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Futuristic Space: The Forgotten Frontier (IC) Part 1

"This message...that would be the AI you mentioned yes? That's...certainly odd...what did the transmission say? Any theories on why she might have gone silent like she did then?... I haven't heard of anything like that happening before in all my travels through space...That might have been due to my being a child through the majority of it and...Seems he has a reputation then." She hummed non-commitedly, her eyebrow's furrowing ever so slightly taking note of the change in expression. Her eyes wandered over to the changes going on, responding to Graves glare with a smile, not being one to be easily shaken on frustrated by such a thing. Quickly though they turned her attention to the captain as they approached, sparing a quick glance to Lilith to ensure that she was faring alright before looking to the captain.
"Greetings sir, we were told you wished to speak with us?"
"No, it was human- something about them making a mistake... It didn't sound good." Eddie considered telling her about the images, but if word spread about what he had seen, there would be a mutiny, chaos on the colonized worlds. "Lockdown is the kind of merc who leaves no survivors unless specified by his client, almost as odd as that assassin they brought along. Lilith stared at the machines, after a moment devolving into awe, before righting herself, looking at the ground, trying to stay emotionless, but she still glanced across the room occasionally. Graves said nothing, stalking away into the corridors, looking for his client.

The Captain turned to the group, returning a salute from Eddie before speaking. "We will be arriving at the rendezvous point soon, located on the satellite Ursa-1, the Russians on board won't tell us much, but there is a sickness spreading through the lower levels, I want you with the boarding team- you and our resident doctor will also need to prepare some biohazard response. She is in her lab already preparing a quarantine area in case any crew gets infected."
A small frown formed across Skylar's face at the news as they chewed on the information.
"Doesn't sound good indeed...was there any clarification on what this mistake was? If there's any possibility that we could aid them..." she trailed off taking a sip of their now cooler tea, stopping themself, before giving a shrug. "Then it's at the very least my duty to do so...although I suppose I don't have any say on what the ship should do." She finished. They watched Lilith a moment relieved that she seemed a little more comfortable. "I see...there truly are people from every corner of the galaxy here for this mission." she observed.

Skylar nodded giving their full attention, and quickly unclipped a small notebook attached to the side of the medical kit they always wore attached to her belt.
"I understand, most of the crew are familiar with standard procedures to minimize contact with disease's correct? Was any information given about the sickness at all? Symptoms, how it spreads, even a name? You mentioned it as a Russian sattelite, does it seem to only be effecting humans then? Or everyone regardless of species. Or is the fact there is a sickness the only information given?" They quickly fired of, already jotting down the information given, having set the mug of tea to the side on the nearest empty surface.
"No indication, all I got was that message about screwing up- I have the rest of the audio but it needs to be uncorrupted, and that could take weeks- and the location was in the same system we are on our way too, after the station of course. The ship is still functioning, but the AI is offline, she's isolated herself and refuses to talk anymore, I've been regularly running checks on her but nothing is working."

The captain pulled a holotablet, looking through the report, casting an eerie glow on his face. "We didn't get much, Russians have ordered a media blackout, most communications from the base are filtered, but the people we are picking up sent a message. I will forward it to you, but we don't know much- appears to be airborne, symptoms rapidly shift between patients, one of our people managed to send some data from their hospital."
Skylar frowned tapping their fingers slightly.
"That's...really quite odd. Any indication on the age of the AI, or what ship it's from? That could at the very least provide some information that could help narrow things down? I'm afraid that's all I can think of...this isn't my area of specialty, my apologies...hopefully we won't arrive to late to be unable to help...does it seem like the ship was otherwise occupied besides the AI?"

"Thank you sir, it would be wise then to have the boarding party be on the smaller side and to ensure that everyone has filtration masks that is boarding if the disease is airborn. As typical recommended procedures suggest. I'll review what I can of the symptoms and data and see if I can determine what the disease is before boarding. " She finished her rapid jotting before clicking the notepad back in place upon her medkit and picked her mug up once again, as to avoid it potentially spilling.
"We got some information before the AI went dark, built by humans- they spoke common, nothing else. I guess it's my job to deal with it, and I hope we are the only things here." Eddie said, still scanning his wrist computer for any data he forgot.

"Feel free to request anything from the quartermaster or our resident doctor, I will prepare a team- originally I was going to send everyone, but with the tensions and this outbreak we cannot afford the risk. "You, Gears, and that UEDF drone should go- I believe he is in the soldiers quarters."

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