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Fantasy Spellblade

Name: Payton Lathus




Lone Wanderer.


None, Payton is nothing more than an ordinary human; his strength lies in his equipment, and ability to avoid a fight. Although power in weaponry can be more than enough; especially in the Wanderer's case.

Appearance: (Only the appearance, not the armor.)


Height and weight: A respectable height of 6'2 and a reasonably muscled build of 215lbs.

Payton is best described as a rather easy-going, and even friendly fellow. He is direct, and incredibly intelligent; although that doesn't mean honest, or even reliable. In most places the Wanderer had traveled, a common title for the man was 'Silver Tongue' or 'Gold Tongue' depending on the situation. It was no lie, he is gifted with the way of words, and is able to talk himself out of most danger.

However, those with more perception may know the man is extremely sly, whether for better or worse; and also seems to possess a double-edged ability of being extremely helpful to those who can aid in his achieving an ulterior motive. Despite this, he is a very cautious man, never rushing head-strong into danger and preferring safer approaches.

However, the friendly but sly wanderer also has his threshold for kindness or the facade. If certain conditions are met, all semblance of the calm-calculated, and defensive nature of Payton will diminish in exchange for a brutal, coldly ruthless killer. Reaching such a level is extremely unlikely; but it could happen.

Likes and dislikes:

Payton is a treasure hunter of sorts, he enjoys adventure, and riches greatly.

+Additionally, he enjoys meeting friendly, adventurers like himself.

+With opportunity for company few and far between, Payton is exceptionally picky with people; yet generally warms to those who pay him some attention.

-Payton has a heavy dislike to those who abide by codes of honor, and those who are ruthlessly cruel.

-Payton also dislikes users of magic, and magic in general.

-Finally, he heavily opposes recklessness, and those ho rush into danger, and seek it.



Payton's Set: Rune Engraved Plate and Leather Armor, it offers a comfortable balance between average speed and defense, and excels in resisting magical attacks quite proficiently. If one looks closely enough, the runes carved upon the Plate bear the same design seem identical to the long dead Order of Paersin.

Blinding Sorcerer Ring: An abnormally large ring with an unnatural aura about it, it appears as if made for a Great Sorcerer; yet its owner is no such thing. Some would even compare the rings sinister aura to the horrific nature of Galharos, The Tyrant.'Is there a connection? Or is it mere coincidence?

Makeshift Backpack: A large backpack fashioned from simple leather, yet tightened to ensure the contents remain secure. Such things are common in wanderers, and many take measures to ensure recovered loot, and food isn't lost in combat. Although Payton's seems tightened with not one rope, but three.


Dragon Shield: A simple large square-shaped shield layered with dragon-skin for protection against flames and bladed weapons; whilst ordinary looking, the shield itself is incredibly light for its size. Yet such material is beyond rare, and besides slaying a dragon, it is curious to ponder on how one comes across such a boon; Dragon Shields were prevalent in the Dragon Knights of Kulmar, although all trace of them was erased in the 'darkening'.

Crescent Fork Spear Common to a winged Spear, this weapon serves the same function of attacking from range, and combined with a shield. Although the point is aided on each side by two smaller, curved crescent shaped blades; for improved parrying, blocking, and exceptionally lethal deep stabs. Besides the small efficiency increase from a normal spear, it offers no further bonus. These types of spear or not uncommon in high ranking knights, or guards of royalty. Yet the chances of finding a mere wonderer with such a pricey weapon are incredibly slim.

??? Payton possesses a weapon hidden under multiple rolls of cloth, and has the more ropes than possible to count wrapped around the object to prevent discovery, and loss. When the skies darken,and black covers the world; the cloth seeps with a faint glow. Something of sentiment value, or merely great worth? Or something else entirely?
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Leofric of Halfaex


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 24

Class: Hunter


-Hunting, obviously

-Gathering wild edibles/medicines

-Expert archer

Berserker Rage: Leofric wears a small potion around his neck. Upon drinking it, he will be sent into unbridled hysteria, and will throw himself into battle without regard for his own safety.

