name: (Your characters birth name)
Hero name: (e.g “Spiderman 2099” - can be multiple people with the same generic name, e.g two universes may call their hero “Spiderwoman”, or it can be entirely unique. Doesn’t need to include the word spider.)
Alignment: (Hero or villain)
Basic bio: (optional)

Likes: (At least three)
Dislikes: (At least three)
(Optional) Hobbies:
Personality: (At least two paragraphs)
Vices: (Don’t include hero weaknesses here, only personality-based negative qualities).
Virtues: (Positive qualities about your character. Don’t include hero abilities here.)

[insert an image]

Abilities: (e.g “Miles Morales gained his powers similar to Peter Parker – getting bit by a radioactive, genetically-modified spider. The bite gave him similar powers to Parker, but seeing the spider was different; the results were different, too. Hence, Miles gained the bio-electric 'stings' that mimic a spider's sting. Miles turning invisible is just an extension of certain Spiders and their ability to blend into their environment”. Abilities are recommended to be spider-related but if you have other ideas feel free to ask in OOC. Even if they don't seem spider-related, the ability could be inherited from a genetically modified spider, etc. I recommend reading through this page for ideas. No limits to how many abilities you can have, but just don't go too overboard)
Weaknesses: (At least two, to keep things balanced. No character should be 100% flawless.)

Universe name: (e.g Earth-616B. Can be absolutely any made-up name too with or without numbers.)
Universe time-period / year: (Is your universe in the future relative to real life, the past or the present? These time periods can be entirely different from OG Earth periods, for instance it could be the year 6021 but be similar to real life's medieval era.)
Universe Description: (Tell us what it's like on your planet! At least two paragraphs. Be as descriptive as you can. It’s also okay if your universe is just similar to Earth, or completely different.)
Spider Society?: (Is your character already a part of the elite society of Spider-heroes, or are they just about to join it? Were they even aware of other universes before now?)

Backstory: (At least three paragraphs. Include how your character became a Spider-hero. Not every hero has to have been bitten - this page describes a few other ways.)
(Optional) Reference photo of what your planet looks like.
Relationships: (Any allies, family members or enemies worth mentioning).

Costume: (Short description. At least one reference photo of a Spider-suit / hero costume should be somewhere in the CS. Outfit doesn’t have to be spider-related per se but must be somewhat similar. Can use costumes from other franchises apart from blatant ones like Superman and Ironman.)
Looks: (Short description at least two sentences. This CS should include least one photo of what your character looks like unmasked, but doesn't have to be put here.)

(include any extra information you want us to know.)
The order and format you do these in don’t matter, as long as each point is included.


[insert an image]

Real name: (Your characters birth name before they were a villain.)
Villain name: (Villains don't need to be spider related.)
Alignment: (Hero or villain)
Basic bio: (optional)

Likes: (At least three)
Dislikes: (At least three)
(Optional) Hobbies:
Personality: (At least two paragraphs)
Pre-villainhood vices: (Personality-based negative qualities from before they were a villain, if there was a before).
Current vices: (Current negative personality traits).
Pre-villainhood virtues: (if your character used to be a normal person)
Current virtues: (Any positive qualities about your character, if any. Don’t include abilities here.)

[insert an image]

Abilities: (e.g “By utilizing his Vulture harness, Adrian Toomes is able to fly as if with a natural winged flight. He wears a costume of synthetic stretch fabric housing an electromagnetic harness with artificial bird-like wings attached beneath the arms...” etc)
Weaknesses: (At least two)

Universe name: (e.g Earth-616B. Can be absolutely any made-up name too with or without numbers.)
Universe time-period / year: (Is your universe in the future relative to real life, the past or the present? These time periods can be entirely different from OG Earth periods, for instance it could be the year 6021 but be similar to real life's medieval era.)
Universe Description: (Tell us what it's like on your planet! At least two paragraphs. Be as descriptive as you can. It’s also okay if your universe is just similar to Earth, or completely different.)

Backstory: (At least three paragraphs. Include how your character became a villain, the moment they became evil and reasonings as to why, etc. Unless they were a villain from the start, of course.)
(Optional) Reference photo of what your planet looks like.
Relationships: (Any allies, family members or enemies worth mentioning).

Costume: (Short description. I appreciate that reference images may be hard to find with villain "costumes", so if you have an idea you're free to just write the description if you can't get a visual reference. Feel free to use costumes from the existing franchise and any other non-marvel franchise too if you need to, in that case do include a photo.)
Looks: (Short description at least two sentences. This CS should include least one photo of what your character looks like appearance-wise, but doesn't have to be put here.)

(Optional. Include any extra information you want us to know.)
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Click Tabs on Left + Possible Scroll + Click underlined text
  • Chief Commander
    Alejandro Viego Cortéz
    Full Name
    Alejandro Viego Cortéz
    Either Cortéz or Viego. People don't use his first name outside of Solaria 1 unless they know him very well.
    Hero Name
    Spiderman. How original
    Veracruzarian. He is the Solarian equivalent of half Mexican half American.



Real name: Alejandro Viego Cortéz
Nickname: Either Cortéz or Viego. People don't use his first name outside of Solaria 1 unless they know him very well.
Hero name: Spiderman. How original!
Alignment: Hero
Age: Thirty-four
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: Veracruzarian (the Solarian equivalent of half Mexican, half American)


Likes: Protecting people, bravery, kicking villain ass, a good fight, animals, justice, revenge.
Dislikes: Injustice, evil, corruption, betrayal, cowardice, getting too close to people, those who harm children, being reminded of his family tragedy.

Alejandro, on the surface, is a serious, blunt and somewhat intimidating man who is also strong-minded. He lets very few people get close to him purely because he doesn’t want to get attached and end up losing more loved ones than he already has. This doesn’t mean that he’s uncaring - if, by chance, you do get to know him, you’ll find that the real Alejandro is highly empathetic, caring (in an especially fatherly way) and gentle just like he used to be before the incident, with a heart much bigger than the one he lets people see. Another reason he avoids letting outsiders see his true kind-hearted and caring nature is that he fears villains may take these qualities of his as a weakness, and he'd rather people assume he's an asshole than soft.

As well as being compassionate, Alejandro is also extremely brave and would sacrifice himself for anyone else without much of a second thought. However, his usual cold demeanour that developed through years of loss has left him without many people he feels as though he can trust, leaving him with a lot of stress and built-up negative emotions. In his civilian life as a world-famous actor, Alejandro portrays himself as effortlessly charismatic and charming, but he struggles to be charismatic in real-life situations among other heroes, though he does enjoy not being famous outside of his planet as he no longer likes the spotlight.

Vices: Slightly blunt, mostly unforgiving (he’s given out enough second chances), serious, intimidating during first impressions
Virtues: Brave, loyal to a fault, righteous, determined, caring and empathetic deep down


Superhuman abilities: Cortéz’s strength is sufficient enough to lift up to 10 tons and also extends to his legs, allowing him to leap great heights of at least 30 feet in a single bound. He is abnormally fast and capable of moving and running far faster than the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete, which he has to largely tone down when starring in action movies. Cortéz’s musculature physicality generates fewer fatigue toxins than the musculature of an ordinary human, leaving him with superhuman stamina. With advanced durability, his body is a little more resistant to certain types of injury than the normal human body would be such as surviving great impact forces (falling from several stories high and getting repeatedly struck by super-humanly strong opponents), and even when similar injuries leave him with broken ribs, he’d usually be able to walk himself straight to a hospital (providing his legs aren’t broken too) - he still, unfortunately, feels pain like a normal human. Unsurprisingly, Cortéz also has superhuman agility and reflexes.

Talons and Fangs: Cortéz possesses sharp vampire-like canine teeth that can produce non-toxic venom capable of paralyzing his enemies, so it would be good not to let him close enough to bite you otherwise you’ve basically lost the battle. He also has retractable talons at the tip of his fingers and toes that he uses to dig, crawl up, and claw through solid materials such as cinder blocks.

Advanced Vision: Cortéz can see great distances with perfect clarity. He possesses the same level of clarity at night, enabling him to see in dark environments. It also works as a type of early warning, not to the same degree as other hero’s spider senses but it at least enables him to see attacks coming from far away if in his line of sight.

Accelerated Metabolism: Cortéz’s metabolism has been genetically enhanced so that it allows his condition to remain stable when his body has been greatly damaged, which doesn’t mean he can heal himself back to full health but instead means he won’t bleed out or get any worse after a fight is over. He also ages very slowly due to the stability of his tissues and cells, meaning he will likely still look thirty when he reaches his sixties.

Spinnerets: Both of Alejandro's forearms contain spinnerets that release web-like substances from the back of his wrists. He can use his webs to swing from building to building or to restrain an individual, much like other spiderheroes can.

Weaknesses: When any loved one is brought into it he is most vulnerable - similarly, one of his mottos is “leave no one behind”, meaning he likely could be manipulated by hostage-taking and would risk the success of a mission if it means saving one extra person. His career is also a weakness, going both ways. As a civilian, being an A-List celebrity and actor means that being watched under a microscope by paparazzi and fans make it extra challenging to hide the fact that he is Spiderman, and running away from set in the middle of filming to secretly save the world isn’t a good look.

