Space Pirates [Inactive]

George was sitting at the controls, feet propped on the console. He was reading an old book, Orion in the Dying Time, and taking a drink from a cup of coffee. The navigation was set for Pluto, for a quick pick up of certain goods. With a sigh, he set the book down and checked the charts. He noticed a blinking triangle and quickly checked the destination. They were heading for Jupiter, a planet still not colonized for obvious reasons. He switched back to manual control and tried to add thrust away from the gas giant. Another thing started to beep, warning of low fuel. "Well sh#t." He whispered, hand moving to the intercom system. "I have some bad news. We are on a collision course with Jupiter, and it is with great certainty that we will probably meet our untimely demise soon." He spoke into the mic.
Xavier looked down at the floor, making sure no one was around before dropping and landing on his feet. He had been hiding in a section of some room filled with big machines and pipes since two stops ago, and he didn't want to be caught now. The message from the intercom had probably put all the crew in pretty bad moods, so if anyone found Xavier they most likely wouldn't think twice before throwing him out into space. After witnessing it once, it didn't sound like the best idea to Xavier. As quietly as he could wearing boots, Xavier made his way down a hall, keeping a blade hidden in his pocket while he checked around each corner and doorway. 'So far so good,' he told himself, turning another corner before taking a step back and turning around, picking up his pace and trying to find his way back to his hiding spot. 'Of course the hall I don't check has people in it,' he mentally yelled at himself, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was following.
Jin was just suiting up and loading up his rifle. He briefly thought about his past life in the Alliance and why he resorted to piracy. He wasn't greedy, nor did he have a pressing need for money. However, he was treated horribly in the Alliance, despite all that he has done for them. He then exited his room and joined the Captain in the Cockpit. After all, he was the Bodyguard.
Bobby had been cutting up some tomatoes for that nights meal when the captain spoke over the intercom. 'Well if that just doesnt put a stinker on your day' , he thought as he scooped up what he had in to a bowl and tried to secure it. He grabbed his jacket off of the hook by the door as he ran out of the kitchen and towards his room. There was no way he could let his posters of his many loves be destroyed without him. ' I wonder if Becky still remembers me.", he mumbled to himself as he reached his room and began to secure what he could.
Xavier checked around a corner and walked down the hall, sticking close to a wall and trying to pass every doorway as fast as he could. He was completely and utterly lost in a ship that was hurtling towards a giant planet of gas and, just to make things worse, he was hungry. He paused in one hall, not caring that he was right in plain sight, and smelled something like food cooking. It smelled good so, having no other plan as to what to do, Xavier made his way down the hall and a few more, ending up in the kitchen where a plate of tomatoes was sitting half cut-up. After doing a double take to make sure no-one was around, Xavier grabbed the plate, leaning on a counter and popping a piece of the vegetable in his mouth and distracting himself from his almost certain death.
George spared a glance at Jin, and went straight back to chart watching. "Good, your suited. I have an idea." He said, striking a switch. The wall opened, and his armor was sitting on a stand.
Nero poked his head out of the engine room, fully clad in armor and eyes blazing with panic. "What the h*ll do you mean we're crashing into Jupiter?" He leaped across the hall into the medic hall, yanking oxygen masks from the wall like they alone could save their lives. He returned to the hall, clutching the masks to his chest and awaiting further instruction. He was both the medic and the mechanic, this was going to be h*ll for him.
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