Height: 6'3 (1.91 m)

Weight: 182 lb (82.5 kg)

Personality: Leofric is a friendly man, more than happy to waste most of his day just talking to good company. He often jokes that he likes the sound of his own voice, but he's really more interested in what others have to say. He's a reliable fellow, and will do just about anything for those he considers his friends. Once you have his trust, it isn't so easily lost. He's quite practical and won't hesitate to voice his opinion on something he deems foolish or dangerous, but his loyalty will not falter.

Likes and dislikes:





Dishonorable deeds

Needless cruelty

Leofric was born on the island of Halfaex to two village peasants. His father was also a hunter, and as a young lad Leo helped his father on his frequent trips. Though he couldn't do much when he was but a small lad, his father taught him a lot about the trade, and by the time he was able to have a bow of his own, he was a natural. When Leo turned 18, he learned how to wield a weapon, as all boys on the Jaeger Isles did when they reached manhood. Though he tried his hand at every weapon there was, he settled with a good old-fashioned axe. He became a full-fledged hunter around this time as well, and he was well liked among the village folk for his charismatic nature and his generosity when it came to the game he caught. They knew he could be counted on to be fair, and to never look the other way, though he would sometimes sneak away from home to do some midnight hunting. Other times he would take his younger brother out for some archery practice when nobody was looking.

Things were peaceful for Leofric and his family, until foreigners landed on their village shores...




Berserk potion

Some traps for hunting

Leather satchel



Arrows (20)


Character sheet: (Might BBCode later.)


Name: Vn'yaer'ok Copperhollow is his true name. He often prefers the alias of Vincent Copperton in non-Spellblade human company, as it doesn't sound as much like an 'uncivilized goblin name' to others.

Gender: Male.

Race: Goblin. The infamous goblin species; notorious highland bandits and thieves. Vn'yaer'ok isn't that way, but most people often don't care.

Age: 52. Goblins only age slightly slower than humans, so he would roughly be the equivalent of a human in their mid-40s.

Class: Spellblade Field Alchemist


Brewing & Reagents:

Vn'yaer'ok can identify over 1200 arcane and magical plants, minerals, and animal products by name, as well as their significance and application in alchemy. With just a warm fire and a decent metal cauldron, Vn'yaer'ok can create billions upon billions of unique potions with such reagents... if he can find them.

Magical Perception:

Vn'yaer'ok can sense magic in people and objects, and can often identify such magic. In rare cases, if given the time he can replicate the magic.

Light Object Telekinesis:

Vn'yaer'ok has learned how to manipulate small objects with his mind, which is useful in potion brewery when you need to use several reagents at once.

Appearance: Vn'yaer'ok appears as is in the picture above, though he will wear light armor plating from time to time.

Height and weight: 3' 4", 107 pounds*.

Personality: Whenever Vn'yaer'ok is present in a group of Spellblades, he plays a role of a wise advisor and a voice of reason. He speaks more out of decades of experience of life and less in the moment. He often prefers to work around acts of violence instead of taking that much easier way, but he does understand that there is a time for everything, even violence. He enjoys discussions about magic and the arcane, and can talk with people for hours about such things.

Likes and dislikes:

+People who aren't racist towards him

+Kind people

+A warm inn

+Good friends

+A good loaf of bread now and then. It's the little things in life.

-Roughing it: Camping, going without food, or traveling in weather

-People racist to goblins


-People who refuse to see the world for how it really is

Background: Vn'yaer'ok was born to an average goblin tribe, as most goblins are. Goblin tribes were often violent, and goblins would often act as highwaymen and bandits, taking from human caravans and travelers. Goblins, the weak beings they are, would often die in packs from activities such as this, and goblin violence eventually reached a point where humans went to actively seek and destroy goblins to ensure the safety of humans. Goblins fled from their long-time homelands to caves, woods, and frigid mountaintops to avoid humans. The situation had turned, however, and now goblins could not avoid humans. Goblin tribes would never stay in a place for more than a time, hoping that humans wouldn't be able to catch them that way. Vn'yaer'ok was born in these days, and he now knows just how wrong they were.