Despite having an accelerated metabolism, Alejandro cannot heal and still feels pain like a normal human would even if he can withstand a large majority of injuries. He is also more sensitive to light than normal humans due to his extended vision abilities. In terms of his talons, he struggles to keep them retracted when experiencing anger which causes problems when holding objects or people while triggered.



Universe name: Solaria 1
Birthplace: Veracruzaria
Universe time-period / year: It is the year 2099 which can be imagined when you think of what Earth will be like in 2099
Universe Description: Solaria 1 isn’t too different from planet Earth geographically/climate-wise, but it is a lot more technologically advanced and progressed, not so different to a futuristic depiction of Earth. On this planet, there are no issues with racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia but there are still many issues with a class division with the rich being at the top of the food chain, similar to in Snowpiercer. Crime rates are also high due to some basic necessities not being accessible to the working class.
Spider Society?: Cortez is the “chief commander” of the Spider Society - he has only just taken over in the place of an older man that died to a villain, who was like a father to him. He didn’t choose or plan on becoming chief commander, he just happened to be the most suitable for the job. Although he’s a good leader, he does not think of himself as “above” other Spiderheroes in the slightest.


TLDR: A famous actor turned into Spiderman with the help of his geneticist wife to make Solaria 1 safer for their daughter, until his wife and child were both killed by a civilian-turned-villain who was influenced by the Void Reaper and mistook his wife for him. He quit fighting crime and became severely depressed, until seeing a news story of a missing working-class child who reminded him of his daughter. After managing to save her, he was then recruited by the Spider Society where he vowed to get revenge, only becoming chief commander very recently when the last chief died in battle.

Rich, famous and handsome to many, Alejandro Viego Cortéz (Viego being his mother’s surname and Cortéz being his father’s) is an A-List actor on Solaria 1, rising to fame in his early twenties after scoring a lead role in a blockbuster film. His beloved wife was a prodigy-level geneticist who, like Cortéz, dreamed of a kinder world for their unborn child to live in. The police force was largely corrupt and lazy and only worked for the elite class which they didn’t think was fair despite being wealthy, so together with her skill set and his ambitions they dreamed up an ideal hero who would bit-by-bit transform the world into a better and safer place for all kinds of people. The hero they thought up was “Spiderwoman” who would be genetically imprinted with spider DNA to allow for super-human abilities. When the research was finally complete, however, they both decided that the athletic Cortéz would receive the gene splicing rather than his wife due to her being pregnant with their daughter at the time, meaning “Spiderman” was created instead. Alejandro became their world's very first Spiderman, ultimately becoming a hero for his daughter and wife.

Two years into being Solaria 1’s Spiderman, Alejandro returned home one evening to find his house turned into a crime scene, finding Vanessa and Violet’s lifeless corpses beside each other. It would seem that somehow, someone out there had found that Spiderman was a Cortéz despite it being hidden extremely well. Little did Alejandro know, the person responsible got ahold of this information thanks to sources outside of their universe. Being technologically advanced, the wealthier people on Solaria 1 are aware of the presence of other universes, especially if they work for the Secret Intelligence Service like his wife did. His wife’s actions in gene-splicing to create a hero on her own accord had gone against S.I.S law - her higher-ups liked that the rich stayed rich and the poor stayed poor on Solaria 1, so even though they had the ability to make something similar, a crime and corruption-fighting hero that didn’t see societal status wasn’t exactly on their to-do list.

The higher-ups at S.I.S still saw Spiderman as being someone they could use to their own advantage to keep the general public happy enough to stop protesting without having to take any action themselves, so they weren’t angry enough to punish whoever had created Spiderman nor were they sure that it was an employee or even someone from their planet, but one feeble-minded employee that only worked for the S.I.S as a janitor was given a vision one night in a dream from an unknown entity telling him to “take down Cortéz to become powerful”. Unfortunately for everyone, this employee assumed it was Vanessa Courtéz from S.I.S who was to be killed rather than her celebrity husband - their daughter was just collateral damage, in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Alejandro could never find the janitor after painstakingly watching back footage of the incident. It was as if the criminal had disappeared from that universe entirely... Perhaps because he had. After the incident, Cortéz was never the same. He had failed to do the very thing he promised - he couldn’t save the two he swore to protect, and so he stopped thinking of himself as a hero. He stopped fighting crime, stopped starring in movies for a long while and stopped being happy. Some say he hasn’t smiled since the last time he saw his family alive and well.

One day, a news story aired of a working-class mother desperately protesting the disappearance of her daughter. Since the police weren’t bothering to help her, this story sparked Alejandro back into action - if he couldn’t save his little girl, he vowed to save another, so he tracked the criminal down and beat them to a near-dead pulp before safely bringing the girl back to her mother. Spiderman was a hero once again, gaining a considerable amount of fame for his actions and for caring equally about the working class. After observing the series of events unfold, the former leader of the Spider Society reached out to the new hero and invited him to join the HQ where he would find an unexpected father figure in the older chief, learning to become adept at his abilities.

Now, as the Spiderman of Solaria 1, he works as the people's indiscriminate hero. When the chief commander of the Spider Society who he had grown close to died heroically in battle as a result of the recent increase in villain activity, Alejandro was promoted to the new chief commander because of the old man’s wishes. He didn’t choose or plan on becoming chief commander, he just happened to be the most suitable for the job. Although he’s a good leader, he does not think of himself as “above” other Spiderheroes in the slightest.

Relationships: Dead wife and kid (major trauma), father-like relationship with an older hero who perished in battle. He doesn’t keep many people close to him anymore. His worst enemy is the one that took his family, who he swears he will kill with his bare hands.



Costume: He alternates between two. Sometimes he is seen in a black and red costume (exactly like that of Spiderman 2099’s, only the blue is instead black), and other times he is seen in a dark blue and red alternative, his favourite being the black and red one. Both his costumes are composed of unstable molecules resistant to being torn by his talons, and they include a light airfoil on his back, emitting low-level anti-gravity particles that enable him to glide on air currents. When outside his own universe, he almost never wears his mask unless he wants to remain anonymous.

Looks: Unmasked, Cortéz is tall and handsome with an impressively athletic build. He has dark brown hair and maroon-coloured eyes that often appear more red than brown. After becoming Spiderman, he has visible fangs that he can’t retract.
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real name | Pandora Hazel Parker
hero name | Mimic
alignment | Hero
age | 24 years old
date of birth | 08/23
pronouns | She/her
sexuality | Queer
nationality | Australian
universe name | Earth-495A
universe time | Modern-Future 2122
canon event | Saving a family after a car accident
spider society | TBD

height | 5'3"
build | Ectomorph
eyes | Dark brown
hair | Long hair that she currently keeps in locs. the base is a dark auburn with blonde ends.
modifications | Various ear piercings
scars | Over the course of a couple of years she has accumulated multiple hero-related injuries/scars.
physical ailments | deaf

hero suit | The base of her hero suit is a very translucent purple fabric that is tight against her body. Various scale-like pieces of material are scattered across the majority of the outfit, reflecting various colors like mirrors. These have been specifically created by Pandora in order to mimic the spider that she was bitten by. When they aren't activated, the mirror pieces allow her to see her surroundings with ease so that she can multitask or not look behind her if she's trying to get somewhere so she doesn't slow herself down. When using her abilities the mirrors expand to cover the entirety of her body, allowing her seamlessly to use this ability. She has a small spider emblem on the center of her back, but in general, keeps her suit as simple as possible as it helps her more that way. Her whole suit itself is a very shiny type of material, often looking impossibly smooth when she moves by. It always has a cold feeling to it as it keeps her insulted depending on the weather outside. Because she wears hearing aids normally, her suit has them in her mask for ease of use. They have the ability to be turned on and off with just a push of a button, allowing her to keep them from hurting her. Her lenses are big and white, giving her a rather animated look to her.

description | A young black woman, she is rather short compared to others but it doesn't seem to bother her at all. With her long hair pulled up into a half-up and half-down hairstyle, she enjoys the freedom of expression with her appearance. Currently, she is sporting a head of locs that are a deep auburn and blonde color, something that she has enjoyed the combination of for a couple of months. Her personal clothing style is relaxed and loose, often consisting of oversized clothes that give her the comfort and safety of blending in with the rest of society. She likes to dress up every now and then, but since she's so busy with hero activities she rarely has time anymore. She works out pretty regularly when she isn't out crime fighting to keep herself in shape so that she doesn't get hurt as often but stranger things have happened. Because of this, she is pretty toned despite her short stature.

likes | Bubble tea, sweets, music, sleeping, taking naps, animals, going to the zoo/aquarium, being on time, socializing, meeting fans, learning about other planets, hearing stories about superheroes

dislikes | Bland food, crowded rooms, having to raise her voice, hard-to-read lips, bullies, web-blocks, losing her hearing aids, getting caught, being short, stuck-up people, death anniversaries

hobbies | Knitting, photography, volunteering

personality |

vices |

virtues |

Abilities: mimicry

Universe name: (e.g Earth-616B. Can be absolutely any made-up name too with or without numbers.)
Universe time-period / year: (Is your universe in the future relative to real life, the past or the present? These time periods can be entirely different from OG Earth periods, for instance it could be the year 6021 but be similar to real life's medieval era.)
Universe Description: (Tell us what it's like on your planet! At least two paragraphs. Be as descriptive as you can. It’s also okay if your universe is just similar to Earth, or completely different.)
Spider Society?: (Is your character already a part of the elite society of Spider-heroes, or are they just about to join it? Were they even aware of other universes before now?)

