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Fantasy Spellblade


Hello! The name's Arelynn (as you can see)! Seeing as you clicked on this interest check, you're at least slightly interested in what I have to say! Or maybe not, I dunno... SEGUE!

The Concept

Here, the setting would be the fictional continent of Eriani. Of course, with this being under the fantasy genre, we have knights (and all their sub-factions) and we have mages. Knight orders like the Shattered Shield Brotherhood or the Red Banner are known for their bravery and chivalrous acts, while wizards and the like are well respected for their knowledge. There is a middle ground however (and you guessed it): Spellblades.

Spellblades are officially an elite sub-faction of the Order of Knights, though they are much different in many ways. Spellblades are a more general unit, working all over the continent rather than for individual kingdoms. Instead of fighting wars, they do jobs like monster slaying, fugitive hunting, and assassinations.


I'm planning to make this a free-roam roleplay. So I will play the setting, NPCs, monsters, etc. and players can travel around the world that I present them, doing jobs and living life. While players will primarily be Spellblades, I'll allow some to not be (Spellblades will often enlist the help of others like healers).

So, yeah! Hopefully this'll get some interest! If you'd like to reserve a spot, go ahead and ask! :D
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]To quote a character pair of my 2nd favorite video game: Never one...without the other!

Indeed <3
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Kindred, League of legends.

Ooh, time to start stalking that game. Unfortunately, I have to go now ;-; Talk to you later! Bieeee!
Wow, I guess we've got enough interest to start! I'll start the thread later this afternoon.

@Ami the breadling @Cece Meep

You all get reserved spots! I'll tag you when it's ready :D

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