Due to the uncertainty of survival, Goblin younglings weren't raised by their parents, but were instead a collective effort of the tribe. Adult goblins lived an unpredictable life, and could live or die at any moment. Vn'yaer'ok's own parents died particularly prematurely, his biological father dying just days before he was born and his mother soon after his birth, when a raid on the tribe resulting in his mother, unfit to move, being left behind. Vn'yaer'ok had several people from the tribe that supplemented him with food scraps and collected water, occasionally giving him shelter in some of the tents set up in their temporary settlements.

Vn'yaer'ok's entire childhood and adolescence was spent on the run with his tribe. Retreating farther and farther north, Vn'yaer'ok became used to bitter cold and meager living conditions. The tribe kept moving, and Vn'yaer'ok soon realized that they would eventually hit a beach. They would be trapped, and that would be the end of the tribe.

Fortunately for him, human civilization had realized what it had done. Goblinkind had been pushed to the brink of extinction, their numbers descending from millions to a mere fifty thousand. Many goblins harbored hate for humans because of this genocide, but Vn'yaer'ok did not. Vn'yaer'ok instead thought that they acted out of fear, and that goblins would continue barbaric aggression until something was done.

It has been 30 years since those days now, and Vn'yaer'ok, now more known as Vincent, had integrated into human society and began to learn techniques in alchemy and magical crafts. Many refused to mentor him, as humans still hated goblins for their reputation, despite the goblin wars being long over. A kind few, however, were willing to teach him. Along the way, he learned a few things in fighting, and managed to become an effective shortsword wielder.

Vn'yaer'ok joined the Spellblades for one reason; he wanted to break the stigma of goblins. He wanted to prove to this world that goblins can be good people, and do justice for this world just like any human can. In his diary, he states in his own words in his own goblin tongue, "As I am lowered into my grave, my last wish is to see goblins and humans mourning me, gathered together in peace." He fears he has a long way to go, yet not many more decades to live.

Equipment: Light shoulder and chest plating on occasion, a pewter cauldron, a mortar and pestle set, and a small set of basic reagents. He also has a tinderbox, a loaf of bread, a wooden flute, and a skinning knife if he needs to hunt something.



He wields a sword designed to take his reduced strength and special balance as a goblin into account. If any other person tries to wield his blade, it will feel incredibly awkward in their hands, though it is perfect for Vn'yaer'ok.


He can also be seen using a variety of potions as a weapon, from hellfire potions to confusion elixirs.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/SBChara.png.47e027cfec8c69dc861ac906f046526b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/SBChara.png.47e027cfec8c69dc861ac906f046526b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Yves Bellamy

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 23

Class: Avenger

Height and Weight: 6'1'', 197lbs

Ives is a man with two sides. The first is one of a mild-mannered man who saves lives with his insight into anatomy and his understanding of how disease ravages the body. At night, however, Yves dons the visage of death itself and stalks his prey relentlessly while under the influence of the spirit. Shadowy fog rolls off his body and aids in the concealment of his identity. His distinct black coat with silver linings indicates that the grim specter is a member of one of Eriani's most infamous families: The Severin.

  • latest


    • Medical Knowledge - Anatomy: Yves's past studies of humanoid bodies has granted him insight into how organisms function. As a chirugeon, this allows him to perform surgery and accurately diagnose patients. Though, this knowledge can be used for other purposes...
    • Executor - Vessel of the Restless: Rather than drawing on any latent magical talent, Yves draws upon the spectral powers of the nameless spirit who resides within his ancestral sword.