Backstory: (At least three paragraphs. Include how your character became a Spider-hero. Not every hero has to have been bitten - this page describes a few other ways.)
(Optional) Reference photo of what your planet looks like.
Relationships: (Any allies, family members or enemies worth mentioning).

(include any extra information you want us to know.)
coded by ukiiyo (not mobile-friendly! scroll!)
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  • Real name: Princess Vanessa Fisk
    Hero name: Spinnerette, The Grand Golden Recluse
    Alignment: Hero
    Age: 18
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Nationality: American
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Real name: Zenitsu Agatsuma
Hero name: Demon Slaying Spider Man, Thunder Spider Samourai
Aligment: Hero
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: Japanese

Likes: sweets, eel,relaxing in flower fields, girls who accept him for who he is.
Dislikes: Demons ( except Nezuko. She's nice) bugs( even though he now has the powers of a spider), mean and arrogant people. Kaigaiku,The Wind Hashira( Sanemi Shinazegawa)
Hobbies: Making flower crowns, board games, Taking walks.
Personality: Zenitsu dosen't like to fight much. He will mostly run away at the first sign of danger. That 's his fears talking to him. He might seem cowardly and anxious,easilly breaking into tears.

Despite all that Zenitsu has a heart of gold. He wants to help people.He wants to help his friends.He hates cowaring and wants to be better. Despite cowarding he will never abandon his friends or innocent people even if he gets beaten by protecting them.
Gets jealous of people talking to Nezuko or even married people( or if said person has more then one wife like a certain Sound Hashira)
Can be a gluton at times.
Complains and cries alot.
Has a short fuse.
Brave and couragous despite his cowardly nature,loyal, sensitive, compasionate. Tactiful ( mostly when sleepfighting)
abilities aquired prior to the Spider bite and are now more enhanced by it:
-Superhuman agillty/ speed
-Superhuman strength
-Extrasensory perseption
-Sharp sense of hearing.
Abillity to fight while asleep.
Thunder breathing technique:
First form: Thunderclap and Flash( four variations)

Abilities gained after the Spider bite:
Wall crawling( even wall running combined with his super speed)
Spider sense( also enhencing his sharp sense of hearing even more.)
Poison imunnity
Electricution imunity
Static discharge( can even discharge it through his web strings)
Nichirin sword

Webbing shooter bracelets with nichirin webbing fluid: Special bracelets forged by the best swordsmiths from the Swordsmith village. Those bracelets contains a fluid mixture created by Shinobu with the help of two Swordsmiths( those who forged her katana and Zenitsu's) and made with nichirin materials and whisteria poison to allow Zenitsu to unleash artificial webs that helps weakening trapped demons. The webbing can even conduct static electricity created by Zenitsu's new powers.

For now,can only fight while asleep. His fears and nerves still prevent him from reacting.

Culture shock: Not used to advanced tech beyond the Taisho era ( late mid 1910's to mid 1920's)

Water conduct


Universe: Earth K2016-B
( Fun fact: K stands for " Kimetsu" Kimetsu no yaiba being Demon Slayer japanese title, 2016 is the year the Demon Slayer manga was published in Weekly Shonen Jump and B because it's an alternate universe to the Demon Slayer verse.)

Universe time period/year: Taisho era Japan, 1924
Universe description:
Mostly the same as the Demon Slayer canon universe. Japan is advanced in tech for it's time ( early 1920's) The Demon Slayer Corps is still a organisation not recongised by the japanese gouvement and hunt down the demon king Muzan Kibutsuji and his demon forces.

"Let's do this one last time...My name is Zenitsu Agatsuma. I'm a demon slayer,mizunoto rank and...since a few months the one and only Demon slaying Spider Man...Or Thunder Spider...Samurai?AHH!!!! WHY AM I DOING THiS?????!!! I DIDN'T ASK TO GET BITTEN BY A DEMON SPIDER! SURE I DIDN'T LOSE MY HUMANITY( which is a good thing) AND GAINED THOSE CRAZY SPIDER POWERS INSTEAD! I woke up hanging on the sealing! How crazy was that?!"

Zenitsu's backstory up to the Mount Natagumo mission is the same as in the main Demon Slayer universe( was saved by dept by the former Thunder Hashira Jigoro Kuwajima,who trained him to become a demon slayer,was hit by lightning giving him his golden hair, survived final selection and became a demon slayer,joined fellow demon slayer and now friends Tanjiro Kamado and Inosuke Hashibira)

Then came the mission at Mount Natagumo. Like in the main universe Zenitsu first refused to go while Tanjiro and Inosuke went ahead,but went through the forest when he realised that Tanjiro brought his demon turned sister Nezuko( who Zenitsu is in love with) with him,which had Zenitsu run through the forest,trying to find Tanjiro and Inosuke.
The mont Natagumo forest was the domain of the Twelve Kizuki's Lower Moon 5,Rui and his Spider demon family.
Zenitsu was bitten by one of their demon spiders,but instead of almost turning into one of the Spider brother's mutant spider-human minions,the poison affected Zenitsu's genetic makeup in a different way,giving him spider powers.
Zenitsu's sleepfighting battle against Spider brother occured the same way,with the exception of some of Zenitsu's spider abilities emerging during the fight( He wall runned on the trees to dodge the mutant's attacks and he was now resistant to the Spider brother's poison demon art.) until the demon's defeat at Zenitsu's blade. He was saved by Shinobu.
It's during his recovery at the butterfly mansion that Zenitsu discovered the full extent of his new powers. He even freaked out when he woke up hanging on the sealing. It even freaked out Aoi and the Butterfly girls.
Tanjiro was just surprised but Inosuke was now declaring Zenitsu his new rival.
Intriged,Shinobu took some of Zenitsu's blood samples to check for any demonic mutations. Fortunatly there wasn't any demonic mutations and Zenitsu could still walk in sunlight BUT there were still mutations that Shinobu's antidote coudn't fix. She reassured Zenitsu that despite those aracnid mutation,he was still human( and woudn't lose hair or have his limbs shrink)
Zenitsu's new abilities allowed him to pass the rehabilitation training faster alongside Tanjiro and Inosuke.

Shinobu offered Zenitsu, to help him uses his new powers combined with his Thunder breathing techniques to help the Demon Slayer Corps even more. With the help of the best Swordsmith of the Swordsmith village, made a pair of bracelet containing a special nichirin and whisteria webbing fluid made by Shinobu withthe help of her swordsmith as well as Zenitsu's as well as a special uniform, mask and gauntlets made by the Corps's uniform designer.

"I always hated myself.. I wanted to be brave and reliable. I wanted to change. To become a better person. To help the weak and innocent. Peharps those powers could help me achieve that?"

Zenitsu's new powers were now a great asset to his friends and fellow demon slayers, despite him fighting while sleeping. However,it didn't stop Upper Moon 3 Akaza from killing the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku,during the Mugen Train mission. His webbing coudn't stop Akaza either as it was out of reach as Akaza fleed from the rising sun.

Zenitsu,now known to the Corps and public as " Demon slaying Spider Man" kept training alongside his friends to get stronger and help the weak and inoccent.

Spider-Society: They tried to recruit him ( against his will,much like it was for the Demon Slayer Corps) after one of the Upper Rank demon ,Hatengu ended up in another Spider hero's universe... and dragged him by force. After the mission, Shinobu,Tanjiro and Inosuke confronted them and Lord Ubuyashiki talked with them,they gave him some slack...temporarally.

Familly: Jigoro Kuwajima( mentor and adopted grandfather),Kaigaku( brother in training)
Friends: Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko Kamado( love interest),Inosuke Hashibira( rival In this universe,is like a heroic version of Kraven the Hunter) Genya Shinazegawa.
Allies: Shinobu Kocho,the Insect Hashira( second mentor),Kyojuro Rengoku the flame Hashira ( Deceased),Tengen Uzui,the Sound hashira( retired) Most of the Hashira and the rest of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Enemies: Muzan Kibutsuji, Enmu( Lower moon one. In this universe acts like a demon version of Mysterio with Dream powers, Akaza( Upper moon 3) Daki and Gyutaro( Both Upper Moon 6) ,Gyokko( Upper moon 5)Hatengu and his "clones"( Upper moon 4 and this world version of Vulture.Douma( Upper Moon 2) Kokoshibo( Upper Moon 1)

Costume: 20230613_212234.jpg

New modified version of his Demon Slayer corps uniform which now bears the yellow and orange colors of his haori along with white spider web patterns on the sleeves and pants,a black spider symbol with a lightning bolt on the front and the Demon Slayer corps's emblem( kanji for "Destroy " on the back,Nichirin web shooters on his wrists,with black wrist guards on his arms,hiding the shooters,white belt with his his shelthed nichirin katana attached to it,also wears his signature yellow and orange haori over it ( most of the time),yellow and orange leggings,orange socks and white sandals. Wears yellow and orange cloth mask with the familiar white lens/eye patterns going from his forehead to over his nose.