      Relentless Shadow: When possessed, Yves can phase through solid objects for a few seconds at a time. As such, it's best used while pursuing an enemy or escaping. It's also best not to think of what would happen if this ability faded while half-way through a sword or a thick wall.
    • Sinner's Brand: Yves can place a mark upon his target that slows them. The brand emanates an ethereal smoke that allows Yves to pick them out in a crowd. This mark will only disappear if the target either dies, or manages to get far enough from Yves.


    • A notebook detailing his dissections of corpses and notes based on medicinal texts.
    • Several small jars containing useful herbs or concoctions for treating illnesses.
    • Surgical tools.
    • 30 ft of rope.


    • Finis: An executioner's blade mean for decapitation and a weapon that's nearly as tall as Yves. The three holes at the end of the blade whistle should the wielder's slash be misaligned and thus unable to provide a swift death to the criminal. This blade, handed down through generations of the Severin family, houses the nameless spirit who hungers for justice. The tip of the sword is reminiscent of an axe head and represents the abrupt end to one's life when in the presence of this weapon. As a result, this blade is rather ineffective when it comes to thrusting.



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Name: Liz Hemingway

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 14

Class: Healer


  • Water Elemental - Has the ability to summon a water elemental that fires water bolts at her target
  • Healing Surge - Heals a target
  • Healing Totem - Periodically heals a random target
  • Water Bolt - Fires a bolt of water at the target



Height and weight: Thin and Lightweight

Personality: Kind, Sweet, Emotional, Cheeky, Childish, Nice, Helpful

Likes/dislikes: Friends, Healing, Training, Eating, Jokes/Bullies, Talking about her parents

Background: TBR



Weaponry: None

First and last name. Middle name and nickname optional.

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Age: 24



Either a picture or short description is okay! I'm also not picky about what kind of picture.

Height and weight: 5ft 8inches, 210lbs

Personality: What are you like?

Likes and dislikes:



Collecting shells



Weaponry: A fluted sword with an odd helix shape at the base made of some odd material that does not look like metal. It has a pleasing texture as well as a cool feeling to the touch.
Basic Info

Name: Vicar

Age: 30

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-9_16-1-19.png.119ab8bc72929bb66a7d763e4fcef75b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-9_16-1-19.png.119ab8bc72929bb66a7d763e4fcef75b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nothing about this characters facial features are known

Height: 6’1’

Build: Medium

Dress: Wears an old red plague mask with blacked out goggles. The hat he wears is a dark black leather and his cloak made from crow feathers and a steel weave covers most of his body.

RP Info

Race: Human

Class: Assassin


  • Master Swordsmen
  • Incredibly agile
  • Very good at killing
  • Incredible bargainer (his idea of bargaining usually involves pulling out his sabre and threatening the other persons life.
  • Minor pyromancy
  • Very good at going unseen


  • Dueling saber
  • Dueling Rapier

(Both weapons have connectors at the bottom that allow them to combine into a duel bladed spear that’s good for lunging at opponents and gorging them)


Not much is known about Vicar. He's an assassin for hire that will only except the deadliest of jobs. He never speaks unless it required. Nothing is known of his origin, no one even knows his last name. His fondness for fire is well known as most of his victims corpses can be found burning in the streets.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.f0d000f3078a7c581bea86e8e0fc7d7b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104991" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.f0d000f3078a7c581bea86e8e0fc7d7b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Jason the Donkey

Name: "Jason" (actually Donkey Hote de la Mancha)

Age: 27

Gender: male

Appearance: Jason is a fat donkey with a boring grey coat. He looks like, and is just your average fatass (literally)

Build: fatter than fat


Superior technique: he knows to never lock his knees

Scream: the signature yelp, often performed when flung by Sunder

Saturation: when times get tough, all that fat keeps Jason from starvimg to death. This isn't necesarily good, as it makes things more painful.

Job: he is Sunder's mount, as he is the only one who can support all that weight

Likes: food

Dislikes: the water, being thrown



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Kioto Mik Okanza

Gender: Male

Race: Camion, has taken greed into his heart

Age: looks 18 but is Michi's twin brother

Class: Katana user and is ruler of the New Order

Abilities: Regeneration,unable to die except from battle,able to hear souls talk to him

Height and weight:

Personality: Does not do what others tell him, Gives out orders, ruthless but has a sweet spot for some, does not attack unless provoked

Likes and dislikes: Stuff.

Background: To be revealed., I have a plan for this one

Does not wear any armor

Weaponry: He uses Katanas, dual wield, and will use almost any dirty way of fighting



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Name: Soran Almain

Nickname: "The Cursed Words"

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Looks: He is often described as a tall male wearing something much like noble clothing. Gold lining as he wore a large glamorous thin coat like appearence. He has long black hair with dark blue eyes and incredibly broad shoulders with a slight obvious muscular figure but more or less seems average.

Class: Sorcerer


-Much like most mages he can manipulate the elements around him using a supernatural force. He commonly however uses conjuring magic and a unique type of magic that is specificly wielded by ones words or writing. Such as saying a poem could trigger a charm or a curse, more or less can be counted as a chant.

Weapon: he always carries a tome with him that is filled with ancient spells and curses that he reads daily. It is full of magical capabilities just as lethal as a sword.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 223Ibs

Personality: Soran is a very calm and wise man. If anything acts as a wise man than a young one as his own words of wisdom are always well thought and intellectual. He is however not a fan of fighting but will fight if needed to.

Backstory: As a child he was once part of a noble family who tragically died in a house fire he caused by his own abilities. He lost his temper as his feet and hands grew aflame and soon throwing and breaking everything in site spreading the flames. He soon passed out somehow being the only survivor but when he woke up he had no feeling he was a tranquil and has been that way since.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, poetry, sorcery
Name: Raikou Ikazuchi Kaminari

Nickname: Arsenal

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 22

Class: Spellblade




Height and weight: 6'0 and 185lbs

Personality: He is a mentally strong and spiritually refined person. He can handle the mental pressures of being a Spellblade for example facing nasty monsters or watching his comrades being torn to shreds won't phase him too much. This is being that he's never overwhelmed by his emotions but instead channels them be it rage, sadness, or even love.

Likes: Curved Blades, Lightweight Armor, Meditating, Versatility

Dislikes: Hammers, Heavy Armor, Arrogant Fools

Background: Raikou was born from a pair of Spellblades who were known as the Stormbringers. They had died when he was a toddler in combat aiding a clan of ninja in defending a city from a monstrous serpent demon. As a tribute to his parents the clan of ninja adopted Raikou, originally they only planned to look after him but as he got older they decided to train him to be a great warrior like his parents were. So they trained him in various arts of Ninjutsu; spiritual refinement, martial arts, tactics, strategy, and even their magic. After completing his training he left to the city to become a Spellblade.

At the age of 20 he had become a Spellblade, and began to develop a reputation as a great warrior. Over the next two years he had earned the nickname Arsenal for amassing such a great collection of weapons and armor. His most notable battle which he had called uis right of passage was when he learned the Serpent that killed his parents still lived, so he hunted and slew the beast then presented its remains to his parents grave which the ninja clan that took him in stands guard over.

Weaponry and Equipment: As his nickname suggests he possesses a great collection of weapons and armor. All typically ninja style weapons and armor, from katana to naginata to shuriken to collapsible spears/staffs. He typically has all this kept in several scrolls he keeps hidden on his person.

Character Name

“Name’s Valyan, Valyan Noirooke”


“They call me the Gentle Giant."


“Well, I’m not to sure.. Bonked my head or something a good one and I can’t remember a bloody thing. Ima thinking around my early twenties?”


“I am a male… Wait, I’m sorry. Have we met?”


“I’d reckon I’m a human, though it doesn’t explain my height!”

(He’s actually a Half-Blood - Human Father, Giantess Mother - )


“I’m a Mage, but I mainly dabble in the arts of Healing; I serve the Spellblades.”