Demon Slayer Corps:
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  • Real name: Lucy Tabitha "Tabby" Cassidy
    Hero name: (The Su-purr-ior) Spider-Nyan
    Alignment: Hero
    Age: 22
    Pronouns: She/her
    Sexuality: Lesbian
    Nationality: American

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  • Real name: Preston Parks
    Hero name: The Galvantula
    Alignment: Hero
    Age: 16
    Pronouns: He, Him
    Sexuality: Straight
    Nationality: Unovan
Real name: Lee Ji-eun
Hero name: None, has not assumed a superhero identity
Alignment: Ally of the heroes
Age: 18
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Uncertain (dated at least one girl)
Nationality: Korean

  • Spicy food
  • Reading scientific journals
  • Regular exercise (rarely plays sports though)

  • Disorganized people
  • Poorly-lit places
  • People who judge based on appearances

Ji-eun can come across as reserved but not exactly quiet, and while she doesn't dismiss things out of hand, she tends to approach entirely new things with a fair amount of skepticism. Has a strong sense of sympathy for the defenseless nonetheless, but despite her excellent background in which she devoted herself to various pursuits across her short lifetime, is trying to find her place among the more distinctive and powerful Spider-People.

  • Considerable physical condition and athletic training on par with a national athlete, red belt in Taekwondo
  • Wall crawling of the "tiny hairs" kind as opposed to the "van der Waals force" or "supernatural attraction" kind. Hence her grip is weaker through clothing.
  • A spinneret near the base of her spine allows her to shoot webbing similar in strength and range to other users of organic webbing.
  • Reflexes aided by hairs on her arms and legs allow her to sense movement and position precisely within a few feet of her and react swiftly
  • Academic knowledge on par with particularly well-applied college student

  • Legally blind due to extreme polycoria, cannot read clearly beyond a few inches or discern detailed shapes more than two feet away.
  • Lacking several typical Spider-Person powers such as superior strength and endurance, or danger sense

Universe name: Earth-212CB (one of the recurring settings of novels published by Cherry Blossom Publishing)

Universe time-period / year: Ji-eun's current time period is in the mid 2000s, with a similar tech level and history to that of our Earth.

Universe Description: Earth-212CB is very similar to our Earth, save for the fact that for at least two generations, about 25% of newborns display conspicuous mutations that set them apart from the human baseline. These mutations give them unique abilities or forms that alter the shape and traits of their bodies. Despite what one might expect, these mutations do not lead to a significant amount of people one might call superheroes or villains; mutants are looked on with pity or mistrust in some places depending on their nature, but many are a regular part of society. This is facilitated by the fact that less than 1% of mutants have abilities that could conceivably influence or endanger more than a typical room in a building at a time. More advanced and well-off countries have appropriate medical care provided to mutant citizens as needed, but in other places mutants can suffer due to lack of necessary accommodations.

Spider Society?: New member

spider and ladybug.PNG

"Alright, since you people apparently like doing this, let's do this one last time."

"My name is Lee Ji-eun. Daughter of THE Lee Da-eun. You know, the CEO of Roxxon Korea? Yeah, her."

"It's 2005 in my universe, and about 1 in 4 kids are born with mutations. Like the kind of thing you read about in comics and novels. Some get cool gifts like breathing fire without singing their eyebrows or doing math really fast. Like, REALLY fast. Others get the short end of the stick and are constantly leaking tears or are covered in spikes. Me, I'm kind of in the middle of the road. Sure, having prickly hairs and eyes that tried to multiply too fast because my genes think I'm a spider is bad. Could be worse, like I said."

"Not that it would have bothered Mother. All she wanted was to make sure I grew up as excellent as her. Good news: she didn't consider academics the only part of that. Slightly less good news: she wanted to make sure I was above average at pretty much everything else."

"So I went to an international secondary school for mutants, met a cute ladybug girl (we're kind of on a break now), saved her from her abusive ex (who could blend into shadows), graduated with honors...and now I'm on my gap year."

"And then I received that message on ICQ. If someone thinks I'm special enough to ask for my help, how can I say no? Now I'm here with the Spider-Society, and I'm...not sure I'm the spider they need for the job. But in the meantime, I'll do everything I can to help. All while I'm surrounded by a bunch of people who all thought they were the one, the only...Spider-Man. And -Woman, too. I think I saw a cat around here."

Costume: No current costume, having yet to assume a superhero identity
Looks: Don't call her plain...even if she kind of is. Ji-eun dresses and presents fairly conservatively, with simple clothing and her thick, rough hair braided, contrasted by her selection of piercings. Whenever action is warranted, she rolls up her sleeves to gain full use of her motion sense.

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  • "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

    EoGrNZNVcAE_Q_a.pngReal Name
    Zheng Shang-Chi

    Hero Name
    The Invincible Spider-Man


    24 years old




    Basic Bio
    The short of it?

    Shang-Chi was raised by his father, criminal mastermind Zheng Zu, to become the ultimate assassin, showing exceptional talent and skill among his organization's ranks even as a child. By the time he had become a teenager, Shang-Chi was assigned to assassinate a geneticist stationed in New York named Jiang Li, who worked under OzuCorp. However, when he came face to face with her, Shang-Chi was unable to go through with it, especially once he realized she was his long-lost mother.

    Realizing the empty life he had been living to this point, Shang-Chi renounced his loyalty to his father, and began to live with his mother, discovering what it mean to live a free, normal life. However, this peace did not last long, as Shang-Chi discovered first hand just how well his father reacted to disobedience. While accompanying his mother at her job, observing her work with genetically enhanced spiders, another assassin sent by Zheng had suddenly appeared and attacked both of them. Shang-Chi attempted to fight off the skilled assassin, in the process destroying a container that housed one of Li's spiders. In a stroke of misfortune, the spider wasted no time biting Shang-Chi's leg, to which he had an adverse reaction. Momentarily stunned from the pain of the bite, the assassin was about to deal a killing blow to him, only for Li to step in and sacrifice herself for her son, taking the killing shot instead. Upon recovering, newly powered and enraged, Shang-Chi managed to utterly defeat the assassin, but the damage was already done. With her last breath, Li pleaded her son not to mourn her, that pain would be inevitable on his new path, but he didn't have to suffer, but more importantly, she pleaded for him to live a good, virtuous life.

    Now truly on his own, Shang-Chi -- subsequently adopted by Li's boss and the founder of the corporation, Nobuhiko Ozu -- vowed to become a hero who could stand against his father's tyrannical organization and protect his new home from him, and any other threats that would plague his city. By now, Shang-Chi has been operating as a hero for nine years, facing countless villains along the way, and even after all this time, he has never forgotten his mother's maxim; that pain was inevitable, but suffering was optional, and in turn, he would devote the skills passed down to him by his father and the values imparted upon him from his mother to absolve the citizens of New York of their suffering.

    Because he knows he can't escape who he is, the good or the bad parts of himself. He is Zheng Shang-Chi. He is the son of Zheng Zu and Jiang Li. He is the Master of Kung Fu. He is the Invincible Spider-Man.
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  • Purple_Reign_Suit_from_MM_render.png

    Real name:
    Noé Aguilar.

    Hero name:

    He's considered a hero by some and a villain by others. If you asked Noé, he would say he's a bit more of an anti-hero.
    Recently turned nineteen.
    Noé has never experienced sexual attraction the same way everyone around him apparently does, but he's been romantically attracted to all genders before. If we're talking labels, this would make him asexual panromantic. Though in Noé's universe this terminology doesn't exist.
    Mexican, as he was born and raised there for a considerable time.
    Basic bio:
    Formerly an infamous expert thief called Prowler, Noé Aguilar now goes by the name of Outlaw and with the powers he gained after being bitten by a radioactive spider, he combats the gangs of New York.
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  • Real name: Stacey G. Brock
    Hero name: The Lingering Ghost-Spider
    Alignment: Hero
    Age: 30
    Pronouns: He/Him, but his Symbiote forces him to use She/Her when suited up.
    Sexuality: Straight. Technically Trans since he identifies as a Male even in his literal female Ghost-Spider form.
    Nationality: American

Tentative Images; will draw the actual appearance once I have more time.