“Well, I can rip you limb from limb with my bare hands… Does that count? Er, perhaps not. Well, let’s see. I’m good at concocting all sorts of goodies and potions. Can cast moderate-level magic too, stuff that’ll make you barf sea snails for hours, but mainly fire-based magics, and I don’t need my staff for stuff like that; it’s easy. Endless fun for all, unless your the victim of course. Then it’s, well, unpleasant. Healing is my main thing, it drains me a heck of a lot faster than anything else, strangely.”


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/e2df1e8431cc2231932eaebcd6f0f30c.jpg.66d9a46d5af893af956a4a4539f3bf77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/e2df1e8431cc2231932eaebcd6f0f30c.jpg.66d9a46d5af893af956a4a4539f3bf77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height & Weight

“Um, I’m nine foot and four inches. And… three-hundred and forty pounds… But, I’m a slim gym, it’s ice, I mean chill. Blast these teenage sayings… ”


“Let’s see… I’m rather blunt, sarcastic, rough with those younger than myself and I tend not to care too much about politics. But, if me being rough on ya, bugs ya, don’t take it to heart, I’m just teasin’ ya. Well, people say I’m amusing and humorous but it’s just my nature. I also tend to be a bit of a stubborn mule when people want me to change my mind, and I tend to harden my heart on things like this. And I love innocence and laughter, I live off it, er, not literally of course. Oh, and no matter what, I will never leave anyone behind. Not to mention, I tend to trust people far more than I should…. Wait one more thing, animals seem to like me, and tend to follow me around like little ducks.”

Likes & Dislikes

+ Sweets

+ Youngsters

+ People

+ Animals

+ Exploring

- Fighting

- Large bodies of water - Can’t swim - Incredibly dense bones

- Stubbornness

- People disliking him


“I don’t remember… anything. Last thing I remember is waking up in a burned down village….”

Valyan was born into a house of constant laughter and kindness. His mother, one of the last giants and like all giants-unable to cast magic, had fallen in love with a human mage had come to discuss peace between them and his village. However, when the giant’s agreed, an unknown force overtook the village, decimating all in it’s path. His mother managed to save her lover and flee to the mountains, where it would be safe.

They built a house there and wed, and lived happily in peace, gradually forgetting the outside world. The giantess was surprised that she could have an interracial child with her human husband was the happiest woman alive when she bore a son.

He grew faster and took on the best of both worlds, being able to cast magic with ease and have the strength and size of his giant ancestors.

But, neither of his parents realized the danger they were in.

One particular night… his odd parents were preparing dinner as his eight-year old was making false copies of various river stones, the magic lighting up like a twinkling star. A crack of a stick caused him to stop what he was doing and lay low. It was a good thing he did.

His distant kin, the giants aided by mages, blasted a wave of fire upon the thatch house, for they had dubbed the pair traitors, assuming the slaughter they had survived through was their fault.

Valyan stayed where he was until they were gone, and then darted to his home, hoping it wasn’t too late. It was.

The only thing that remained of the memory of his secluded little family was his charred father’s staff and his mother’s amulet, which he proceeded to wrap around the staff, as if it would bring them back.

It was only truly then he realized he was alone.

He then traveled away from the mountains, and away from he forest, to the ocean and the sea. His mother always wanted to see the sea and his father had old friends there. However, by the time he made it there after going in the wrong direction for two years, with the aid of many travelers that happened upon him, he had aged into his twenties, and a tall one at that. Standing at seven feet tall was no small feat and many people shunned him for it. He settled there for two years despite this, and married a village girl named Sabrina, whom owned a small farm and a shop that sold cheese. He got restless though, and she and him picked up and left, back to the peaceful mountains.

He grew faster still as the pair turned back to the mountains of his home. The two peas were happy together, exploring the wilderness. On the way, two years later, before they made it there, they stumbled into the remains of a smoldering camp… and judging by the bones, it was the same giant’s who had extinguished his own family before.