  • Real name: Debra Whitman
    Hero name: Spiderlady
    Alignment: Hero
    Age: 25
    Pronouns: She/her
    Sexuality: Uncertain
    Nationality: American
    Basic bio: Debra Whitman had lived a normal life up until becoming the lab assistant of one Miles Warren where a freak lab accident with a radioactive spider changed her life forever.
IMG_0213.jpegReal name: Nicky Peter

Hero name: Splash Web

Alignment: Hero

Age: 26

Pronouns: Any

Sexuality: Pansexual

Nationality: None (they live in what was once known as Canada)

Basic bio: Splash Web lives on an Earth that is almost uninhabitable after nuclear war has torn the planet apart. Splash Web was shown the ropes of how to survive the new dangerous planet by their adoptive Uncle Ben. One day at thirteen they are bitten by a spider that was effected by radiation poisoning. The spider gave them powers but not without a price, they got sick and uncle Ben got killed. Now they try and save as many people as they can hoping to fix their broken planet.


Likes: Shiny things, Music, Fighting, and Donuts

Dislikes: Verbal arguments, Animals (That survived nuclear war fair), and Failure

Hobbies: Drawing, Singing, and Dancing

Personality: Nicky has always been the loud and somewhat flashy type not having an introverted bone in their body. Despite having many hardships like most spider people they don’t get pessimistic or down for very long. They enjoy cracking jokes and are a bit of a jokester having a hard time taking things seriously

They deeply care about people and for the most part try to be kind to others. They usually aren’t very straight to point and tend to stop and smell the flowers a little too much. Nicky can be very stubborn about things they truly care about and has a hard time compromising.

Vices: Pushy (has a hard time backing off when she wants something), Argumentative (despite not enjoying verbal arguments she always tends to be the one to start things), and Doesn’t take things seriously (never knows when to stop goofing off)

Virtues: Empathetic (has a deep understanding of other people’s emotions and thoughts), Honesty (tells the truth even when things are hard), and loyal (will always



Acid Web - webs that are made of an acid like substance. The webs at first don’t burn through things but after a few seconds they start melting things it touches

Heighten Senses - senses are stronger and faster than in average human’s senses.

Durability - Most things can’t bring them down and even after getting hit down are able to get back up quickly.
Glow in the Dark - They start to glow when things get dark.

Poor acrobatics - has poor acrobatics usually are flopping around instead of gracefully swigging.

Poor intelligence - they aren’t the smartest and don’t know basic mathematics or literacy skills.

Not strategic - has no strategy of any kind when going into things, they plan for almost nothing.


Universe name: Earth 94$697

Universe time-period / year: 2244

Universe Description: Earth 94$697 was similar to our timeline in till in 2025 World War three started. The war ravaged over Earth 94$697 worse than any war before that and eventually nukes were set off all across the planet from almost all directions. A few people were able to flee underground and barely survive there. After two hundred years humans came out from underground one of which being Nicky Peter. They found the world had regrown its self into a dangerous habitat for all its creatures, almost as if it never wanted humans to live to kill it again.

Spider Society: Splash Web has been in the Spider Society for a few years now.


Nicky was born underground, her father died shortly after she was born. The group she lived underground with crops were dying and had very little hope of continuing on. So, when they were just a few years old their mother and then left the underground with the rest of the group. Unfortunately her mother killed shortly after by a mutated bear. The groups numbers slimmed and eventually became just two. They and uncle Ben, uncle Ben took care of them despite it being risky. Uncle Ben and them learned to understand and navigate the new world around them. Everything was great in till they were thirteen years old and went looking for food. They found a big piece of fruit and a spider crawled on their hand when picking it up. The spider bit Nicky and the venom made them become quickly sick.

Nicky can’t remember much of what happened when they were sick. But the memory of their Uncle Ben dying is still stuck in their head, bandits had attacked and they couldn’t protect him. After he was killed they ran away and hid till their fever broke. When they healed and finally feeling better they realized they had super powers. They didn’t know quite how to use them but eventually figured their way around. At fifteen Nicky found their way to a settlement and met Grayson their new best friend. Grayson made their costume and told them where the other settlements were.

After getting their costume they swung to the other settlements and started helping them. There was only one problem some people wanted the world to be chaotic, they fought Splash Web and tried to stop them from helping people. They grew as a hero defeating villains and helpings settlements grow. In till one day they were discovered by a secret society. Which brought them to another world, which had things like donuts the greatest creation of all time.

Relationships: They don’t have any family members left but they do have a hand full of friends they are close to on their own Earth.


Costume: Nicky has an all black costume with with blue stripes that glow when they do. Their costume is made of a scaly like material.

Looks: Nicky is around 5,10 and has a muscular build. They have brown hair with tan skin. They also have black eyes and a few freckles on their face.

Extra: They enjoy singing but singing doesn’t quite enjoy them.
Male - 24 years old
Alias: Pending
What happens when Spider-Man goes bad? Who knows~

(Costume rough draft, will come back to this)

Real name: Aya Gray
Villain name: Mommy Long Legs, Cave Spider, Cave Mommy
Alignment: Villain
Age: 30
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Hetero
Nationality: British
Basic bio: (optional)

Likes: Spiders, all kinds of food, bad boy types
Dislikes: Waking up too early, having her meals disturbed by super heroes and police, bad music
(Optional) Hobbies: Surprisingly, knitting
Personality: (At least two paragraphs)
Pre-villainhood vices: Getting high, skipping school, shoplifting
Current vices: Murderous/cannibalistic tendencies, tax evasion, witchcraft
Pre-villainhood virtues: Standing up to authority for the little guy
Current virtues: None

(Reference image as placeholder, still designing non-costume appearance)

Abilities: Aya has the same strength, climbing ability, tingling sense, and web slinging action of the average spider person. However her uniqueness lies in her magical background and the anomaly of her spider bite causing violent neurodivergence, as well as physical mutation. More on that in the backstory.

What's important here is her magical powers. Aya can hear the voices of her ancestors chattering in her brain, those of whom guide her in concocting potions and writing spell books. She can use esoteric means to cast spells and put curses on her enemies, each of which are case-specific and non-combat related. Her potions can range from poisons to metal-melting acids to healing tonics to even love potions. She can also speak with ghosts and raise an army of undead spiders in times of need. Her necromantic ability seems to only extend to undead spiders, but she has been able to summon powerful spider witches on occasion. She does have means to defend herself from opposing magics, however specific means can be used to weaken and trap or defeat her if done correctly.

Weaknesses: Cute men, other magics, bug repellant

Universe name: Earth-Q49p-$7

Universe time-period / year: Medieval

Universe Description: Aya's world is beautiful, unpolluted and vibrant. Royalty is prevalent as a government system around the world. Large lush kingdoms preserve natural beauty and allow humans to live in peace and harmony with fairy folk, the magical creatures that inhabit the wilds. The roles of heroes and villains are, notably, reversed in this universe. The most powerful villains who would have been heroes in other universes have been imprisoned in a maximum security super asylum.

That of course means that Cave Mommy should be imprisoned here, that is, she would be if she hadn't precognized the creation of this prison and cast warding protection spells around her home to hide from detection of the round table of heroes. She remains a mystery because anyone who knows where she is either happens to be a villain or dead. Because she inhabits only a small portion of the world, there is so much more going on that requires the attention of the round table. Therefore much to the heroes' frustration she has been allowed to run free for some time.

Aya was born in Medieval Britain. Her mother was a practicing light witch and her father worked abroad, sending money from all over the world as he made archeological discoveries and occasionally visited home to give her artifacts he found as gifts. She found interest in archeology as a result and would pretend to be her dad as she explored caves and ruins around her home kingdom. She would often go into the woods and learn history from the fairies and gnomes who inhabited the wilds. Even the wolves had something to teach a traveling girl.

As Aya grew older she became more skilled at light magic as she helped her mother in her practices. However she also became disillusioned with the world and skipped school more and more as she hung out with shady people and committed petty crimes, thinking she could be some kind of Robin Hood character. She used her exploration skills to outrun the police time and again until one fateful day. One of the criminals she dealt with had a score to settle and killed her mom to get back at her for some misdeed. Her world fell apart.

It wasn't long after the tragedy that she was bitten by a strange magical spider. It should have given her super powers and made her a hero for good, but her corrupt soul rejected the goodness and corrupted the magic. She became mutated, her features becoming enlarged, and she grew spiderlike parts to include eight long legs sprouting from her back and a large web-shooting abdominal segment which she can also use to wrap her victims like a spider and save to eat later. Her brain became infected, her mind going sour, and she grew hostile and and primitive. However she retained much of her intelligence, and her hatred for all things became a source of power for she continued to pursue dark magic and take up residence in a channel of caves below the kingdom.

(Optional) Reference photo of what your planet looks like.

Family: Mother (deceased) introduced Aya to witchcraft. After her death, Aya continued to receive advice from her ancestors. Her mother's ghost continues to study witchcraft in solitude.

Friends: Evil Dr. Strange: A sorcerer who keeps slipping through the hands of the roundtable. Asks favors of Aya and buys her potions to further his goals. He has been locked away in a sort of galactic shadow realm before but his escape did not come without an extraction of his powers by a cosmic force to prevent him from doing real damage to the actual multiverse.
Aliases: Professor Ordinary, Mr. Familiar
His other relationships: Evil Iron man, who is a member of the black market, and evil Hulk, to name a couple, more on the villains later

Enemies: The round table of heroes, to include Rhino, Vulture, Doctor Octopus, Scorpion, Black Cat, and their leader, Mysterio.

Costume: A yellow and black costume with white or yellow lines representing spider webs. Design still in progress, but I am debating whether or not the costume should include covering the abdomen and legs, as well as the half mask for her large teeth. I may just design several different designs and make them all separately legit. Image at the top.

Looks: Aya is a short but strong lady, older in appearance and with scraggly appearance, long messy black hair, pale skin and sharp teeth. She has eight long spider legs sprouting from her back and a large web-shooting abdominal segment. Reference image at the top.

May fill out optional bits later as well as redesign, more art to come

  • wozj29otc0y21.jpg
    Art By Akarim97 on Reddit
    Name: Michael Benjamin Page;

    Alias: Spider-Man, Cpl.(Corporal) Page, The Arachnid;

    Age: 29;

    Alignment: Hero;

    Nationality: American;

    Date of Birth: August 9th, 1915

    Height: 5'9" aka 1.77 m;

    Sexuality: Heterosexual;

    Weight: 160 lbs (70.63 kg);

    Hair Color: Black;

    Eye Color: Hazel;

    Universe: Earth-16721A
    Universal Time Period: October 1944;
    Universe Description: Earth-16721-A follows the baseline history of 616. However, two major differences are the near-absence of celestial or xenomorphic entities and the reduced presence of costumed crimefighters, whether empowered or just your average Joe in a mask. Indeed, nobody had even dreamt up such a ludicrous concept until the year 1921. There's speculation by scientists and the world-leading super intellectuals that a change had occurred. Their predictions weren't unfounded as there had been an inevitable change in the cosmic/mystical energies of the world wrought about by the delusions of an occult circle hoping to expand their mighty powers. Their plan went awry, however, one or two had gotten green with greed and through their arrogant thinkering with the sorcery ultimately mucked it up.

    A type of wave bathed outwards into the galaxy. For the few alien civilisations that existed, their technological prowess was enhanced while for Earth, superheroes emerged slowly like destiny's hand shuffled select few people into new and incredible roles.

    Spider Society: Doesn't exist within this Earth's timeline, Michael being the sole bearer of the spider-title.


Real name: Mary Jane Watson
Hero name: Spider Rider
Alignment: Hero
Age: 27
Pronouns: she her
Sexuality: lesbian
Nationality: American
Basic bio: (optional)

Likes: cute girls, music, going as fast as inhumanly possible, slightly mean spirited jokes namely on JJJ
Dislikes: Heaven, Hell, stuffy people, the whole secret identity thing
(Optional) Hobbies: She runs a song cover YouTube channel
Personality: Thanks to the spirit within her Mary can come of as almost bi polar at times and prone to rather swift and extreme emotional swings. She normally tends to be rather laid back and almost silly about things. She will have banter with villains and pull her pranks on JJJ, but she is someone without real direction. Her deal with the devil seems to still hold though she refuses to uphold her end anymore. While she can be a serious flirt she always stops short of anything to serious a fling is one thing but a relationship is not something she thinks she can hold down. After Gwen died she really stopped trying to hide who she was her identity known to all , though she doesn't have to worry much about her family as she long ago cut ties with them. If anything she more worries for Aunt May and her supernatural foes going for her and has put many protection on the old woman and her home.

May doesn't think to highly of her heroics and more often thinks she has become more of the thug or ended up as Doom's enforcer. She hates the man for his manipulative nature, but she can bring herself to actually strike against him beyond words and few angry punches. Either way with the accords villains are almost co workers and this has actually lead to her and her villains becoming almost friends, they will joke and laugh, even catching up on life while they have their fights. Still this is with none rule breakers with those Doom asks her to deal with, the jokes stop and she deal with them as swiftly as she can. Still on more than one occasion where the villain was desperate she would actually help them if her powers permitted.

Overall Mary is something of a scared empty person trying to find something in their life to care for but with to many enemies to actually feel doing so is safe.

Mary will almost need to flirt with any girl she sees as cute.
She can't resist fucking with JJJ
She has little patience for complex plans and is more a brute force type.
Loyal: She has on more than one occasion broken down the gates of heaven and hell to get back the souls of those close to her.
Relaxed: If you need a break or are being to stressed she has got you when it comes to laying back for a bit.
Accepting: She has seen some stuff at this point no matter how weird things get she just shrugs and goes with it.

[insert an image]

As the rider
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Agility
Regenerative Healing Factor
Supernatural Awareness
Hellfire Manipulation:
Sin Manipulation
Soul Manipulation
Ride Symbiosis
Dimensional Travel
Demon Magic Manipulation
Mystical Web Projection
Penance Stare
Self-Size Alteration

As a spider person
Spidey sense
Enhanced strength
Enhanced endurance
biological web production
wall crawling
healing factor

Heaven forged weaponry can severely hurt or even kill her namely through decapitation.
Human host: The spirit of vengeance is far more powerful than they appear with a host as the mortal soul acts as a warden and power limited for the spirit of vengeance.
Spider totem weaponry: Weapons or devices used to attack the spider totem and its incarnations can deal damage even through the protections of the spirit of vengeance.
Disharmony: While mortal and spirit of vengeance make up up the rider it is the mortal in charge and should something allow the spirit to slip its binds then the rider can be completely crippled and de powered while they re contain the spirit.
Weak spider totem: Being connected to the spirit of vengeance and the spider totem the spirit over power her connection to the totem so she honestly is rather weak without being a rather low end spider person.
Vengeance driven: As Mary is the host of the spirit of vengeance should she see and or feel and injustice she had a desire that can escalate to an all consuming need to punish the one responsible which can lead her to getting distracted or even leaving people completely until this compulsion is satisficed.

Universe name: Earth 82756
Universe time-period / year: current
Universe Description: While the universe at first seems to be very similar to the baseline of 616 the first thing one would notice is how very few peopel are 1 for 1 clones like in many other universes. They would also notice that Heroes and villains have an almost work like relationship with strange rules that most follow. This has lead to fewer heroes who tend to be educated and registered by this worlds shield needing secret identities. This is all because of the biggest change the forces of heaven and hell are not passive forces engaged in a shadow war, they are more like very dangerous street gangs. Their first clash lead to the Latvaria accords, named after the country of Latvaria which was completely destroyed by the battle between the two. This outlined a code of conduct for heroes and villains most of which were written by Victor Von Doom the current director of shield. Now those that break these codes will be punished far more harshly than with jail times as death is the most common punishment. Still some villains and even heroes break these rules and aren't always killed managing to escape their hunters.

Backstory: The truth is Mary's story doesn't really start till latter in life. She grew up in a not so great house, well more like a broken or edge of broken one, abusive dad, submissive mom. The only grace is her father was not a physical man so he was more a shouter than a beater. When her dad did get like that normally after way to many drinks Mary would run off to the parker house. Having always been close to peter and his aunt and uncle. Her life outside of that was normal as heaven and hell had yet to spill out still just background forces to this world. if they had been more common then she might have avoided becoming what she is.

Mary's life would change in high school when she was 16 to oscorp which at that point was studying genetics namely on insects. The story goes as you suspect, Mary distracted with the weird bugs noticed one missing. That missing spider had escaped and decided it wanted to land on Mary for some reason. One bite was all it took to change her life as the modified insect somehow infected her with its genes. Shortly after the trip Mary would get extremely sick as her body was changed, agony running through every cell of her body. the only bright side of this, or well one of 2 bright sides was the classmate that brought her some school work Gwen Stacy. Mary had noticed the other girl in class and while not exactly having the courage to say anything, sick and delirious Mary asked Gwen out, then passed out before she got an answer. The answer as it turned out a few days latter was a yes. this was a turning point in Mary's life as her powers manifested as well and one day when her dad had to much she beat him instead of him beating her. She put him in the hospital and couldn't explain how she did it.

Mary after this would realize she could do more than just beat people up, shooing webs, crawling on walls, sensing things, she could do it all. Mary decided to tell Gwen about this and she was the one to suggest Mary become a hero like the others that filled the world. Mary had been thinking how best to exploit her powers, money , vengeance, maybe some kind of deal, her morals were not pure. Honestly if not for Gwen Mary may have gone down a darker path. So she would try her hand at this hero thing, she was not exactly good at it. She once let a guy go thinking it really wasn't worth her time to stop some random robbery. This mistake cost the life of ben parker who had been out with peter. With that rather personal blow to her Mary would become far more serious about the hero thing and even mostly ignore JJJ who really hated her for some reason.

This would last till Mary was 21 and Heaven and hell still remained quiet, what happened was just a random accident. Mary and Gwen were out of the city and having a small day vacation when one of their tires completely blew. The pair were subjected to one hell of a crash that Mary only barely survived thanks to her super human endurance and recovery. Gwen however was just a human and was dead and broken. Mary managed to crawl to her and while she knelt crying over Gwen's body a man came to her. He promised he could bring Gwen back good as new, but in return he wanted a bounty hunter, someone to hunt down some people. Mary never even looking up to the man agreed, if she had she might have seen it was the devil mephisto she was dealing with. The deal struck Mary watched as Gwen's body healed and she started to breath again, just before a pain far worse than anything she had felt assaulted Mary. The spirit of vengeance had been bound to her and turned her into this universe's ghost rider. Still before she passed out Mary swore she heard the man say it was a shame that had failed.