As he was checking the ashes, he heard Sabrina scream. He looked up just in time to see a sword pommel connect with his face.

Hours later he woke up, somewhere near the Spellblade fortress and where he managed to stumble to the gateway and collapse. After he awoke in an infirmary, he decided to join the Spellblades permanently as a Healer in hopes to get his memories back...


“Let’s see… I’ve got a bag of about 230 gold shillings… some dried fruit - cause I’m a vegan… a water flask…. a book of edible wild plants…and a book containing all my research. Oh, it’s all in my leather satchel.


“Just my ash-wood staff to bonk you good, and on a rare occasion, my magic.”



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Name: Darus Denn

Gender: Male

Race: Amalgam. A race composing of people with extra body parts and longer life span; Darus just has a third eye

Age: 27 years old

Class: Merchant


  • Forceful Graze - Gathering energy from the surroundings then releasing that energy through his body to push back and stun anyone nearby. Usually takes five seconds to charge, force gets stronger and radius of the field gets larger the longer the charge. Minimum radius is five feet, maximum is ten feet. Charge can be interrupted.
  • Safe Space - Creates a force field around anything and anyone. Used for defense purposes. Field may vary in shape and is translucent.
  • Delivery Service - Summons bird-like creatures to deliver/retrieve items and seldom people. Used for his merchant deliveries usually.

Appearance: Short unkept green hair, tanned skin, gold eyes (third eye is silver), layers of robes and coats, slim build, leather boots

Height and weight: 6'0 ft, 170 lbs

Personality: Upbeat, charming, and persuasive. Darus is rational, especially when it comes to items. He is also knowledgeable about most items and their value. He may have a sour attitude against irrational decisions and people who don't care for their items or belongings.

Likes and dislikes:

Likes: Money, herbs, animals

Dislikes: Ridiculous haggling, spicy food, irrational decisions

Background: Darus was born into a travelling circus, with his father as the ring leader. Darus was taught how to trick people into buying products from the family's business. At a certain age, he decided to leave the circus to avoid having to take over for his father, and became a travelling merchant. With his magic to summon birds, it was easier for him to travel and find valuables to sell.


  • A large travelers backpack filled with his items for sale such as herbs, plants, daggers, ammunition, medicines, food, etc
  • A sleeping mat


  • A kris dagger which he uses for himself. Mostly for self-defense, or when someone trying to report him for unfair prices.
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((^Character Image^))

anime monk guys - Google Search

Name: Xia silversteak

Age:28 in human years last check was 2,000 could be mistaken

Weapon of Choice:Twin Ring Blades

Likes and dislikes:


good food

interesting people

pointless bloodshed



Being taken for a fool

Race: Spirit dragon

Armor Type: very light

Character Alignment:

vary's on who and what he's dealing with.~

1: Purify full power this skill allows him to remove curses poison and so on from players or him self how ever the wider the area he must cover the longer the cool down takes and can take up to five minutes to reset

2:Art of the the tree frog this works in a number of ways but first off it allows him to flip or dodge because he can make his skin slippy and out the way of area effects and take half or no damage depending on what the from the monster or person is. He can also walk or run up walls as long as there's a sold surface to land on. His attacks also fifty percent stronger and punch through magic with in reason ofcourse

3:Ring of divine protection this ability restores mana and hp of players while offering protection to the party with in a fifteen foot radius.

4: Force ki this attack work very much like a gravity attack only with with his own energy, He can spread the area effect but it this can only be done three times max and each time done at max before it starts to do sirious damage to mind and body it also takes four minutes to cool down

5: Blades of the cheetah this can make his weapon split off into several smaller rings but they can stunt a foe if enough of them hit

Special Skill: ying/yang berserker

One of his eyes changes and forms a black star while the other is gold

his attacks gain another whopping eighty percent and he can regenerate up to a hundred and eight hit points but accuracy and mana drastically go down and after the third time of using it and suffer from effects like exhaustion confusion and some times temporary memory loss

Strengths: Deals with each problem according, compassionate fearless

Weaknesses: Feels bad when he makes a girl cry and sometimes gets taken advantage of because he doesn't fear death sometimes he forgets others do and expects them to be like him.

Personality: Xia is a easy going guy but even he has his limits and after certain amount of taking the mick and that's the nice version his darker nature kicking and boy is it dark the rest you'll find out

Brief History:

Name: Koehna (means ancient earth) no last name

Nickname: Koda (because they sound alike) Younger kids call him na-na

Gender: Male

Race: Elven nature spirit

Age: 68 years old

Height and weight: 6 foot 6 inches and weighs 210 lbs

Class: Healer (although he can fight very well, he chooses not to)

Personality: Koehna is a very quiet individual but friendly. He's one of those types that won't hold a sword against you unless he absolutely has to. He'll choose peace instead of fighting that's why he chose to be a healer dispite his capabilities as a spellblade. He finds fulfillment in the healing arts as it brings him closer to nature. He'll help anybody in anyway he possibly can. He absolutely loves children and will always make them number one even it's an enemy (his greatest weakness) and he can be a worry wart.

History: Through his 68 years it's not much in elven time but he has a mother and father who lead their own lives far from where he is. He had a mate and child but they unfortunately died during childbirth complications so he's very protective of women and children realizing how fragile they can really be at times.. So forgive him if he's dotting on you and constantly worries about your health.

Likes: Woodland flute, trees, nature, animals, people, children

Dislikes: barbarians starting fires in the forest, trees being cut down, death.


1. change of forms: He can change between 2 forms and in between them. His full form is a white stag and his human form as an elf. However if he doesn't have the energy to keep his human form entirely you might see his antlers, ears and tail appear.

2. Immortality: he can live forever it doesn't mean he can't be killed.

3. Healing: He can heal anything, besides death. He's definitely the one to go to for healing


1. Adept marksman and sword training (for why he's not a spellblade you'll find out if you know him well enough)

2. Resourceful: Great knowledge of landscapes and surrounding areas

3. Heightened senses

4. Expert with dodging attacks

Weapons: Doesn't carry any..

Equipment: Usually shirtless or in a white or black robes or cloak, sandals, healing potions and supplies, spell books
Name: Hitomi Fukui

Gender: Female

Race: Okami/Human

Age: 18

Class: Spellblade?


Pyromancy: The ability to create fire at will but at a very short distance

Fire Fangs: Forms claws of fire on both arms allowing them to be used as weapons

Flame Charge: Turns into a fire wolf and charges forward and will attack anyone in the path

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.d0eeefff0c3a0be429e9a03657b0cf0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108099" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.d0eeefff0c3a0be429e9a03657b0cf0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height and weight: 5' 8" 115lb

Personality: To most she seem like a serious person but underneath she is fun and loving and will protect anyone she cares about

Likes and dislikes:

Likes: Nature, Heat, and children

Dislikes: Winter, and Talking about her past

Background: Hitomi was created for an unknown group that would have used her as a weapon. After she was created she was hidden by the man who created her. That worked for almost six years until they were found and she was taken back to them.

She was keep in captivity for a few months until she burned that place down. Afterwards she wandered through the nearby woods when she found a house that an old swords man lived in. She took on this mans surname becoming like a daughter to him. And she had trained to be a swordsman under him.

Now a days you can find her roaming the wood, or in the nearby city having laughter with some of the kids.

Equipment: Small pouch of money

Weaponry: Great sword, Magic bandages

(Sorry if this looks bad wrote most of this at work and I work third shift so I was tired)



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    Name: 'Blue' Jaigh (pronounced 'Jay') Grave

    Gender: F

    Race: Elf~ subrace of Pixie Elf*

    Age: Age: 35~ Maturity (physically and mentally): 17-18*

    Class: Some call her a witch, but the term Necromancer is more accurate

*Please see 'Background'



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