From this point Mary's life would go down hill, she told Gwen about the deal and fully discovered what had been done to her. The relationship between the two became very strained and it would not be 6 months before heaven and hell played their hands. Every news channel, every channel period would run the story and the gates to heaven and hell opened in the country of Latveria. Mary and Gwen would have another argument before Mary would leave to help the fight there, despite not wanting to leave Gwen. If this was a mistake Mary honestly can't say as while she was gone Doc Oct who had somehow figured out who spider rider was took his own vengeance and when Mary returned Gwen was dead. Mary flew into a rage blinded by sadness and anger she stormed Doc oct's lair and didn't hold back destroying the building before killing him slowly burning him from the inside out while forcing him to live through the pain of all his sins. Mary would soon find herself once more confronted by mephisto who explained Gwen's soul was his as part of their agreement. Mary tried to kill the demon where he stood, but he simply vanished.

This was where doom would step into her life. The man who had just finished making the accords and replaced fury as the director of shield told her he knew what it was like to lose a loved one to devils. He offered her help, to go to hell with him to recover Gwen's soul and the soul of his mother. Not trusting Doom, but having not other options Mary agreed and would work with Doom to open the portal and storm hell itself. fighting through hell itself was something of a blur as time was without meaning there and it was a flurry of death and gore that would make doom guy proud. In the end the two would confront the lord of hell mephisto on his throne and while they weren't a match for the prepared demon lord they managed to trick him releasing the souls of their loved ones. This didn't bring anyone back and Mary was angered as Doom had phrased it to make her think they would bring the two women back instead they were just released from hell. As soon as this was revealed Mary was furious with doom and if not for his quick talking he might have lost his life to her. Doom explained that this was phase one and with the souls freed from hell there was now only one place for them to go.

This time they would assault the high heavens themselves to once again gain back their loved ones souls. Mary not trusting Doom threw him around a bit more before he revealed they would not be reborn or resurrected but he would be saving them. Mary despite having had to force it out of Doom did feel he had planned this all to go this way down to her temper. In the end Mary would go with the plan and the two would tear down the golden gates that would leave them both marked by heaven and hell forever. The last angel that held their loved ones was Michael and once again it was not a fight that ended their rampage but a trick as the arch angel was to much for Mary to handle and as soon as the souls were safe the two would retreat.

Doom would keep his word and the souls were placed into gems in amulets that doom assured Mary would keep the souls in a dream like state unaware of the world at large. Taking the amulet Mary and Doom would part ways until he would one day call upon her again. After this night the forces of heaven and hell would become a lot more common for Mary to encounter and as they were not bound by the accords Mary could not risk resurrecting Gwen. Mary did have to wonder if doom had planned that as well and ended up seeking or needing to seek out masters of the mystical so she could combat her super natural foes. It was around a year ago that other spider people would contact Mary and at the time she would reject them.

(Optional) Reference photo of what your planet looks like.
Mephisto: Arch enemy
Harry Ozborn: current green goblin and other arch enemy Mary prefers him as a nemesis in truth.
Gwen Stacy: Ex girlfriend currently dead.
Aunt May: Land lord Mary had always lived close by and after some thing happened she needed a new place and moved in.
Peter parker: childhood friend, he is currently running parker corp and has tried to move his aunt to a very nice house but settles with paying for her expenses when she rejects.
JJJ: James Johan Jameson the new mogul who has it out for Mary for some reason. Really she can't figure out why he hated her from day one. Mary has retaliated to his remarks with pranks jokes and sleeping with his daughter.
Victor Von Coom: This universes director of shield after the Latvaria accords he sometimes calls upon Mary to hunt down those villains that have severely breached the accords. Their relationship is rocky as Mary does not like being the attack dog of Doom, but he leads her to those that need punishment.
Costume: (Short description. At least one reference photo of a Spider-suit / hero costume should be somewhere in the CS. Outfit doesn’t have to be spider-related per se but must be somewhat similar. Can use costumes from other franchises apart from blatant ones like Superman and Ironman.)


(include any extra information you want us to know.)
Real Name: Prompto Argentum
Hero name: The Awesome Spider Man
Pronoums: He
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: Lucian
Bio: Prompto was bitten by a mutated Spider monster during a school field trip and developped Spider powers. He trained hard to master his powers,and got the help of Cid and Cindy who made a special magitech armor for him. He now proctects the city of Insomnia and the kingdom from Lucis from baddies and the Niflheim empire
(More to come)

Likes: video games,comics,his friends,Cindy Aurum
Dislikes: the Niflheim empire,other bad guys.
Personality: Has an upbeat and optimistic attitude but indide he's an insecure young man. He can be clumsy at times too.
Hides his negative feelings
Can be a scaredy cat at times

Will try to cheer up his friends and allies.
Loyal to his friends and allies.


Spidey sence
Wall crawling
enhanced strength
Enhanced stamina


Can be scared at times.
Hides his negative feelings

More to come
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Real name: Miles Morales
Hero name: Venom
Alignment: Anti-Hero
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/They/Them
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: American
Basic bio: Miles Morales is the former-villain-turned-hero Venom. In his universe, there is no Eddie Brock. Morales was bonded by a symbiote that took on the characteristics of his universes Spider-Man (Peter-Parker). Miles Morales was Peter Parker's trusted confidant who became something of an adversary due to the influence of the symbiote and eventually became an ally with help from Spiderman, Miles eventually superseded Parker as Spiderman of Earth 59-C.

Likes: Sneakers, Plantains, Cinematography, Comic Books.
Dislikes: Kingpin, TV, Rude people.
(Optional) Hobbies: Basketball, Skating, Socializing and Films.
Miles’ sense of responsibility and guilt is very strong; they have shaped his life. When he was awarded the last spot in the charter school lottery, Miles’ guilt over winning drove him to visit Aaron at his apartment, leading to his fateful bonding. He felt that there were more deserving kids out there that could have taken his spot.

Moreover, he feels that if he had used his powers initially instead of hiding them that he could have been present to help Peter on the Brooklyn Bridge and maybe even saved his life. This guilt has turned into an almost irresistible drive for Miles to live up to Uncle Aaron's memory.

Bravery in battle comes almost instinctively to Miles. This isn’t to say that he doesn’t get nervous or scared in combat. But most of his apprehension seems to be centered on what people are going to think of him; he is concerned that people will see him as a “newb” and a poor imitation of Peter.

In order to combat that perception, Miles does his best to mimic Peter’s movements and mannerisms even down to the mockery Peter often employed in combat.

Despite the fact that it seems like virtually everyone knows his secret, Miles jealously guards his true identity. He will go to great lengths to avoid anyone else discovering it.
Vices: A bit more prone to wraith and Anger than most Spider-Men, but he's come along way from where he started.
Virtues: Indomitable determination and charisma. Who else could work so well with a symbiote?

Abilities: (e.g “Miles Morales gained his powers similar to Peter Parker – getting bit by a radioactive, genetically-modified spider. The bite gave him similar powers to Parker, but seeing the spider was different; the results were different, too. Hence, Miles gained the bio-electric 'stings' that mimic a spider's sting. Miles turning invisible is just an extension of certain Spiders and their ability to blend into their environment”. Abilities are recommended to be spider-related but if you have other ideas feel free to ask in OOC. Even if they don't seem spider-related, the ability could be inherited from a genetically modified spider, etc. I recommend reading through this page for ideas. No limits to how many abilities you can have, but just don't go too overboard)
Weaknesses: Sounds and Vibrations. Miles-Venom is subject to the same weaknesses as most other symbiote types.

Universe name: Earth 59-C
Universe time-period / year: 2023
Universe Description: No real differences. No Eddie Brock.
Spider Society?: (Is your character already a part of the elite society of Spider-heroes, or are they just about to join it? Were they even aware of other universes before now?)

Backstory: (At least three paragraphs. Include how your character became a Spider-hero. Not every hero has to have been bitten - this page describes a few other ways.)
(Optional) Reference photo of what your planet looks like.
Relationships: (Any allies, family members or enemies worth mentioning).

Costume: (Short description. At least one reference photo of a Spider-suit / hero costume should be somewhere in the CS. Outfit doesn’t have to be spider-related per se but must be somewhat similar. Can use costumes from other franchises apart from blatant ones like Superman and Ironman.)
Looks: (Short description at least two sentences. This CS should include least one photo of what your character looks like unmasked, but doesn't have to be put here.)

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Real name: Philippa "Piper" Pitka
"She named me Parker..."
Hero name: Frost-Spider (Spider-Woman back home)
Alignment: Hero
Age: 19
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: still figuring it out.
Nationality: Inuit
Basic bio: (optional)

Likes: Coffee, music, trying new food, and sketch comedy
Dislikes: (At least three) Being too hot, needles, questions about her past, and the waste of perfectly good food.
Hobbies: Cooking, photography, Collecting Monty Python material from across the multiverse, and board game nights.
Personality: First, the mask; Piper projects an aura of humor and easy going nature. She uses sarcasm and quips as armor against the world. Like other spiders, she learned the hard way what responsibility means and keeps going for those who aren't around anymore. While she's friendly, she tends to keep people at arms length, evading talking about her home or loved ones that much.
Second, what lies beneath; Underneath a carefully maintained mask is a nervous wreck. Depression and guilt from what she has lost eat at her daily, causing her to occasionally have panic attacks when she thinks she's going to be discovered. She doesn't think she can trust anyone with her secrets, leaving her feeling lonely and trapped. She can at times feel paranoid that someone has figured her out, feeding into her panic attacks. She knows she can't go on like this, but can't see a way out.
Vices: Anxious, secretive, distrustful, pessimistic, and fearful of discovery.
Virtues: Intelligent, quick thinker, loyal, determined, and adaptable.


  • Wallcrawling​
  • Superhuman Strength​
  • Superhuman Speed​
  • Superhuman Stamina​
  • Superhuman Durability​
  • Superhuman Agility​
  • Superhuman Equilibrium​
  • Superhuman Reflexes​
  • Spider-Sense​
  • Ethyl Cloride​
  • Dependence on Spider Sense: Anything that can mess with her spidey sense can severally mess Piper up, causing her to become almost useless in a fight.​
She is dependent on a limited supply drug, or a bio undersuit to upgrade her powers to the standard level. Without either of those, all but her spider sense is greatly diminished. Her physical abilities are on par with peak unaugmented human capabilities, and she can only stick to things for short periods of time.

Universe name: Earth 2012a
Universe time-period / year: Mid 2030s
Universe Description: Earth 2012a is one under going an ice age. Temperate zones around the equator are reserved and protected for agricultural use, leaving most of humanity to huddle together in mega cities. Kept warm by geothermal and nuclear energy, those vast cities often take the place of nations, with more concern for their borders below the surface than above.
Neo York, the biggest city state in North America, is a delicate balancing act. While boasting a very stable power system and vast underground hydroponic gardens, the society can still be very volatile. Corruption is rampant, with the lower classes having to fight hard to keep from being bulldozed by elites in government and business. The age of super heroes has helped things greatly. Teams like the Avengers and Fantastic Five inspire the masses, while street level heroes like Dare Demon and Spider-Woman make people's lives safer. With temperatures around the world slowing climbing over the past decade, a cautious hope has blossomed in the ice.
Spider Society?: Yes. Was unaware until she was contacted by a member of the society. Has been working for the society for a few weeks.

"Okay, let's do this one last time. My name is Piper Pitka. I was bitten by an irradiated spider monster, and for the past 3 years, I have been the one and only Spider-Woman. I'm pretty sure you know the rest. Got recruited then expelled from the S.P.E.A.R. young hero program. Saved my best friend from his evil dad, and helped him turn his weird genetic disease into a good thing. I've saved my borough a few times. Got my heart broken by a hot cat burglar. Balanced my personal and work life thanks to my best friend joining me as the Gold Goblin.
"Recently found out someone was using my blood to create bio weapons. I brought those creeps down, but nearly died in the process. Spent a month and a half recouping with the Gold Goblin covering my slack. No sooner was I up on my feet then I get contacted by a secret society of spider people from across the multiverse looking to recruit other spiders to protect...well...everything. Well, 'with great power' and all that, how could I say no?"
This is the story, and it is a mostly true one. But it misses some major details. The biggest is that the person telling it isn't Piper Pitka. Well, not the original one, anyway. The person currently working for the Spider Society is a clone of Piper Pitka, designated P-83 and this is her story.
Created by the villain Doc Ock, P-83 was part of an experiment to create super soldiers from Spider-Woman's DNA. She had memories of being Piper, but they seemed more like a dream than something real. While their were other successful attempts, P-83 was the only stable clone, though at the cost of the strength of her spider powers. She retained the "spidey sense" at full strength, but her physical capabilities were well below the original. She was at first given a biosuit that augmented her powers, but prolonged use left her feeling sick and irritable. It was replaced by an injection every few weeks that boosted her powers to the original Piper's levels.
While never satisfied with her situation, the situation got worse when P-83 overheard the plan to wipe the minds of the current clones and sell them to the Kingpin. Fearful of this fate, she recruited other spider clones to stage an escape. In the end, only four clones made it out of the lab, agreeing to split up and meet up outside the city in a few months. Over the next week, P-83 watched the news to see her friends going on a rampage, clashing with Spider-Woman and the Gold Goblin. From the reports, she pieced together they were being egged on by Doc Ock's covert attempts to recapture them. She reached out to reason with her fellow clones, but found that her mutated "siblings" were deteriorating both physically and mentally. Knowing she had to try to stop them and hopefully save them, P-83 turned to the only person she thought she could trust: Piper Pitka.
While P-83's meeting with Piper started as a fight, she was able to convince her original that she wasn't a threat. From there, P-83 told Piper the whole story about her and the other clones. Piper's distrust gave was to righteous anger as to what had happened to her clones, vowing to help save the unstable ones. When she asked P-83 what her name was and getting only a designation, Piper named her clone "Parker" after her favorite book character. The duo went back to Doc Ock's lab and tore it apart looking for a way to save the others. This led to a climatic showdown between Doc Ock's Sinister Six on one side, and Piper and "Parker" on the other. It was going poorly until the other escapees crashed the party against the Sinister Six. Things were looking up until one of the clones went crazy and through Electro into the facility's main generator, causing a massive explosion. Parker woke up minutes later with no signs of other survivors. She pushed through the rubble looking for anyone else, unearthing a few bodies before finally finding a critically injured Piper. A sobbing Parker begged Piper to stay with her as she cradled her. Piper smiled at her clone, telling she was free to live a normal life and to please take care of Aunt Jun. With a few last words of encouragement, Piper was gone. In a daze, Parker kept trying to get out, but the cave system the facility was in was starting to collapse. Parker almost perished in that hellish place if not for a blurry golden form swooping in to carry her out before she lost consciousness again.
When Parker woke up, she was being treated by Piper's best friend and partner, Hal Oxbourne. After a fuzzy minute, she realized he thought she was Piper. With no idea how to tell him or Aunt Jun what had happened, she went along with it. Over the next month and a half, she used her in juries as an excuse to stay off patrol and away from Piper's friends and family. She had to grieve her friends and Piper, and being around Hal and Aunt Jun gave her feelings of pain and guilt. She also had to fix another problem. With the lab gone, she had a very limited supply of the medicine that augmented her powers. Attempts to recreate it were fruitless, causing her to ration her remaining supply, and consider the cryo frozen biosuit she originally used. When a member of the Spider-Society came to Earth-2012a tracking an old old trail of a universe hopping goblin, Parker as Piper was offered a place among the society. Seeing this as a way to stay away from Piper's life and maybe find a way to make more of her medicine, the clone agreed.
(Optional) Reference photo of what your planet looks like.
  • Jun Pitka- Aunt​
  • Harold "Hal" Oxbourne/Gold Goblin- Best Friend and crime fighting partner.​
  • Doctor Octopus- Nemesis, deceased.​
  • Deathpool- Frenemy.​
  • Reed Richarde/Dr Fantastic- Science mentor.​

Costume: The mask and webbing pattern on the body is light blue, with a solid dark blue backing it up. A white spider symbol on the front, and a dark blue one on the back. Pants are bagging, stuffed into heavy brown boots to protect her feet from the cold. Further weather proofing is added by a brown caplet around her waist with white fur lining, as well as a hood with the same fur lining.
Looks: Piper is a tall woman at 5'10" with an athletic build. She has dark skin offset by her sky blue eyes. She has brown hair cut shoulder length and undercut all the way around. She has piercings in both ears, with a upper cartilage one in her left ear.


Though she doesn't know it yet, Parker is dying. A failsafe of Doc Ock's to make sure his creations couldn't be used forever. As she runs out of medicine and slowing gets sicker, she will have to turn to her old biosuit to keep up her masquerade. The biosuit will turn out to be a clone of an alien symbiote Doc Ock found residue of. Through bonding with it, Parker's life can be extended. But what distrust and paranoia she has is only a fraction of what the symbiote has, combined with overwhelming anger as to it's origin and treatment.
Alone, they are copies doomed to death. Together, they are Attercop.

Mouth reference

"I...Did call myself Spider-Man before I joined Fenix. Ever since then, I was called 'Kamen Rider Demons'. Who knew that it'll all connect to this...?" -Takeshi, learning about the Spider-Society and the Spider-Verse from Peni Parker
"Hell's calling, chum. They want their Demon back." - Takeshi's finishing catchphrase.

  • Real name: Takeshi Kumoda
    Hero name: Kamen Rider Demons
    Alignment: Hero
    Age: 28
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Sexuality: Japanese(The Multiverse translated him into english)
    Nationality: Japanese


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